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Everything posted by templelady

  1. The job I enjoyed the most was the job I had working for the State of Alaska. I had a boss who every Monday morning would tell me what he needed done that week and the deadline for each project. It was up to me to see that the projects were done on time and correctly. This worked great for me because I am highly self motivated and don't like someone peering over my shoulder. It didn't work for one of my co-workers who never did anything unless the boss was standing there either encouraging, directing or complimenting. My idea of office work is that the necessary stuff needs to be done no later than 10 AM so the rest of the day can be spent on special projects or new ideas-- the fun stuff But that is me, there are people who seem to be unable to function without consistant guidance from an authority figure.
  2. Far be it from me to prevent some little Wayfer for not being able to Google te requisite words-- I hereby assist them in their quest for knowledge Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid Harvard Food Pyramid
  3. Stupid people abound, most of them have figured out that if they remain in the indifferently dense catagory of thinking someone else will come along and relieve them of the responsibility of taking charge of their own lives. When they are encountered in real life it simply means that the expected knight in shining armor failed to show up to assume responsibility for their actions. These are the same people, who in the same breath with their stupidity wail about how misunderstood, mistreated and discriminated against they are.
  4. But it is so much fun to throw sticks and watch them chase them!!!!!!
  5. YOu are kidding me, right? Dooj??? Interesting, I always thought another song from the musical "Oklahoma" could be the theme song for those of us who were once in TWI "You'll Never Walk Alone" (music by Richard Rodgers, lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein) When you walk through a storm, hold your head up high and don't be afraid of the dark. At the end of a storm there's a golden sky and the sweet silver song of a lark. Walk on through the wind, walk on through the rain, though your dreams be tossed and blown. Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart, and you'll never walk alone, you'll never walk alone! Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart, and you'll never walk alone, you'll never walk alone! Click here for the music http://www.michaeljunioronline.com/you.htm
  6. The cookies were put out by nabisco Overnight was the norm in our house have to use real whip cream as it is the moisture from the cream that soaks into the cookies and makes them cakelike. Cool WHip just doesn't do it
  7. Because it is the one place on the face of the earth that I don't have to spend 30 minutes of my life explaining about TWI before I get around to talking about what I want to talk about!
  8. WHich leaves out a whole lot of answers to various questions such as Why would you be on the heals of the devil in the first place? If you were on the heels of the devil why would you be stopping to read scripture? Entirely too much concentraton on the devil and his minions in TWI We spent more time talking about Satan in TWI then Satan spends talking about himself!!
  9. Not all of TWI doctrine started out wrong It was the abuse by powerful men who twisted their own words to justify the abuses they perpetuated when those abuses were outside of What TWI purported to represent and believe that get my blood perking
  10. . Okay, let me say this slooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwlly GOD determines who goes where in heaven Jesus Christ is the only one who gets to select who goes to heaven we as mortal man can assure NOTHING On the same plane does not mean equal value. Revelation about Jesus Christ, heaven, and righteous living is Not the Same as claiming that Adultry with the MOG, false interpretation of scripture, failure to pay employees adequate wages and a host of other evils is okay Or put another way"Satan's trick, is not, getting you to believe the counterfit is genuine, but getting you to believe the genuine is counterfit" You do remember this quote, don't you, Allan?? who said it, where it came from ??? One of those things that I continue to find useful and true..................
  11. Thre is nothing in scripture that says what Adam and Eve ate the only injuction is what they couldn't eat "the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil" It is this form of extrapolation that leads to cults, fanaticism, and teachings which place believers under loads of condemnation and guilt. I'm not saying this to offend you Year 2027 because I really enjoy posting with you here at GSC -but this kind of black and white teaching on subjects not directly addressed in Scripture sets my TWI-burned teeth on edge
  12. for me what you just stated is illogical, that's me. What I have been trying to explain is that we are talking "apples" repenting and "oranges" forgiving. Even though they appear together they really are two separate issues. To claim the offended party can't forgive if the offender doesn't repent is, IMO just as erroneous as claiming the offended party must forgive if the offender repents. Both of these polar opposites deny our God given freedom of choice. You get no argument from me on this point. I used the word "earned" to inadequately explain the concept that the guilty too often think in this day and age, that forgiveness is something they are entitled too because of the circumstances surrounding their behavior.
  13. Couldn't agree with you more. What makes everyone think that LDS as individuals have not had the Holy Spirit confirm what is revealed to our prophets? The following has been taken out of context by those anti-LDs sites here is the true story. President Brigham Young once annouced at a conference that all things the prophet says should be prayed about by the individual as to the truth of what was presented. Later in the day he made the statement " the moon is made of green cheese and men in black top hats live there." The next day he asked "how many believe that the Moon is made of green cheese and men in black top hats live there? everyone but one older gentleman raised their hands. President Young then asked "how many prayed about it?" THe only one in the gathering who raised their hand--you guessed it--the older gentleman who had not raised his hand previously. LDS really wish that other demoninations who obeidently follow whatever they hear from the pulpit, without checking in with God first, would stop tarring us with the same brush!!!
  14. not deer stories but lots of close encounters with moose. A 3000+ lb moose does a lot more damage than just total the car--often the occupants end up totaled too. Don't know if it's the movement or the noise or the lights but members of the deer family just seem to have this compulsion about runnning into traffic. Why did the "deer" cross the road? To scare drives to death! I too am glad that it was only machinery that was hurt in this wreck.
  15. What is sin to a Mormon? The same as sin to any other Christian Is sin based on the 10 commandments, and are there more amendments to what sin is? Yes sin is based on the ten commandments, as well as what was revealed to the other prophets of the Bible, revealed by Jesus Christ, and by the apostles in the Bible Who judges and condemns sins? Heavenly Father If the truth where to be known about all LDSers {sin free}, would any be allowed in the Temple? Being 100% sin free is not a requirement for being allowed to go to the temple-else, as you pointed out, none of us would be able to go Where is the reference to becoming Gods of other planets written? It was given in a series of revelations to the prophets of the LDS church for further information LDS web site http://www.lds.org Basic beliefs of the LDS faith can be found http://www.mormon.org/learn/0,8672,794-1,00.html Why didn't the Apostle Paul know this, and if he did, where is it written? Different dispensations different knowledge
  16. It's not about forgivness, I am the last person who would tell God someone shouldn't be forgiven or to advise someone not to forgive another. What it is about is a pet peeve of mine Blaming some great spritual struggle, debil spurt influence, spritual trapdoor, lack of believing, Satan, etc etc etc Whomever or Whatever for the choices we make. everytime he dialed the number of the male prostitute he made the decision everytime he asked to score some drugs he made the decision everytime in engaged in "sexual immorality" (and drug use doesn't fall in that catagory folks) he made the decision everytime VPW hopped in the motor coach he made the decision Everytime he invited some sweet little gal to join him he made the decision everytime he convinced, coerced, or forced sexual activities on said gal he made the decison Everytime I decided to stay with my ex husband I made the decision Everytime I huddled in fear as he beat me and the kids I made the decision Everytime I gave in to TWI pressure as to how I should think I made the decision Were there extenuating circumstances in my case you betcha--and if the truth be told, there are extenuating circumstances in the other two cases also--whether we know what they are or not The problem is, in fact the problem with society today, IMO we have managed to convince ourselves that the extenuating circumstances some how either nullify or change the choices we make You were wading in spiritual struggles so you scored meth and had sex with another man. Spritual Struggles is the reason, The fact is you scored meth and had sex with another man. The world failed to appreciate how great a person you were and what you deserved to receive for all your efforts so you coerced young woman into having sex with you. The failure of the world to appreciate you is the reason, the fact is you coerced young women into have sex with you I was numb with fear and unaware of 75% of what was going on around me and so I stayed in a relationship where my children were physically, emotionally and sexually abused. The reason is I was numb with fear and unaware of 75% of what was going on around me. The fact is I remained in a relationship that was causing my chldren to be physically, emotionally, and sexually abused. It used to be that you looked at the fact first and then after that had been acknowledged and apologies extended to the offended parties the reasons behand the action were discussed and forgiveness was granted Now we just hop right over the facts, the offender in lieu of an straightforward apology for the facts primarily gives the reasons why the offender did what was done while avoiding as much as possible admission of what the offender did, then we go right to the forgiveness phase. Sorry, but facts are facts. Forgiveness is not a right, it is earned, It is earned by honest forthrightness about what was done sans excuses, and repentence for what was done. Whether to take the reasons and extenuating circumstances into account rests solely in the hands of the parties wronged
  17. templelady

    Texas BBQ

    You all are most certainly welcome for the reindeer sausage it was my pleasure to provide that treat from my home town. For those of you wondering where you can get more , along with other Alaskan goodies such as salmon , moose and caribou here is the link to the Alaska Sausage Co, web site http://www.alaskasausage.com/ (Mo-shamelessly plugging one of her fav Anchorage shops LOL)
  18. the letter of apology is a good start However, (and don't get me wrong I am as big a sinner as anyone here so I'm not pointing fingers from some lofty perch of spritual superiority) Would there ever have been a letter of apology if he hadn't benn tattled on? or would it have been business as usual? would he ever have stepped down as leader of the evangelicals? or would he just have found more creative ways to hide his behavior? bottom line the only difference between him and VPW and LCM is what he did after he was caught -and the question might still be posed as to what the entire motivation of his response was. Personally I found it highly disengenuous. All about how he struggled with this dark part of his life. I would have bveen more receptive to a letter that said in effect "look, I like having sex with men, I have been hoodwinking eveyone around me for years so I could continue to do what I want at the expense of others. I've been caught and now I'm going to decide if I want to change or not." Such honesty about his personal choices would have been refreshing.
  19. templelady

    Texas BBQ

    Incredible, From the Pampas grass growing by the side of the road, the white herons (egrets?) in the trees on the way to Ex10 fabulous house. THe wonderful hospitality and welcome from Ex 10 and 10 1/2 the warm delicious minestrone soup waiting for us thanks to dooj the fellowship the fellowship was just unbelievable.. we laughed and we talked, and we laughed and talked some more. I was prepared for some awkward silences and there weren't any ... it was like we had done this a hundred time before. the beef brisket, the homemade potato salad and coleslaw the cheescake, those simply awesome carmel apples from krys the food was to die for not to mention the breakfast this AM thanks to our own "kitchen queen" Dooj We had a fellowship this morning where we sat hand shared our hearts, listened to gospel music had prayer--just such a wonderful , sweet, loving spirit that you could feel in the room. Getting to meet and talk to Lori again after 20+ years sitting and talking with Crispey, Tonto, The countess, Dooj, Pipes, ex10 the guys, paw, and george, tom, t-bone, ex10 1/2 it was worth every dime, the 5 hour flight each way the airport snafus I wouldn't have missed it for the world. Thank you to one and all for making this weekend one I will forever treasure
  20. templelady

    Texas BBQ

    The great cheesecake taste-off has begun first we have the chocolate swirl - from dooj a cheesecake form of chocolate decadence second we have rum's contribution prepared by dooj, a creamy confection that like a smooth custard flows across the tongue with sweet cherry accents thrid we have the tart lemon coated cheesecake from dooj with a texture that is akin to straight creamcheese with a crummbly graham craker crust accent
  21. Ah, but we are celebrateing this day with plenty of fanfare, down here in the woodlands we be celebrating with plenty of fanfare, not celebrating his birthday
  22. templelady

    Texas BBQ

    Okay, the party is warming up Lori And I made it here thanks to Ex10's mom Geroge St George and the Countess are holding court inb the kitchen with Pipes T- Bone is working a camera while Tonto guards the munchies Dooj is on the patio (she makes fantastic minestrone) with Paw and Ex 10 and Tom Strange the rest float from group to group happy people laughter and fun Missing those who couldn't be here must sign off now my nachos are chilling
  23. templelady

    Texas BBQ

    just printed out my boarding passes see ya'll in Texas
  24. If I distill it down to it's most essential reason in my life It is the realization that there is Always someone there for me Not that I will always get what I want Not that Life will be all sunshine and roses Not that there will be tangible evidence of His doings every second of everyday (not that there aren't plenty of these) But the sense of a presence, if you will, that is always there, no matter who in this earthly plane is there, no matter what the situations
  25. templelady

    Texas BBQ

    I am coming to Texas ex10 has 10 Lb of reindeer sausage in her refrigerator See y'all on the 4th and 5th
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