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Everything posted by templelady
Look, I'm not disputing that sex is part of marriage And I'm not okay with sex as a weapon to bring the other spouse in line THE preliminaries to sex are often great But that climactic moment that brings such joy to the hearts of most men is, in reality, for many women a sweat drenched, inhalation of body odor while being covered in a gelatinous slime. Maybe the problem is that it is no longer enough for the woman to be a willing participant Now-per the Gurus SHE MUST ENJOY IT!!!!!!!!! She is peppered with questions as the the satisfactoriness of the experience and woe betide the woman who fails to be enthusiastic and heaven help the woman who finds the experience less than climactic. Maybe if less time was spent trying to get her to live up to the expectations that our society says must be lived up to and more time was spent appreciating the willingness of her participating for no other reason than to bring joy to her husband--more women would be willing to participate on a regular basis
By tying the receipt of benefits to working Public service painting buildings helping with trash pickup etc there are a myriad of tasks in any town or city that just aren't getting done because either there is no funding for them or they are so far down the priority list as to be constantly over looked No work no assistance And before someone tells me that this is slavery It isn't we are talking about people whose Idle lifestyle would be to sit on their tushes until the cows come home this is not an involuntary state And anytime they feel that they are being taken advantage of they have an option-- Go get a real job and off assistance
Kathy I do share you viewpoint on the second Item in my list As I said it would have to be decided on a case by case basis I think where part of your question comes from the idea that Sex is enjoyable Sex is an activity like any other that may or may not be enjoyable for a variety of reasons If someone said they didn't like skiing we wouldn't cry from the rooftops that there is something wrong with them and insist that they need counseling But for some reason our society and the Gurus-who-know have decided that there is a problem if someone doesn't like sex. Enough already, a persons sex life is just that, their sex life, and should be left to them as to how they want to conduct it.
THe marvelous thing about GSC is that there is first ---something for just about everyone and second no one is forced to participate in a thread they are not interested in That said if you find no use for this thread don't read it
Need help with scriptures w/slain in the spirit...
templelady replied to Ex_16th_MB's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Guess The key question is --- Anywhere in scripture where such "Antics" are described after people were Healed--Cause it seems to me that if it is of GOD that people healed like Job in the OT, or persons healed by Jesus, or the apostles should have been howling at the moon and doing cartwheels-- but that is just imo -
Kathy I guess where I am confused on the issue within a marriage is this Which are we talking about A woman who has sex with her husband voluntarily with no physical coercion and then decides to Cry "rape" to get a divorce settlement or get him out of the house or control of the assets Or a woman who says not to sex and the husband physically forces himself onto her and she submits because he won't take no for an answer or Physical violence where the husband forces the woman into sex. One is a definite NOT RAPE Two would require a lot of further research as to the exact situation and three is RAPE does that clarify it???
But you are talking about someone who isn't cheating he systemNot about the person with non reported income whose utilities are being paid by one church, who is getting rent help from another church, etc etc etc. I have watched it-if you play your cards right you can not only get food stamps cash and medical but also get churches and other groups to pay your rent and utilities and provide food. If your rent is paid, your utilities are paid you get free food and medical--that cash is free and clear. The reason most of us don't understand how this can happen is that most of us are honest and so have no idea the "creative' ways one can milk the system. When all else fails a discrimination complaint to the ACLU or ombudsman will keep that ball in play for months--Then they pack up and move to another town or state.
**TL heading where angels fear to tread*** Sorry Chatty but A woman has a right to do this Maybe because he was cheating, didn't ever bathe, was of the slam bam TYM, school of thought That is rape if I ever heard it When you come home drunk smelling of another woman's perfume for the umpteenth time in as many months and the wife says "No' for the umpteenth time, and you backhand said wife until she is semi conscious, and then RAPE her until she is bleeding-- The wall is not nearly far enough Presumes that sex is the basis or a large part of the marriage--Surprise surprise there are Thousand--perhaps millions of marriages that don't have the sexual component Sorry Forced Sex Is rape
FACT: forty years ago this world was a very different place. Girls and even boys were much more sexually naive for a much longer period of time-- But now--- Sorry You'd be hard pressed to find a normal, as in not mentally handicapped, kid who didn't know what sex was-- In Alaska let us say you as a freshman girl in high school go to the junior prom with a 17 year old. You continue to date and be sexually active. IN your sophomore year you are 15 and your boyfriend is now a senior and turns 18. You continue to have sex. NOW under the law he is a rapist and can be prosecuted as such. For the rest of his life he will wear the sex offender label YOU are 29 two of your co-workers are a father and daughter. She is 19 and you start to date with the fathers full consent. The relationship becomes sexual and talk of marriage ensues. Then one day you are led away in handcuffs--WHY?? because she is actually 16 and the father used false documents so she could work because they needed the income. You go to jail for the next 5 years as a child molester. YOU are 21 sitting in a bar and this gorgeous girl comes up to you --you spend a great evening talking and that weekend you meet her for dinner. You meet again at the bar the following week and it leads to sex. Next thing you know you are in a squad car --shes 16 using her sisters ID--- You Child Molester You! Hypothetical, I wish--these are actual men I have encountered. Decent guys who for the rest of their lives will not be able to find jobs and housing, who will be mistrusted by their neighbors because theyare Registered Sex Offenders. IN all these situations there is a sex offender all right -- but imo it isn't the guy!
Okay so we've talked about the illegal alien who gets public assistance Now what about the US citizens who milk the system The alcoholic and/or druggie who refuses treatment and refuse to quit Are we obligated as a society to help this individual indefinitely?? Can we mandate sobriety as the price for aid? What about the disabled person who hides funds or exaggerates their disability to avoid having to work? When they are caught can we deny them funding even though they are disabled? What about the welfare mom who when we cut her off we cut off her children. Is not getting a job grounds for removal of the children? What bout the person who refuses to work?? Can we allow them to be homeless and starve ?? Just exactly how much to we owe citizens of this country who lie, cheat, and othewise milk the system? When do we say to the addict--yours is an illness of choice--You can choose to stop? Just how tough do we have a right to be?
Mentally disabled individuals need to be protected from the predators in society Reality check --anyone in our society who is 15 or older, of sound mind, who has consensual sex-no matter the age of the other party hasn't been raped. !4 years old is iffy judged by a case by case basis. I would say 13 and under if the partner is 17 or older a case could be made for statutory rape Other than that I define rape as any sex act that is forced on an unwilling and/or unsuspecting partner by the use of threat, physical intimidation, or drugs and alcohol provided for the purpose of making the other party more compliant no matter the previous nature of the relationship What rape isn't is a person seeking to gain an advantage at work, competition, or lifestyle by providing sex for another person. Who are we kidding here-A contestant in a pageant who goes to a judges room at 2 in the AM is there for one reason and one reason only-- changing your mind after you have decided to bribe your way to the position you want by use of your body-- well sorry, you bought the bed, you made the bed, if you now don't want to lie in it you should have thought of that sooner.
Glad to hear that our GSC Floridians seem to be okay *REAL Alaskans Scoff at weather over -10***
The cleanse consisted of finely ground volcanic ash which is basically powdered glass ended up on the bathroom floor after four days with blood pouring out of every orifice on my body--literally--- not a good plan so WAY-brained I had to call the then branch leaders wife C-nn-- K-ng and get permission to quit the program--fortunately she sighed a lot but did give me permission
Oh yeah *TL is busy setting up her computer and table top quilting frame in the corner booth as she waits for her hot turkey sandwich and pecan pie*
So is her real name Eve or Sybil????
The class or seminar you hated the most
templelady replied to GrouchoMarxJr's topic in About The Way
CF& S Wha had been discomfort before turned into nagging doubts after some of the commments made during the breaks and after class by "leaderships" wives -
Spend as much time barefoot even in the dead of winter as I can during the day but wear socks to bed Don't wear perfume during the day but put it on before I go to sleep Like cold coffee LIke very little Ice in sodas but tons in water Eat all of one thing on my plate before eating another food put butter on Peanut butter sandwiches
Ah shucks Y'all make this northern gal blush Thanks for the wishes And Yeah Dooj a bowl of your minestorne would be just perfect And the penguins are cute but do you have anything in a 6'5", native american with long hair?? ANd it's oklay about the MTC I had a carfull of LDS sing happy birthday to me on the way to church And T Bone Haven't you heard--- Permit clerk 25 has his hands full-- Stve Irwin has moved MAry (the 100+ year old croc that died) into the subdivsion Suie is digging holes and Steve's already started a crocosseum for all his saltwater friends who went before Last I heard Permit clerk was trapped on the top of a vewing platform--seems Mary thinks he is a new kind of Chicken and leaps straight up everytime he tries to leave.
Exactly -you can't have what doesn't exist And that needs to be changed-insurance companies need to be compelled by law to provide insurance packages for small business May be a package deal that would cover several area business-such as a group of laundromat owners getting a group policy for their employees So the first step would be to make sure that there was affordable insurance available for ALL companies Step two would be to make sure all companies had said insurance for their employees after it existed
Very true and it cuts both ways The person of any color who feels that they are more entitled or better than the person next to them It can be the white guy who sees all Hispanics as illiterate field hands here illegally It can be the Black woman who is convinced that every word that comes out of a white persons mouth has some hidden racially offensive meaning The Mexican immigrant who feels that it would be much better if the El Savaldorians in his neighborhood and the blacks would just leave The Japanese who feels that the Okinawans down the street are a disgrace The Muslim woman afraid to go to the store alone for fear And the list goes on and on Racism is more that just the attitudes we bring to the table It is the attitudes we are perceived as bringing to the table by others Maybe there would be less racism if we all stopped jumping to conclusions
If insurance companies won't fund small business then that needs to be changed by law WE are the ONLY industrialized nation that does not have a medical plan for all it's citizens pretty pathetic And the fact that a business is small in no way changes the needs of its employees for medical care
Lets see we have fruit salad here Apples Business do need to provide customer service in the languages of the markets they serve Bananas People who work for companies with a multi lingual clientele should not expect employees who are Spanish speakers to have to deal with the German speaking customers--they should have a number for their German speaking customers to call and deal with someone versed in the nuances of German as well as a sound understanding of said company and it's products. this goes for other languages as well Pears No matter what your primary language -if you are going to be shopping in a store which does not have the same primary language you need to have a Malayan to English or English to Malayan dictionary to get the basic words of what you are looking for. along with Please and thank you--- better yet bring one of those little pocket gems along--will help immensely--you find your word have the clerk read their word-voila communication Grapes This is the United States English needs to be the primary language of government --I really wouldn't have a problem if we went to Spanish and English--But no more that these two--And again, unless it is a job requirement that you be multi lingual before you are hired-- you shouldn't have to "fake it" to get through your job. Oranges If you outsource to a third world country--DO not expect me to be reasonable or understanding when I encounter someone in Customer service who doesn't speak or understand English well enough to provide satisfactory customer service. Cherries If I go in to an establishment that wants me to part with my hard earned cash I expect that the people who wait on me in the United States will be conversant enough with English as to be able to understand what I want ---having a 5 minute discussion because the clerk doesn't comprehend the word "zipper" much less know what one is--Is too much. If they can't speak and understand English they need to be working in a job that does not require that they be directly interacting with customers who do.
Known a few as friends as husbands/boyfriends and as people I have encountered in the workforce or as customers Sorry They may lack the impulse control it may be harder for them to find the moral compass in their heads--I don't know about that-- But do they know they are lying? You betcha Why???? Because they lie with a purpose and they are sneaky about it If I walk up to you and say "I am wearing this red pantsuit by Dior how do you like it? and I am wearing a blue dress-- then an argument could be made that I don't know the truth from fiction. But the pathological liars I have known-- lied for one of the following reasons To make themselves look good to get out of a jam to get you to give them what they want often the above reasons are intermixed in any given situation They always make what they say sound plausible If by change you do catch them then they have another story as to why you didn't understand what they meant Didn't hear correctly or even accuse you of being the liar In extreme cases they even tell others around you that you are guilty of actions you never did but often actions they themselves are guilty of Nope, Pathological liars are just a form of Sociopathy the two go hand in hand They may not be wired like us they may not look at the world like us But they are keenly aware of what they are doing and why
Don't have to agree with this or any war to appreciate and applaud the courage and devotion of our men and women in the military who selflessly lay down their lives not only for this countries freedom but others as well. Freedoms that enable our government to provide electricity, receive medical care, disability checks, food etc both those who are here illegally and those of our citizens who don't work, for whatever the reason, all with a minimum of government interference in their lives. Which is the point of this thread --how we may need a little more interference to weed out the illegals who beneft from same--not to mention those of our own citizenry who milk the system--A topic I have stayed away from - since this is devoted to the Illegal problem in this country--Perhaps I need to start a companion thread on that subject--but need to head to work right now.