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Everything posted by templelady
Yes to the scent masking- all dogs do it instictively as to high pitched noises, remember when we hear a sound it is only a fraction of the actual sound there are tones both higher and lower that we can't hear but many animals can-what those sounds convey to a dog I don't know-- but whatever they are they obviously- to the dogs way of thinking --require a response
No Poblrem hree. but I dbuot taht 50% fstear tinhg.
For a child's starter aquarium I would recommend a 20 gallon tall frresh water aquarium. ( the tall takes up less counter space and provides better water depth. under gravel filters are better for children since they require less changing of the filter medium. select rocks for the bottom-- I lean toward natural colors tans, whites, browns, blacks-- but enough to cover the filter system about 2 inches. Some people prefer Live plants but they require work to maintain so select from some of the fabric/plastic varieties. you want ones that have dense leaves in a feather design which provides various levels for the fish to hide and rest in. then pick out a couple of real rocks FROM The PEt Store -(rocks you pick up from outside are covered with disease and will kill your fish) set up the aquarium. turn it on filter, light, thermometer. put a pince of fish food in. every day for a week a\add a pince of fish food. this builds the bacteria level in your aquarium which is necesary for healty fish. For a 20 gallon tank I would buy a male sword tail and three female swords, three members of the Cory family (there are several varieties and you pet shop should have a fair selection) who will help keep the bottom clean and five neon or cardinal tetras. Swords are live bearers so in a very short time you should have baby fish that you can watch grow. DO NOT let the pet shop talk you into a plecostemus. they are cute at 1 inch but they grow like weeds and will eat anything they can suction into their mouths
My belief system says we worship Heavenly Father Jesus Christ in my belief system, as I posted earlier, is the personage usually referred to as God in the Old Testement since Heavenly Father could no longer converse directly with man because of sin. We are to believe and pray to Heavenly Father, God, who is the creator of this universe and all that is in it as well as being the father of us all. We are to believe that Jesus Christ is the incarnated Son of God, who came to earth and led a sinless live, took the sins of the world; past, present and future; upon hiimself in Gethsemene, was beaten and tortured as punishment for those sins, permitted Himself to die upon the Cross and then be resurrected so as to break the bonds of death and permit eternal life to become possible. On our parts we are expected to try our best to follow in Christ's footsteps and lead the most sinless life we can- Personally I find the debate of --Is Jesus Christ God as in Heavenly Father being GOd etc etc etc-- to be a device of Satan so that people are distracted from perfecting their personal walk by having thenm engage in discussions which in no way expands their understanding of Heavenly Fathers will. Does that mean I think these discussions shouldn't take place--Absolutly not I think trying to understand all aspects of one's faith is very important --what I am talking about is the believers; that get so wrapped up in trying to convert people to their point of view on this, or any similar topic; for who the conversion of people to their belief on one issue becomes their spritual goal.
Jesus Christ is Risen Today, Allelluia
LCM will be back only if the following Conversation seems plausable The Return Of LCM A skit by Mo *RR "the Fox" is sitting in her spacious desk in her office surrounded by travel brochures contemplating her next Caribbean vacation. there is a knock at the door stage left* RR: come In *LCM enters dressed in white slacks and polo shirt with a white cardigan loosely draped around his shoulders his hair, looking like a bad fitting toupee, is held in place by a rainbow headband* RR: (rising abruptly from her desk scattering traveling brochures ) LCM! you are here-how long it has been that we the faithful members of the household have awaited your presence here. LCM (sitting in the chair vacated by RR and sweeping the remaing brochures to the floor) Yes, It is time that I the MOG for this dispensation returned to lead my faithful flock. You as a woman have done the job of barely holding TWI together but as THE WORD says women are not to teach men. This is what has led to the problems of dwindling membership-which indicates that devil spirits are even now invading the household. RR (standing with head down in tears) You are right, I put myself in as head of TWI I let my spritual trapdoor open and thus allowed the further breakdown of TWI. I plead for forgiveness and acknowledge that this reproof is accuate and just. How thankful I am that you, the rightful MOG, have returned to show me the error of my ways and lead TWI back onto the path of THE WORD. LCM. As of this minute I am now president of TWI, you will notify the BOT that they will be here in 45 minutes at which time I will see how much they have been Devil Spirit influenced also tell Donna that am home and I expect the chalet clean and dinner on the table by 6--you may go. *RR leaves the room to do as LCM has instructed-while LCM casually picks up one of the brochures from the floor--lights fade out* Now If you really think that RR will give up her life as she knows it--LCM will be back My vote is NOT IN THIS LIFETIME
Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, and the only begotten son of Heavenly Father, who took the sins of the world upon himself in Gesthemene and suffered so much that he sweat drops of blood. He was scourged and wounded by the Romams for our transgressions and then allowed himself to die thus breaking the bonds of death and permitting eternal life. Those of us who believe that this is true and throughout our lives diligently try to follow in his footsteps by obeying Heavenly Fathers commandments will spend eternity with him and Heavenly Father
Old --Not me- just well aged to bring the best of my attriburyes to the fore LOL
And make that three I don't know all the history behind your pole but I don't think it is the cafe's responsibility to decide if you stay or go. Paw is the only one who can banish someone and there are very strict criteria that he uses to make those decisions. Since You haven't been banished by Paw then the decision to stay or go is yours. I get the sense that you are trying to conduct a popularity vote. Trust me NO ONE here at the cafe gets along with everyone-we don't even get along with the same people on different days. Stay or go-YOUR CHOICE-
Granted the terroists are out to get us But suspectiong terroists behind each and every act of life that is bad is extremist. Fact E-coli can get in a water suppy and thus infect spinach Fact third world countries have less stringent standards than we do fact rats like wheat it seem logical to me that a wheat processing plant in China would have rats and thus rat poison. maybe somone inadvertantly bumped a shelf and a box of rat poison fell ito a bin and no one noticed tragic -but hardly terroristic. If we start seeing terroists behind evey accident and tragedy we will have done part of the the terroists job for them making ourselves into a fear ridden and thus hesitate people to act.
This is not a morallity lecture but if you aren't willing to sign a legal piece of paper that creates an enforceable contract between the two of you--ie marriage --you need to forget the idea of Living Together in the sense you mean. Living together means that one of the parties gives up their security net { their apartment etc) and thus in case of a breakup is in freefall with no legal recourse. If you insist on the course of no marriage the smart thing to do, from my point of view, is both of you keep your housing. Live one week at your place and one week at their place -sort of like going to the summer house. you are still living together but you both each have a place to be if things go south.
Heavenly Father is GOD Almighty the creator and father of us all as well as all the universe-It is he to whom we opwe all reverence and allegence and to whom we pray. Jesus Christ is his son- Jesus Chrsit at the directiopn of Heavenly Father made the earth "all things through him were made". After Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden and brought sin into the world Heavenly Father could no longer talk to man face to face because Heavenly Father cannot be present where sin exists Jesus Christ even before his fleshly incarnation became the mediater between HeavenlyFather who is perfect and sinful man. Thus when the OT speaks of God speaking with man it is actully talking about Jesus Christ-which means that Jesus Christ is the personage that is translated God in the old testement. that explains the passages where God speaks of what God wants in the third person. it is actually Jesus Christ (God)saying what Heavenly Father (God)wants. Then Jesus Christ comes to earth in the flesh, still the mediator between man and God. When through his suffering in Gesthemene and at the hands of Rome and then his crucifixtion he cleanses the world from sin and breaks the bonds of death. The Holy Ghost comes and man again has a direct connection to Heavenly Father. Thus we pray to Heavenly father through the conduit provided by theHoly Ghost and we pray in the name of Jesus Christ to procalaim to Heavenly Father that we accept Jesus Christ and the attoinment he made for us.
that which is within oft does not match what looks show but in Rosie does
for those that know tempoelady(goes by mo or maurekay) she has been in the hospital the last month because of health problems. She has had it rough month but is doing better. She hopes to be home this weekend. I hope to know more soon. this is a friend of hers I am Shannon
NEGATIVE - when a person experiences something bad and remembers it AND by remembering seeks not to repeat the experience
considering where I've seen some species of Butterfly I'm not sure this is a good thing LOL
Can't you see iT Snake to Grandsnakes "and that is why my children you must never sleep in plants that live off the ground in funny shaped stones!"
Blessed --A methodology where a person is forced by invoking God to do something they cannot afford to do, don't have time to do, and don't want to do so that a second person can avoid doing something they cannot afford to do, don't have time to do, and don't want to do
Abi, What I have as problem with is the idea that having a personality disorder-whether treated or not- means that someone is automatically incapable of holding gainful employment. It has become a carte blanc to deny responsibility for one's own life
I've heard it all, how corporate America is doing it, How the other guy is doing it, how somehow the cheaters reasons for cheating are better reasons than any other cheaters reasons-- Bottom Line is they are cheating and lying. Don't like the system--start working for changes --put some of that energy you use to run from agency to church, to charities looking for a free handout, while doing nothing to help yourself to work, to make changes We aren't talking about the legitimately disabled here, the elderly, the too young--We are talking about able bodied adults who would rather spend their time and energy in getting the rest of us to subsidize them, whether through tax dollars or our donations to church and charity, rather than finding a job and supporting themselves If I sound annoyed it probably is because every day I work with two groups of people those who are down and out and whose desire is to get back in the game of life--who work, day labor and odd jobs, who pound the pavement in Alaska winters looking for a job-even a minimum wage job all for the purpose of getting back on their feet those who are down and out and whose idea is to do as little as possible to change it. Whose first question is Can I get rental assistance? and where do I apply for food stamps? Who are indignant when we won't be a reference and say they have no money and can't work. Who spend their nights sitting up playing video games and annoying their roommates and then roll out of bed at noon followed by two hours of watching TV. Only to cry when their rent is due "I can't find a job-no one will hire me." Granted there are people out there who need help who aren't getting it --and that needs to be addressed But the reason it is so hard to make headway is because of all the people in that second group I deal with. They are the ones who tar everyone with that nasty brush of "welfare mentality"
talk about a life of quiet desparation --I think that pretty well describes hers--her poor baby girl.
Only One Dalmation??????
Awesome that's a big Atta BOy for you Ron!
Potato I don't think I was clear enough in my previous posts about spousal rape If you are pounding with your fists and yelling stop and he continues then yes, it is rape It is the element of force that is at issue If you say stop and he continues and you give him a push and he gets the message, albeit a bit late, and stops--that is not rape