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Take the quiz: Are you a Heretic?
templelady replied to wrdsandwrks's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Couldn't take it --the site is blocked from here due to adult content -
And the exciting thing about this puzzle is that we ALL have a piece to contibute from the "nuke the whole farm in Ohio" across the spectrum to the "VPW should be canonized and the farm added to the national Historic Register" . Each piece and each opinion adds to the the ever changing kalidescope [sic] that was TWI.
It sounds like Coco was a source of much joy and pleasure for Mrs. W. She probabaly, like most of us devoted pet owners, lavished much love and affection on Coco. In VPW's world all love and affection was his due, the sight of his wife caring for Coco probably meant in his way of thinking that she was giving to a dog (and a "useless" one at that) affection that should have been bestowed on Him. As to would someone have jumped to dispose of Coco to please the MOG??? Sure they would have Thomas Becket Gordon Liddy spring to mind. The question is DID THIS ACTUALLY HAPPEN?? Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor...even if it is VPW or especially if it is VPW since this incident is entirely in keeping with what we know of the man. So unless I see some verification from others who are more conversant with the FACTS of the situation I will religate this story to the arena of the mythos surrounding VPW. And Kudos to you Johnny Lingo for straight out admitting that this was rumor and asking for verification as opposed to trying to pass off rumor as fact. As to why this matters?? It matters because, if true, it goes to the heart of the kind of man VPW actually was as opposed to his Public Persona. And that real VPW versus Public VPW goes to the heart of what was ultimately wrong with TWI and the injury many sufferd while in TWI.
What's so "Fine" About Arts with no "Create"-ivity
templelady replied to JavaJane's topic in About The Way
Years ago, around Christmas, I had the opportunity to stop and chat with a local Alaskan artist who had a kiosk containing her painted gold pans for sale. ( A Alaskan art form that is dwindling in popularity consisting of a black metal goldpan with a picture painted in the bottom.) I had admired her work for many years since she painted a wide diversity of scenes all with an original twist. I commented that I noticed that there were onlhy 4 or 5 scenes available for sale. Sighing she confided that since she and her husband had decided to turn her painting into a much needed second income for their family, instead of a income producing hobby for her, she no longer could create spontaneous scenes for the commercial market. They had figured out that in order to make a viable go of it she had to paint 5 gold pans a day everyday. She soon found that she couldn't consistantly come up with original scenes especially complex ones and meet her "quota". She settled on these five scenes as being the one people most often bought along with ease of painting etc.. She taught her husband how to do the underpainting and she would come along and add the mountains, cabin, northern lights etc. She further confided that where once painting and been a joy in her life that she looked to for relaxation and renewal it had become a drudgery she dreaded and if she had to do it over she would never have gone commercial but the income was necessary. About two years after this discussion I noticed that her gold pans and paintings had disappeared from the market and I have never seen her work since. I can only hope that she has regained the joy she once had in her painting. -
"Misquoting Jesus" - Has anybody read it?
templelady replied to JumpinJive's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Have read it and found it enlightening. Definitely food for thought. It is not, however, IMO a Here are all the answers book, it gives insights and ideas for critical thought but is not a panacea for all questions one has about interpretation of the NT. -
We all have freedom of Choice. Which I don't think is the same as the free will Twi promoted. Freedom of choice simply means that we choose how we will respond in any given situation. It does not mean that we control the situations we find oursleves in but merely how we chose to respond to said situations
Just from what I've read My PC at home shall remain safe behind it's firewall awaiting my return. Thanks "guys" for your responses
So if we use the term "lamps" does it also extend to coleman lamps with thier glowing mantels of old??? I mean the mantels definitely had a bulb like shape, gave off light, and could be changed.
I have just recently heard about a program that let's you acess your PC from any other PC in the world. http://www.gotomypc.com Originally set up so workers can access their office PC from their homes, I have been thinking that it would work for me here so I could acesss my home PC. My question is How safe is this? How vunerable I am to others hacking into my system while using this program?
Cabdrivers depending on the length of the trip $2 if a short hop to or from the grocery store etc. $3-5 for trips around town Airport usually 5-10 depending if they get out of the car and help with the luggage. If I have to carry it myself--tip goes down ditto groceries above. As for tipping maids I worked as a maid for two years at Holiday Inn. It is back breaking filthy work, You would be amazed at the state people leave their hotel rooms in, figuring "the maid will take care of it". Tubs filled with dog hair when the sport trials were in town. cases of empty beer and wine with leftover pizza smeared on the walls and ground into the carpet. Soggy towels containging Lord knows what strewn all over. Figure a maid usually has 6-8 rooms a day not counting checkouts My friends who are former waitresses tip well at restaurants because they know the whole story--Maids unlike waitresses work for the most part out of sight--you return after a day out to made beds and clean towels--so people never really stop to think just what is involved in cleaning up behind 12-20 people everyday including weekends So Yeah Please tip your maid
Kathy Hilton is definitely in La La land. She thinks money +power= absolution and unfortunately she has handed this sense of entitlement down to her children. One has to wonder what her reaction would have been if Paris had killed someone in one of her druken escapades. >>>>> *********** Mo Newsflash*********** Kathy Hilton announced today that she was incensed at the high handed manner in which Judge Sam Eforall had sentenced her daughter Paris to 10 to 15 years for the accident which killed 24 year old Maidin Ahotel last May. Paris Hilton had a blood alcohol level of .102 at the time of the accident and was driving on a suspended license. Citing the fact that Ms Hilton had had numerous other traffic violations involving alcohol as well as a pattern of disregarding court orders and agreements the judge said" It is clear to this court that Ms Hilton presents an ongoing threat to society and that she is unwilling to modify or correct her behaviors. Therefore, the court has no choice but to place Ms Hilton in a setting where society will be protected from her" Fumed Kathy Hilton, " It's not like we didn't give the family of Maidin Ahotel a large cash settlement as well as three free night at any Hilton Hotel of their choice. Because of this accident the Ahotel's have more money than they could ever have hoped to earn over a lifetime and yet, my daughter is pilloried like a common crimina!!" ***************
And that pretty much sums up the whole perspective of TWI. They wanted to facilitate us in understanding and accepting unquestionally VPW's interpretation of scripture rather that motivating us to really examine its validity and based on that examination question and make corrections as necessary. They wanted to facilitate our ability to think and confrom to TWI philosophy rather than motivating us to see how that philosophy applied in our lives, whether it was beneficial in our lives, and how to make corrections so that aspects of that philosophy fit into our lives. They facilitated a lock step mentality rather than motivating us to freely think, ponder and expand our understanding of how Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ had a plan for each person and thereby gaining an individual understanding of what is necessary in our own personal walk. Their process for weeding out those candidates for PFAL who' Weren't commited" "lacked meekness" etc meant that they were preaching to those who already were, if not numb, at least semi numb and those who believed at some level that there was a set of rules that would "make it all better". The less desparate for "the fix" all departed PFAL well before the 12th session. The rest of us hung on not realizing that another layer of numbness had been added as we faced a new list of "have to's" in lives already overrun by "have to's". As we trudged on striving to be free we took the intermediate class attended meetings attended TWIG some went Advanced class and Corps. The result of all this is that when finally faced with CFS there were two groups of people--those of a perverted nature who "got off" on it and the rest of us who were so wrapped up in trying to see what "truths" were being expounded for our learning and understanding-that we failed to recognize CFS for what it was-porn. If we did see it as porn we immediately mentally reproved ourselves and were overcome with feelings of guilt and frustration for being unakle to grasp what Heavenly Father was trying to impart to us through CFS. And the numbness grew
20% at a restaurant except if the service is bad or if the waitress spends all her time paying attention to the guy I'm with instead of me. Since my friend and I alternate paying the check when we go out to eat --it is a foolish waitress who automatically assumes the man will be paying the check and therefore flirting will gain her a bigger tip! I go to a beauty school for hair cuts etc. Since the girls are paying to attend the school as well as for housing etc they get no money from the school itself except for tips. For a $10 harcut I tip $5, for hair color etc I tip 20% I tip maids at hotels a minimum of $5 a day more if they go out of their way to bring me more towels Etc For food delivery people I tip more in the winter months $5 than in the summer months $2-$3 unless they take forever to get my food to me and it is cold on arrival then they may leave with nothing
What's so "Fine" About Arts with no "Create"-ivity
templelady replied to JavaJane's topic in About The Way
Needlework has always been a respite for me- I have to keep my hands busy Several years fter I left TWi I got a couple of counted cross pieces out of my UFO stash and started working on them again. Then a friend of mine came to me and said she had to come up with 5 Haiku for an English class. I had loved doing Haiku in my twenties and was thrilled to help her and that was another creative door reopened for me. then I started Knitting and crocheting (2 third place ribbons at the state fair) and also started doing crewel again. I also started drawing once and a while and then came genealogy and quilting. The big point is that these creative outlets, far from being selfish, enable you to relax , think and become the person you desire to be. Plus Homemade gifts are greatly treasured so you can "kill two birds with one stone" as it were. Also teaching others how to do your craft whether on an individual basis or your child's school or church women's group also allows you to share and interact with others -
Perhaps the reason this thread has degenerated into nasty sniping, is because Dot has put in black and white for all to see thoughts, that if the truth be told, are mirrors of what most of us desire White, Black, Asian,or Hispanic. Truth is that honest, hard-working, law abiding citizens of this country, for the most part, want exactly the kind of community that Dot has outlined. THe fact is that "Political Correctness" has so strangled this country that very few of us are willing to say outloud what we think for fear of being labeled "racist", "bigoted", or "predjudiced". NEWS FLASH--wanting a clean, safe, neighborhood surrounded by people who, like yourself, are honest and hardworking is not wrong. The people who persist in flaunting this stranglehold that PC has created are those who have, for the most part,gone through life blaming others for their failures and rcumstances and expecting that government agencies care for them rather than picking themselves up doing for theselves. I'm not talking about the ill or handicapped here--I'm talking about able bodied, men and women who spend their days whining about their lives while expecting others to fix them.
How to turn off your brain and become a TWIt...or
templelady replied to T-Bone's topic in About The Way
t-Bone Clerk 25 has assured me that as soon as he can get off the viewing platform, by sneaking past Mary in the Steve Irwin Celelestial Croc Center, he will return to his office and forward the necessary forms to you. -
How to turn off your brain and become a TWIt...or
templelady replied to T-Bone's topic in About The Way
Be it made effective immediately All Twits must avoid as much as possinble any secular news media such as TV, radio, Newspapers,etc. T-Bone will tell you about such items as he feel necessary for you to know about along with the correct explanation of what those items "REally " mean.. Contact with those who ae not interested in submitting to the will of our beloved T-bone is to cease immediately. Failure to adhere faithfully to the above will allow free thinking to begin to creep into your brain. It has been shown that once free thinking gains a foothold it expands exponentially taking over more and more of the brains thought and reasoning processes. Allowed to go unchecked this free thinking will result in your brain trying to compare what you believe with others beliefs as well as comparing the golden truths as exponded by our beloved T-Bone with Forthright Actions,Comments, and Truths. This horrendous state of affairs has been shown to infect those who remove themselves form the wise precepts of T-bone almost immediately; resulting in complete turning away from our most holy of organizations in a matter of months as exemplified by former Twits who even as I "speak" are freely reading whatever they want,talking to whomever they want, and attending whatever religious services,if any,they so desire. As Frank Burns heroic doctor and esteemed military leader of the 4077 M.A.S.H. once said " it's all right if we are individuals as long as we are individuals in the same way!" -
Eastern Oregon, Northern Idaho, Alaska outside of Anchorage since we have big city problems although probably not as severe as big cities in the lower 48's. The Oregon Coast.
Would Anyone Like To Pray With Me??
templelady replied to Lone Wolf McQuade's topic in About The Way
I Hear nothing, I see Nothing ..... -
How to turn off your brain and become a TWIt...or
templelady replied to T-Bone's topic in About The Way
That would require the filling out of form AdversaryCenteredTeachingSeminar 666. By filling out this form you agree that you will spend 80% of your time concentrating on the adversary and his debil spurts. 19% of you time thinking on ways to increase your ABS. You are free to use the remaining 1% of your time in concentrating on Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ--if the Debil spurts will allow it -
How to turn off your brain and become a TWIt...or
templelady replied to T-Bone's topic in About The Way
Please at all times remember that if what, in black and white print in the Bible, you are reading is clearly understandable and that understanding is at varience with what VPW or LCM says or has said then you have left your spritual trapdoor open and are now infested with "debil spurts". This is true of any situation that you may encounter. For example if , as I did years ago, you take the Colon Cleanse, which involved drinking powdered volcanic ash (glass),and you find yourself bleeding from the rectum and coughing up blood how you handle this situation determines how well you are handling your "believing" and how much "spritual growth" you have gained A senses based person, upon bleeding in such a manner, would immediately decide that ingesting material which could cut the walls of the stomach and intestines needed to be curtailed immediately and do so without being required to consult a "higher" authority. As a believer you must first recognize that such a result is not the natural outcome of ingesting glass but the work of those "debil spurts" to undermine your believing you must then make the decision to continue on ignoring what your five senses are experiencing. Then when, If as I eventually did, you call you Limb Leader and speak with his wife and explain that you can't take the continual bleeding, which has gone on for four days, any longer you ASK PERMISSION to quit. After permission being granted you must continue your days having to admit, whenever the topic of the cleanse comes up, that you lacked the believing necessary to complete it. Thus admitting that you lack the believing to keep your spritual trapdoor closed which in turn clearly marks you as not being part of the "in the know" crowd -
Actually he refers to her age twice-- at one point he calls her 11 then he calls her 12 --apparently keeping up with how old his child actually is another area he falls short in,
100% But then the issue never has been how much Bible you know but how well you apply what you know in everyday life.
First I think Alec Baldwin's rant was disgusting --but then I find Alec Baldwin disgusting,his narcisstic self important arrogance spills out from the screen in every show he appears on or in. Second what mother in her right mind, whose child has been hurt by the original diatribe, posts it to the internet thus exposing said child not only to the original pain but to the pain of having everyone she comes in contact with know about it???? What is clear from this whole situation is that Alec and Kim may have many considerations in mind but the emotional welfare of their daughter isn't one of them
Reality Check to the lets disarm US citizens lobby Criminals and the mentally ill --such as the shooter at VT-WILL always find a way to carry out their twisted designs. If NO ONE in this country had Guns do you really think that that would somehow or other made the twisted thought processes of those who think they have the right to destroy others less twisted?? Do you really believe that absent guns the twisted mind would not find another way to carry out their objectives??? Granted They may not be able to kill 32 people in a little over 2 hours, but is the death of 32 people any less heinious if those deaths are spread over days or months --which most serial killlings are-- than if they occur in mass???It appears to be the quanity of deaths rather than the horror of a single murder which propels the anti-gun lobby. For most of this countries history individuals kept firearms in their homes. With the anti gun forces logic there should have been mass murders every week. To the contrary, this is not the case. The reality is that predators of any ilk only attack that which they percieve as being helpless before them. Predators shy away from potential prey which they perceive as being able to fight back and injure or kill the predator. An armed citizenry will reduce thie number of these mass killing not increase them.