Juan Cruz
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Everything posted by Juan Cruz
(From our Explaining A Joke Dept.) :(--> Did you catch the three brands of concordance mentioned?
. (From our Spirit of Honesty Dept) Note' Bene: That my memory of each intimate, extra-twigular, concordanizing moment with my sisters in Christ recalls to mi corazon the miracle of the sun standing still. Don Juan, I was not and yet who's to belittle a miracle? To the impure all things are pure and to be received with thanksgiving.
Yea, what she said! I think. I been looking around Pandora's Box here. I think I got a State Department curse ready to be sent up for confirmation. So, watch out!
"wasn't that special"?!?! how about "was especially foolish"? I'm a Christian Neo-Platonist. I really think they had it about right. I think St. Paul was one, regardless of Karl Barth.
I need a top 10 list for my Slavecorps friends....
Juan Cruz replied to bliss's topic in About The Way
Bliss, Lorna speak great wisdom. Anyway....usually innies are scared to ask outties about their reasons for leaving (weak faith does that). If one asks that's a real good sign. Just let them know: - you still love them (give um a hug!) - and that you both should agree that life has twists and turns of all kinds that the Good Shepherd can negotiate. -and that "God is good" [or "life is good" for all you no-good atheists] :)--> - odd but true - you have to Witness to THEM now! You can do so by doing good works... volunteer at a hospice or a food pantry... tutor kids ... be a literacy volunteer ["Voluntering is the rent we pay for community"] - I pray all your loved ones see the light and pull their heads out of their.... Bless you, Juan -
I got roadside curses I got shaggy dog curses I got curses... you'll need Preparation capital f-ing H. You'll need a new hat. My malevolence is low PH and the cookie jar is cracked. Don't question who MY Daddy is. Thou hast not known Him at all. Thou hast not been salted nor swaddled at all, thou bald man! thou bald man! Oh, you're just lucky I'm smiling. Pray that it stays that Way. :)-->
You messing with me? You best read the above again. Juan de la Cruz
We were informed back in early 2004 in a thread that some TWI folk might be 'praying against" GS folk. I got my dander up and penned this reponse. They better not mess with me. I got curses they haven't even found in their "Advanced" class! I got curses they don't know about. I got curses where they got "positive believing." I got curses where they're out roasting wieners by the campfire. I got curses even Rhoda never heard. I got curses you can't put on tape and sell. I got co-lateral curses. I got curses Bullinger couldn't find in the stars. I got curses for them if they mess with me. I've learned the real Word of God and from it I got curses for people who f with the truth. It's just grace (I happen to have a red light from Daddy right now) that I don't unload on the whole pack of them hyenas. But the forbearance of Daddy might not last forever, OK? I got curses I took from the carburetor of the motor coach. I got curses I stole from Chris Geer’s running shoes. I got improper puja the family pundit put on Pillai’s sleeping bag outside his door when he got home from Mar's Hill. I got curses worse than living downwind in Emporia. ... ones Ted would never sing about. ... Life Magazine won’t write about. ... Mick Jagger won’t think about. (I got curses you can’t get at the racetrack.) Tree parts snap off and fall when my breath blows cold on them. How long, O Lord, wilt Thou keep sealed this apocalyptic pneumatic pestilence? They won’t be safe at Dunkin’ Donuts when Senora Cruz’s little boy gets the green light to do his deuteronomic paso doble.
I need a top 10 list for my Slavecorps friends....
Juan Cruz replied to bliss's topic in About The Way
BLiss, you asked for 10 questions..here's my shot at it.. you may not like them..but hey.. I'm SINCERE! 1. Do you really believe in devil spirits? 2. Why haven't any tongues ever, really been proven to be real? (likewise, other miracles) not saying they aren't, but still, why? 3. Why do you have to check your intellectual integrity at the door to get into this place? 4. Why are all the other sincere, talented Christian Bible scholars "idiots?" 5. Why couldn't the great man of God with all the gift ministries and manifestations and first-century-dunamis-in-the-twentieth-century-like-we've-never-seen-before manage to keep his penis in his married pants? 6. Why didn't Victor give credit where credit was due? (it's a family value) 7. Why were Rev's with serious pastoral responsiblites so woefully unprepared to fulfill their work before being sent out? 8. Why was Victor defrocked? ("defrocked" is to have one's ordination credentials rescinded). The lack of information (silence) from his former denominational authorities, the UCC is very suspicious. It almost certainly was not doctrine - that hearing would have been public. 9. Why was TWI's vitality so dependent on a person? 10. Why did the chairs need to be 'strung'? -
Ironic isn't it? Victor DID, in the end, make us experts in telling the real from the counterfeit. I can smell a closed mind a mile away... (but I can usually sense where fresh air might come in too). It's a tone, isn't it? it sounds like they might say "I know the answer." or "I know that I know...." if pressed (We've got better things to do -like run the other way) Anybody who talks like that knows nothing. He who knows, says nothing.
To a girl I never danced with... I like to have the sunshine soul of a smart woman before me as I prepare for words - thanks be to God for you. Take twiggy, she's yours My concordancing days may be over but... Wyeth had his Helga.
I was pretty happy with the ones who were there... the boy who wanted to be an astronaut la linda who made commercials the gal who asked me for a backrub (after Alistair Sims smiled) the skinny guy who stowed away on a plane to go join Jorma Kakonen's band the girl from Texas with red hair the girl from the Bronx with black hair the girl named Igor who could cook! the gent who made fireproof clothes the older, lonely, funny-as-purgatory gay guy the Ursaline girl with ammo the doctor's daughter who went Dutch the trekkie with a sailboat and a cigarette a Julliardess who took me to Bill Evans the F.I.T. girl(s) the nursing student that I married. oh, what book could contain all the genus of genial geniuses that I've loved in the Lord?
(I wasn't thinking of that Twiggy at all!) "Looking It Up in the Original" I was remembering blessed babe-a-lish-ous Word-worshipping-women with whom I concor-danced around the living room Friday nights seven-thirty to nine o'clock and, praise Allah, ever so miraculously... (like the sun standing still!) on the rooftop, the shore, in the dorm room, the park, and a grassy meadow beneath the shooting stars ever young, ever strong, ever, then never, crude ends.
Oh...such memories... Let me witness to you. hormones and scripture. innocence and experience collaterals and damage Greek and double-speak Devils and humans; who were worse, the imaginary or the hypocrite? Which was which? Each according to its kind. But oh Twiggy, let's go witness tonight. Oh, Twiggy, let's not witness the truth tonight. Oh Twiggy, let's witness together tonight. Witness Twiggy tonight. Witness Twiggy Tonight.
Anyone got a list of Way Corps participants by year? If not, what a great koproject for someone with time on their hands.
Hi Laleo, I'm the guy who wanted to take you to the opera.
If you see or talk to Bob , tell him a young guy from his hometown says, Hi. We hung out some while he was studying at Iona. I think I was 16 - I know I didn't have my license 'cause he let me steer - it was fun. We ran a class at Toni's house in Larchmont.
Oh...such memories... Let me witness to you. hormones and scripture. innocence and experience collaterals and damage Greek and double-speak Devils and humans; who were worse, the imaginary or the hypocrite? Which was which? Each according to its kind. But oh Twiggy, let's go witness tonight. Oh, Twiggy, let's not witness the truth tonight. Oh Twiggy, let's witness together tonight. Witness Twiggy tonight. Witness Twiggy Tonight.
Paw, I'm posting this link, not to advertise but to inform - 'cause I think the story in the description of the item might be of interest to Wayites of all flavors. If it's inappropriate here, I welcome your moderatorial intervention. :)--> http://cgi.ebay.com/Wierwille-Commissioned...1QQcmdZViewItem Love, Juan
Hi guys, I want to auction a limited edition print (10/10) by artist Barbara Fair - on ebay. She was in one of the first Way Corps, I think. I have a vague memory that her married name became Butler. Am I right? Peace, Juan
from my friend subsequently (sensing that my friend's intuition, if not her specific recommendation, is correct) -- to S... Subj.: Your loved one is all around you... She is with you and watching over you. She will be your guardian angel. I believe she is experiencing ultimate bliss her deepest (perhaps even unknown) heart's desires.... Her peace and joy are unimaginable to us. And I think a great love from her is available to you. [sometimes the pastoral outweighs the doctrinal.]
replies yes, I do.. life this cool probably doesn't end love this precious needs further development! I grok. I might re-read that simultaneously - then we could discuss
this response from a close friend - who usually does not talk about faith issues at all (but acts them out continuously)
A friend, whose mother died recently wrote me.. She also asked me to say more, about my belief in life after death. Yes, I have new user name. Please use only this one for me, thanks. "The old man is dead." lol Yes, I believe in God. I'm reading the best brief English introduction to Buddhism - from Huston Smith's "The World's Great Religions" (formally titled, "The Religions of Man"). Buddhism: sublime, beautiful, true ... but alas, for me, too impersonal to be my creed. I believe in a personal God because of the undeserved favor I've experienced in this life. To me, life feels like a gift from someone who loves us. It does not feel like a gift from someone who wants it to end (or must accept it ending) - but rather is wanting to, and able to, take us to another level of personal relationship - like a human love that's really working. I am rather a Platonist (again too impersonal as a creed) who sees all earthly and cosmic reality as a sign of heavenly realities - shadows on a cave wall of what's going on in the light of truth. I don't visualize that Giving Entity at all. Certainly not as a male-ish Father. Rather I perceive and experience manifestations of the Giver everywhere. I rather actively seek out new and novel intimations of Divine presence and reality and favor everywhere - like a fisher seeks for a catch. I've learned the best way to catch glimpses of Divinity is to love. If we do that, it's like fishing in a hatchery! The Divine-obsessed brother from Assisi was a great fisher of Love and revealed his techniques in a prayer: Lord, make us instruments of your peace. Where there is hatred let us sow love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is discord, union; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; Where there is sadness, joy. Grant that we may not so much seek To be consoled as to console; To be understood as to understand; To be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; It is in pardoning that we are pardoned; And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen
Wordwolf, I accept both corrections. My adventure needs no exaggeration in my memory or the telling. I noticed the speedometer over 70 numerous times just outside Manhattan (e.g. Lincoln tunnel and heading out to JFK airport) not IN Manhattan. On descents downtown (7th avenue once, and an eastern avenue once) I saw the speedometer over 60. The snow (and his lack of windshield washer fluid - did I mention THAT!?) made it harrowing. I ruined more than just a pair of winter gloves. lol Manhattan is a different place at 3:30 a.m. - by no means empty, but quieter. He verbally distained folk crossing against lights and cars pulling into his lane slowing him down. I made a mental note to give more space to trucks (they might be on a mission from God). This guy IS an accident waiting to happen. He did run red lights wherever he thought he could semi-safely. Yes, to WNEW, my teen years station. Its recent history is all too metaphoric for current American society in general, si'?