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Everything posted by wyteduv58

  1. ]SMILEYS[/url]we LOVE YOU MARY CATE PLEASE DON'T GO. Please please please
  2. :D--> Hey searcher----of course you may eat the bun but watch out for the weiney dog HE BITES lol. :D--> :P--> -->
  3. :D--> Thank you searcher for not leaving us. You have added a refreshing person to us greaser's YOU. I have read some of your posts and have found them very polite ( unlike some of us here) as on any forum you will always find trouble makers or people that love to put others down, especially if they are new and just want to chat and post, you just stay here and voice your opinions, they are worth something. Dovey
  4. I think either Woody Harrelson or Jim Balushi would be the perfict Loy How about Bea Arther for Rosilla I still say Karl Maldin for VPW. Steve Bushemi as Howard A And ya gotta put Robin Williams and Billy Crystal in there too but I can't think of who they could play Any suggestions for Robin and Billy? or maybe Adam Sandler?
  5. --> If you have the audacity to doubt my my veracity or even to insinuate thereto, I wil flex my flanges to such and extent as to horizontalize every parrallel in your perpendicularity. NOW REJECT THAT if you can tell me what it means. Love Dovey :D--> :P-->
  6. tom strange? hee hee I was thinking it meant saint rangers lol, but I like strange rangers too.
  7. What I'd like to know is how do you defrock one who wasn't frocked in the first place. And also I listen to Jo*n Hen*dric*s tapes all the time and he is great. A very nice person. and not a $ grubber. He doesn't ask for $ from people he just beleives God for what he needs and he usually gets it sometimes often from his own self.
  8. OH by the way if you want to listen to some absract hard rock by my sons band clear your address bar on your toolbar and type in suffer.net you can listen to a couple of his songs and see him singing and if you e-mail him he will send you a suffer t-shirt and a CD of his music. I don't care for some of his music but love his voice when he sings ballads.
  9. I remember after my wow year around 1981-82 ole LCM anounced at the rock how tickeled he was that he bought the newest Stone Temple Pilots or was it pirates before his daughter did. I don't know much about the S.T.P band, plus I remember him playing alot of "worldly music" at the dances. I was told to get rid of my music tapes and albums but I refused to do it. The only thing I got rid of was my weegie board, took it out back and burned it. Also during my wow year we got the notice from VP to only listen to country music, which was fine by me cuz I love country music as well as just about any music except Jazz never did like jazz and still don't.
  10. Refiner check your private topics please. Dovey
  11. Hey don't forget the Dodgers this year. They been out front for most of the season and I think they got a good shot at winning the pennant this year. If they do go to the world series who do you think will go from the AL I'd like to see the Dodgers and Yankees (my second best team) or the Angels also one of my favorite teams. BTW what is the st in front of the rangers mean? and also what ist this new tech system thingy, isn't it something to do with the umpires? making em honest or sumpin?
  12. Gee mI'll try almost anything to releive my arthritis as it is spreading and getting so bad that sometimes I can't walk, which by the way is why I want a laptop wireless so I don't miss so much time in here with my friends!
  13. Dear WG, My hubby was on lipitor for awhile and had almost the same side effects as you due, but no rash thank God. But he had the rest of them and more. so his Doc took him of lipitor and put him on Norvasc and he has had no side effects whatsoever and it works. I am also on Norvasc but not for high blood pressure or high cholesteral, I'm on it for my heart because I had a heart attack about 5 years ago and it turned out that I have what they call a thready artery and not enough blood was getting to my heart so the Norvasc is to open the artery a bit and I take aspirin to thin my blood and so far I've had no problems with my heart ever since. I would ask your Doc about Norvasc. As always you and all us greasers are in my prayers. LOVE, DOVEY
  14. Good idea, but I was thinking of Karl Malden as VPW and the guy that played "white men can't jump" as Loyboy, can't remember his name for the life of me. Kathy Bates is too pretty to be rosie. I'm falling asleep at the putor so I will come back to this later. --> Love, Dovey Pie
  15. Sounds to me that OM and Mike should get together and compare notes on "I just love docvic" or "Why is everbody picin on me" or maybe Mike is OM in desguise or vice versa. But in defence of Mike at least he has a heart, I think oldies lost his or it turned to stone. I too wonder why TWI would kick OM out, I mean he is likeminded with them. :o-->
  16. They beleive thier poop doesn't smell and our lives and money belong to them. Not anymore TWI we got our lives back and our money or tithe goes to someone else. And God has lead us into prosperity without you help.
  17. Me too outandabout, I also miss by autobiography and would like it back.
  18. I too miss the ROA and I still miss all my friends that knew me for over 20 years and are not allowed to have anything to do with us anymore, mostly because of the lies that were told about us behind our backs, 2 still speak to us and 2 is better than none. Can't help it but I do miss them and pray they get OUT. I miss our wonderful fellowship that we ran in our house, we really were close but thankfully all but one family who were givin our twig left with us about 25-35 wonderful people some of them our kids. When the kids were told they had to have nothing to do with us they left too. I miss our best branch coor. Dave Bergey although they left too but live about 1 and 1/2 hours away now so we don't get to see them as much as we would like to. I miss another best branch leader Steve and Diane Bowman what a blast we had with them, but thank God they are out now and I will go spend a weekend with them in Ariz. Can someone post a thread about what we don't miss? I got more don'ts than do's. lol
  19. Not sure but I think he was in the research dept. All I know for sure is that he was way up the food chain.
  20. hhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm lets see now what do I want to read from them~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~uh nuttin.
  21. I saw Takit and love the show. It was in Ca. early 80's or late 70's I think. After we went out wow and F9 we came back to Ca. and guess who's twig we were put in...Tom Saffold and Takit all of them, what a great time we had, Tom was so funny, Vicky and I could talk for hours along with Nancy Mesquite. Wish I could see them again. If any of you are lurking in here I Love You. And would love to get an e-mail from any of you then I will tell you my real name. Love, Dovey
  22. Well isn't this entertaining, NOT. For the most part I agree with Raf on this. I am against abortion and always have been with the exception of saving the mothers life although the catholics beleive in saving the baby befor the mother. Also as to Adam.......God breathed life into him....duh..who else was around to do it? his mother? and Adam wasn't a baby he was full grown so God had to make him an helpmate, so obviously Adam was in need of sex and companionship and how else could they have babies to populate the world. I feel so bad for those poor women who had to have abortions not to protect her life, but to protect the MOG's livelyhood. Still I have to wonder not if but how many little Weirwille's or LCM's are alive today because the women refused to end baby's life.
  23. This is how I responded until about the last 5 years we were in. Thats when we got the leadership from hell. At first they scared me into obediance, then I started to be resentful of their constant intrusian into every facit of our lives. Especially when they started telling me when I could or couldn't go to my son's baseball games, I had to keep a record of everything I did during the day in 15 minute intervals, I hadda do a lot of lying on that then ask God for forgiveness cuz I didn't give every waking moment of my life to TWI. Thats when I really started to beleive that there was something seriously wrong with LCM and TWI, all that cussing and homo bashing got old real quick. So I started to pray to God that I could leave TWI without loosing my husband. THEN I started thinking and praying to God to get me OUT no matter what. The last straw was when they blamed us for our son running away (we later found out he was running from TWI not us). They said we were no longer suitable? to run a twig and they called our assistant twig coor. and his wife over to our house and took our twig away and gave it to them. On their part there was alot of cussing, screaming, and table pounding going on. We were told that we had to face the whole branch and I guess confess our sin's? what sin's? After they left I finally told my husband that I was not going to this meeting or mental crucifiction? I said I was getting out of TWI as of that night and glory be my hubby said he wanted out too for a long time but didn't think I would go too. HHHMM so much for communication huh? So we finally left, thank you God for answering our prayers. BTW the whole rest of our twig left with us except the couple who took our twig. and we had about 30- 40 people in our twig so they TWI lost alot of ABS. hee hee. P.S. our son ran away because of abuse by leader from hell. :D--> :D--> This is how we feel now and all of us are prospering. And we still tithe but not to TWI. ;)-->
  24. Hi Mr. Hammeroni, My yougest son is also an athlete a baseball player a "jock" as you say but he doesn't smoke,do drugs,screw around and is a very nice kid with lots of friends, captian of his team, not a bigmouth who thinks he knows it all. He is everything LCM isn't but should have been. I'm very proud of him and all the other athletes or athletes children in here. My son also has what LCM never had....integrity. Thanks for your post.
  25. I really don't think LCM can help himself cuz he's got a desease called constipation of the brain and diarreah of the mouth. :D--> :D--> :D-->
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