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Everything posted by wyteduv58
Sorry to all who favor the draft but there isn't enough money $ in this world to let my son die in that God aweful place they call a country.
Soon, soon, soon. I love it when the plan works!!!!!!!!!!!! Raf, you'll see Stanley soonest. Love ya, Dovey
A friend of mine just told me today that Bush is going to bring back the draft. Does anyone know if this is true or a rumor to scare the heck out of me cuz I got 2 son's of drafting age and I don't want them to go to Iraq too many of our boys are getting killed over there in that God forsaken unholy war that seems to be turning into another Veitnam, I don't beleive we belong there anymore. Bush got what he wanted Saddam! So I think we should get our boys and girls back home. I think Bush is a warmonger. :(--> -->
:)--> :)--> :D--> :D--> :D--> :D-->Sorry to take so long to let all GS'er know that his Royal Flatness hath arrived in sunny California on NOVEMBER 19 (my oldest daughter's Birthday) eeeyyyhhaa -->woo woo. I would have posted before this but had to have another epidural 5 needles this time instead of 1 which knocked the $hit out of me and been bedriddan since that day, but this is the first time I've been able to get up at 4:am to boot and the pain has lessoned enought for me to sit up, so I am! Anyway Stanley just loves Calif. He said it was nice to be warm again and would like to stay and have Thanksgiving with our family, Then I shall send him on to Florida to meet Raf. He's having the time of his life traveling al over the place and say's thank you to everyone he has visited. ;)--> So Raf be ready cuz he's excited about goin to another warm? state. :D--> :)--> And thanks to my bro. Dove for the delightful gifts. Also do I get to keep the pamplets or send them to Raf. I read them and would like to keep them, they are WONDERFUL :D--> --> -->.xxxooo :D--> :)--> WILED FLATNESS YOU MAKE MY HEART SING, YOUR EVERYTHING WILED THING
I try never to look for cobwebs anymore they never hurt anyone and at christmas time you can spray them with colored "dust" and they look beautiful. I never say renew your mind and will smack anyone who tells me to. I know I'm in for it when someome especially leadership says to me "How would you like to get blessed?" I just know that means giving something of mine that I want or be cleaning some lazy leaders house (thats why thier homes are so clean cuz they get us to do the work) instead of taking care of our house we do thiers and then get yelled at for being a slob. I can stay up late at night now and sleep late if I want w/o guilt. I could go on and on but don't want to bore you to tears as many leaders have in thier teachings BOOORRRINGGG
UH Rascal my dear aren't you in the wrong thread? Love ya, Dovey
Yes I care about the pain those two families are going thru especially Sharon Rocha. Having lost a beautiful son and grand daughter you bet I care. :o-->
Are You Wondering If Someone is Still on Staff?
wyteduv58 replied to Nottawayfer's topic in Friend Tracker
YES I'm looking for Sharen Kay Ritchi last I heard she was at H.Q. in the food dept. -
:(--> eeeeeeeewwwwwwww nasty. But maybe, if I can wash it down with orange juice. :D--> --> Good God what am I saying, me who can't even clean it up w/o puking arrggg, splat. --> --> :(-->
I still Love my good old Cali. been here since 5 yrs. old from Brooklyn NY. Love my Dodgers too. my dad and grand dad were also Dodger fans starting from NY. Anyone live close to Covina? we are about 18 miles east of LA.
Good one Shell, I agree with most of what you say, except I don't want to live in the woods in a log cabin, I'm strickley a city girl (but not to big of a city) mine is about 40,000. Love ya girlfriend, Dovey
Say does anyone remember that VPW taugh hat a healing fromGod was a permenant healing? I do, so why did the cld sore come back after the so called healing? The only real healing that I actully witnessed was when my future husband healed my 13 year old daughter of asthma, which plagued he from infancy. I can't count the number of times we had to rush her to the hospital. Than one afternoon after a serious attack my soon to be hubby asked her if she was tired of being sick, she said yes, he told her that God could heal her instantly she beleived him and he ministered healing to her and now she is 40 and has never had another attack of asthma. Do I beleive in healing? You betcha. Im beleiving for me own healing now but I think as we grow older something happens to us to where we ? healing. Whats that all about.
Cowgirl beautiful.........Did you take that picture?
Galen you couldn't have said it better.
I was married at the age of 16 and had dated mu husband for almost two years, in the state of calif. you can marry an underage girl with her parents permission, I had a friend who married at 13 don't knoe if it lasted or not. I don't beleive an 18 year old is a child molester for dating a 15-16 year old girl and I mean just dating if they are having sex together then I don't know especially if the girl is consenting. And if the parents allow thier girl to date a 18 year old then aren't they consenting? Hormones run amock at the age so they will probably expieriment a the very least. As for genuine child molesters, pre puberty children boy or girl the guy should be hun by his ba!!s til they fall of and spend the rest of his life in prison.
PAW has been around with gs cafe since Way dale and I for one think he is the greatst. I wouldn't put up with a fraction of what he does, but I really think we need this site to help others and to vent our frustrations in a civilized way, not picking on each other cuz we all have differrent stories about our time in TWI. Also as far a I know Paw is not married at this time unless he snuck off and did it. And he definatly is NOT a wife beater. LOVE YA PAW, YOUR PAL DOVEY
:(--> --> Oh Rascal I feel so bad for you and like all your friends in here will pray that God will comfort your heart, for he will never leave you nor forsake you. :)--> LOVE TO YOU FROM DOVEY -->
--> hhhhhMMMMMMMKmakazi pigs eh? I guess it could be done, but I don't know how.
I'm so sorry Raf I loved going there to read the forums and post when I can remember my handle and password. I guess I'll have time to think up something I can remember, LOL :(--> --> I'm sure you and Bluesman will put a better one together. I will be praying for you both. :P--> --> LOVE, dovey
WOW JOHN LYNNE? i LIKE HIM HE WAS ALWAYS NICE TO ME AND SENDS ME FREE TAPES. :D--> i REJECT REJECTION. :(--> --> well maybe I reject Loy boy and his filthy mouth. :D--> -->
I voted " huh?" cuz you didn't say what is or isn't big. :D--> So exactley what is the topic? boobs and penis's? or what? :D--> GO YANKS EEEHHHAAA
Well according to our (sic) leadership we were devil possesed. At least that is what they told our area twiggies. Now most of them are gone too. DAMN ITS GETTING CROWDED IN HERE. ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!
--> --> sob, my beloved Dodgers have lost again. :D--> :D--> Oh well maybe next year. I will now be rooting for the yankees ( after all I am from NY, Brooklyn ) so I will stick to a new york team. :P--> :D--> congratulations Cards but I will root for whoever you play against. ;)--> And I think Beltre should get MVP award. Not Bonds, anyone but Bonds. :D-->