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Everything posted by wyteduv58
Hi Paw and Steve I'm looking for the picture, lost it in putor, but as soon as I find nit I will send it to you. LOVE DOVEY
Eagle, Remember God, maybe these people will get a bad reference to heaven BTW wE WERE BATTERED BY twi TOO, and lost all our friends. Thank God for Waydale and G.S. Cafe, now I got lots of friends right here.
Paw all of a sudden my picture of the little dashund in a bun dissapeared. And also I would like to change it anyway but don't know how to. PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! --> Love Dovey
Roy, bless you. I did se that show and I think it hooky-pook. I beleive that anyone who actually got healed got it because of God and thier own beleiving.
--> Didn't I read that the woman was 49 years old. If thats an old lady then I must be dead. I'm in my 50's and I don't feel or look old. :P--> I think Vickles and all who think this woman was mean and in it for the money are right. This woman is nothing but a greedy snake and I heard her usband encouraged her to sue so he and her lost a lot more than they gained, jobs for him and maybe her too, lost her integrety and probably some of her friends over such a nice act these 2 girls were trying to do. :D--> I say I wish more teens were that way, and anyone who says differently is not being very loving or realistic.
This is a great thread and I too spend my money wherever and whenever I please. I even give money to the homeless every month. So poo poo to you TWI.
Hi Mark, My son is lead singer in a band and got to be good friends with Dimebag. Off stage he was a very nice and interesting guy. Son agreed that he was a great guitarist. They first met when he was with Pantera and remained in contact with each other. Needless to say my son was heartbroken when he was murdered. I thought the guy was weird at first, but soon found out that you can't judge a book til you read it. Thanks for this thread Mark, Dimebag was an incredible person I just wish you could have known him.
Leanne where is the plce you found out I can't find friend trackers in here.
Who said Rochelle committed suicide? She was killed in the accident, wasn't she? Even back at Indiana campus we had no idea anyone was killed, we were only told that there was an accident and not much else. Of course we F7 and F9 were very curious and rumors did fly. When the victims started to arrive we were pushed away from them, I don't think even thier friends were allowed to cross thier sanctum sanctorum. My WOW brother and sister were 11th corps at Emporia and when they were sent to Indiana for a block they didn't know any more than we did I think. I may just give Dan or Vicki V. a call and ask what they knew now that they are out. Yes Vicki will tell me everything she knows. And by the way Kevin was our group leader previous to the accident and I thought he was very capable. We, me my hubby. Cathy J. and Kevin all slept in the same tent together and had some interesting conversations. I was mad at him the first few days but soon got over it. Someday I'll tell why I was so mad, but thats another thread. Don't wanna derail this one. Hcw THIS WAS A GREAT THREAD. I wish I had known Rochelle, she deserved so much better. BTW was there ever at least a memorial for her?
Dear HCW, I just now read this thread and I remember that accident, it happend right after we F9 got back from lead and they started bringing in people from that wreck to recoup at Rome City, I think the first one to arrive was Carol Seed's sister, she came in with a hugh cast on her leg. But no one was allowed to talk to any of them, they were kept in the executive? rooms and spoke to no one. It made some of us mad because we felt we could have helped them in some way. All we were told was they had a traffic accident on the was to or from lead. I'm so happy to finally know the truth.
:D--> Hey Roy, are you married? I got a beautiful daughter who is single my friend. LOL ;)--> --> :P-->
Not to mention all those greenbacks they could have had. Dovey
Dear Roy, I know who you are talking about and I had gotten some very nasty e-mails from some of them, not the owner tho. I was sending him personal e-mails w/ attachments and thought they were goin to him, but instead went to te yahoo groups. I too removed my name from thier list but still have a nice relationship with the owner who I care for very much but to put it plainly some of his moderators suck. Roy check your pt's as I want to ask you something OK? Love and hugs from Dovey
I have always enjoyed your posts and sweet nature you make me feel that there are truely good people around who love others no matter who they are, and don't ever worry about your grammar as I can't spell for s.h.i.t. I am a fan of yours from your first post in here. Kepp up the good work you are truly blessed and bless others as well. Love and Hugs and Holy kisses blown your way from my way.
I hear ya Pirate I only got to know my moms mom, her dad died 2 weeks after my birth and I never got to know my dads parents but dad told me alot about them they were Irish but born in England and had cockney accents. What a blessing it is to have grandparent and get to really know them.
Whats Kwaanza?
Vickles my dear thank you for this post Something else to maybe add that granparents get to spoil them then send em home hee hee lol
Laci was adopted by her stepfather when she was 2 years old so they could easilie do a mydo-condrial DNA with her mothers DNA.
Stupidest man? easy L. Craig Martindale
Vickles my good friend, please be real the guy was a psycopath--leagally not insane. and how much more evidence do you need to figure the guy was guilty as sin, I don't know what you got from the news where you live but here in Calif. I and alot of others watched the trial very closely for 2 years daily on court tv and other stations. At first I didn't beleive he did it either but as evidence grew I came to see he was the only one that could have done it and incriminated himself all over the place. Love Ya, Girlfreind, Dovey PS. please send me you e-mail addy, the one I have is no longer in use. and I still have the same yahoo IM.
Cindy, Glad everything went well with your toofy.
Belle you hit it right on the head there. I just wonder what went thru Laci's mind when she realized her own husband and the father of their child was murdering not only her but there baby too. None of us know how he killed her, did she suffer? did he beat her to death? strangle what? we don't have a clue as to what he may have done to her unless he confesses which I doubt he will do. He's already said "I'll be out in a year" how arrogant is that?
Thank you all for your input. After I posted this I think my daughter suggested I get a full on physical including scans, upper and lower GI's the whole bannana so I did the first thing I found out was the excrutiating pain in my left hip that kept me bedridden so much of the time is due to a slipped disk in my lower back and I had two eppidurals since Oct. and will have another one next Wed. They worked very well and by the second one all the pain was gone. But beleive it or not while walking down the hospital hall on my way for an upper GI I tripped on a metal strip across the hall much like a threshold strip the was not flush with the floor and I flew head first on the floor cracking my left eyebrow and landing on my left side requiring stitches to an inch long gash to my left eyebrow, and reinjuring my back so thats why I'm having the the third epidural done. After I got out of the emergency room I went and had the Upper GI done and found out what was once was a tiny ulcer is now a great big one thus the pain in my stomach and inablity to keep food or water down. He gave me previcid which so far is working pretty well. I'm still on pain meds but have tried to cut down on them and using ibuprophen to help I also have an infection in my lower left gum due to bone chips working thier way out, boy does that hurt lol but my daughter wrote a Rx for me for an antibiotic and I have an appointment get the bone chips removed ( many of my friends in here know that I haven't had any bottom teeth in about 2 years cuz of the bone chips). Only then can I get my bottom teeth to fit and I couldn't wear them because of the swelling. Please friends pray for my teeth I want to eat regular foods again uh oh a steak would be so good. lol. Because of the ulcer I can't eat spicey food but thats OK cuz I don't like hot stuff anyway. THANKS FOR YOUR HELP HERE I REALLY GOT ALOT OUT OF YOUR POSTS KEEP EM COMING PLEASE CUZ I'M SO IGNORANT ABOUT NATURAL HEALTH. I did learn after many times of having cracks that hurt in the corners of my lips that riboflavin will heal this in just a few days. This is for you who may have the same problem. and the B vitamins are great I love em. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL OF THE GREASERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't see it either, but have had a moment or two with an out of control kid, its embarrasing so I usually just got them out of there fast. What I can't stand is women who look at me like I should beat my kid in front of them which I refused to do, I don't beleive in hitting and I'm not about satisfy thier desire to see see a little kid hit.
Every year my kids ask me what to get thier dad for Christmas and I tell them the same thing, give him a gift card or give him something he can take back and get what he wants cuz he is the hardest person to buy for. BTW this year he wants a new truck and I told him to get it himself if he wants one bad enough. Hee hee