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Everything posted by wyteduv58

  1. Vickles, I do the same thing with my taties, but I add onion soup mix and a little water then wrap in foil. You can do this on the grill or in the oven. Rottie I BBQ all year long too. I live in southern calif. Dovey
  2. I love it. I got a joke too but its not a redneck joke. A burgler broke into a house and while in the process of stealing he heard a voice say "Jesus is watching you". He froze and looked around in the dark but saw nothing so he went back to his stealing when again the voice said "Jesus is watching you". This time it really scared him so he turned on his flashlight and saw a parrot sitting on a perch. He said your not Jesus. The parrot said no i'm Moses. The Rottwieller is Jesus. Dovey
  3. --> --> :D--> :D--> :)--> :)--> Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear suz, happy birthday to you!!!!!and many more. Lovey Dovey Dovey
  4. My dog was 15 years old and he started doing the same thing. He would pee in our son's bedroom and thats where he stayed most of the time cuz he was afraid of the cat. Our vet told us that at his age its possible that he had a weak bladder cuz he only pee'd in the house not pooped. Its not uncommon for a dog that age to have a weak bladder. We used arm and hammer no vacuum foam deoderizer and that took the smell out of the rug. He also had a bit of arthritis and didn't like to go out either cuz the cold air would make it worse. He was very healthy til he got some kind of growth on his eye and because of his age the doc didn't want do surgery on him because of the anesthisia. We finally had to put him to sleep when we saw he was suffering because of his eye. We miss him so much as he was born in our house and spenthis life here. Also having another dog in the house could cause a bit of jealesy and thats a good way for him to get attention even tho it may be negative for you sometimes they are just like little kids in that respect. I agree wih taking him out and giving him alot of praise when he goes outside. I hope this helps a little. Good luck with your little dog. Oh and by the way you can pray for him too, we did and beleive it or not it really helped, God loves him too ya know. Dovey
  6. I get those discusting pop-ups too so I started reporting them as spam and I don't get them as much as before. Dovey
  7. 100 extra hours of pfal? I would have killed myself first. I also have a memory problem although I can't remember what it is that I forgot. BUT it must have been important or I would have remembered wouldn't I? By the way, whats a chad? If only I were the woman I knew to be.....but I forgot who I wanted to be. I do however have the hidden abilitie to ramble on and on about absolutly nothing, mainly cuz I disremember what the hell I was talking about in the first place. Is disremember the same as forgetfulness? HHmm I really don't remember. If I could remember where my dictionary was I would look up the word that I can't remember. WWWeeeelllll I voted hell no. (I think) Dovey
  8. Here is john's address: Christian Research and Fellowship.../P.O. Box 670853....Marietta, Georgia, 30066......Tell him Terry and Sandi said hello Dovey
  9. Psalmie and Chinney, Happy birthday to your wonderful children. How fortunate (dare I use that word?) they are to have moms like you. My little boy will be 18 on the 21st of May. WWWWhhhhh I wanna keep him a little boy, he's the last child I have at home. Dovey
  10. I want a weiney dog for mom's day. And for my birthday also today I want my family all together. Dovey
  11. OOOOhhh, Thank you everyone, you guys are so wonderful. I love you all and I wish I could see everyone of you. But we'll all be together oneday right? Dovey
  12. Zixar, My dad used to say the bagpipes sounded like two cats in heat. lol Dovey
  13. I don't know where that screen is when I hit login it says I'm logged in but I wasn't, bu no I am. Also where is mypop? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the login screen there is a checkbox that says something like, "Check here if you don't want to keep logging in". Do you check that box before logging in? posted April 30, 2003 12:12 Previous Topic | Next Topic Chat Room www.gscafe.com Navigating through the Forums New Forum Questions and tips Stuff you can do here Reply Contact Us | Chat Room © 2002 View $GS_USERNAME's Public Profile Add $GS_USERNAME to my Contacts Invite $GS_USERNAME to a Private Topic View Recent Posts by $GS_USERNAME Notify me of New Posts by $GS_USERNAME Rate Topic Quick Reply to: Stuff you can do here Dovey
  14. My mother was born in Scotland and you guest it she played the bagpipes. Dovey
  15. I used to play the piano, but now I just play the radio. I'm much better at the radio LOL Dovey
  16. I still want to know where to login. Where it says you are not logged in and yo hit login it doesn't work so I have to keep bugging poor Paw to help me and he is doing his best but I still get logged in and out and an't seem to stay loged in. I hope this makes sence, to someone who may have the same problem and has solved it. Its agravating when you want to post and can't cux your not logged in and can't figure ut how to do it. MY, my ,my Ihope im not toomuch ofa pain in the buttocks. I love you all. Hip,hip horray for Paw. He's done agreat sevice to us all. Love him much for puting up with me. Dovey
  17. I took the name wytedove from my husband cuz I liked it. I don't know where he got it but its mine now and he has a different name cuz I wouldn't give up wytedove. Suz calls me lovey dovey. Hope I can live up to it.
  18. Happy birthday to my son Michael. He is 24 on April 21st. A wonderful son he is. Love Mom
  19. Thanks Paw for our very own GS cafe and for the former waydale you guys have made the transition from the way a whole lot easier for so many of us, and thank all of you from the chatrooms, we have really had fun in there. Love those pictures, now I can put faces to some of the people i've been chatting with ad thosewho post in the forums. Love to All G.S ers Dovey
  20. Was in Jeannett Pa. as a wow in 1981-82. Would like to hear from other Pa. wows that year. Dovey
  21. I live in so. cali and damn proud of it. Who no's nolonger, maybe we know each other. Wouldn't that be a kick? Or maybe we have friends in common. Love California,,,,,Dovey
  22. wyteduv58


    Awww come-on there must be some of us smart enough to say enough to twi. I'm begging to think we are the only one's from F9 to wise up and get out. But no matter we love you just the same. The Dove
  23. HEY DOT, Last I heard abot Chuck he was living in Los Angeles and running a non twi fellowship. Hope this is of some help to you. Love Dovey
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