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Everything posted by wyteduv58
OK year2027 Moving go go go Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
diazbro,Dot,Steve,Garth,Oldiesman, Thank you all for your input, it really makes me feel better to know that I don't have to forgive them, especially because they never asked me to nor would they (with the excetion of our B.C,) even admit they were wrong in the first place. Not one of them that slandered us from L.C.M all the way down the chain of leadership ever once called on us to hear our side of the story, they just got up in meeting of one sort or another ie twig,branch,area,state, etc. And told lies about us, and it seems like the higher the leader was the more slander was made against us, like they were making it up as they were going along,ie, adding to it. We later heard things about us that we didn't even know lol Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
Oh Dot thank you for that, you made my day dear Dot and Exxie and all of you dear friends in here. If sharing myself in this way can help one person then its worth it. Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
My dear, dear, Exxie.......You are just wonderful do you know that? Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
oopS HIT THE WRONG BUTTON. now to continue......... They fooled us once.....shame on them.......If I get fooled again then shame on me. Once again thank you all for your love and support I don't know what I would have done if it hadn't been for waydale and greasespot cafe. I love you all. Love Dovey Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
Dear friends, I did not mean to start an arguement. I just got so mad at something I read, that I really needed to vent. It was probably a long time coming for me and I too on occasion make excuses for what they did to me and others. But I now (I think) realize that they can't make anything up to me so maybe I should just let it go, but that is really hard to do. Yes I can probably forgive them, but they never apologized to me in the first place and secondly even if I forgive them how can I forget too? Can they give me the years back that they took from me? No Can they give me my son back? no Can they resore our good names that they lied about and destroyed? no Has any leader ever apologized for the lies? Yes one our B.C. Left twi and found our e-ail address and e-mailed an apologized to us for going along with the lies they told and the hurt they caused. Did we forgive him? YES Can we forget too? No How do you forget your own son and what they did to first rob me of the greiving we needed to go thru, then years later trash our lives like we were something less than human and our lives didn't mean a thing to them. I hate the expression forgive and forget because even though you can forgive anything you can't forget some things and I don't ever want to forget my son. I want to remember him and the 10 precious years I had him. The rest of the stuff they did to us I try not to dwell on too much, but it is still there in our background, but I did learn a lesson from them. STAY THE H#LL OUT OF CULTS. Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
Hhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm Rottie thats a good question why do they have the same tune? Maybe the same person wrote both songs snd didn't know any other tunes? Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
I would just like to know how to send pictures and I don't understand computor jargon so it would be like explaining it to a 6 year old for me to understand lol but true. Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
Dear Dot, I know what you mean about not letting us be negative when something devestating happens, we need to talk about it. I had a beautiful son that was hit and killed by a car in 1980. He was only one month shy of his 10th birthday and I was devastated, I needed to talk about it to someone so desparately and because of the way-brained a$$ hole leaders that thought they were councellors my need to talk was snuffed out. I was told to go WOW and then into the corpse. That was supposed to heal me they said. So like good little wayfer I did it and suppressed my grief in front of others, cuz most of them didn't have a brain between all of them, but they were leaders and you don't question leaders, after all they have all the answers don't they? You know what one of them told me? He said my God let my boy die because he might grow up to be a homo or murderer or something worse, so God killed him to save him? I can remember going out in the woods by myself behind our wow home and screaming at the top of my lungs just to releive the mental anguish I was going thru. And the Corpse was even worse, trying to act happy all the time when I just wanted to scream at everyone "my son is dead" and you tell me to get over it like he was a dog or something. When we got back home it was like walking into a nightmare, just seeing our house and neighbors and the "ghost" of my baby. My mental health took a nose dive, but I still had to keep it in, then just over 2 years ago my little 4 year old grandaughter died after heart surgery. That did it for me. I went into a catatonic state and stayed there for about 3 months. Thanks to a good "natural man" psyciatrist I've been able to work thru the oain and learn to handle it. Not get over it, that will never happen. You just learn how to handle it. Now I'm able to help my son try to get his life back togather because I know what he is going thru and he will NOT have to do it alone like I did. In my opinion any one of those so called counsellors in twi should be prosecuted for all the damage they did to so many of us. Not just me. Alot of people went thru something similar and got the same treatment I got which was nothing. I just thank my God and my wonderful husband who stuck with me even when leaders told him to divorce me cuz they thought I was nuts.....well duh I wonder why? My hubby stuck with me and made sure I got the help I needed. I'm still going to my "shrink". and probably will for a long time. But I did get myself back when I left twi and even got a sense of humor to boot. I know this is a sad story but its true and I can finally talk about it without feeling guilty for being negative. You keep up the good work and speak your mind. Love ya girl Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
As in THE way we were and now NOT THE way we were Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
Chinson's birthday is this Saturday!
wyteduv58 replied to Steve!'s topic in Birthdays and Anniversaries
YAHOO.......Today my grandaughter is 18 years old.....that makes me um about 30? Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey -
Thanks Outin88, So glad to here Dale is really a Dr. and not a fake like someone we know. I have quite a few of his tapes, but kind of lost track of him over the years. It doesn't seem like we been out of twi for 8 years already. I loose track of time. I really liked Dale and Vicki Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
Not to derail this thread but when did Dale Sides become Dr. Dale Sides? Dale ministered mental healing to me a couple of weeks after we left twi I was so depressed I thought I was going nuts and I happened to be reading one of his books and saw his phone number and called him. He was so mad at what twi were doing to me and others I thought he was going to blow a gasket, but he ministered to me and I immediately got mentally healed. I later took one of his classes that he ran in my state, but he didn't go by DR.S. Did he get a doctorate? I think I listened to his christian witchcraft tape til it wore out. Anyways like I said I don't want derail this thread as it is very interesting. It sounds like vpw didn't have an original thought in his head and lcm had more than a few loose screws. I beleive lcm was jealous of BG Leonard and thats why he blew a fuse over BG being at the rock, and also Loy was starting to REALLY get into homo bashing at that time. Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
Chinson's birthday is this Saturday!
wyteduv58 replied to Steve!'s topic in Birthdays and Anniversaries
Chinney, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey -
Rottie do go see the princess bride Iv'e seen it several times and just love it. Andre the giant is in it and he is so sweet. You'll love it. Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
Steve, I went there and there were a zillion anti virus places and I didn't find one that was completely free. Only free trials then ya gotta pay. I just want free as in conpletely free. Do you know of one that is really free? I appreciate your help. Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
Thanks Steve I will go there right now. Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
I hated the wooden spoon, and I don't beleive in hitting my children or anyone else's. I got into a lot of trouble for not using the spoon, but there are other ways of correcting a child. Time out is one, a sharp no is another and I could go on and on but putor is acting up. HHHHHHmmmmmmm maybe I should use a wooden spoon on putor.lol I also told anyone watching my kids in childrens fellowshio not to use the spoon or my kids would tell me and there would be hell to pay. Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
I never used the wooden spoon and anyone who used one on my kids I guaruntee they never did it again. My kids would tell me and my usual kick back self would turn into the hulk.lol Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
I just went to the open forum and lo and behold less than a minute later my putor jumped back in here. WHY O WHY ME Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
My putor is jumpin all over the place without my help, I,m in one thread and all of a sudden I,m jumped to another thread. Also having trouble getting my new topics to show up. this is the third thread I've tried to post in Questions and tips. It went on for a few minutes then dissappeared. Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
Sunny dear, if you were grabbed by your arms then you WERE DEFINATELY ABUSED PHSICALLY. I'm so sorry for all of us that took the abuse thinking we must have deserved it, but no one deserved abuse of any kind. What happened to the love of God. Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
When hubby and I decided to leave twi we were accused of being possesed becase our 16 year old son ran away. They said we were bad parents and wanted us to tell them our "sins" hubby recalled a few, but nothing serious (he's a saint in my book) I got more sins than he does but I refuse to confess, that went over like a lead ballon and soon they started screaming obsenities at us and pounded on our table. Then they sent us to our room and called our assistant twig leaders to come over. When they got here they were told to take over our twig cuz we had to start all over from PFAL and take every class as tho we were new babes We could here them laughing in our dining room, then when they sent them home we were called back in, and they wanted me to leave my hubby so I wouldn't get contaminated by his devil spurts. I said no way hosay. We are leaving. So get out of our house. they left but not without telling us we were damned because even our son couldn't stand us. The next day my hubby went to sons school and gave out flyers for $100.00 for info on our sons whereabouts. Within the hour we got a call telling us were he was, so hubby went and got him home and he told us that he ran away because branch co. was abusing him alot along with some other boys and they didn't think we would beleive him We told him thay we left twi and boy was he blessed, he came home and didn't leave til he was ready to make it on his own and he is doing geat now. The kicker is that when we left so did out twig except the couple that took our twig only they had no one left to lead,lol. I waw beside myself with joy by gettin out of that miserable excuse for a ministry. We have been blessed by God ever since and have abundantly prospered in the money category better than when we were in twi and we still tithe to this day although not to them. I thank God for getting us out of there. NO MORE ABUSE FROM THEM. thier initials are NL and BN can anyone guess who they are? Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
Exxie I did lol Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
Oh exxie my dear, Thanks so much. Look like we both been to hell and back twice girlfriend Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey