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Everything posted by waterbuffalo

  1. Goodness! You're an old married man, now, Raf !!!!! All the best to you and the Mrs. :)
  2. Dooj, I love Koi Pond. Couldn't see the others. Did you get a lot for them? You deserve it if you did. Sorry for not reading all the comments if you told us before. :D
  3. Hope it's a good, peaceful one Bowtwi!!!
  4. Thanks, JJ. Those are wonderful!
  5. Before July 9th works for me, but don't move it on my account...
  6. Annam, don't let the door hit you yada yada yada.... apprently you don't get why people come here....
  7. Hi Roy. As MO said, I did have a profound, life changing experience the first time I spoke in tongues. It was only afterwards when I attended a Twig and heard tongues with interpretation that I knew it had a name. I just knew it was another, heavenly language, and it was praise to God. It was one real thing in my life that will never change. No one has ever been able to mess that memory up.
  8. Ala, that is great. No, actually, you've left only good in my life. Thx Paw. Love that song. They did it pretty well.
  9. How pawky, Geo! Good one. The Highway, I loved what you said and saved it in a Word doc. You are a cool dudette. Everyone else, thanks as well. Great insights.
  10. cool and OE, watz the weather like up there in say early July? warm at all yet?
  11. Thanks waysider. That dude can pick!
  12. In a land far, far away resides Coco, the poodle... Click to see what happened to the little darling... http://dogphoria.com/my/mydoghouse.aspx?hg...d0-c3fe495680e9
  13. ...a muslim girl who undergoes an "honor killing" by her brothers, uncles, and father!
  14. Excuse me? This is very out of character from what I know of you, Ex10. Is this what GSC is all about? Just shutting up? And why is it all directed at Pipes and no one else? Free got her say. Let Pipes have hers for goodness sakes! Paw hasn't said much. My take is he really was trying to protect Pipes, but he hasn't said much so that is my assumption. No, I don't need more details, but obviously Pipes felt she needed to tell her side. So be it. That's what we do here, isn't it? Personally, I don't think anyone is taking sides, Pipes. Really, I don't.
  15. waterbuffalo


    Hi OilFieldMedic!!! It's soooo goood to see you! Glad you're well and will keep sending good thoughts your way :) wat
  16. Waysider and DMiller: We weren't thinking (please note: I haven't admitted to trying it yet)
  17. Tell, tell, Dooj...never heard of eating freeze dried coffee. You know you're in twi if you wake up in the morning and just heap in half as many coffee ground scoops on top of your old ones from yesterday to make the same amount of coffee in order to....drum roll....stretch your coffee (this is a true one from Uncle Harry, lol).
  18. Wow! How cool. That makes a lot of sense, another spot. The fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning. Let's face it. Most of us would have done a lot of stupid things that we didn't because we feared the concequences when we were growing up. There has to be a deterrant. No fear of God or concequences is unsound thinking. Makes sense to me!
  19. Hi Another Spot, Welcome! I've really enjoyed reading this thread. Thanks for starting it. Just last night my husband and I were discussing how a little fear is good for you. Remember when you were a kid and you didn't do certain things because a) there were consequences in school and at home back then and b) you were afraid of them!!! The fear contributed to our becoming good citizens. Maybe we need a lot more of that today! Have a cuppa on me :D
  20. Thank you, Cool! Now I've gotta go to the post office and buy some 2 cent stamps. Thanks for the thread. Linda, I hope your bills made it. I hate to pay late fees, too.
  21. Pipes, I have no idea what's going on. It is not my business. Your words do carry weight with me, though. I consider you a friend. You do not deserve to be treated badly by anyone. I truly hope this gets ironed out in a positive way for everyone concerned. I love you all dearly. wb
  22. waterbuffalo


    Hey likeaneagle, I didn't mean to come on so strong, but it sounded insensitive. At least the woman who gets drunk all the time and has all that energy has a husband. Free is a full time mom who works a full time job and goes to school full time. I don't have MS, but I double d*** guarantee I wouldn't be cleaning my house after a day like that. When would she start? Depending on how far away her classes are, I'd say 9pm would be the earliest...and she has homework and she has to get herself and her children ready for the next day. How much more can one person fight? It sounds like she already runs circles around most people and that's not factoring in the disease.
  23. waterbuffalo


    Well, so what? Obviously MS is affecting Free a LOT differently. I don't see how your little stowree is supposed to help Free feel better.
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