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Everything posted by waterbuffalo

  1. Unreal. The cheapest one I can find, so far, with taxes, etc., is $128.00. This seems surreal. There has to be a place to get one cheaper. Haven't tried PriceLine yet. wow.
  2. gosh, someone should contact heather mills and see if she could help get him a prosthetic leg so he can move easier. she always talks about "helping people for decades." this little guy could certainly use one.
  3. 1. Do you like/hate it? Love it. 2. Would you enjoy living with this piece? (Sometimes you like a piece but still wouldn't want to live with it.) Yes. 3. What if anything does this piece make you feel? Inquisitive--what is she doing? I would post some of my favorite pieces, Dooj, but can never figure out how to. Nice thread.
  4. Hey, Does anyone have advice for the best way to get a cheap car rental from the airport to be used only a couple - three hrs? I need to get one this Friday. Thanks for any advice anyone can offer. wb
  5. Happy Birthday!!!! Hope it's a good one. wb
  6. Hi jen-o, So, what makes a revival genuine? What makes a revival conterfeit, in your opinion? Just wondered... wb
  7. Happy BD, cutie! ^_^ :)
  8. Happy Birthday, sweet Bowtwi :-)
  9. hampshire73, hi. nice to meet you. I don't go to Al Anon religiously, but I do whenever I can. I always seem to hear some nice tidbit that I can apply to my life, and it's nice that no one is tracking my attendance or anything like that. Some of the people who attend are also in therapy and we even have some therapists who attend for themselves, not for their professional life. Everyone seems to be trying to live in the now while taking responsibility for the past actions that may have caused others harm. Yeah, it's been beneficial to me. Glad you're looking back into it if that's what you think might benefit you :-)
  11. What everyone has said is great. I go to Al Anon. What does that have to do with getting over a cult? Plenty. It's free group therapy for people getting over codependency (which everyone who was ever in for a long time probably developed, imo) and teaches people through the readings and study groups how to make decisions based on what is best for yourself (which most of us forgot how to do if we ever knew before cult life). The only requirement is to be bothered by the drinking or drug abuse by a friend or relative. Everyone is twi qualifies because of vp's drinking and our relationship to him, imo. His illness affected us all.
  12. fooledagain, so funny about the glasses! Belle, been there done that. augh. WG, gosh, that's sad. Wow. Reminds me of the time a believer asked me if she and her husband could borrow my very expensive set of dishes while I was out WOW. Sis: "I'm sure they'll be chipped up with normal wear and tear when you get back, but that will be better than letting them just sit for a year in storage when a bro and sis in Christ needs them." Me: Blank stare. Sis: "Well, thanks. It will be a huge blessing." Me: "Since they're not chipped now and I've used them for over a year, I think I'll just let them sit in storage." You know, those dishes do not have a chip in them to this day.....
  13. I think he would say, "Zup?" and hang around and chat a while. ;)
  14. An old tale that went around in the early to mid 70s was about some wows witnessing to Robert R@dford in the mts. and he sat and listened.
  15. Yes. It could be a good thing with the right people advising the director/producer. Maybe only take it through 1989. Then, do one of those scrolls telling what became of the ministry afterwards... I'm not, personally, interested in seeing what LCM became.... But, for those who were involved in the 90s, I can understand how you would.
  16. I went on the tour, also, and remember thinking what a waste of money to buy a house to house a few material things to look at when we were so heaven bent on the heavenly realm and living hand to mouth lifestyles. I remember the word "paradox" came to mind.
  17. Glass floors? Gosh, how did I miss that? It was certainly a beautiful building. I used to love to go there and read. Even made out there once. Nice building...
  18. Nice! Very reflective, thoughtful.
  19. waterbuffalo


    Sure, sounds great! I'd be glad to login thru your site.
  20. Cowgirl, that has happened to me before. I wouldn't worry too much about it because of the 5 second thing. That's not very long. I just think sometimes, in my case, don't know about yours, that I suddenly notice something that I'd seen before but never noticed, e.g. was just thinking about something else all of the previous times I passed that part of the journey. But, then again, I'm a little bit ADD, not adult onset--been that way all of my life--and that may not apply to you. Take care. I hope you got or will get your answer to your satisfaction and that it's nothing serious.
  21. Hey, Ghost. I can relate :-) Glad to make your acquaintance.
  22. Yes, I remember that, waysider. That's funny, now. Let's see...how old was I then? 30 something? It's hard to belive I was ever involved, lol
  23. John Voight for vp--perfect! Hair slicked back 'n all.
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