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Everything posted by Cowgirl

  1. I was thinking about my involement in the Way when it came to "secular literature." The area I was in, highly discouraged reading anything outside of the Way ministry especially when it came to self help books even if they contained scripture in it. It got to the point that anything you wanted to know about life the Way claimed to have the corner of truth on it! To be totally honest during my whole time in the ministry I never once purchased a self help book, it even got so bad that I would feel guilty walking into a Christian book store just to look at the books and if I even purchased a secular magazine to read, I would make sure I had them well hidden in my house before leadership came over for a visit. But I do remember for a time when I first got involved, the leadership did encourage some of those books, the only ones I can think of right now is "See You at the Top by Zig Ziglar" and "How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie" and one on memorization. Then as the years went by, all those kind of books, even magazines on parenting were looked down upon and again if you had that stuff in your home you would be inviting devil spirits into your life. I remember hearing in the advanced class something along the lines of "devil spirits can have a ride in to your home via words" How retarded !!! So what about Weirwille and his "JUNK TABLE" at the advanced classes (talk about secular literature!!) how come they were never concerned about devil spirits having a "ride in" into one of those classes?!!! Sheeeesh!!! I tell you when I left the Way, the first thing I did was go buy a pile of those "self-help books and it had to be one of the most uplifting moments in my life at that time, talk about freedom!! Cowgirl
  2. I remember in the Way when it came to people buying lottery tickets or any kind of ticket for that matter that involved winning any amount of money it was definitely frowned upon. In fact they went as far as saying the money won was contaminated and reaked of devil spirits, if you even bought a ticket you would be inviting devil spirits into your home and if you won the money it would be open season for the devil to use against you. I'm curious, do any of you still hold that belief or have you gone ahead and purchased lottery tickets and maybe even won? Cowgirl
  3. Hey Skyrider, I'm curious about the guy you're talking about, was that David DeWa*d by any chance? Cowgirl
  4. One thing I couldn't stand is when you'd go to the movies or watch a video with a "head honcho" and after the movie he'd pick it all apart and try to spiritualize the whole thing instead of just looking at the movie for what it was.......ENTERTAIMENT !!! Sheesh, what's up with that? Cowgirl
  5. HCW, I've been reading and rereading your posts in regards to fathers and their kids but I don't entirely understand or agree with what you are saying, so here goes..............you mentioned you have been "slogging through months on unemployment compensation" because you were overqualified at jobs you applied for. Would that not of been in your eyes a "benefit" to you so you could stay home and raise your daughter in light of what you have just shared about fathers spending more time with their kids? Now correct me if I am wrong but you come across to me as though the fathers that have to go to work and earn a living are the ones in the wrong cause they don't stay at home to raise the kids. If there is a spouse involved maybe that is the arrangement they have made, Dad goes off to work and mom raises the kids, and perhaps that is what works best for them in that situation. Who are you to judge fathers that go off and earn money to support their families. Maybe that is what it takes to keep them out of the welfare situation. What about if they are a single father or a single mom and the only income is that one parent, are you going to condemn them too because they can't stay at home and raise their kid because they need to put a roof over their kid's head and food on the table. And one more thing, there are a lot of fathers out there who would prefer not to be the primary care giver and still love their kids just as much as the one who stays home and does it. Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you are trying to get across but for what it's worth I'd let people make their own decisions when it involves their own kids and not be pointing a finger at anyone else just because they don't do it your way. Cowgirl
  6. To my best friend, my lover, my soulmate and my husband to be.........
  7. I'm not even sure if I'm asking this right but is it possible to burn "midi files" onto a CD? If so, can you tell me how, please! Cowgirl
  8. I saw it in my own area, not in the sense of parents speaking out for someone when they were kids but corps marrying corps. In my area where there would be a few corps and they would be dating non-corps. The corps people would be told to stop dating non-corps and to go marry the corps person in that area regardless of how much you loved that non-corps person. And it didn't matter if you didn't have feelings towards the other corps person, any two believers could make it together especially corps. I saw that happen quite a few times. Sometimes they would marry out of desperation because there was no other corps in that area to marry except the one! To be totally honest, when it came to my kids I was even starting to scout around as to who could be a reasonable partner for them, first of all it had to be a believer and second of all if my kids were going to be corps then it had to be the same for my kids. And we're talking at a young age I was already on the lookout for them, how totally ABSURD !! Anyone else go through something similiar?
  9. Hi HCW, I don't mean to derail this thread, but I was just wondering if you had heard about 2 other incidents, one where some wacko guys came into the camp with guns and threatened to kill some of the lead people and another one where some Lead people were out on some road and their vehicle went over a cliff and they never made it. One of my old twig co-ordinators and his wife who helped to run LEAD relayed this to me many years ago so the details are rather sketchy. Cowgirl
  10. Cowgirl

    Dang it!

    Thanks Raf, well after blowing a few gaskets I finally found it! Cowgirl
  11. Cowgirl

    Dang it!

    I'm going to lose it here in a minute!!
  12. Cowgirl

    Dang it!

    I'm trying to get into a past thread and everytime I get around the 4th page this keeps popping up "the topic list is currently being regenerated - please try again in a few minutes" I can't seem to go back any further than the fourth page, does anyone else have that problem? Cowgirl
  13. Cowgirl

    First Date Food

    ........and that ain't all we had!!! (get your minds out of the gutter) :)--> Cowgirl
  14. That's actually a picture of my 3 boys taken in the little town I live in, up in southern Ontario! Cowgirl
  15. Cowgirl

    kinda neat...

    Thanks 2life !!! Cowgirl
  16. I may be opening up a whole can of worms, but I think something worth considering that plays a huge part in the overall health of an invidual (more than the water debate) is the "PH balance in a person's body......acidic versus akaline." I have read many articles over the years on this subject and found it to be very interesting and also very enlightening! I would love to hear people's thoughts on this! Cowgirl
  17. LOVE NOTES God speaks in countless ways in spring: The earth reborn, the birds on wing, The sunshine warm, the blossoming trees, The greening trees, the scented breeze Oh, how I love each flower gay That's spread across the hills today; And in the meadows fair and bright These petaled beauties bring delight. Each garden is a work of art With colors that uplift the heart- The vivid tulips reaching up Catch golden sunbeams in a cup. The waltzing yellow daffodils Don cheery bonnets trimmed with frills; The hyacinths in pastel dress: A vision of sheer loveliness. The lilacs robed in purple hue, The dainty violets, pansies too, In gardens and upon the hills, In woodlands and in windowsills, In fields and valleys an array Of floral beauty's on display; And in each springtine wonder grand I see a love note from God's hand. B. Anderson
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