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Everything posted by Cowgirl

  1. Sharon, I just have to say, that is totally AWESOME !!! At one time I had a considerable amount of weight to lose and it was people like you with their stories and the before and after pictures that inspired me to lose it all. Also a pair of faded old blue jeans (Levi 501's, the button down ones to be exact) that I tacked up on my wall to remind me everyday. I did reach my goal with lots of hard work and now I feel fantastic!! There is hardly a day that goes by if I'm not out for a run and free weights every other day. I'm not one of these muscle bound people but I am in pretty good shape and I worked hard for it. Not only have I reaped all the benefits that Diazbro mentioned but talk about a great stress releaser. So Sharon I just wanted to tell you you have every right to be so proud of yourself, I know it's not easy but it sure is worth it!!!!! Cowgirl
  2. I'm not at liberty to say but it would definitely be with Goey (my fiance) !!! :)--> Cowgirl
  3. Cowgirl


    Belle, you're cool !! :)--> Cowgirl
  4. Cowgirl


    Diazbro, I was referring to the "Way Forum" not GS as a whole. Ok, I'll go sit in my "time-out" chair... :)--> Cowgirl
  5. Cowgirl


    I don't get it !! I happen to have a difference of opinion that doesn't line up with your thinking and I get my head chewed off for it, like I'm being judgemental etc. Isn't that the same crap that went on in TWI ? If your thinking doesn't line up with us, well then let me blast you with what's right! You're not allowed to voice your opinion here unless we think it's acceptable and it lines up with our doctrine. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, it sounds like Twi all over again, only under a different name !
  6. Cowgirl


    Sorry Rascal, I needed to delete this but I read your post, thanks. Cowgirl
  7. Cowgirl


    I know for my own life, I can't stand to go back there (20 years of TWI) because of how it makes me feel, and for two years I went on and on about it till I got it out of my system, now I want to distance myself as far as I can from it, that's what works for me and whatever works for you, the more power to you! Cowgirl
  8. Cowgirl


    I wanted to ask an honest question but obviously it rubbed some of you the wrong way and I apologize. My intention was never from a judgemental point of view. Maybe I worded it wrong and it came across that way and I apologize for that. I never meant to step on anyone's toes or hit a sore spot and I wasn't trying to invalidate anyone's experience, I really was just trying to understand..... Cowgirl
  9. Cowgirl


    Belle................Look who's judging who !!
  10. Cowgirl


    Steve, I'm pretty much where you are, I hardly ever read the Way stuff anymore, I've moved on with my life and have pretty much closed that chapter in my life and I don't mean that from a pompous attitude. I guess I just don't understand why some people just keep going on and on about every negative thing that happened to them in the ministry. Like I said before I believe there's more than enough reading material on Twi and it's leadership for the innies to make an informed decision. I know some people could say, then you just don't have to go into the Way Forum and read it if it bothers you. But that is not my point. I just think that some people are kinda stuck in a rut and can't seem to just close that chapter and move on. And please understand me I am not trying to invalidate anyone's experience but I think there comes a time when you just got to move on and live the rest of your life in the present, that's all. Cowgirl
  11. Cowgirl


    I'm being honest here, I just don't understand. All this stuff that keeps getting written about Twi and it's leadership day after day, post after post, doncha kind of of want to close that chapter in your life and not keep rehashing and reminding yourself of all the horrors about it? I've heard people say they post cause they want the innies to sse the garbage, but I really believe that there's already more than enough for them to read! But what's it doing to your own life (something that you despised so much) to keep reliving it over and over again, day after day? Don't you honestly think it gets kind of redundant and kind of keeps you back instead of moving ahead?
  12. Shellon, that is just AWESOME news !!!!! CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!!
  13. This is probably going to cause some flack but i'm going to say it anyways. I realize a big part of GS is all about opening people's eyes as to what really what went on in TWI and to help them make an informed decision to get out. BUT people have the right to live their lives as they see fit without being judged and ridiculed even if they are still in. (After all wasn't that one of the things we despised about TWI) But when it comes to name calling towards people that are still in, it's abusive. What about the people that have left and still have family in and they come to this site and read how dumb or stupid, or what a twit they are for staying in. I haven't walked in their shoes, I don't know their situation but I think resorting to name calling because of their decision is pretty low. Cowgirl
  14. Cowgirl


    Well let me be the second to wish you an AWESOME BIRTHDAY !!!! Cowgirl
  15. Oakspear and Reikilady............That is AWESOME news !!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!! Cowgirl
  16. In regards to Lauren Hutton whether she has had plastic surgery or not(she denies it) I still think she is a timeless beauty ! And yes true, "collagen lips" are not plastic surgery although to me it is still altering one's appearance, I just count it in there with plastic surgery. Cowgirl
  17. I just wanted to add my 2 cents here. If I had to chose a celebrity that truly stands out above all the rest it would have to be this lady! In my eyes not only is she a "natural beauty" but she refuses to have any cosmetic surgery done and she is 60 yrs old! When you read her biography she definitely dances to the beat of a "different drummer" which is a quality I really admire! Lauren Hutton
  18. I'm a "Cavalier King charles Spaniel" A fun loving, energetic companion that can be stubborn but are willing to please once you've gained their loyality.
  19. Cowgirl


    Wwjesuslaughat.....Your idea is absolutely romantic but then again I am a romantic at heart! Hmmmmm, that gives me an idea with Goey Second James..... I can definitely relate to the lift off, quite exhilarating to say the least! Actually my balloon ride was a total surprise right up until the last few seconds. It was my birthday and some friends knowing how much I loved to watch the ballons take off suggested we go down and watch. When we arrived there I got talking to a guy who was just about seconds away from untying the tether to the balloon, he looked right at me and said "Aren't you coming for a ride?" Well without any hesitiation I jumped in, there was NO way I was going to pass up that chance of a life time!! The whole thing was totally awesome, the ride lasted about an hour and a half. The scenery was just like the one in the first picture of this thread. Lifted Up.......Pretty interesting! I'm curious did you ever go contouring in the balloon (they lower the balloon to about 30 ft above the ground and follow the contour of the countryside)It's quite an adventure! I remember when we went to land the thing, and the guy warned me ahead of time to brace myself, it was going to be a pretty rough landing! I held on for dear life, what a shake up and drag out but I came out in one piece! Cowgirl
  20. George, just wanted to say, thanks for the compliment!! Cowgirl
  21. Here is the formula...... Right click on their picture Left click on "copy" (nothing will show up) Left click on "start" If you have some kind of a paint program Left click on that, then a gray screen will come up (I have paint shop pro) Left click on "Edit" at the top of the screen Left click on "Paste as new image" And voila the picture shows up!! Cowgirl
  22. So I take it, the Yankees are the good guys!! Cowgirl
  23. Please excuse my ignorance, I'm not from the States, but what is it that the Yankees and the Dixies don't see eye to eye on? Cowgirl
  24. 50% Yankee, must be my Canadian genes eh !!! Cowgirl
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