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The HighWay, Any news if all is working 100% that the launch will resume tomorrow? If you're interested there's 2 meteor showers coming up, the first one "Delta Aquarids" July 26th - 30th. 1-3am is the best viewing time looking south and the average of meteors you can see is 10-35, BUT the bigger one is "Perseids" August 11-13, best time to view is 3-5am looking towards the northeast, that one you should be able to see 50-100 per hour. Cowgirl
HighWay.....This is just totally AWESOME!!!!!!!! I'm watching bits of it right now!!! Cowgirl
Thanks Long gone !! :)--> Cowgirl Dang, now they're talking about maybe delaying the launch by a day because of weather factors!
Here's a really cool site with tons of pictures in regards to space and the earth. The photographs are absolutely incredible! http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/archivepix.html Cowgirl
I've always had an interest in these kinds of events, so for those of you who are also interested, the big launch takes place at 3:51pm ET, today !! Cowgirl
Bowtwi, Well for starters, I must say that's the nicest thing anyone has ever called me "Mrs.-Goey-To-Be!" I just wanted to pass this on to you................ http://www.klutz.com/catalog/product.php?itemNo=4113&cat=3 Cowgirl
Under Codex, Vitamin C in mini-doses above 200 mg. will be banned (OTC) etc.
Cowgirl replied to Dot Matrix's topic in Open
Hi Dot, great to see you again!!!! Do you have any info or have you heard anything if this will also affect Canada? Cowgirl -
Talk about a trip down memory lane!! We used to play it outside with one of those extra long skipping ropes and tie one of the ends around the old wooden telephone poles. We loved it so much we didn't even wait till the snow was all gone, we got out there with a shovel and cleared a spot so we could go at it, when our parents weren't looking, we'd sneak out in our running shoes instead of boots. To us, that was definitely a sign that spring was on the way!! We made up some extra steps to go with it which I still remember to this very day. The highest we ever got was up to our armpits!! I have a book here called "Chinese Jump Rope" by Anne Akers Johnson, it comes with everything you need to know about it, how to play it and all the steps and it also includes 2 ropes. Cowgirl
Waterbuffalo, Cindy, Steve, Vickles and Bowtwi, Just wanted to say I think it's terrific what you are all starting!! I'm thinking of you all !! If you want I have alot of cool tidbits I can share with you from time to time to help keep you motivated and inspired towards reaching your goal. I leave you with....... "Physical activity is nonnegotiable. You have to move to improve." Cowgirl
That's great news!! Hey we can call you "ACE" now ! A-assistant C-city E-editor Cowgirl
"A new baby cookin for 9 months" Cindy, are you saying you are pregnant?!!! Cowgirl
I can sure relate to what alot of you are sharing, I won't go into details but I have definitely changed and have become alot more at peace with myself since I got divorced and now I am so thankful to be getting married to the most wonderful man (Goey) !! I'm finally able to do what I want to do without getting flack for it, talk about liberating!!! Even though I've got a little ways before I hit fifty, I find I'm doing things that I never thought of doing. As a matter of fact, just this morning I was out on a run, way out in the woods, I could hear a creek nearby so I slipped off my clothes and went skinny dipping, I loved it, it was absolutely exhilerating and I ate wild raspberries to boot!! I find as the years go by I have become alot more comfortable with who I am and am not afraid to try out new experiences, heck I love the adventures !!! Cowgirl
Waterbuffalo, If you want to keep things moving, your best bet is fresh fruit and vegies and whole grains which are loaded with fiber, (also known as your complex carbohydrates) plus they are chalked full with vitamins and nutrients, the average person should be consuming between 30-35 grams of fiber a day. Cowgirl PS DRINK LOTS OF WATER
Waterbuffalo, here's a site you might find interesting, I use it quite a bit ! http://www.whfoods.com/ Cowgirl
Hi Waterbuffalo, What worked for me is a combination of running and free weights. The free weights will, give you some great muscle tone, in the legs and butt and your arms also. It's the strength training that will speed up your metabolism and burn the fat even more so than aerobic exercise. And I'm not talking about heavy weights either. Don't get me wrong there is definitely alot of benefits to aerobic exercise so I do a combination of both (I love long distance running so that's my personal choice of aerobic exercise) and I have reaped the rewards of both. As far as the best way to lose weight in my opinion, it's HEALTHY EATING, STRENGTH TRAINING and some form of AEROBIC EXERCISE, I know it's NOT the fastest but you will definitely love the results and your clothes will fit!!! Cowgirl
Thirteen Fun Facts about Ice Cream by Susan E. Davis reviewed by Mary Silva, M.S., R.D. It's summertime and the scoopin' is easy--but just how much do you know about one of America's oldest desserts? Check out these baker's dozen of fun facts about our favorite frozen treat. Legend has it that the Roman emperor Nero used to send his slaves scurrying to the mountains to collect snow and ice to make flavored ices, the precursors to ice cream, in the first century. The first written mention of ice cream in this country can be found in a letter from the 1700s, which admiringly describes the ice cream and strawberry dessert a Maryland governor served at a dinner party. Initially, just a treat for the elite (including George Washington, who is said to have consumed enormous quantities), the first ice cream parlor in this country opened in New York City in 1776. In 1845, the hand-cranked freezer was invented, allowing Americans to make ice cream more easily at home. Americans consume the most ice cream in the world per capita, with Australians coming in second. In 1924, the average America ate eight pints a year. By 1997, the International Dairy Foods Association reported that the figure had jumped to 48 pints a year. The most avid ice cream eaters in the U.S. don't live in Hawaii, the South, California, or any other hot clime. Instead, in 1999, it was reported that the good citizens of Omaha, Nebraska, ate more ice cream per person than any other Americans. Vanilla is the most popular flavor in this country, snagging anywhere from 20 to 29 percent of sales. Chocolate comes in a distant second, with about 9 to 10 percent of the market. Immigrants at Ellis Island were served vanilla ice cream as part of their Welcome to America meal. One of the major ingredients in ice cream is air. Without it, the stuff would be as hard as a rock. Among the most unusual flavors of ice cream ever manufactured are avocado, garlic, azuki bean, jalapeno, and pumpkin. Perhaps the weirdest of all: dill pickle ice cream , which was marketed to expectant mothers. Sales were disappointing. One out of every five ice cream eaters share their treat with their dog or cat. (Can the day of liver- or tuna-flavored ice cream be far behind?) In 1984, President Ronald Reagan declared July as National Ice Cream Month, citing the food's "nutritious and wholesome" qualities. He decreed that patriotic Americans should mark the month with "appropriate ceremonies and activities." According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the biggest ice cream sundae in the world was made in Alberta, Canada, in 1988. It weighed nearly 55,000 pounds. The same year, a baking company and a sheet-metal firm in Dubuque, Iowa, teamed up to produce the world's largest ice cream sandwich, which tipped the scales at nearly 2,500 pounds. And, in 1999, Baskin-Robbins created an ice cream cake at a beach hotel in the United Arab Emirates that weighed just under 9,000 pounds. Ice cream novelties such as ice cream on sticks and ice cream bars were introduced in the 1920s. Seems like kid stuff, but today, adults consume nearly one-half of all such treats. While popular lore claims that the ice cream cone was invented at the 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis, a New York City ice cream vendor actually seems to have created the cone in 1896 to stop customers from stealing his serving glasses. He patented the idea in 1903 and it took off in popularity at the World's Fair the next year.
Movies that are screaming to be remade
Cowgirl replied to Steve!'s topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
Belle, you had mentioned the movie " Roller Derby" I checked the web for that particular title and all I keep coming up with is either "the Kansas Bomber" or "Rollerball" or "Roller Derby Mania" Is that what the movie was called "Roller Derby?" Thanks Cowgirl -
That is so gross!! The dog even had more sense than Wierwille, when he decided to show the darn thing. Wonder where his head was at !! Cowgirl
HAM, Does that come with a order of "green eggs?" Cowgirl
Galen ;)--> To tell you the truth, I don't want to argue with any of you, I think your all pretty cool in your own way Galen, Pirate and "the Southern Belle" I may not always agree but I still think you're all pretty neat! Cowgirl
Belle, I totally agree with what your saying in that people have their own personnal preferences and they can voice theirs and i can voice my opinion. I was finished with this thread on the 9th of June and you went and brought my name back into it. I don't know what your point is but do you have something personnal against me? Why are you coming across so hard towards me and you weren't even involved in this conversation to begin with? Cowgirl
Belle, I was never offended by this thread and I was NEVER referring to teenage boys if you go back and read what I posted. I understand what you're saying, but right from the beginning I was referring to Galen and Pirate and their personal comments about women's breasts, that's all. Cowgirl
Galen......I think you're missing my point, when I read your post to me your emphasis was only on a women's breasts as to what makes her more attractive, "I generally think that large breasts often tend to make most women more attractive" There is even more to a women's outward appearance than just her breasts and then what makes her tick on the inside. Cowgirl Ya know, I don't even know why I'm having this conversation.
Galen and Pirate......I hope the two of you don't have any daughters and if you do I hope you're not teaching them that the SIZE of a woman breasts is what makes therm more acceptable or attractive. In my opinion it's pretty shallow, if you open your eyes you'll see that there is alot more to a woman's beauty than just her breasts !! Cowgirl
He and his family are still in, living in Ontario, Canada. Cowgirl