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Ralph Graham visits the 'Oddlist' formerly known as The-Way@Onelist, now The-Way@Yahoogroups run by Jim Martin http://www.yahoogroups.com/subscribe.cgi/The-Way You could join that list and put out feelers for him...just put his name in the subject line when you are posting and he will notice it more easily.
Ron, Hope all is well with you! I'm thinking about you guys and praying for you and your family all the time. Keep your chin up and hang in there. It's a long road but it will be worth it in the end and I'm glad you're staying the course. I'll come up and be with you all for the trial if you want...just drop me a line and I'll be there. hugs, Robi Robi2777@yahoo.com
I am the one who filed against "Ex Minister get 6 years guy"
Robes replied to see me's topic in About The Way
See Me, What about this? Current Parole Eligibility Date: March 12, 2006 That didn't happen, did it? My thoughts and prayers go out to you for your court case. Is it in Georgia? Or the original state (I forgot which state that is)? Hang in there! hugs, Robi -
See Me, Although I have been a part of these ex-way sites for about 7 years, I haven't been visiting too much lately. Your post caught my attention. I visited your blog. As I was writing down the number to fax my signature, I was suprised to see that we live not very far apart. Please let me know if I can do anything besides fax a signature and get my own family involved with the same. I have a vested interest in child abuse, domestic abuse, and any other type of abuse. I went through the wringer years ago when I was going through a divorce with a still 'in' person and was trying to keep my kids out of TWI. I successfully did that, by court order, in a county near yours. Although the circumstances are very different, what is the same is that you are fighting for the well being of children. It astounds me that the very children who were abused are not protected from the abusive monster! If I can do something besides fax a signature, I'll do it. PM me or email me and let's chat. Let me know what I can do for you. I'll never forget that ex-way person who merely SAT in the courtroom with me...to the suprise of my ex-husband, his fellowship coordinator, and his Limb Coordinator. They all thought they were so smart by ganging up against me...and you should have seen their jaws drop to the floor when that guy showed up to testify against them! LOL! I've emailed you (the address I found on your blog) as well. All the best to you, Robi
McKeanj, Bowden is a very small city/town of about 80 people (ok, maybe a few more than that) about an hour or two west of Atlanta, in Georgia, near the city of Carrollton, on the Alabama/Georgia border. HerbieJuan lives there, so there's really only 79 OTHER people there, but HerbieJuan is the only one who matters! I only know bacuz I'm near Atlanta and Herbie's told me about it. Hi Herbs! Welcome to the site, although I feel funny welcoming you to a place that I haven't been visiting much lately! Mebbe I'll step in more since I just got my cable internet back. That dang dial up almost turned me into a non-internet user!! I broke loose of THAT cult (the dial-up cult) just in the nick of time! Back to topic: Hi everyone! Funny I should join you in THIS post. I was born in 1960 and went to high school in the 70's and I was the ONLY ONE ANYONE knew who NEVER smoked pot or did drugs. Now I realize what a fool I was!!!
Highwayman said... "...and listen to the forehead rant " ROFLMAO!!! Omigod that's funny!
Hope all goes well, psalmie. I'll be thinking about you and keeping you in my prayers. If you need some comic relief, give me a call! hugs, Robi
on Montel Williams today I don't usually watch Montel Williams but I was flipping around this morning and found him doing a special on cults. I only saw the last half of the show but I will go to his web site and see what they say. http://www.montelwilliams.org Steven Hassan was on the show. He is the author of a couple of excellent cult recovery books that I have suggested and promoted in the past because I think they are very helpful. Steven is one of the world's leading cult interventionalists, and an ex-cult member himself. Jim M, Seth, Pat, and I had the pleasure of meeting, hanging out with, and even interviewing Steven Hassan a few years ago at a convention we went to on cults. His book/s helped me clear my thinking and extract my brain from the cult mentality several years ago. For information on his books (which you can either purchase at his website, at amazon, Barnes & Nobles, or even check out from the library) can be found at his website, http://www.freedomofmind.org Steven wrote, "Combatting Cult Mind Control" and "Releasing the Bonds, Empowering People To Think For Themselves." Both are EXCELLENT. Steve's website has general information on many different cultic groups but his books has the most and best recovery information. Of course, my favorite 'Way-specific" book on exposing the foundation of TWI's deceptions is our Karl Kahler's book called, "The Cult That Snapped, Journey Into the Way International" and you can download the e-book at his website, http://ex-way.com His book is a must read for everyone who's every been in TWI!! Thanks for letting me get in plugs for these guys! I keep doing it, not because I stand to gain financially, but because I know how much these guys helped my brain out when my body had been out of TWI for many years! hugs, Robi
Moony, I know, I know....I grew up in Miami and I miss south Florida every day. I just have to get my digs in at Rafe every once in a while! I love Florida and wish I were there. Believe it or not, I even miss the hurricanes! Rafe.... I'm holding my breath until I know you (and everyone else there) are safe. Post, will ya? :unsure: :)
Rafe, Do you think maybe you should move? I mean, it seems like everytime I take a peak at GS, you are in the path of yet ANOTHER hurricaine! Is it just your charm? Your charisma? Your beauty? :D Gotcha in my prayers, dude, as always. And all the others in Florida (Hope and the Tampa Bayers). Hang in there y'all. If ya need a place to run to, Atlanta seems like it will get passed by! hugs, Robi
Thanks for all the hard work, Paw and Bob. It sure is appreciated! hugs...
Ya-hah, Flow7...when she lies down it certainly IS a "side" effect! :D-->
I think the last news on him is that he lives in the Toledo area and works for either a gym as a personal trainer or for UPS unloading trucks. I'm sure someone else will have more specific details in the morning. I'm the one of the only ones who stay up all night so I thought I'd give you a quick answer! -->
Thinking about you and praying, Raf. I sure hope it doesn't hit the northern Gulf. Those guys could use a break. What a year. What a year. hugs, Robi
I just got an email from Karl before I read this post and it made me laugh. It was about 7 years ago when I was first 'introduced' to Karl Kahler online by Steve Hassan, one of the world's leading cult intervenionalists and author of "Combatting Cult Mind Control" and another book that I can't remember the name of. I'd written to Steven after checking his book out from the library and reading it. I asked him how I could get over my TWI experience. He put me in contact with Karl and a woman named Wendy Ford. Karl and I began corresponding and when he told me he'd written a book but was not sure he was going to publish it, I BEGGED him to let me read it. I still have the copy of the manuscript that he sent me...all kazillion pages of it, in a box. I sat down and read it in, I think, ten hours. I don't think I even stopped to eat. After being "out" of TWI for about 5 years, I was finally able to extract my BRAIN from the group that had such a hold on my every thought. I felt free for the first time in many years. I finally understood that many of the "lock-box" experiences I'd had were not unique. I began to see how corrupt TWI was, and how awful some of the people in it were. I began begging Karl to find a way to offer it to ex-Wayfers because many of them needed to have that kind of freedom in their brain that I'd just gotten. Many others begged him as well. He finally figured out a way to self publish it so he could offer it to people for the cheapest possible price. I know he's given quite a few copies away at almost nothing...sometimes not even recouping the cost to print it. I think many people have been liberated by the book. I know he did quite a bit of research and poured a lot of heart and soul into that book. Yes, some of the info may not be entirely correct because of things that have come to light since it was written...but I know he's gone back to make many corrections. Other times, the honesty of the people he interviewed in the book have been questioned. Is that his fault? He's done his best to offer something of help to people that cost him a lot personally. He tried to keep it as truthful as he could to the best of his ability. It was NOT his desire to write a piece of fiction but something that detailed his experience, and that of many others, while in TWI. It blows my mind that some people can be so petty as to criticize something a man wrote in an attempt to purge a period of life from him that was very confusing and hurtful. I don't understand that kind of behavior. Petty jealousy? Maybe that's all it is. Anyways, the book is a very interesting, entertaining read about some things that happened in the early years of TWI. There is very little post Martindale in it. Some have suggested he write a 'Cult That Snapped, Book 2' version, or "TWI2" book but he has decided that someone else should take on that task...someone who lived through TWI2. He didn't. So, who's gonna do it? By the way, dontcha just love the cover photograph on the book? I do. ;-) Robes
Eagle, Thank you for posting this. I LOVE your sign off quote. It has been a favorite of mine since 5th grade and I used it in my senior annual as a quote that summarizes my life. It is genius..."miles to go before I sleep, miles to go before I sleep." Doesn't that just about say it for anyone ever in TWI? And for Mrs. W. :-)
Jan! Welcome over here! Glad to see you at this place, too. I hope everyone is treating you great! Y'all take care of Jan...she's a sweetie! hugs, Robes
Those poor little animals. It breaks my heart to think of them without their "mommies" and "daddies". And to think of all those who had to leave their "babies" behind when they were evacuated. I saw a story on a 24 y/o man who'd had his dog 14 years and had to leave to go to Houston but couldn't take his dog and he was sobbing. Oprah was there and her CREW took the dog with them to meet up in Houston. I cried and cried and cried and I'm not even a "dog" person. It's the kitties I love! PapaJohn, thanks for doing this and thinking of them all. You have a big heart! ((Ron)) How are you, my dear friend? hugs, Robes
Psalmy, Are you in the Atlanta area now? Give me a call or email me if you are and let's get together! I've been out of the loop for a while and didn't catch that you came down here. As for this woman, I am on the Austell side of Atlanta, but still over an hour away from this woman and her family. Another thing, I just sold my house and have room for only one person in the extra bedroom and I was thinking of getting another nurse from my agency who was flooded out in New Orleans. And yes, that was icky of that woman to set you up that way. Spank her! hugs, Robes robi2777@yahoo.com
Raf, I'm glad you did ok thru the storm, I was thinking of you and praying for you at the time. I am devastated by the reports of the damage to New Orleans, Miss., and Ala., as well as Fla. & the rest of the south. I can't imagine how awful it must be. I haven't had time to read all the posts but for people who want to do something, PRAY, and donate to the American Red Cross. They need money to get things there RIGHT AWAY. Later on, we can worry with getting clothing and other 'items' there. With no way to get it there now, the Red Cross is the way to go. Thanks for starting this thread. How horrible. I was a wow in N.O. in the area of Metarie where the levy was breached. I can picture it all in my mind. I think NONE of us can even imagine how horrific things will become when those dead bodies and dead animals begin to rot...and the place becomes absolutely toxic. God help them all. Love ya lots, Raf. Hang in there, my friend. hugs, Robes
dmiller, Thanks, but I've been here before...it's just been awhile. :-) It's nice to be back with old friends. TomStrange, hiya. Good to see you. Been hit by any good snowballs lately? I'm up for anyplace that's not hot. It will be fairly warm in the south in October and I'm up for some cool weather. Mebbe Herbijuan wants to carpool? Ya'll will pick a nice place, I'm sure. I don't have a lot of time to do the deciding so I will trust you all. I appreciate those of you who have the time to look up all these sites and make the arrangements. If I can help out in another way at another time, I will. I can't wait to see some of my old buddies. Hugs!
Hmmm.... Mebbe I will show up to this weenie roast just to visit my old buddies! But then again, I'm not much for camping in my old age! Who said to do it in Ohio? Let's DO...and then we can play that great "Beautiful Ohio" song that we used to LOVE waking up to at the Rock!! Who's got the DVD? And a big re-hello to everyone! hugs!