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Everything posted by ckeer
Belle- that is almost any diesel engine- Mecedes- used to provide owners with a list of formulations that would work in their diesel cars. I remember seeing a story about a guy who used old frying oil in a vw rabbit diesel.
I am reminded of a show I just watched- NOVA, I think. It showed a scientist measuring the exact location of the North Magnetic Pole. It mentioned that the "Rate of Drift" has increased dramaticaly over the last few years.
I assume you are talking about the movie Staying Alive and the Show within the movie- Satans Alley. I remeber LCM saying he used it as a basis for Atheletes- I think I rember him showing clips from it at an explanation/ teaching about AOS.
Galen- I looked in the book I’d read and have to correct my self.. The book does not say that Hubbard met aliens- I miss read it. The book is “Dimensions – A Case book of alien Contact. By Jaques Vallee. (Vallee was the inspiration for the french character Truffaut in the Movie Close Encounters- he was the program director and if I remember he was a technical advisor on the film) Here is the one paragraph that mentions Hubbard. The tie in with a Crowley Cult is interesting. Hubbard went from being a major member to forming his own.
A way some people get aroung the key thing for just the reason you stated- being unable to re-load a key after a crash or upgrade is to convert the file from WMA to MP3 or MP3 to WMA (most music I purchase seems to be WMA). A Program such as Sound master in the EZ CD Creator Suite can do this on a computer that has the Key. The only way to deal with itunes is to burn a CD and rip it as far as I have heard. You might want to convert at a higher sampling rate (bitrate or bps) to preserve quality. CD quality is 128 BPS I often use 256 or 320 bps- the file sise is bigger but who cares- usually. On the computer I like to use Musicmatch as my player.- It is also good as ripper/burner
A little bit on the "lie detector". I had a demonstration once.- I had droppoed out of engineering college and recognized the basic design as a Wheatstone Bridge which is used to measure an unknown resistance. In this case the resistor is the subjects body- I was holding a connection in each hand. They operator would ask me a question. At the instant I thought of the answer the needle would move. Kinda cool but not majic. Also- the founder was L Ron Hubbard who was originaly known as a science fiction writer. One story I have read about him was that he and the guy who founded The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (heavily involed in the US space program in the 60's) both claimed that when they were out in the california desert together in the early 50's they had a close encounter of the third kind with aliens from outer space.
And finally these two which go together nicely- tho they are on different albums One of These Days (Waters, Wright, Mason, Gilmour) 5:56 One of these days, I'm going to cut you into little pieces Careful With That Axe, Eugene (Waters, Wright, Mason, Gilmour) 8:50 (Instrumental) Careful With That Axe, Eugene AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On the turning away On the turning away From the pale and downtrodden And the words they say Which we won’t understand Don’t accept that what’s happening Is just a case of others’ suffering Or you’ll find that you’re joining in The turning away It’s a sin that somehow Light is changing to shadow And casting it’s shroud Over all we have known Unaware how the ranks have grown Driven on by a heart of stone We could find that we’re all alone In the dream of the proud On the wings of the night As the daytime is stirring Where the speechless unite In a silent accord Using words you will find are strange And mesmerized as they light the flame Feel the new wind of change On the wings of the night No more turning away From the weak and the weary No more turning away From the coldness inside Just a world that we all must share It’s not enough just to stand and stare Is it only a dream that there’ll be No more turning away?
San Tropez (Waters) 3:43 As I reach for a peach Slide a rind down behind The sofa in San Tropez. Breakin' a stick with a brick on the sand. Ridin' a wave In the wake of an old sedan. Sleepin' alone in the Drone of the darkness, Scratched by the sand that Fell from my love, Deep in my dreams and I Still hear her callin' "If you're alone, I'll come home." Backward and homebound, The pigeon, the dove, Gone with the wind And the rain, on an airplane. Owning a home With no silver spoon, I'm drinking champagne Like a good tycoon. Sooner than wait for A break in the weather, I'll gather my far-flung Thoughts together. Speeding away On the wind to a new day. And if you're alone I'll come home. And I pause for a while By a country style And listen to the things they say. Diggin' for gold With a hoe in my hand. Open a book Take a look at the way things stand. And you're leading me down To the place by the sea. I hear your soft voice Calling to me. Making a date for Later by phone And if you're alone I'll come home.
Grantchester Meadows (Waters) 7:28 "Icy wind of night be gone this is not your domain" In the sky a bird was heard to cry. Misty morning whisperings and gentle stirring sounds Belied the deathly silence that lay all around. Hear the lark and harken to the barking of the dog fox Gone to ground. See the splashing of the kingfisher flashing to the water. And a river of green is sliding unseen beneath the trees Laughing as it passes through the endless summer Making for the sea. In the lazy water meadow I lay me down. All around me golden sun flakes settle on the ground. Basking in the sunshine of a bygone afternoon Bringing sounds of yesterday into this city room. Hear the lark harken to the barking of the dark fox Gone to ground. See the splashing of the kingfisher flashing to the water. And a river of green is sliding unseen beneath the trees. In the lazy water meadow I lay me down. All around me golden sun flakes covering the ground. Basking in the sunshine of a bygone afternoon Bringing sounds of yesterday into this city room. Hear the lark harken to the barking of the dark fox Gone to ground. See the splashing of the kingfisher flashing to the water. And a river of green is sliding unseen beneath the trees, Laughing as it passes through the endless summer making for the sea.
hi- just seeing if I can post and chat -->
Sirg- I'll Probably be on one or the other today to see what happens- first church of the internet chat? so I and others have the time zone thing right sun 12 central is 1pm eastern 11am mountain 10am pacific 8pm eastern is 7pm central 6pm mountain 5pm pacific I still am not sure what the time adjustment is for me though since I seem to be in th O zone most of the time :)-->
I owe it all to my Forget-me-not panties.
Welcome mell- Here is a partial way ministry list that I found on a cult awareness site One concept that has helped me with my understanding of the biblical idea of devil spirits and “fiery darts” is the concept of memes: here ia a definition/explanation from: Principa Cybernetica The funny thing is much of the way doctrine are memes that bind you to dependence on TWI leader**** as the sole source of truth and accurate discernment between good and evil, truth and lie. (evidenced by the fact that you want their definitions of devil spirits) All the while they were telling us that they were teaching us to do it on our own. I don’t think they list the name of that particular spirit though :)--> At this point I think that any meme that does not support TWI’s current definition of the “current truth for our day and time” and their exclusive knowledge of it and thus innate right to tell its members what to do with it (their own system of memes) are defined by TWI as fiery darts of the wicked and proof of devil spirit possession- when they are actually different thoughts and values that my or may not actually contradict “The Word”
here is another example- "The Power of a piece of Candy". note- these picture are high resolution if you click on them.
Belle- contact a medical shcool near you- they probably have the info. Advance directive and having someone (you can trust with your life) appointed with limited power of attorney to make treatment and DNR decisions for you is important- most hospitals require patients to fill out the paper work upon admission. With my wife, it allowed me to make the decision for her to stop dialysis and sedate her till she died- (she was in to much pain to be rational at that point). We had talked it over long before and I knew what she wanted.
Shellon- Echoing dmiller- You might consider looking into if you degree can be used in healthcare. I think that patient advocates have social work degrees. I think they are used in hospitals, nursing homes, and community healthcare programs - particularly for in home for the elderly.
My first thought was alcohol but I don't think thats what you had in mind. Seriously you might want to check out EFT- Emotional Freedom Tewchnique It has apparantly helped some people- I have used it for personal development and it has helped me. 2life can help you with it if you ask. She uses it to help people. The manual can be downloaded for free from the website.
Are the Dead Greatful Now? Decieving the Holy Spirt (ghost written by Ananias and Saphira)
Does man really have "free will"?
ckeer replied to CKnapp3's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
A couple of thoughts: If free will means you can choose any course of action, thing etc. Lets assume there is only one correct choice. Then there are many more wrong choices than the single right one, because there are often more than just two choices. After one or two wrong choices it gets harder figure out the next right choice because the concequences/results of prevoius decisions effect current and future choices. For instance was it a correct choice to take PFAL and participate in TWI? It seems to me when talking about slavery in the New Testament particularly in reference to "sin" We are given a choice- slavery to sin or slavery to God as a doulos- Either way is slavery. Either way we don't find out the "eternal concequences" until later. Most people seem to prefer the easy way to simple and immediate security- even when they see it is self destructive. -
Little Hawk- I lived in Groton in the mid to late 60's when my dad worked for Electric Boat- He worked on small submersibles like DSRV. I went to college in Boston in 70. I think I took PFAL in '80 in California. Before my dad retired from the Navy he was working in Washington at Bu Ships and used to go out on the new boats. He was almost on the Thersher when it sank and after I moved to Groton I went to school with the sons of the Threshers skipper. I am very glad the San Francisco survived and only lost 1 crewman.
Just be sure to bring the vise grips and ball peen hammer for the claws. I had an 8lb lobster once the claws were almost impossible to crack.
I saw this and thought others might be interested. It is purpoted to be an account of what happened. Diving officer of the watches account
Galen- I think I read the dry dock is in Guam and is not normally used for Subs. the Blogger Bubblehead Has info on this and other submarines- His jan 27 post links to HiRes pictures of the sub. One report he links to says the sub was making 23 knots (about 25mph)when it hit. When I was in High School in Groton (late 70's) my dad took me on base to see the Nautilus after it had a close encouter with a surface taget (Carrier?). A very big dent at the top front of the sail.
Zshot- the tarp is probably covering the sonar array (what is left of it) The Navy probably considers it classified- and doesn't want pictures of it distributed publicly. They were very lucky in my opinion- If they had struck the object more directly or much faster they would have probably never been able to surface, and might have ruptured the pressure hull (where the crew is). That hump between the two men on the deck was not there before the accident and it looks like there is a big chunk of what they hit behind the tarp.