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I thought this might be apropos It is a Map of Mr. Robertson's Neighborhood making its way around the blogosphere- It includes quotes etc. It is large enough that you will need to scroll around to see it all. Pat Robertsons Map of the World
The 600 Pistol needs a muzzel brake like this one on a Maadigriffin model 92 (50 Cal- Machine Gun Round) Supposedly it reduces the recoil to that of a 12 guage shot gun
Here is an Image of redneck air conditioning More of the redneck scrapbook is HERE
Doojable- Let me recommend a book to you to balance and put in perspective the one you are quoting from. PEOPLE of THE LIE: The Hope for Healing Human Evil by M. Scott Peck. I think this only partly true. It is based on the assumption that he person being forgiven recognizes they have done something that requires forgiveness, repented, decided to change and at least begun to act. With out this the “cycle of blame and pain” cannot end because the person that needs to be forgiven hasn’t changed and will repeat their pattern because they do not think they are wrong or the cause of the problem . They KNOW it is the person who is supposed to forgive them. When confronted with that situation the only response that will work is to actively do what the greek word for forgiveness means literally to hurl away, to free yourself. That is the only action that will begin to break the cycle. Forgiveness is a product of judgment. Yes the Bible says judge not lest ye be judged. The implication here is that you ARE judging your self first and based on that seeing the need for forgiveness of another. If that person cannot judge themselves, (one characteristic of the truly evil personalities) they cannot recognize there own faults and thus temper their own judgments of others. With these types of people forgiving them will not allow a relationship to begin anew only for the past to repeat itself. I’ll end with a quote from People of the Lie. Contrasting Good and evil personalities. Not to derail but to illustrate those who cannot be forgiven because they can never understand the need to be forgiven themselves.
Assume for a moment there is no God...
ckeer replied to JumpinJive's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Hi Sir G JJ- I’ll share some of my thoughts on my own changing perspective and understanding of God, godliness, and religions because it seems to me to be what you are really asking for. First off I do not view this so much as a battle of faith or needing to smash my old faiths as I view it a natural process of questioning, discovery, understanding and reconciliation of ideas. This is the natural (at least for me) path that a human follows in their thought life to understand and thus be able to predict and thus control themselves and the world around them. Additionally it gives their life meaning and purpose and knowledge of their creator. Therefore changing views, perspectives and beliefs as time goes on is a good thing not a bad one. Before I was in the way I had an urge to know God. Looking back there were several different opportunities to do so with different groups. I ended up taking PFAL. Was it my personal individual choice or God’s divine plan for my life I choose the group that gave me what I wanted to know in the way I wanted it. My personality quirks probably meant that its cult aspects were also what I needed. It was so nice to know the right answer after it was spoon fed to me. All paths lead toward God, The same paths lead away from Him. The more we try to raise ourselves and especially try and impose our understanding of how to do this on others we promote religion. This limits us and those we influence. What works for me will not work as well if at all for most others. For me realizing that God is with me where I am on any path I choose to take at all times is the godliness I seek. Religion says I am nowhere near God unless I find him. Godliness says he is always now here with me, I just have to remember that and thus I know where He is I am. Looking at the physical universe there is so much order from atoms to molecules to DNA to all life to physics to astronomy to mathematics there is so much elegant order and interdependence that it almost impossible not to at least assume that there is an intelligent creative force behind it. Then there is also perfect complete randomness and that is what most people attribute and equate to the devil’s actions or God’s will because it is their only logical explanation for the “bad” things that happen. Randomness is extremely hard for people to accept or understand and it is scary because it cannot be controlled. But since it part of what God created it fits in perfectly somehow. It is ok if I I don’t ever understand how, I don’t even have to “have faith” about it -
Are you buying a laptop or are going to use an existing one? Any new laptop should have an ethernet hard wire connection (802.11b) and an built in wireless (802.11g) Most inexpensive laptops have therese standard now. If you are using an existing laptop. You can buy either pccard adapters or USB, Wireless will probably be the most usefull. The place you are taking classes from probably has suggestions/requirements. They might want you to use xp pro for instance.
Do you mean WMA? WMA-Windows Media Audio is Windows proprietary answer to MP3 file compression. I can tell a difference between mp3 and wma at "CD Quality=128kbps" WMA sounds worse to me. I cannot notice the difference as much at higher settings. The songs I have purchased on line that are wma (because of the copy protection, I assume) are at 320kbps so they sound fine. WAV- (Windows Audio Video?) are typically uncompressesd (1411kbps) and are essentially equal to the audio files on a CD so they would sound as good as or better than the highest quality mp3 since their bite rate is 4.4 times greater than the higest mp3 setting-320kbps. If you have a really good ear and are listening for overtones and can hear very high frequencies using exellent headphones or speakers you could probably hear the difference.
getting by the passwords on some used computers
ckeer replied to danteh1's topic in Computer Questions
Here are a couple websites that appear to have free solutions- there are others that can be purchased. http://www.grape-info.com/doc/win2000srv/s...y/ntpasswd.html http://home.eunet.no/~pnordahl/ntpasswd/ Good luck- you might want to use norton ghost to make an image of the drive in case something screws up on one attempt. then you can restore and try again -
I wonder if it isn't more sinister. Several times ove the past few months I have had a delivery failed message on my yahoo mail account- I know its not google but I figure that gmail is propable similar. The Yahoo message has almost if not all the adresses in my mail account and often several I don't recognize. I figure its a worm or something like that. I wonder if the same things are hitting gmail, hotmail msn etc.
I stumbled across a mention of the React OS Project a free ware OS that is supposed to be able to run any Windows XP application. It is in the early development stages- but it sounds interesting- If comes to fruition do you think you'd try it out and maybe change over? I hope the moderators can change the spelling on the Topic- I'm Soooooo Embarressed
Sudo- Actually dealtime is one of my regular comparative shopping sites and I've used Crutchfield for years
Hills- and anyone else thinking about a new tv ought to check out Crutchfield Advisor to get a good education on TV's and how to make the best choice. They cover lots of other electronics as well. As to which model I like to check sites like Dealtime that list models buy popularity and link to reviews which can give me insight as to which particular model might fit my needs. Some personal thoughts on the subject- DLP screens are awsome to look at but I have heard that you have to expect to have projection bulbs burn out - they are a couple hundred bucks a pop and that the best thing to do is buy an extended warranty. The full HD dot pitch is 1920 x 1080- most hd ready TV's are currently 1366 x 768 - not quite what I consider true hd tv. Over the next year most models will incorporate 1920x1080 and also go down in price by about 30% I prefer the flat panel LCD's
Here is a tidbit on the AOS project which I have found to be an example of the seduction of self and hubris that is part of what makes the an organization like TWI a cult. I was at gunnysack for the first block of the in residence 16th WC training. My twig coordinator was Terr* G*ll, who had been heavily involved in producing AOS. One day she shared how LCM became the lead character. It was at her and another woman’s suggestion. Their reasoning was that since they were having such a difficult time find a male lead with the technical skill and the “spiritual awareness” or words to that effect that it would be easier to teach LCM how to dance (since he had all that natural athletic ability) than it would be to teach a good performer spiritual matters to the depth required for such a critical role. How could LCM say no? (He asked VP and he did not nix it)-- This what caused his head to puff up in the picture above-- As a result the whole process and production helped bring out establish and the worst in LCM fed by an almost rock and roll entourage of ego reinforcement. I believe that LCM's role in AOS litteraly set the stage for and established his role for the fog years and TWI II. Part of what makes a cult a cult is that it brings out the worst in people: particularly leaders, all the while making it appear to themselves, other leaders and the committed followers that it is actually their best.
Since we are talking relativitity and the effect is relative to your frame of reference (from the deivers seat) the effect would be indistinguashable and the same as if you were standing still. It is an impossible sceanaro but it would remain true for any speed up to (or faster than also?) the speed of light.
I'll go with #3, but thats just my own guess.
Ez cd creator platnium has a program called sound stream can take a mp3 file that is recorded at 128bps and re-rip it at 64bps which makes the file 1/2 size or 32bps which makes it 1/4 size. It will also allow you to cut the original file into segments (say 10 to 15 min each). This makes the files easier to upload/download and also pause and go back if you are taking notes. I have used this for teleconferences and training sessions. Most good mp3 players and software can handle the re-riped files. I record them on an Iriver player/recorder If you are recording the sermons from cd or tape you can set you ripper settings to the lowest possible bit rate that sounds acceptable and go from there(My Iriver only records linr in at 128kbps- its only drawback)
I stand corrected- thanks
It is kinda cool. Keep in mind that Sept 6th is also Rosh Hashanah The Jewish new year. This configuration of the constelation Virgo and new moon occurs every year. The new moon (the moon between the sun and earth-no reflected light from the sun) marks the begining of a month, The constelation this occurs in marks which month of the jewish year. Here is a link to Astronomy Magazine To get at all the features you have to be a subscriber Here is a link to Your Sky an online interactive planetarium. Just follow their directions and you willl be able to see the current confoiguratio in your area
WW- I clicked on this topic because of the title. When I was in all these stories were unquestionable proof of the greatness, godliness and divinely inspired nature of TWI. I think I was living in a place mentioned in a song by T Bone Burnett.- it was some where between Never Never Land and Wonderland, called Never Wonderland. :)--> Thanks for the reminder that I have moved out of that God forsaken place.
I have been following Michael yon for a while. Here is a link to Hugh Hewwit Interviewing Micael Yon about his latest post. A while back he was exploring Kurdistan and came accross a villiage that claims to be part of the worlds oldest religion. He also gave a very insightful analysis and an explanation of why it seems like the regular news channels only seem to report the bad news.
Bliss here is an answer to what to tell the innies about leaving now- The reason things are good now is because the current leadersh+ has consistently lied and withheld the truth concerning VPW, LCM, lawsuits (that could bankrupt the ministry), And other sexual indiscretions by in the field WC that have hurt believers. The Ministry appears to be in total denial of the facts and truths concerning its leaders, and the genuine sources of its foundational teachings. Add to this fact that it has not apparently had a truly original thought or insight on the Word in years. It Does not appear to be a genuine Research Ministry- because that should encourage questions, discussions and differences of opinion and honest truthful apologies and explanations from the top down as growth occurs- Has that ever happened in the past and is it happening now? The only apparent reason for its continued existence is provide a safe haven for leaders who cant do anything else- thus they provide a cocoon where believers can be comfortably numb a The only thing that allows it to continue is its foundational belief that must be accepted without question: TWI is the only genuine and true fellowship and that all others are false. This belief is the root cause of the fear that bound me before and after I left and binds your husband and others today. God is simply too big for that and we are simply too small. A few biblical examples in the old testament - Balaam was a prophet- he was not an Israelite- God’s chosen people at the time. What he spoke came to pass. Melchizedek king of Salem was the priest of the most high God who blessed Abraham and who in turn tithed to this priest. Moses lived with and served and married the daughter of Jethro the priest of Midian. These were the believers Moses fellowshipped with when God first spoke to him! Genuine fellowships are established by groups of people who seek to follow God in their hearts- Not with their organizations, in fact organization seem to do more to destroy genuine fellowship than build it in my opinion. Then again why rock their happy world – Ignorance Is Bliss – while you are ignorant anyway
Heavenly Events of Jesus Christ, Our Promised Seed
ckeer replied to Tom's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Tom- I don't think they have stopped and I supect that the ancient names are A key to understanding the foundation of biblical astronomy. I think that part of what one would need to do to develop a sense of this method of communication is to relate known or likely historical and biblical dates to conjunctions/ oppositions of the stars. Both in old and new testament times. It would be similar to the idea of the Rosetta stone. Try looking at the time line before the crucifixion through pentecost see what pops out. -
Heavenly Events of Jesus Christ, Our Promised Seed
ckeer replied to Tom's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
I think you are talking about mars, I think it is supposed to be as close to earth now as it ever gets but not as big as the moon but almost as bright -
God lives for itself. The whole of creation exists and thus lives for God. God is neither required to be faithful to our expectaions or to His Glory. Our expectaions limit our understanding of God and His ability to manifest Himself and His Will (desire) for us for in our lives. Therefore it appears to us that God is faithful to our expectations. God can only live up to OUR expectaions because that is all WE allow. His Glory for it to be genuinely His Glory is required to be faithful to Him.
Heavenly Events of Jesus Christ, Our Promised Seed
ckeer replied to Tom's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Tom- I used to have a program called red shift which did what you are talking about. Here is a link to the latest version of redshift Years ago I did wind it back to the events talked about in promised seed and it seemed to display them accurately. One time I set it to 3pm on the day Christ was crucified according to JC our passover. It appeared that the planets were in interesting positions. I don't remember exactly what but I think one was directly overhead of Jerusalem and in conjuction with a star named in Bullingers book and another star was over the horizon and directly underneath erusalem and in conjunction with another named star in a constelation. It occured to me that it might be interesting to list all conjunctions between Christs birth and resurection to see how they lined up with the ministries teachings. never got around to it and now never will but it would be kinda cool.