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- Birthday 04/28/1953
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I am amazed that most of us who claim to be ex-way people yet we absolutely WILL NOT let go of the JC is Not God doctrine of the Way. Dr. W said that the difficult verses need to be understood in light of the clear verses. Well, obviously what we called the "difficult verses" are the "clear verses" to the trinitarians. e.g. Col. 1:16-18 John 17:5 John 1:1, for example. Can we read English? What do these verses say? Re-read VPW's explanation in the JC is Not God book and HONESTLY see if his explanations make any sense to you at all NOW. Are these verses unclear? Many of the explanations seem unclear to me now. I exhort you to read the Gospel of John straight thru as if you have never read it before. It may be hard to do, but try it. Try not to hear VPW as you read it. If you still can hear VPW in your head, well, YOU are not reading it. There is much more to Jesus Christ than we ever were taught in the Way. We were taught the epistles but honestly, did we ever really read and study the Gospels? We may never truly know if JC is God or Not God on this side of eternity. All I know is that many TWI followers still think disparangingly of trinitarians. Just think...we MAY HAVE BEEN WRONG. What makes us think we are/were so right? I truly think God has to reveal many of these truths to us. He will if we ask Him. And don't be surprised if His answers contradict what we have been taught. I myself went thru hell and back with this issue and have made peace with it. Each man and woman needs to come to grips with this issue. Nothing I write here or anything anyone else can write here will settle this in the hearts of all of us. I am sad that ex-TWI people make this a bone of contention in the Christian world. Some will not even consider going to church because of this. How sad since Hebrews 10:25 tells us to not forsake the gathering of ourselves together. The Christan walk is not a "lone ranger" deal. We all need eachother! Let me tell you, I have found many wonderful men and women in the churches in my area of the map who love God and His people and who are doing great things for God and His kingdom. I belong to such a church and thank God for these wonderful people I have the privilege to help lead. I truly pray I have commuicated this with love. It is a hard topic and one that I have struggled with for many years. May God help us all in our quest for truth regarding this devisive issue. May it cease to be devisive soon. exousia
Ted, you have been a beloved brother in Christ for so many of us since we first saw and heard you no matter what ROA or fellowship we saw/heard you. You never professed to be anything but a man who loves God. You never flaunted yourself, and have always been an inspiration to me (I cannot speak for anyone else but I am SURE it is true for countless others). I thank God I had the pleasure of seeing you so many times at TWI events, and I thank God that by the miracle of technology that I can voice my love as a brother in Christ to you. exousia
HI Ted, God bless you. I am still "Ready to Go" whenever He decides to come get me and all of us! exousia
Let's see...what other sin can we sing about? NOt sure if God, even though He may hate sin, would want us to sing about it and make fun of it. I think the Homo song and Tinitarian song were out of line. I have read Romans 1 too as well as John 17 where it says Jesus Christ was going to return to His Father and share in the glory He had with Himbeforehand....hmmm....seems to me that I was taught that if ONE verse contradicted a clear verse, we had to understand it in light of the many other verses about the same subject.
Lots of comments about "Beautiful Ohio." I always felt sorry for the gal who had to sing it at the ROA's and Corps Weeks. I do not remember her name but my condolences are with her even today. I always sang, "Beautiful Ohio where the skies are blue, Who would think that people in the Way would screw?" It kinda got me through the agony of that song and it got a chuckle out of the people I sang it around whenever it happened to be playing. exousia
By far the WORST OF THE WORST is "Mama, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Homos." I always found this song to be offensive and hurtful. Anything that makes fun of anyone, whether it be fat people (LCM loved to tell fat jokes...this ....ed me off, too, since I know many people who were offended but never would say anything since "the man of God" told them...) alcoholics, etc. is not showing the love of God. I recall not laughing at gay jokes in the Corps (LCM loved these too) and was asked why I did not laugh. I disliked it then and still dislike those kind of jokes that put down people who struggle. It is easy to laugh at things you have no problem with. The next worst song, "Whose Kidding Who?" Yuck. exousia
His son is in Lima, Ohio...is in an up and coming Christian Rock band that is about to make it to the big time. Last I heard they are in Texas. exousia
Advice we wish we'd listened to while in TWI
exousia replied to Kit Sober's topic in Getting help for cult dysfunction
There were so many, many red flags that went up but I was so indoctrinated that I ignored that "still small voice" and even the LOUD SCREAMING VOICE of God because I failed to discern them. And we were supposed to do "all 9 all of the time." Oh pullleeeaasse! I may have received a word of knowledge I was a nerd of wisdom. Hindsight is 20/20. I used to regret the wasted years, but am realizing that God does restore the years that the locusts have devoured. Years in the wilderness after leaving TWI...I am beginning to cross the Jordan into the Promised Land. There is life with the one true God after TWI. He will reveal it to us. It takes time but if you desire it, He will show it to you. Mike, master the Word of God, not the blasted collaterals for God's sake! Read it like you never read it before. If you still hear VPW's voice when you read it you are reading it with a veil over your eyes. Let it all GO and start it from Genesis like you never read it before. Watch what God will reveal to you. It will be a new book. exousia exousia -
So what was the Christian Family and Sex class about?
exousia replied to RottieGrrrl's topic in About The Way
The End exousia -
So what was the Christian Family and Sex class about?
exousia replied to RottieGrrrl's topic in About The Way
My head is spinning. exousia -
So what was the Christian Family and Sex class about?
exousia replied to RottieGrrrl's topic in About The Way
So I guess my question of a couple of pages ago is a "NO," loud and resounding. This sure is a hot topic and an issue we may never see resolved in our lifetimes. I believe homosexuality will never be accepted by the majority of people. Christ will come back before it happens and then and only then will we know his take on all of this. It will be interesting to see if same sex relationships will be allowed during his 1,000 year reign on earth (if you happen to believe there will even BE a 1,000 year reign). I know that hetero men generally like lesbian stuff in porno flicks (I do not, never have). However, male affection, even non-sexual, is not acceptable in the USA as a rule. People just do not like to see it. In Europe and other continents male affection is much more acceptable. It was quite common in the USA before Freud's psycology changed everything. Oh well. exousia -
So what was the Christian Family and Sex class about?
exousia replied to RottieGrrrl's topic in About The Way
My goodness...this topic may be the #1 topic ever as far as responses. My question is: Has anyone ever known or heard of a homosexual that has TRULY been delivered? I mean REALLY TRULY ULTIMATELY delivered? We were taught in twi that it is a demon (devil spirit). Ok...say that it is. It TRAINS your mind and you have that orientation of preferring a man or a women (whatever you happen to be). Can this be changed? If it IS NOT a demon and is truly a SEXUAL ORIENTATION, is deliverance necessary? Mel White, author of STRANGER AT THE GATE, said that his homosexuality is a "gift from God." I cannot agree with that, but can we truly say that it is NOT something people are born with? Also, if one CAN be delivered, why is is so damn hard for those who truly DO NOT WANT to be homosexual to change? I know people who love God and the things of God but HATE themselves for being gay; they so want to change but CANNOT. These people have great compassion for God's people, and many gifts that God has blessed them with. It is tough. Is this like alcoholism, or any other difficult social sin? No one seems to have the answers. Can anyone here help? All I can say is that it is easy to criticize someone for something that THEY THEMSELVES have no problem with or struggle with. Trefor is a brave man to be so open about what he believes. TWI was evil and cruel to gay people, especially in the mid 90's witch hunt that LCM started. All he needed to do is look in his own backyard and he would have found 2 witches. exousia -
So what was the Christian Family and Sex class about?
exousia replied to RottieGrrrl's topic in About The Way
Great post dot! Love you bunches. My question is, as a man who thinks he knows a little about who is attractive and who is not, WHY did anyone even consider messing with VPW or LCM? This is somethng I cannot even comprehend. Was it an infatuation? Was it rape, or forced? Were women thinking it was love? I want to understand this. I hurt for all of you. I hate when people are used. exousia -
So what was the Christian Family and Sex class about?
exousia replied to RottieGrrrl's topic in About The Way
Wow. The emotions are running high on this thread. Mike is really in need of some serious deliverance. Sounds like a conscience seared with a hot iron. As much as we may hate to admit it, twi was and is a CULT. Classes such as CF & S were devilish because even something that God said "was very good" was perverted. Just look at the hurt it has caused for just the few people who have posted on this thread. The reason sex offenses leave a scar is because not only is it mental abuse but it involves a bodily function that makes an IMPACT on one's mind. Our very soul is affected! To justify any sexual offense is off the Word...hetero or homo. This thread should end soon. It is painful to see all the hurt, and Mike you need prayer. I hope it is not too late for you to get deliverance. exousia exousia -
So what was the Christian Family and Sex class about?
exousia replied to RottieGrrrl's topic in About The Way
To answer the question about when the CF & S class was offered until, our last CF & S class was run in about 1986. After that not too many classes such as the Way Tree, etc., were offered anymore. Just a BIG push on PFAL classes. We need to realize that the orig. CF & S class was taped in the 1970's, 30 years ago!! The attitudes and thinking were much different than today. Today someone is offended if a person sneezes the wrong way. It was not that way back in the 70's. Gays dared not stand up for themselves, divorced people had a stigma to them, etc. Lots has changed since then. Dr. W would never be able to say what he did in that class if it was made for the post modern culture of today. We've come a long way, baby, or have we? exousia