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Everything posted by WaywardWayfer
Everything was good or bad, especially people. We were pretty keen at finding devil spirits everywhere. I remember pulling my kids out of martial arts because of LCM ranting about how "devilish" it was. Does anyone harbor fears of getting possessed if you go to an accupuncturist?
Given my situation, if I make copies of these letters and send them to the law firm, I do not have to identify myself, do I? If I do, then I should send these to someone who does not mind getting involved. This would cause more problems in my family than I care to have at this time. I do want to help and all these letters are on TWI letterhead, dated and signed.
I'll quit after this - I hate long posts. So I apologize now for my extreme verboseness today. This section here, though, really shows how TWI re-writes God's laws and enforces them as if they are in the Bible and for people to adhere to. If they don't follow the rules then they are put outside the protection of the household for being disobedient.
I found these statements on the home page of GSpot. These are from the staff meeting notes and quotes from Craig: "outside the walls" doesn't sound too terrible unless you're intimately familiar with TWI lingo. He's saying outside the walls of the household where protection from God is. Outside the walls of Zion, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth - where people get killed.
I found a list of teaching tape numbers and summaries of the teachings. I don't think I have these tapes around, but I wonder if the Peelers can get copies of them for their lawsuit from anyone and if it would help? Of special interest might be tape 1765 ? Oct 9, 1994 ? Craig talks about the ethics of financial investing? 1772 ? Nov 27 ? abundance in business as we get motivated by our deep love for God 1775 ? Dec 18 ? Yuletide fragments and myth information ? During the holiday season we don?t incorporate what the senses realm promulgates into our belief system. 1777 ? Jan 8 1995 ? Obedience to Abundance ? making the thoughts and actions of the Word our habit is genuine obedience, and the result will always be abundance in every category of life. 1778 ? Jan 15 ? Make Up Your Mind ? D Wierwille ? do the logical thing in life?s situations 1779 ? Control Your Own Life ? H Allen ? practical keys on staying out of debt 1784 ? God?s Call to Abundance: Obedience to Meekness: Mosqueda ? It takes meekness to follow the game lan for moving the Word?.how meekness brings about abundance. 1786 ? March 12 ? Craig ? Foundations to Burn the Chaff: Acts 19 ? emphasis on getting and staying out of debt 1788 ? March 26 ? Fort ? Disciples of The Way ? Come Hear Do ? profit of living the lifestyle of a disciple. 1794 ? May 7 ? God?s Call to Abundance in the Household ? Martindale ? shows the distinction between the household and the family of God from 1 Cor 12: 11-27. 1796 ? May 21 ? Martindale ? God?s Call to Abundance: Be Not Slothful ? encourages believers to quit putting up with a lack of abundance in their lives by showing them what it means to be slothful and what to do to keep from being slothful. 1799 ? Abundance in Teaching ? Licht ? Any true outreach and ministry of God?s Word is going to have people who are living God?s Word and teaching that Word as they go. Rev Martindale gives a ?state of the union? update before the teaching 1900 ? God?s Abudnance in the Future ? Martindale ? 1803 ? Word Over the World Redifined 1806 ? Living Sanctified: Doctrinally and Practically
So they were leasing cars when they were telling us that it was debt and wrong? Figures. I found some old letters from Craig to the WC. Would these help with the Peeler Lawsuit? I will make copies to send to them. July 1994 “T…..M…., 17th Corps, who has been entrusted over the years with staff positions……has recently revealed himself as a practicing homosexual for many years. Despite clear teaching and adamant confrontation……therefore, I have recently declared to those directly involved and to the staff and corps here at International that he is to be “abandonedâ€. To deliver one over to satan for the destruction of the flesh means that the household should have nothing to do with him. He has rejected the teaching and love and help of the household….for years….therefore the ohnly thing that would genuinely get his mind to a place of considering honest spiritual sobriety is to deliver him over to satan for the destruction of the flesh, and that means complete adamdonment by those of us who love God and His Word and The Way Ministry…..Remember the homo spirits are adept liars, and their sincerity in asking for and acting like they want heolp is simply counterfeit…..†then it goes into the part about spiritual suspicion “I’d like to say to you “closet†homosexuals in the Corps household that you’d better run, because you cannot hide! …. You will be exposed and embarrassed and flushed; so you might as well make up your mind now to get out…. “You female fags, called lesbians, might as well have dogs that lick your slimy twats as another woman!….You are an abomination to God and the household of The Way Corps and The Way Ministry….You should be thankful you’re not in the Old Testament times, because there are some of us who would gladly execute you. I would rejoice at that privilege….Embarrassment and ostracism from the Corps household is the least that we should do for you…..†June 1994 I gave M & S H……the ‘bum’s rush’ hout of here because of their hardness of heart and lack of ‘saltness’ were finally exposed after years of acting as if they really stood with the current Board of Trustees. Theyare nothing more or less than the same kind of ‘foggers’ that we moved out of here years ago, in that they don’t care what I think, only what Dr. Wierwille told them years ago. In addition to the evil thinking engendered from those dropped from active Corps, some of those ‘busted back’ from their previous assignments (because of debt and other indications of spiritual slothfulness) allowed the adversary into their thoughts, and many of you who are friends of these are thinking evil because we have taken the stand that you should have taken! It’s time to clean house in an even more adamant manner…. We trustees have shown our leadership here how to dig out these cop-outs who have hidden in the household, taking the grace of God in vain. The fact that I had to dig the M…. out of our Region leader fellowship…..shows how certain ones have deceptively entrenched themselves by their good words and fair speeches. ….it required straight revelation to smoke them out. In recent Sunday Night Services, I boldly and clearly admonished the entire ministry (which would go double for the Corps and triple for the Clergy) on the salt covenant commitment that God expects out of the true disciples….It’s ‘open season’ and there is ‘no limit’; so let’s get the house clean and keep it that way. someone looking for actual teaching about mark and avoid would probably find it in these tapes from early 1994 since this letter was from June. There’s a letter to Rev. B Nxxxor and his wife about being dropped from active corps. Then another letter where he talks about dropping corps for debt and probation periods….to get your attention that God means business about being out of debt 2) to give you time necessary to get on top of your expenses and income, making aggressive decisions to get out of debt and to show that you have to live up to the Word of God or we will not back you up and support you. …Debt is sin. To look at it any other way is rationalization and old man thinking….If yo disagree with this then drop yourself from active corps and save us from having to root you out….
The Roberts get paid $45K/year to be full time? Do they have to pay for rent out of that, or are some of the expenses paid for by TWI? Do they still provide cars for full time employees? TWI has over $40M in the bank and they only allow $100 for meetings? No wonder we have to meet in such run down dumps. We've had meetings outside in such uncomfortable conditions that many people don't show up.
Oldiesman, they purport to not meddle in the financial affairs of people but they do. They want to know if you pay cash for things or if you finance them. If you are in debt according to TWI's definition of debt (not according to what The Bible defines as debt), then you are not allowed to attend the Advanced Class Special. You are not allowed to be a fellowship coordinator, but you are allowed to "serve" by having fellowship in your house on a regular basis. You are not allowed to attend the Advanced Class. How, if they do not meddle in people's personal finances, do they enforce these ridiculous rules?
Do a search on the site for her name. There are disucssions about her move to Georgia.
Did they leave TWI? I'd love to reconnect with them.
yep! You pegged me. :D-->
Diets that work... Got any?
WaywardWayfer replied to Dot Matrix's topic in Health, Wellness, and Fitness
WayferNot! and Dexter, thank you. I'm surprised people were allowed to even try something like that at HQ given they don't really have much control over their mandatory lunch time meals and over-worked schedules. I guess it just really boils down to eating fresh foods and lean cuts of meat with lots of exercise. I'm not into strictly scheduled regiments (TWI turned me off mandatory self-monitoring to extreme). Maybe this isn't the plan for me. Thank you for your input. I really appreciate it. -
Happy Birthday Hope R, April 20, Easter
WaywardWayfer replied to excathedra's topic in Birthdays and Anniversaries
Diets that work... Got any?
WaywardWayfer replied to Dot Matrix's topic in Health, Wellness, and Fitness
I've been looking into Body for Life. Has anyone done this or heard anything about it? If it's true, I'd sure like to look like some of these people. www.leanandstrong.com and www.bodyforlife.com and www.body-for-life-tracker.com -
Welcome, Cafegirl! I'm still in, but isn't it amazing how illogical and stupid so many of the rules are/were in TWI? I'm amazed and mad at myself for putting up with all the b.s. and allowing it to affect my thinking. TWI doesn't permit questioning things and especially leadership when people should be encouraged to question leadership. It keeps everyone on their toes. :D--> Thank you for sharing your story with us. It only gets better and as you read more here you'll see that you're not alone in how you feel and that it can be overcome. There are a lot of great people out there (outside of TWI) and many of them have never even heard of TWI. I highly recommend reading the book "The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse". It's a great book that will help you along the healing process. Thank you for sharing and, please, let me buy you a cinnamon roll and a cuppa java.
These are very good suggestions. Don't mention TWI at all. Just be loving, kind and positive (but not sickly so). If they ask questions answer them enthusiastically, but be careful about getting too excited and bombarding them with too much. Sometimes my spouse will question a teaching or something that has been on the mind and if I jump on the "see, another category they are so off on" or if I'm too enthusiastic about the new found error it will shut down the conversation and it will be weeks or months before anything else found contradictory to TWI doctrine is brought up. It's a very delicate balance and I'm not always balanced. :D--> Perhaps you are better at agreeing without alarming. Hopefully so! Please let us know how it goes.
BARF Diet for dogs. Anyone have info on this?
WaywardWayfer replied to RottieGrrrl's topic in Pet Affection
I just found this website that compares several brans and styles of dog foods, in case someone else is interested : http://www.petsmart.com/pfc/foodcalc?op=sh...refoodselection This one seems to be a better comparison though -- www.naturapet.com It includes some of the really better brands, such as California Natural and Solid Gold. The chart above will only compare what PetsMart carries, which is NOT the premium foods. Of the foods PetsMart carries, Nutro Natural Choice is the best...no corn, no poultry by product digest meal (heads, feet, and guts including manure) which is used as the primary "protein" source in all the other foods PetsMart carries. This lady has a great site on her research for the best dog food: http://mywebpages.comcast.net/healthypets/ [This message was edited by WaywardWayfer on March 12, 2003 at 5:24.] -
Can Deception Be Adequately Confronted?
WaywardWayfer replied to FreshAir 99's topic in Getting help for cult dysfunction
diazbro said: This is a most excellent quote! I think that most everyone still in has at least one story where they know they were being fed b.s. and then justified it in their own mind whether it was the one bad leader doesn't make a bad ministry theory or the wrong to think evil of someone and I must not know the whole story theory. There have to be enough of those to prompt someone into action. I would love to see one fatal blow like the class action suit, but I doubt that there's enough organization to put it together. When people get so used to making up excuses to cover for the wrong they see in TWI it becomes even harder for them to realize how much evil they are covering and justifying. -
People who speak up are quickly shut up and escorted out the door. Many times the speaking up is to leadership and so no one knows what you've said or that you've spoken up. They only know that you're gone and that they aren't supposed to talk to you anymore. Being afraid of being publicly ostracized and removed from God's protection they choose to believe the only side of the story they get to hear. I don't know, NL, it's just not as easy as it sounds for some of us. I speak up, believe me, but it's very subtle and it's only one or two things at a time. I've had some serious verbal arguments with my family, but all it did was increase the tension between us and expose the fear they were feeling. I choose to move in baby steps as opposed to speaking up in the manner that you've suggested. I even teach things that would probably get me in trouble if people stopped to think about what I am actually saying. I contradict TWI on so many fronts, but I only do it one point per teaching at a time. To do anything bolder would get me in trouble and pull me off the platform where I have a chance to wake up some other people.
Golfie, You make some very good points. I think the problem stems from years of teaching that TWI "believers" are the ONLY believers and the only ones who are like-minded. It's worse, I think, initially when you come here and find out that there is no church where they don't believe that JC is not God unless you go to a so-called off-shoot and then you're told that they are just like TWI or no better. I've heard people in TWI go so far as to say that the Epistles are written ONLY to TWI because they are addressed to "THE FAITHFUL IN CHRIST" and we all know that only TWI believers are considered faithful in Christ. It's a very hard battle even when you want to break the mindset. I avoid every use of "faithful", "believer", "household", "Zion" and other catch phrases of TWI, especially when I'm talking with other TWI people. I want to dispel those wrong teachings and remind them that God has other kids out there that He loves just as much, if not more, than TWI people and that they darn well oughta love them too since that's what God and JC say to do. That's only the first step, imo, to getting to the mindset that you need to have to be able to leave TWI when you don't know all the awful things that have happened.
BARF Diet for dogs. Anyone have info on this?
WaywardWayfer replied to RottieGrrrl's topic in Pet Affection
Yahoo Groups has a great discussion group on the BARF diet. It's too expensive and time consuming to be a viable option for me. Yahoo BARF Group I use Eukanuba, but I think I'm going to look at this Canidae brand. -
Can Deception Be Adequately Confronted?
WaywardWayfer replied to FreshAir 99's topic in Getting help for cult dysfunction
Very good replies. I know where people have gone through the proper channels to point out or question something taught by TWI. The HFC agrees that it is error and then sends the information to the BC who justifies the TWI position and it goes no further. Several times the BC and even once the RC never even commented on the study or the question. They just absolutely refuse to admit that anything is wrong; heck, they won't even say that maybe something could/should be taught better or clearer. Deception, imo, has been more than adequately confronted, but not inside TWI. It can't. People are forbidden from hearing the other side of the story. They are threatened with loss of God's protection and therefore scared to even consider that there's another side to the story. It's when people get fed up with being in the dark that they start looking for answers where ever they can and that's when they learn about the deception. A lot of the times it's right here at GSpot that people finally start seeing the depth of deception. If we could just get the information to the people who are in and in such a way as to make it easy for them to receive it.....