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Everything posted by WaywardWayfer
Reminds me too much of spying out our liberty in Christ.
PB & Bananas or Mayo & Bananas Both ways fried like Elvis used to do.... MMMMMMMmmmmmmmm Good!
What harm does it do to give someone a meal, leftovers or a few coins (dollars, even)? Doesn't hurt me at all and so what if they don't need it. They have to answer for that I've done what I felt right about doing. TWI doesn't teach anything about doing or giving to people. All they care about is signing people up for their classes and being "especially good to the household". Really sad.
This is the same thing they are still doing. The students are told halfway through the class the directions and when to have them ready to turn in to the class coordinator so they can all be mailed together, after they have been checked for accuracy and perfection, of course. I have heard of a couple of do-overs, Shellon.
I guess that sounded confusing. I don't mean that I doubt anyone here, but I can't go home and say, "guess what I saw on GSpot today...." I have to "research" this on my own and say, "Guess what I found in my daily reading in the Bible? Can this possibly be true? Could it be that we have been taught something wrong by TWI?"
I have heard that every one taking the class is REQUIRED to write a letter about WHAT BLESSED THEM in the class. I guess we know where that rule came from now.
I'm going to look into that usage of "present truth". If it is a wrong application it's going to be lots of fun sharing that research. Mr. H, I'm LOL at your post. It's too true!
Oldies, I don't think they actually put in print that they are the only household of God, but if you listen to them talk and the teachings, that's what they insinuate. When they read the verses that talk about "to the faithful" and "the household" and "the Body of Christ" they only talk about it in terms of within the walls of TWI. I do remember LCM talking about TWI being the "Zion" of our day and time.
LLP, Respectfully, I'm glad that you post here and I'm glad that your experience is much different from what all the rest of us have experienced. I myself have not witnessed half the atrocities that are talked about on here, but I do identify with the doctrinal errors and some of the injustices and mean things done by leadership. I have been relatively protected, but part of that is because of reasons I can not go into right now. I do believe every person on here and I can see how the things could have happened. I have heard stories locally from first hand experiences that have made my hair curl. So, while I also believe you, I do think you are in a very unique position and have not been in a position to see or experience the TWI that most of have. I think you're very intelligent, but I wonder if you are naive to the "between the lines" wayspeak that goes on in TWI. Do you listen to the STS tapes or read the magazine articles? I'm curious as to what you think of those. Are you really in NY City? ;)-->
Conscience seared with a hot iron? I think they are perfect examples of it.
LLP, you do come across as arrogant most of the time and your experience does not match the experiences of 99% of the people on this site. I'm "in" and I have heard the same statements and same aloofness that Insurgent has posted about and heard from others in different parts of the country similar double-sided compliments on the film. I truly believe that if you are telling the truth about your experiences with TWI then you are either very very wealthy or very inconsistent in your attendance at TWI functions and fellowship with others in TWI so that you miss a lot of things. TWI people can be very two-faced and they are good at putting their best foot forward when around those not considered on the inner circle of even common levels of believers. They may be telling you things they think you want to hear in order to keep you involved and to keep getting your money or to get you to stay around so they can continue trying to get your money. Maybe if you tell us who some of YOUR leadership is, was and has been we could tell if you were in a protected environment.
I don't know where it is, but I do know that she is the President of TWI, not "the teacher". They are keeping the "positions" separate to prevent any one person from having "all power" for what it's worth. This is also the reason given for why there is no one person who teaches at each Sunday service. R--o M--n---i does teach at all the WC meetings, though.
It seems to me that the situation around the original letter posted here and the additional letters that we may never get a copy of are similar to the debt situation. Most of the hurt, abuse and fear imposed on the people of twi came verbally, through the "chain of command" and through lunch time sharings, WC meetings, etc. There just isn't much in writing to validate what happened, but it did happen. People were forced to swear loyalty to a man, a ministry and not God...in both situations. One couple refused to sell their home and the WC overseers told everyone they loved their house more than they loved God. Another couple was told that their child was seriously injured in a car wreck because they were in debt with their house. Every couple was verbally coerced into selling their homes, but there is nothing in writing saying that TWI demands that they sell their house. If someone were to merely read the one letter posted here, I could see how they would miss the big picture and all the threats, coercion and b.s. that was behind the letter. It doesn't mean it didn't happen. This was the beginning of Craig's ever increasing appetite for power and control.
OM, seems relevant to me given the outcome of the situation. By their fruit ye shall know them.....I'd say by Craigger's fruit it was a rotten motive to send out those letters and I'd also say that you should get more of the whole stow-ree before you start casting stones there, bro.
oldiesman said: Then you'll have to contact them yourself. I'm not posting any more than what I have. I can't speak for Insurgent or anyone else who is still in who posts here, but I don't post here for you, oldiesman. I decide what I'm going to post and how much information I'm going to give very carefully. Despite your claims to the contrary - you DON'T get it. If you did you wouldn't be posting the things you do. Regarding my family - it's not for you to judge them or me for how I am handling being "in" while wanting to be out but with my famil in tact. You don't know my situation and you never will. There is much more at stake than just my spouse and kids and YES (for me), I do think it's against God's will - do a study on it yourself some time: You've hit a very sore spot for me in case you can't tell. Don't push it.
Would LCM still be President if the lawsuits were not filed?
WaywardWayfer replied to pjroberge's topic in About The Way
Since LCM had pimps in the WC setting up girls for him whenever he came to their area, I'd say you're right on, pjroberge. He'd still be president and still be the ranting raving controlling spittle spurting MOGFART that people worship and emulate if the lawsuits hadn't come out into the public. I've even heard WC say that it took the lawsuits for them to be able to remove him from power. What the HE!! kind of "standing in the gap" is that??? I wish I had gone off on the man when he said it, but I was too chicken sh!t myself. -
They would have to take out half the songs in the Sing Along the Way book if they only put in ones that supported their doctrine. I remember at one time during the LCM era I actually wished they would take all the ones about Jesus out. I thought it was idolatrous to sing most of those songs. How sick is that?
I can't pick just one. There are too many to mention depending on the subject being discussed. I will open threads I don't care about or don't want to get involved in just to see what Rafael, Goey or Oakspear has written. There are others who have been extremely helpful and supportive on and off the boards. I couldn't even start naming names because it would upset me if I were to leave someone out. Often someone I least expect to contribute something noteworthy blows me away with insight, observation or personal experiences. I'm really glad there are places like GSpot and pjroberge's site for people. I'm very thankful for the time and money they put into making information available (sorry, I hate that word) for us. I'm especially glad that people who are "out" stick around even when it gets boring around here to continue exposing the evils of TWI and even repeating stories because someone may be finding GSpot for the first time.
Donna Martindale: still wife of the president?
WaywardWayfer replied to pjroberge's topic in About The Way
I remember someone posting about DM and M-rsh- Gr---- sleeping together for a long time. This was first hand knowledge from a reliable poster. People still in TWI no longer ask about DM or her status because they never get an answer and it just leads to some huge long dissertation about how it really doesn't affect our stand on "the Word" so we shouldn't concern ourselves with it. -
I have heard the same things as Insurgent from different people in TWI and especially the leadership. I don't care how or why Mel Gibson produced this movie. I'm just glad he did and that it got so much publicity that so many people have gone to see it. I think God must be pretty darn proud of him for having the fortitude to do it and for reminding people (and teaching those who have never heard) of what Christ did for us. I'm just sick when I hear TWI people poo-poo the crucifixion and those who humbly acknowledge the incredible sacrifice made for us. Maybe he didn't have to die for TWI people - they didn't need to be saved - they're just really angels or perfect saints who don't need Christ.
The exactness "factor" : a method of cult control
WaywardWayfer replied to pjroberge's topic in About The Way
I first wanted to leave because it felt "weird" but then I had a major tragedy in my life and the only people I felt comfortable talking about it with were my HFC's. Then I met my spouse and I "put up with" some things because I was in love. Then I really wanted out but was afraid to talk about it because I didn't want God to strike me down or "allow" my family or me to get hurt or killed. Them I found out about the lawsuits, found WayDale and GSpot and REALLY wanted out but was afraid of my spouse thinking I was possessed for going on the internet. Then I told my spouse I wasn't happy with TWI and was told not to break up our marriage by leaving TWI. Then I just quit talking and started dying inside. I still want to leave TWI. -
I give when I feel like it now. Before I used to blame people who needed help for being weak and "out of fellowship". Now I realize that's another wrong teaching of TWI. They must not have Hebrews 13:2 in their Bible: Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
I know many people still in consider Craig to truely be a MOG more along the lines of Solomon. They think he is/was very wise and that he just made some bad choices. Don't be fooled. Many people in TWI still respect him and everything he taught very highly.
I found the articles on The Tithe Doth Still Provide and The Spiritual Abundance of Abundant Sharing! I also found some of the state newsletters that proudly list "Believers Now Living Debt Free". But they don't have a policy on debt. --> From The Tithe article: "TITHING IS FUNDAMENTAL. It is the most basic principle of prosperity that MUST be operated....You cannot expect God to bring anything your way without adhering to this basic principle." "THE TITHE, when operated properly in love, profusely covers EVERY PHYSICAL NEED A BELIEVER EVER HAS IN HIS LIFE, HIS FAMILY OR HIS BUSINESS. Reread that last sentence. It is the truth." "When you tithe OFF THE TOP of your income and your increase in other categories of physical abundance, then you are taking positive and bold action AGAINST THE ADVERSARY'S PLOTS TO ANNIHILATE YOU, YOUR FAMILY, YOUR BUSINESS AND EVEN YOUR COMMUNITY AND NATION IN THE PHYSICAL REALM." "So when the beggars with their tin cups and multi-guises come knocking at your pocketbook door, tugging at the heartstrings of your mind for the United Charities for Restored Reformatories or the Telethon for Pigeon-Toed Ostriches.....remember the multi-blessings of the tithe that God's Word guarantees. REMEMBER YOUR FIRST ALLEGIANCE - TO GOD AND THE MINISTRY THAT REPRESENTS HIM - then do what you will, and he will bless your every step upon His Word!" Oh what a tangled web we weave........
Oh yeah, and those "rank unbelievers" were "just empties floating by" considered on the same level as animals because they were just "body and soul." TWI gave you permission and justification for hating people. So much for all the love Jesus taught.