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Everything posted by Greek2me
Doubt if he took the class, but "Dr" J. definitely got the PFAL book shoved in his hands after a sixer game on the way to the locker room.
37% (Yankee). A definitive Yankee. Sounds about right... seeing as I'm a Michigander. (pure bred) Although I've lived in NC, VA, TX, and GR.
Why Live A Good Life If Everyone Is Going To Be Saved?
Greek2me replied to CKnapp3's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Thanks for making my point Garth. As a matter of fact, I think it says... "Man in his best state is altogether, vanity." -
Why Live A Good Life If Everyone Is Going To Be Saved?
Greek2me replied to CKnapp3's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
The Fear of Lord is such a misunderstood subject. Just ask Ananias and Saphira... oops, guess we can't. Whether it is believed or not doesn't change the veracity of the truth. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom..." Anything else, is so much crap. Man in his best state, is vanity. -
That's my take on it as well. After all, if Adam hadn't eaten that fruit, wouldn't he still be kickin' round on this planet somewhere? In Ephesians it says that Jesus accomplished the following: Eph. 2:18 For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father. Jew and Gentile, through Jesus the Christ, both have access BY ONE SPIRIT unto the Father. That kinda negates the *indiviudal* spirits idea to me as taught ala twi. Jerry, you're right. Another case of VPW/TWI complicating things that didn't need complication.
Oak, Good advice. No. Like most of what VPW taught, I would disagree with his conclusions regarding the giver and the gift, as he called them. Capitl H and small h... damn he must've had a belly full of gnats... 'cause he sure strained at enough of them. One body, One Spirit, One hope, One Lord, One faith, One baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. And since he doesn't change, it must mean that it's been that way since the beginning.
WTH, for the most part I agree with what you posted, however, there is one thing you said that is simply innaccurate, at least to my understanding of the things of God. PFAL never gave anybody any tools to "rightly divide the Word of God". If anything, it outlined a few principles that brother Weirwille thought important while at the same time indoctrinating the student into his particular partial, flawed, take on the Bible. The Scriptures are made known by revelation. Period. The Holy Spirit of God does the revealing and the recipient doesn't even have to be born again. Surely you've read that Peter and John were unlearned and ignorant men. Literally, they were illiterate. This negates the proposition that "Study to show thyself approved..." has anything to do with research tools. This study, simply means to be diligent, be careful, pay attention cause this is important. NOT "master the collaterals" or "work the word and make it your own". The right dividing of the word belongs to HIM who is the word, and to whom said word belongs. Consider the following people (unfortunately, I'm at work right now and don't have a Bible program on my computer, however, all of the examples I'll sight are verifiable, what's more, I'm certain most people reading this message will be familiar enough with the Scriptures to recognize these occasions.) If there are any mistakes when I quote Scripture, it is do to the fact that I am doing this from (faulty, fleshy) memory. When Jesus asked His apostles "But whom do you say that I am"? after the dispute regarding exactly who he was crept into their group. Peter answered, "Thou are the Christ, the Son of the Living God." To which Jesus responded by saying "blessed art thou Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood hath not revealed this unto you, but my Father which is in heaven". The right dividing of the word was accomplished by revelation. NOT pfal tools. Recall the two as they walked along the road to Aremea. How did they receive the knowledge of the truth? By revelation. NOT pfal tools. Paul's knowledge of the mystery, according to his testimony in Ephesians was received by the revelation of Jesus Christ. Paul went on to say that when we read, we may have the same knowledge that he had. This requires (if it is to be the same knowledge) the revelation of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ the same, yesterday, today, and forever. He will be revealed to those who genuinely seek to know Him. Think of all those who knew Him before pfal was even put together after being smurfed from the various men of God the majority of the material was taken from. Were they somehow innadequately equipped to get the job done because they didn't have the right tools (pfal) to rightly divide the word of truth? I think not. Sorry, got to go right now. Amazing, but even brother Weirwille according to Mike's last post, happened to agree. originally posted by Mike
Hey Mike, do you remember something along the lines of... "in the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses, let every word be established."? originally posted by UncleHairy: originally posted by def59: originally posted by HCW: Seems to me that based on the witnesses account alone there is evidence enough. Based on your own writings, claims and assertions, there is overwhelming body of evidence that speaks to your altered state of mind. Mike, I, as do many here I'm sure, recomend you give this "pfal is God breathed" thing a break. You have, nor will ever, convince anyone of such utter nonsense. In addition, for God's sake, get some counseling. You are mad. (4) witnesses. Now, I know what you're thinking... and that's the first and surest sign of your illness. ;)-->
No fair WW, you used pfal logic (if there is such a thing) to actually force Mike to accept the fact that he is wrong... though he will not accept it. We all know, as has been evident for the past couple of years and the hundreds and hundreds of posts over the same, lame, "pfal is God breathed" crap, that Mike will be unable to accept the fact. Appeals via simple logic have been made and dismissed in an ever present need for Mike to be the enlightened one and THE "masterer of pfal". For real, what's next? Mike's claim that since "dr" said to master the collaterals then the blue book, green book, etc., etc., are all God breathed? Do you really have the stomach to go through all of this again with this guy? I mean, can you even imagine that? It is definitely time in this (and any other forum) to put Mike's claim that pfal is God-breathed to bed. Enough already. Mike can not, will not, and does not, want to see the light of the glorious gospel of Christ. He's more interested in the enslaving gospel of pfal. Only the Spirit of God can do what so many others have tried and failed to do. I, for one, think He's the right choice for the job. =============== Mike, When the Holy Spirit of the Living God opens your eyes to the fact that pfal is NOT God breathed, I hope you won't be too crushed to continue to want to serve Him.
HCW, Excellent observations. Don't be surprised if your direct questions are not satisfactorily answered. Mike is simply incapable in his current state of blindness and denial.
Actually, I think in the book "The God Makers," the author pointed out that Mormons are not as succesful as they would have outsiders to think. According to the book - Utah has a much higher incidence of alcoholism than the rest of the U.S. population (a secret that nobody likes to be reminded of) and they have a higher than average divorce rate. One thing's for certain though... they are as culty as a CULT can be.
Kudo(s) to Sudo LOL :D-->
I guess it would depend on what the dog had for dinner... :D-->
I'm not so sure that it's a matter of 'work ethic' but more a matter of competence and conscientiousness. I am often amazed at how little real competence people have. What's worse, it doesn't seem to bother them that they haven't performed to the best of their ability, so long as they get paid on time. I hire people because I have a problem that needs solving. I don't hire them to become a problem themselves or make more for me. I do agree that there does seem to be almost a sense of entightlement in many younger workers. I am ceratin that teaching children how to work is the parents responsibility, not anyone elses.
What good advice! There you are... standing at home plate while the bully from the neighborhood is getting ready to hurl a hard, round object at you with the velocity of what appears to be an ICBM while the chants of 'hey batter,' 'no batter' drone in your unprotected ears. The glint in his eye and the twisted, satanic, snarl on his lip tell you that the next one is being aimed at your head. Keep your eye on the ball indeed!
Because I accept and love Jesus as the Christ
Greek2me replied to Dot Matrix's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
As the one who ministered healing to Dot Matrix with miraculous results... all I can say with regard to her story is (as far as my involvment goes) that it was exactly as she stated in her opening post. God revealed to me her affliction via the gifts of the Spirit and in the name of Jesus Christ she was healed. Whether anyone agrees or believes or not really is irrelevant. Dot Knows. I know. And Jesus Christ the true Lord and Savior knows. -
Refiner, You should have asked me for the pfal book before I threw it - along with hundreds of tapes and other so important "ministry materials" - that I, as a Christian, resorted to stealing and lying to obtain such precious gems don't you know :(--> Anyway they all ended up in a dump on a Greek island in case you are interested in more material. By the way, when you finish reading pfal - if you haven't succummmed to its superiority and therefore need to supplant the Holy Bible according to Mike - I suggest you toss it in the trash as well. It's been debunked and proven to be stolen, copied, or just plain wrong in parts. The rest of the book then, is in fact, an answer to his own question, isn't it?
Shaz Exactly! or is that EXzaktally, or maybe ezzzacly, or as Red Fox's character on Sanford and Son used to say, Zackly. Mind you, you don't want to have a case of the 'zackly's' now, do we? ;)-->
Oak, That seems to be the consensus outside of Greece. Here, of course, the Greeks tend to think any 'barbarian' trying to tell them how their language is supposed to be pronounced is ... well, ridiculous. After all, the language has arrived (albeit in an evolved manner as in all 'living' languages) from ancient times and there are groups of Greeks that have been isolated or separated (Asia Minor Pontiacs for instance) that speak an entirely different dialect than do Greeks in Greece, however there are similarities. Also, Cretans have a strong (unique) dialect. In the Greek Orthodox church, however, the service is done in an older (Koine?) form of Greek, based on centuries and centuries of tradition. Much like the Catholics doing a service in Latin. Many people here don't understand every word but there are quite a few (like my wife) who have had a classical eduaction with 6 years of ancient and koine Greek study who do understand the services. As CUF pointed out. The agreed upon pronunciations seem to have come from a Dutch scholar. To my mind, the people that have had thousands of years of tradition speaking the same language and who to this day do services in the form of the language from as old as, if not older than, the 3rd century A.D. are the ones most likely to tell us the "proper" pronounciation. So again I say if you want to know how a Greek word is pronounced...ask a Greek. ChasU., I know your husbands dialect well! They simply cut the endings off many of the words. Ex. Speeti (house) becomes Speet. And yes, the Greeks do say it's chinese to me.
I thought I remembered it but I had to double check to be sure. "It's Greek to me" comes from no less a literary giant than William Shakespeare himself. "The Tragey of Julius Caesar" Act 1 Scene 2 - near the end of the scene. CASSIUS Did Cicero say any thing? CASCA Ay, he spoke Greek. CASSIUS To what effect? CASCA Nay, an I tell you that, Ill ne'er look you i' the face again: but those that understood him smiled at one another and shook their heads; but, for mine own part, it was Greek to me. I could tell you more news too: Marullus and Flavius, for pulling scarfs off Caesar's images, are put to silence. Fare you well. There was more foolery yet, if I could remember it. Concerning Greek pronounciations. Ask a Greek :)-->
Quick question. Does anyone know (or think they know) where the expression "It's Greek to me" comes from? I have my own good guess but I wonder what else is out there. Now, on topic... considering that most of the pronounciation 'rules' for Bible Greek that are/were used in TWI were put into writing by a Dutch scholar, shouldn't we be just a bit suspect. And given that much of what TWI taught has been proven to be anything BUT "the rightly divided word," why on earth would we care to pronounce words according to their definitions of "correctness"? Simply put, Greek pronounciations were absolutley slaughtered in TWI. Not even close to correct MOST of the time. As a matter of fact,... oh never mind.
2 drinks for every time someone pronounces a Greek word CORRECTLY! 2 drinks for propper pronounciation of "Pnuema Hagion" (when I told and ex-corpse dude how it really was pronounced, he told me that "Doctor" knew the correct pronounciation but said it the way he did cause no one else could get it right. yah right... jackass. 2 drinks for the phrase "Let's flip over Philippians to Thessalonians". *3* drinks for every time the word love is "properly" translated 'the love of God in the renewed mind in manifestation'.
A Conservative Surprise Re: Gay Marriage
Greek2me replied to Juan Cruz's topic in The Birds and the Bees
Imbus, How much money you make? I just celebrated my twelfth anniversay and things continue to improve. No, I'm not making the claim of perfection, but we are committed to each other. And yes, I've lived long enough to know that life can throw some curve balls our way, so this is in no way meant to be boastful. Who knows what tomorrow will hold? The fact is, there are healthy, spiritual, committed, loving, strong relationships. It takes a little effort maybe to have one, but it's most definitely worth it. -
Was that Holy Spirit quote in reference to Billy G., or some other big name evangelist? Or maybe it was in reference to B. G. Leonard, who (according to V. P. so it must be true ;)-->)supposedly knew alot about "the Holy Spirit field" right? Anyway, I remember Brother Leonard saying in the Gifts of the Spirit class that until your preaching saved one more soul than Billy G. had, you didn't have the right to speak about or (especially) criticize him. Likewise, until you performed one more miracle through the use of the gifts of the Spirit than Brother Leonard had, you had no right to criticize him. Mind you, Brother Leonard had permormed hundreds and hundreds (if not thousands) of genuine, bonafied, miracles in the name of Jesus Christ. Yet someone had the gall and unabashed, arrogant audacity to claim that they had forgotten more about the Holy Spirit field than that boy will ever know. Truly pathetic.
TWI has sued me, and I hope TWI's attorneys like to ski
Greek2me replied to pjroberge's topic in About The Way
Raf, No apology necessary. My remark was as Linda stated and sorry if I derailed a bit. Some of the things you've pointed out in here happen to be excellent advice, imo. Especially the Sermon on the Mount aspect of looking at this thing. Unbelievably yet truly despicably, we have a christian orginization (at least professing to be, and yes, I am using the term very, very, loosely)) sueing a christian and going to a court of law made up possibly of "unbelievers". The organization has taught publicly against such actions (any sns teachings anyone?) in a supposed "rightly-dividing" of the Scriptures. Once again, actions do speak louder than words. What was it Jesus said? oh yeah, "If you love me, you will keep my commandments". Now what's all this got to do with the legal aspect of this issue? Nothing. As a Christian, or a Christian organization, there really is no "legal" aspect, is there? It's simply a matter of obedience.