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Everything posted by Greek2me
Gotta love youtube. It lets you listen to just about anything by just about anyone. This week its been REO Speedwagon - keep on rollin' and Blackfoot - Highway song live. Oh, I just started to listen to a little Boston which might be this weeks flavor.
When I was 13 I was the lawn boy for an elderly neighbor for $7 a week. The following sumer I worked on a celery farm in the river flats trimming, packing, stacking, crate making and hauling celery.... for $1.65 an hour. My mom loved the fresh celery I would bring home from work and we would chow down on a peanut butter and celery snack... still one of my favorites!
I've had a similar experience (with a piece of apple) The sense of panic is unreal. Time stands still and races at the same time. There is the Heimlich Maneuver. You can also do it to yourself using a one handed fist using the other hand over the top to thrust upwards. Even leaning over the back of a chair might do the job.
And I'm amazed that he got back in here. I, for one, recall what it was that got him the boot the first time and it appears he's up to his old tricks again. Edi, Well put. Ignore is a wonderful little option to be exercized with malice towards none and forethought by all.
dmiller, eagle Don't sweat the pebster. He's a rule unto himself. No amount of therapy will help him unless, of course, the voltage is high enough
Sushi, Thanks for the heads up. I had no idea. Can't say I'm a fan of his one way or the other. I'm not that familiar with him or his material.
Hey all, The following was sent to me by e-mail. I have no idea where it came from but it did cause me to laugh out loud... enjoy! ================ I was walking across a bridge one day, and I saw a man standing on the edge, about to jump off. I immediately ran over and said "Stop! Don't do it!" "Why shouldn't I?" he said. I said, "Well, there's so much to live for!" "Like what?" "Well ... are you religious or atheist?" "Religious." "Me too! Are you Christian or Jewish?" "Christian." "Me too! Are you Catholic or Protestant?" "Protestant." "Me too! Are you Episcopalian or Baptist?" "Baptist." "Wow! Me too! Are you Baptist Church of God or Baptist Church of the Lord?" "Baptist Church of God." "Me too! Are you Original Baptist Church of God, or are you Reformed Baptist Church of God?" "Reformed Baptist Church of God." "Me too! Are you Reformed Baptist Church of God, reformation of 1879, or Reformed Baptist Church of God, reformation of 1915?" "Reformed Baptist Church of God, reformation of 1915!" To which I said, "Die, you heretic scumbag!" and pushed him off. :B) :P
Here's another site that has a couple of pages of the differences between British English and American English. English Language Differences
Speaking of pizza... have you ever had green olives, oregano, onions and feta cheese? (my fav) Here they call it "Hortiatiki" which means 'of the village'.
Let's not get carried away... I'm overseas
Actually, I miss the winters in Michigan. Great time of the year. The problem with most non-Michiganders is they don't know how to 'get out of the house and enjoy it' as my mother would say... Snowmobiling, skiing, ice-fishing, sliding, (sledding to others) snowball (football in the snow) hunting, steel heading, even snow shoveling... are the good things in life. Detroit was 3 1/2 to 4 hours away (depending on road construction) Big Mac (the bridge, not the burger) was about the same, (actually a little more) depending on how many deer you hit. Myself, I've got 3, but then again, I've been out of the State for 20 years. You can drive 65 mph through 2 feet of snow during a raging blizzard, without flinching. Naturally. What's more, you get upset at those who seemingly can't because they "don't know how to drive." You know what a Yooper is Say ya to da you pee, eh! "Vacation" means going up north on I-75 Just part of the ways. Mostly take 37 or 131. The scenery and bar burgers are better. He didn't mention that all true Michiganders have a real dislike, if not hate, for all things Ohio. Also not mentioned but seriously Michiganna... You take your MAY 1st dip in Lake Michigan regardless of the 'flurries' because it's the traditional way to welcome summer!
Wow, if someone really wanted to start a cult this video is a perfect starter kit.
Don't know much about colon cleanse, but I can assure you all that mine was as clean as a whistle after ingesting a chicken tandoori from a shoddy Pakistani restuarant in London on one of my visits. Funny thing was, I wanted something 'lite' while my wife and friends ordered the lamb. Unfortunately for all of us, my colon decided to 'cleanse' as we were stuck in traffic right in front Buckingham Palace. I can assure you that the guards at the gate not only blink but make faces and protests of disgust when they are properly motivated. <_< By the time we made it to where we we were staying, I had left 30 years of 'undigestibles' on the road and in the rental car. I spent the next 2 days about 2 steps from the camode and nearly died from what was being wrought in me. Moral of the story? Mother is right yet again! If you're going to meet the Queen, be sure to put on your clean underwear...
What????!!!! You dare call me fanatic?????!! ....with ever increasing pitch of voice....
Wow, this is a tough one. As I'm from Michigan, I've got to say highway 22 up along the coast of the "little finger" from Sleeping Bear dunes to Northport has got some of the prettiest country I've ever seen. Great drive. Great small towns. Great burgers at Fishers Inn. (the half pound ground round is famous in that part of the State) Then again, I lived a stones throw away from the Blue Ridge Parkway in Asheville, NC and drove it many, many times. I agree with others in that it's one of the nicest rides you can take. Over all (and I know this doesn't count cuz it's not in the US) I would have to say south from Wesport to Greymouth on the west coast of the South Island of New Zealand has got them both beat! It's got everything. Ocean, tropical rainforest, decidous forest, snow capped moutains, flat streches, sheep, deer, cows, bell birds, seals, extremely well-maintained roads and virtually no traffic!
I would ask the the author the following question though I doubt I would get a suitably logical answer: Since we HAVE peace with God as it says in Rom: 5:1, why do we have to work so hard to GET it?
You better suck in that lower lip, Mister, or you're gonna trip over it!
Poor Vladimir... ....most people only have to remove a mote from their eye.
With a large grain of salt. I do believe God talks to His children, though. In fact, I know He does... after all, He told me.
I enjoyed it. You could see where it was leading though. Only 80% of the people are to the left of me. I would have thought it was more. :)
Spiritually-minded Christianity and Politics
Greek2me replied to Greek2me's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Garth, I'm glad I can help you clarify your point of view and the choices you've made thus far in life. I'll answer the question you posed Well, I don't see anywhere in the Scriptures where the people chose their leaders. Jesus chose twelve and then lots were cast for the replacement. Jesus chose Saul. Some leaders in ACTS 5 were chosen by the other apostles. These are the only "choices" made, except for those chosen at local churches as bishops and presbytery with certain qualifications needing to be met. Certainly, none of these choices fall under what we would call a representative government.The more I see the Scriptures the more I'm inclined to believe that a kingdom is, in fact, the more Scripturally supported. I haven't reached a final conclusion on this, it's something that has been brewing, though, for some time. Maybe, Garth, the religious, "spiritually-minded" world walked away from you? ====== Groucho, Not all of them, no, but many were. Israel (physical) was always a picture or type of Israel Spiritual, which is, the Church. There are only two groups of people (Biblically speaking) those that believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Saviour of the world... and those that don't. Abel and Cain. Abel had faith. Faith is the gift of grace from God. Eph. 2:8 There is only one body of Christ in which is neither Jew nor Gentile but all one in Christ. ====== Dancing, True. ==== Abigail, Good question. As I stated earlier in one of my posts. I pay my taxes. I would like to pay less taxes and I would like to see less government. If said king demanded such, then, I would pay my taxes. Believe it or not, I'm not against the poor being fed or the sick being healed. I'm just not certain that the way we are going about it (or not) is the way it should be done. I'm also seeking Scriptural and spiritual enlightenment to base my beliefs on... which haven't been completely formed yet, and maybe never will. -
Spiritually-minded Christianity and Politics
Greek2me replied to Greek2me's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Garth, I suggest you read my first post in this thread. I don't think you quite got it. This is not about spiritual authenticity/Christian basis for political theory. It's about whether one who considers him/herself a "spiritually minded Christian" would see the world through a more liberal or more conservative lens, politically speaking, AND the Scriptural evidence to support such a view. We've already looked at taxes. Or, I should say, I've already posted on taxes - no one else has had a go at it. The other ideas, viewpoints, theories(?) under consideration are Healthcare, abortion, euthanasia Crime and punishment Social assistance programs War and national security Environmental protection Groucho, As a self proclaimed spiritually minded Christian why don't you give us your take on those questions you posed? I would be interseted in your take on the folliwing, first. Why doesn't or wouldn't a spiritually minded Christian want a form of government that is different from a representative form of government? After all, the Israelites didn't choose Moses to lead them, God did. Likewise when they murmurmed to have a king, they had no say as to who said king would be. Again, God chose. Like wise, those spiritually minded Christians alive today are to subject themselves to a King. The Lord Jesus Christ. In the future, Christ will return to rule as King of kings and Lord of lords.... hardly representative. So, why shouldn't or wouldn't a spiritually minded Christian support a King and kingdom as the preferred form of rule? Perhaps our being Americans, with no "king" tradition, has prevented us from seeing a Kingdom as a viable form of government? -
Spiritually-minded Christianity and Politics
Greek2me replied to Greek2me's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Garth, It's not a TWI mindset - I was never in TWI. Clearly illustrating the forbiddance of taxation and what to do with said taxes for a secular government is not detailed in the Scriptures to my knowledge. The payment of said taxes, is. Likewise, clearly advocating said practice (taxation for a secular government) is not spelled out Scripturally. That is, what programs are to be implemetned and what programs are not to be implemented by a secular government. If you think they are, why don't you clearly show Scriptural proof? As far as the solid wall between church and State goes, it's interesting to note that you don't see how those more liberally minded use directives from it's Lord to the Church to support social programs. "Feed the poor," is not directed to a secular government. It was and is a directive of the Lord Jesus Christ to His followers. Funny, when we adhere to it in a secular government, there's not a seperation of church and State issue... it's simply a good idea. ======= Danny, You're right. You didn't say socialist. Truly, the world to come will be "social." After all, we are speaking of a family, the basic social element of any society. Yes, "our" works - as in those who believe, constitues the helping of those in need. I see that as a Christian's duty - not necessarily to be "outsourced" to a secular government. Any Christian walking with the Lord would certainly do no less than that described in James. To relegate such actions to a secular government and somehow relieve yourself of the personal responsibilty, is a cop out. I just had this converstaion last night with one of my students. She is a dyed in the wool communist. She said she thinks we (the rich) should pay more taxes and feed all the poor (of the world.) She is also a very devout Greek orthodox. She thinks that any Christian would welcome taxes to go towards feeding the poor. So, what's the kicker? She is also a teacher and does most of her work as a personal tutor. Much of her income goes unreported. ========= Joey, Perhaps you're right. I was wondering when someone would get around to noticing that that seems to be the crux of the issue. Just what does constitute a spiritually-minded Christian? It's a huge issue, isn't it? For starters, I would say a spiritually minded Christian is one who is submitted and obedient. One who is seeking to glorify the Lord. One who is part of a fellowship of others in similar state. One who is under a pastor and one who is in the process of emptying themself so that more of Christ can live in them. I also think a spiritually minded Christian would want to know what is the mind of the Spirit. One who would wait on the Lord for marching orders and depend on the Lord to carry them out. What do you think? -
Spiritually-minded Christianity and Politics
Greek2me replied to Greek2me's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Joey, I disagree. As a collective, I'm sure the Church - with Christ as it's Head, and with submitted and obedient followers fulfilling their roles, could feed who they are meant to feed. To think anything else, would do it's Lord an injustice. After all, they've done it before. (Acts 5)I don't think the Church would (or should) be willing to take on the bloat that exists now from said governments. No and No. I'm not suggesting a particluar mindset nor the forbidding of anyone doing anything. I'm suggesting the limiting of said programs by secular governments. As you stated, Jesus did not advocate a secular government doing what He told to His followers to do. Ok, neither did He forbid it. Red Cross non-Christian? Perhaps not now, but where do you think they got their ideas from and that red cross symolizes what, if not the blood Christ shed on the cross? Agreed. Concerning the Church. I said as much in other posts. I don't see the governments burden as needing to be as big as it does. Here's one reason why. I'm sure that with a little searching I could find more.When I lived in Brownsville, Texas a few years back, I worked as a substitue teacher in the BSD for a while. They have a program that feeds children breakfast, lunch and after-school snacks. Regardless of individual income or any other criteria, the State - through federally subsidized programs - feed 45,000 children three meals a day. When the breakfast bags were brought to the rooms and untouched by a student - including milk cartons and fruit juices (who may or may not have eaten at home) - instead of being returned to be used again - were thrown away! When I asked the principal and others in the school as to why?... They said that the more breakfast in the bags and lunches they "served" the more money they got from federal subsidies. No body cared whether they were eaten or not. What's more, many of those kids were children of illegal or "undocumented" guests. This kind of practice is nonsense and should be stopped. Danny brings up a valid point regarding stewardship. Surely, just stewardship applys not only to those involved in the government of the Church, but to secular governments as well. ==== Now, back to whether a spiritually-minded Christian would see things through a more liberal, or more conservative lens, politically. I posted my take on taxes, no one else did. Wonder why? Let me say this; that if you are a tax cheat and support liberal or conservative politics, you are not a spiritually minded Christian. Full stop. Exclamation point! If you think otherwise, you are mistaken. I think one of the most telling things about the Bible and the relationship that Christians are to have with the secular world, is summed up in a few lines of Scripture. 1 Timothy 2:1-3 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Before anyone points out that this was addressed to Timothy, (and not to the Church) or to Christians as a whole, I would remind them that Timothy would fall under the category of a spiritually minded Christian. ======= Concerning abortion. I, at one time, supported a womans right to chose. I no longer do. I think abortion is an extremely misunderstood subject in today's society. I see it as murder - plain and simple. Sure you can tell me about how it's not really a person yet; yada, yada, yada... but I would still consider it and you wrong. This way of thinking took years for me to reach. It has been accompanied by years of prayer and seeking the face of the Lord. Scripturally, I can not point to one Scripture and say, "Thus saith the Lord," likewise, spiritually minded liberal Christians (if there is such a thing) can not point to a Scripture and say the opposite. I see this subject more of an aggregate understanding of the mind of the Spirit. At least that's my take on the subject, if anyone sees it differently, by all means, let us hear it. Any other subject like the military or environment ===== Danny, I don't read anywhere in the Scriptures that the world to come is going to be socialist. I see a Kingdom and a King of kings - hardly socialist. Yes, Salvation is the gift of faith freely given by God's grace. Eph 2:8-10 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. Proof of Salvation are the good works of faith. One without the other, is no Salvation at all. James 2:14-18 What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him? If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit? Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.