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Trefor Heywood

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Everything posted by Trefor Heywood

  1. A "mini Disney World" Rev Falwell? Can't wait for the "mini Gay days" then! :D-->
  2. "Mr Personality" signals? I though he handed over to Loy Craig Martindale! :D-->
  3. I "left the field" to go to my brother's wedding and never got told off for it. I was not sorry I did then and obviously am even less sorry now! :D-->
  4. TWI certainly had a major difficulty in how to handle this given what VP had taught. They therefore tried to put a different slant on things and hide the truth. No doubt if they could they would do a Winston Smith and rewrite history so that whatever Big Brother had stated would be correct by revising what Big Brother had stated in the first place.
  5. David McCallum (Ilya Kuriakin) also appeared in a series playing the Invisible Man. The funny thing was he had to strip off to become invisible and hence appeared naked on the screen which being invisible, meant you couldn't see anything. Whenever he dropped his trousers, it was clear he didn't bother with underwear! :D--> He also used to appear on Juke Box Jury over here with his wife. The latest pop releases were played and the jury had to decide whether or not it would be a Hit or a Miss. Sorry to hear about Frank Gorshin - I had only just watched a DVD production of Gilbert and Sullivan's Princess Ida in which he played the hideous King Gama. So few people of the original Batman series are still with us. :(-->
  6. Superman Christopher Reeve The Remains of the Day
  7. Nah Lindy... Wimbledon is next month
  8. I'll wait for the DVD to complete my collection - shouldn't be too long a wait!
  9. It makes a nice "You are Here" sign...
  10. Trefor Heywood

    Gay Teenagers

    yes outofadog here is the URL: http://www.truluck.com/
  11. It's your right to disagree of course Jonny but I still harbour my own secret suspicions :D--> At least they are more logical than LCM's own "spiritual" ones! ;)-->
  12. There are well-documented cases of this syndrome - J Edgar Hoover being another example.
  13. I was out by the time the UK split with LCM although I gather one of the reasons was that LCM was insisting that ABS be remitted to Ohio. As to what happened to the money it is still a mystery, especially when Gartmore was sold. Have very little info about what happened to Robert Wilkinson. I knew Chris and Nancy Kent well - Chris was my branch leader during my WOW year and he came from the same town as me. I don't even know if they are still together - I have heard of Nancy living in Altrincham but nothing mentioned about Chris. But any organisation that demands stewardship (another popular phrase for tithe and ABS) should give an earthly account of it and not only to the tax authorities but to those who give it.
  14. Trefor Heywood

    Gay Teenagers

    Which version did you choose for Corinthians def? Clearly one where the translators have tried to put the worst possible slant on the Greek to suit their own viewpoint. It sure as hell aint the KJV. I quote from Dr Rembert Truluck: So as you can see it is dishonest to use modern words which did not exist at the time and to try to make an obscure passage fit with one's own prejudices. NO wonder gay people get turned off!
  15. When I was in, we were told that the money stayed in the country. Still would like to know what they actually did with it. Robert Wilkinson the Limb Leader of Great Britain still kept a secular job as well as having his other responsibilities. Presumeably it ended up being ploughed into the Gartmore project.
  16. I guess we all looked at the good at the time, or at least what we saw as good. But we many of us did not know the truth of what was going on at the time. When someone is dead we would normally only concentrate on the good times and a person's good points. To quote George Orwell: "An Englishman is always virtuous when he is dead" (Burmese Days) But in the case of someone who built themselves up as THE Man of God for our time, such a focus upon their bad points is more inevitable.
  17. I wonder if he actually had homosexual desires himself - some people do fight it by attacking the whole caboodle and also because he tried to prove to himself that he was hetero by screwing as many different women as possible. It's not as wierd as you might think - when I was in TWI I was in a sexual relationship with a woman just to try to prove to myself I was a "normal" man of God. And was he using these weird costumes as a way to get in touch with his feminine side? -->
  18. The reason we haven't heard of "LCM Ministries" is that people couldn't join quicker than he would kick em out! :D-->
  19. hmm we all appear to have stuck on this one!
  20. Trefor Heywood

    Gay Teenagers

    "Gays want to slap our faces with their lifestyle"... Mr PM has already made some good comments here. If you want to define sexuality as a "lifestyle" def you have to ignore all the other usages of that word which define it far better. A gay lifestyle involves doing and liking a helluvalot of things that any other lifestyle does. Def, if you deny equality, at least on a secular level then you are slapping faces far harder than you think. You also do it when you raise red herrings of extremes whilst conveniently forgetting the extremes some heterosexuals get up to - most kiddie porn has been heterosexual for instance.
  21. I will accept my demotion in the world of geekdom with grace and humility!
  22. Glad I was able to expand your vocabulary dmiller! :D-->
  23. Trefor Heywood

    Gay Teenagers

    It's based upon years of observation and experience cm. But the biggest difference is that I am not dogmatic nor do I make judgements based upon misinterpretations and mistranslations of a book that could only have been perfect at original point of delivery. Nor do I take the fulminations of those who claim to speak for the Creator at face value. I try to compare like with like and not throw in red herrings of comparisons that try to equate unrelated things. Sexuality is not related to drug dependence or kleptomania def. Nor is there any such thing as one type of "lifestyle". Outside of sexual acts the gay lifestyle is very similar to that of anyone else.
  24. Trefor Heywood

    Gay Teenagers

    There are people who go "through a phase" during their development and who will "grow out of it" in time. There are others who do not and yet later in life discover another aspect of their sexuality that they were not aware of earlier. But for others again it is a spectrum - as Kinsey discovered with some who can "swing either way" and some that can under certain circumstances. I suspect that the claimed "cures" occur largely under those who come under the bisexual part of the spectrum. Religion tend to like to see everything in black and white and will therefore paint it as such. But condemnations and threats of the wrath of God are counter productive and a threat to human rights and human freedoms.
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