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Trefor Heywood

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Everything posted by Trefor Heywood

  1. The BSA is out of step with large portions of the rest of the Scouting moverment who see no conflict between the ideals of the movement and homosexuals being members providing they observe the honour code. A friend of mine in London is not only gay but a scoutmaster and believe me he is not paedophile and his orientation is known and accepted. The quality of the character is what is important not what a person is. No matter how noble the BSA's aims are it is still guilty of making a prejudgement of potential leaders and members. It is therefore right that is should be criticised. And did you know that Robert Baden-Powell like looking at photographs of naked boys? There is no evidence that was was sexual or that he ever did anything about it or that he would somehow be ideal recruiting material for NAMBLA. It was a different age of how things were viewed. And MJ your suggestion ecnourages ghettoism and also helps to foster the idea that this is an acceptance that gay scouts are not as good as their fellows. They get away with it because they are a private organisation but that does not mean they should be immune from bing criticised.
  2. Very good Garth! --> But as a diabetic I can confirm that pain with needles is not always an issue. This is everything to do with knowledge of the physiology of the body and nothing whatsoever to do with demonology. So he was certainly an ignorant pr*ck.
  3. Partners John Hurt A Man for all Seasons
  4. The only chapter I read (as part of a university course) was about the economic consequences of the Treaty of Versailles and it was surprisingly intelligent. No doubt the book is a Curate's Egg (good in parts) like VPW's scribblings are.
  5. Kampf is from Kempfen - to fight or struggle.
  6. I remember that a new recruit once asked Robert Wilkinson, Limb Leader of Great Britain, if he could abundantly share to different recipients, including charities. As you can imagine that idea was not even entertained! I cannot remember money ever cascading down the way it was siphoned up - not even a penny.
  7. With all due respect to Templelady - the LDS is another that is somewhat reticent with financial information. A similar trust as to what is done with the money is required. You may see the Churches and the Temples which are built but that is a drop in the ocean against its income. I left when it started making sizeable donations to campaigns influencing voters to vote on propositions in Alaska and Hawaii upon gay marriage. I considered that to use tithing money in this way was questionable, the claim that it was a moral, rather than a political issue not being justifiable given its status.
  8. What got me was that despite the fact he was not teaching this theory out of his "biblical research" at all so many of us assumed that if he espoused something it must be right. I read Koestler and found it interesting but not convincing and still could not link this with the holocaust denial stance that VP espoused. And there were occasions when he questioned if we had been fighting the wrong foe. One thing is certain, VP hated Communism far more than he did Nazism
  9. One wonder if the traces of dihydrogen monoxide are also lower in this glacier ice. ;)-->
  10. Trihydrogen monoxide is even worse though.
  11. No he is letting people use their free will to mess themselves up with republican experiments... :(-->
  12. Water? Prefer Dihydrogen Monoxide myself! ;)-->
  13. You have to take your shoes off and get them scanned so that's a non sequitur. :D-->
  14. There was a terrorist action against Greenpeace by the French government when they arranged the sinking of Rainbow Warrior in Aukland Harbour. We also have another saying - "today's "terrorist" is tomorrow's politician." So often this has been the case.
  15. What? You want ME to stand as the next Governor of California? :D-->
  16. This caution and nannying gets ever worse! Not only can you not smoke on a plane these days but since April you cannot even carry a lighter on one! No plane in history has been hijacked by a lighter!
  17. Ja! Das Wort von Gott ist die ville von Gott!
  18. Not just TWI of course as several bodies, the LDS for example, do not publish detailed accounts. But less of us have trustingly given large amounts of money to other such bodies.
  19. Abigail (or is it Ron?) Nobody would dispute what the aims of NAMBLA are - but my point was, whereas there may well be individual "terrorists" in this respect the group itself is trying to pursue its aims by peaceful means and through freedom of speech. We may not like what they say of course, but saying and advocating are still different to doing. Where individuals "do" they need to be brought to book. I cannot understand the claim the the American Civil Liberties Union (to remind people of its full title) is trying to reduce people to serfdom. One may not agree with all their class actions, but they appear to be looking for the balance between the freedom to do something and the freedom not to do something. Sometimes that may make them a pain the foot, but it hardly qualifies for the definition of terrorists. I have to agree that terrorism can indeed be state sponsored. Total War can be like that but hopefully it has always been started by the other side and the "good guys" drop it as soon as they can. If I have to judge between dropping napalm on innocent civilians, especially children, and the firebombings you refer to and the crackpot and repugnant aims of NAMBLA I would have to apply the lesser of two evils approach. The USA has very little experience of civilian horrors, with the exception of 9/11 (and maybe Oklahoma City), on its own soil. For decades we experienced terrorism in Northern Ireland and also on the UK mainland and yet the US allowed terrorists to go to the US on fund raising campaigns. Just trying to bring a bit of balance to the argument.
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