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Trefor Heywood

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Everything posted by Trefor Heywood

  1. Yes dmiller it represents a lot of things and not just TWI. Hearing it described as an "old wineskin" like that it makes me want to stick the point right in LCM's gluteous maximus.
  2. Here in Wales it is the sheepdogs who guide the sheep in the way they should go. Goats on the other hand are much more friendly.
  3. I enjoyed it too - seeing the "Spruce Goose" fly was brilliant. It also deals sympathetically with his condition. Very good acting from Leonardo I thought.
  4. I don't even know where my WOW pin has got to now. But if I found it I wouldn't sell it, it's a much more personal thing than the books.
  5. I stand corrected - my objection was based upon the reasoning given that the TV series had spawned the film and as we are not allowed to "cheat and check" and I knew that Walston had not reprised his original role I therefore had to raise the question.
  6. but Christopher Lloyd wasn't ever in the TV series was he? So he cannot be directly linked with Ray Walston who I don't believe appeared in the film it "spawned". Raf?
  7. erm wasn't that a TV series?? rather than a film??
  8. Here in the UK I met some good Corps and some bad ones - some were they same nice people as when they went in and others became a**holes, changing completely. And the one I knew who came out a reverend was the biggest of the lot. I really thank God that my application was rejected at the first hurdle.
  9. I would always prefer to get stoned in my own way! ;)-->
  10. I would have got that one if I had seen it in time! :D-->
  11. Jaws IV - The Revenge has to be a serious candidate.
  12. Well done Too Gray Now! Donald not Donnel tho ;)--> I was about to do another quote before bed spoken by Lena Lamont because it's so funny: Why I earn more than Calvin Coolidge...put together! Stink or not though it's your turn! :D--> I think Cyd's green outfit was very daring for the time!
  13. Sinful Caesar, sipped his snifter, seized his knees and sneezed.
  14. Nope. Well, take a last look at it, it'll be up for auction in the morning. Yes Belle it's a particular genre :D-->
  15. I'm using 1.0.4 not that I had any problems with 1.0.3
  16. Sorry George no. Clue 3: I cain't make love to a bush!
  17. T'is not blaspemy Lindy - here t'is orthodoxy! Behold the Lamb with mint sauce of God!
  18. I use Firefox and I get google up right away.
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