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Everything posted by teachmevp

  1. Could that "Above the heavens" in Glory; the north is above all the heavens, because of what is in the north of the north, Yahweh's tent is there, his throne is there, the 24 elders are their. All the angles except for the 1/3 and those that left their first station, are all sitting in the east and west recesses of the north?
  2. I remember my long hair days, that hair thing can kinda work a attitude in one's mind? Maybe that is the lesson? Thanks for the learning, buddy.
  3. How can we learn to use that hair stuff; Sunesis established the event of the announcement of Paul, how can we learn from that hair stuff, in accordance to the announcement of Paul about the body?
  4. Had Martindale introduced this truth to the body, their would not had been no spiritual adventures in the back room; no my inner-spirit is bigger than your inner-spirit, it is that spirit teaching that hurt so many people, all that stuff should not have had happen; but Martindale turn his back on us, the body!
  5. This is what Martindale is going stand before Yahweh for, for not bring this truth to the body. Martindale was told to finish the job, but he chose to glory in the way; his glorying in the way is not what he is in hot water for with Yahweh, Martindale is going answer to Yahweh about not bring this truth to the body. I see your point, please dump that spirit stuff.
  6. An angel has a body that is made out of spirit-life source unknown-whatever that life is in them generates light-a body made of spirit cannot contain that light-light not as bright, can make contact with a man Yahweh has a body that is composed of spirit-life within himself-the life that he has within himself generates light-a body composed of spirit cannot contain that light-light to bright, a man cannot look directly at Yahweh Yeshua has some kind of flesh and bone body-life within himself-that life that he has within himself generates light-a body of some kind of flesh and bone can contain that light-light is contained, a man can look at Yeshua
  7. In John 5:26, For as the Father has life in himself; so has he given to the son to have life in himself Yeshua was to have that life, he did not have it when he was on the earth. We learn in Luke, when Yeshua showed up all of a sudden to his disciples who were behind closed doors for fear of the Israelites, Yeshua said to them, Does a spirit have a flesh and bone as you see me have touch my hands, Yeshua did not have a spirit body, Yeshua has a flesh and bone body with that life in himself.
  8. If I could ask your thought on this matter in Hebrews 11:40? I think we as a body once in heaven, have a lot of work to do, to help bring this about?
  9. So Sunesis, I wrote this work, I start in Hebrews and then I cut it at Hebrews 11:40 and then I harmonized the four gospels and then I used the first two chapters of Acts and then went into Romans; my question is, I should not have done that with Romans?
  10. That is cool stuff, thanks for the learning. Kinda makes one stand back a bit, and take a look at this new truth I was taught, thanks man.
  11. Or should it be taught like, Paul first taught us so and so; but after the announcement so and so?
  12. Sunesis, so could one think of that Olive tree, as a parable in a way, sometime to help us focus our walk, can we turn what Paul first taught, that hope, into parables?
  13. What a trip; they turned away from Paul for announcing this body; and they turn away from me, for telling that same announcement of a body, to flee from that spirit teaching "The Martindale Effect"
  14. With what Sunesis established, it was what Paul announced, therein is what caused the turning away event; so we can say this, or that; or that god or that spirit; that person or this person; a announcement of someone out of their mind. Thanks Sunesis, trippe stuff.
  15. Trying to build on what Sunesis established, that Peter the Great influence on history, laid the fondation of the roots that led to that turning away event?
  16. So as a result of the influence, their in lays the roots of that labial point of view?
  17. I kinda see what you are saying, that Dale B. Martin got into that; how the Israelites had to choose, just how much greek or that Peter the Great influence, to allow in their walks with Yahweh?
  18. Sorry about that, Bartender: Hey bud, why the long face? Horse: My rider, all those alligator lizard doctrine's in the air, my rider keeps kicking me in my ribs! Bartender: Did your rider ever give you that name yet? Horse: NO, it is out there somewhere under some white rock, but I have no time to look for that, you know my rider? Bartender: Sure is good to get out of the rain? Horse: It is for my rider, after I finish with this long neck bud, I got to go back in it, and wait in it, I better hurry up, you know how my rider gets, when he catches me sneak-in off? Bartender: Keep your chin up, hang in there.
  19. What if a Rev. or one of those functions in the body; say one of them heard this announcement, and said what a nut, and did not tell you; did Yahweh turn his back on you, or did one of the function of the body, were are many members in this body.
  20. Listening or not listening; their are a lot of story's in the bible about people listening or not listening. Like this spirit teaching thing going on, that Martindale did finish taking out. Did Yahweh put that spirit teaching junk in his word, or did man? The body will not be aloud for that spirit teaching stuff to be gathered up, the announcement has been made, but if you did not dump that spirit teaching stuff, is it on Yahweh or you? Did Yahweh turn his back on you, or did Martindale?
  21. Has Yahweh turned away from us? Wow, that is deep. What if a man was told to do something by Yahweh, but turned his back on what he was told to do; like what Martindale did. Man made teachings creep into those texts, so if a man is told to make the correction, but did not, is it on Yahweh or the man? It is a trip how one man not doing something, so to speak, could effect the lives of so many. Trippe stuff.
  22. That is a good one, that in Gal., I am of this, and I am of that. Paul must of had a tuff time in those days.
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