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Everything posted by teachmevp

  1. It's not like I'm trying to tell you about H.A.A.R.P, look at what these Rothschild dudes are trying to do, how cleaver this Zionism move is, today's form of Pharisee.
  2. No boogey man, what a trip, what these dudes are about to do. Jesus got in the Pharisee case for what they taught, these dudes are just using the Pharisee old teachings.
  3. The U.N. is now saying that they have pledged to keep the laws of Noah, and that observance of the laws are REQUIRED in order to fulfill the vision of the U.N. So, the U.N. (which of course is our world government) is going to ENFORCE TALMUDIC LAW on its member states (everyone). Welcome to the Talmudic New World Order everyone! And if you don’t like it, off with your head. http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=video+the+noahide+deception&view=detail&mid=8B23B9268D09D2EB0CF98B23B9268D09D2EB0CF9&first=0&qpvt=video+the+noahide+deception
  4. Illuminati is using this Zionism as a front. This Rothschild Zionism is nothing but European Khazaris group who converted to Judaism, defying the teachings of their newly adopted faith. http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=rothschild+zionist+conspiracy&view=detail&mid=46C6E00F78DC42BA52EB46C6E00F78DC42BA52EB&first=0&qpvt=rothschild+zionist+conspiracy
  5. Beware of this Verichip, mind beading stuff here! http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=the+mark+of+the+beast&view=detail&id=83A98C824A193ADF167736FB9C3543A072AE2679&first=71
  6. Yahweh will resurrect the wicked mortal, but he will not give them that life Yeshua received within himself in order to inflect upon them a punishment of eternal pain. The wicked will receive ultimate annihilation.
  7. Death, as we know it, would indeed be the end of our existence were it not for the fact of the resurrection. It is the resurrection that turns death into a temporary sleep. The second death differs from the first death, not in nature but in results. The first death is a temporary sleep because it is followed the the resurrection. The second death is permanent and irreversible extinction because there is no awakening. The second death is the death resulting from the final judgment which prevents evildoers from living in the new earth to come, a punishment that ultimately results in eternal, irreversible death. The stern punishment awaiting the enemies of righteousness, whose temporary resurrection results only in a return to death and its punishment, their full and final defeat. The wicked will be resurrected mortal in order to receive their punishment which will result in their ultimate annihilation.
  8. Believers in literal, eternal hellfire assume that the weeping and grinding of teeth describes the conscious agony experienced by the lost for all eternity. But the context of the Bible suggests, however, that the weeping and grinding of teeth occurs during the separation or expulsion that occurs at the final judgment; the outcome which ultimately results in their extinction of the whole being, soul and body. When it comes to the punishment of the wicked, unending fire simply means until they are destroyed, total annihilation! The image of an unquenchable fire is a figure of speech designed to convey the thought of being completely burned up or consumed, and has nothing to do with the everlasting punishment of immortal souls. From a biblical perspective, the fire that consumes the wicked, annihilates them as human beings. VP was wrong in his teaching of the image of God.
  9. The body is not something outward that clings to the real self of a person (the soul), but denotes the whole person. Man does not have a body; he is a body. The body can become an obstacle when it is used as an instrument of sin, but it is not a hindrance of itself. The new testament sees the body as an essential aspect of the whole person which is not detachable from the soul nor can be cast aside. No challenge just seeking insight, to bad the Way stopped doing research, I learned about this at a mission I am staying at. You take it easy buddy, Yahweh bless you, Robert.
  10. The descendants of Israel will as a nation turn to Yeshua their messiah, and also they will occupy the central place in the millennial age when Yeshua personally brings to this earth universal peace, prosperity, and justice. The believers in Yeshua cannot lay claim to the promise of the land of Canaan, they do have a distinctive place in Yahweh’s program, but the promise of Canaan belongs to Israel, and to Israel alone. Long ago the prophets of the descendants of Israel saw the earthly millennial kingdom as a prelude to the eternal kingdom of Yahweh, and they spoke of it as eternal. They viewed the new heaven and new earth in close connection with the millennial kingdom to come upon this present earth. As long as this earth stands in its present form, Israel holds the title-deed to the entire land of Canaan. Thus, the land of Canaan belongs to Israel through all time as an earthly possession, and in eternity Canaan will be transfigured and much enlarge. The new earth will be the eternal resting place for the New Jerusalem, which is 1500 miles in length and breadth and height. This will require a vastly enlarged and different globe from our planet as it exists today. Then, too, the new earth will have no sea. Even though the descendants of Israel will occupy and control all of Canaan during the 1000-year earthly reign of Yeshua, they will not have it forever. The bible views the millennial kingdom of Yeshua as the door into the universal eternal kingdom of Yahweh. The present earth-system will be burned, and the new heaven and new earth will come in its place. On this new earth, Yahweh will fulfill his promise to Israel that she will have a distinct national identity and territory forever. The earthly throne of David will not be abolished, but will merge into the eternal throne upon the new earth. On the new earth Israel will still be distinct, and have her own king-perhaps David. Yeshua will leave his throne as the millennial king to take his place on the one eternal throne, “The throne of Yahweh and the lamb”, thus bring the millennial kingdom to an end as it leads into the eternal kingdom of Yahweh in the new heaven and the new earth. Yeshua will continue to exercise his regal authority, but will do so as the eternal son with the Father.
  11. Our Nature will Become Evident From our Actions The difference between the two Adam’s in our history is the need to be sure we are identifying with the right one. Understanding and acting upon who we are in Jesus is the basis for successful growth and maturity. Our daily performance is often marked by personal failure and disobedience, which disappoints us and disrupts the harmony of our relationship with our Father. In our attempts to understand the disobedience which so often disturbs our walk with our Father, are we unwitting victims of our old nature. Our old nature which we have inherited from the disobedience of Adam, is like a big black dog. But, through the redemptive work of the second Adam, our Father put a new nature in us when we got born anew, and that new nature is like a big white dog. Whenever we involve ourselves in worldly thoughts or behavior, we are feeding the black dog. Whenever we focus our mind and activities on matters of the new nature, we are feeding the white dog. The dog we feed the most will eventually grow stronger and overpower the other. Our Father has not given us the power to imitate him, he has made us partakers of his nature, so that we can actually be like him. He did not say, “Here are my standards, now you measure up.” Our Father knows we cannot solve the problem of the old nature by simply improving our behavior, he must change our nature, give us an entirely new nature, the nature of the second Adam. Our Father changed us from the inside out by infusing in us a brand new nature, a new self. Only after our Father makes us a partaker of his nature, will we be able to change our behavior. This is the experience of everyone who is the subject of the grace of our Father, and has received the gift of the new nature as the sign of our Father’s justification. Not the experience of one man in two successive stages, but the co-existence of the two experiences in the one man at the same time. When we choose to walk according to the old nature in which we were trained before becoming born anew, such behavior violates our new nature. When this happens, we feel convicted because our behavior is not in keeping with who we really are. In fact, if a person does something which they know is morally wrong, but feels no conviction, we should seriously doubt that that person is a child of our Father. Conviction is another evidence of the presence of the new nature. We commit sin when we willfully allow ourselves to act independent of our Father, as our old nature did as a matter of course. When we function in this manner we are violating our new nature. So why do we still react as if our old nature is still in control of our behavior? Because, while we served under it, our old nature trained and conditioned our actions, reactions, emotional responses, thought patterns, memories and habits in our brain. During the years we spent separated from our Father, our worldly experiences thoroughly programmed our brain with thought patterns, memory traces, responses and habits which are alien to the nature of our Father. Our brain still generates humanistic thoughts and ideas, and our old nature is that part of us which was trained to live independent of our Father before we were born anew, ignorant of his ways and determined to succeed and survive by our own abilities. When we became born anew, our Father gave us a new nature, but he did not press the “clear” button on our brain. So while our new nature desires to live dependent on our Father, our old nature persists in suggesting ways to live independent of our Father. The first thing we need to know about the battle for our mind, are that the main targets which must be destroyed are the “fortresses” in the minds, or called “strongholds.” Strongholds are negative patters of thought which are burned into our minds, either through repetition over time or through one-time traumatic experiences. The worldly stimulation we were exposed to was both brief and prevailing. Every day we lived in this environment, we were influenced by it and preconditioned to conform to it. Brief stimulation includes individual events, situations, places, and personal encounter’s we experienced. We were influenced by books, movies, music, and traumatic events we experienced or witnessed. We learned a way to cope with these experiences, and resolve the conflicts they produced. Prevailing stimulation consists of long-term exposure to our environment, such as the influence of our family, friends, peers, neighborhood, teachers, and jobs. There are beings active in the world today who have opposed our Father before the Garden of Eden. Satan and his devil spirits are actively involved on trying to distract us from our walk in our new nature, peppering our mind with their thoughts and ideas. They are relentless in their attempts to establish negative, worldly patterns of thought in our mind, which will in turn produce negative, worldly patterns of behavior. Whenever we are stimulated to conform to our old nature, instead of our new nature, we are experiencing temptation. The essence of all temptation is the invitation to live independent of our Father. Satan and his devil spirits knows just which buttons to push to tempt us away from dependency on our Father. They have observed our behavior over the years, and they know where we are vulnerable, and that is where they will attack. The moment we are tempted to get our need met in the world, instead on depending on our Father, we are at the threshold of a decision. If we do not immediately choose to take that thought captive, we will begin to consider it as an option. And if we begin to mull it over in our mind, immediately our emotions will be affected and the likelihood of yielding to that temptation is increased. We must capture the tempting thought in the first frame or it will probably capture us. Once our consideration of a temptation has triggered an emotional response, we will act upon that choice and own that behavior. We may resent our actions or claim that we are not responsible for what we do, but we are responsible for our actions at this stage, because we failed to take a tempting thought captive when it first appeared at the threshold of our mind. If we continue to repeat an act for more than six weeks, we will form a habit, and if we exercise that habit long enough, a stronghold will be established. Once a stronghold of thought and response is entrenched in our mind, our ability to choose and to act contrary to that pattern is virtually nonexistent, and negative thoughts and actions we cannot control, spring from a stronghold. Somewhere in the past we consciously or unconsciously formed a pattern of thinking and behaving which now controls us. Simply putting on the armor of our Father at this stage will not solve our dilemma, these strongholds are already entrenched and fortified. If the strongholds in our mind are the result of conditioning, then we can be reconditioned by the renewing of our mind. Anything that has been learned, can be unlearned, but we are also up against Satan and his devil spirits who are scheming to fill our mind with thoughts which are opposed to our Father’s plan for us. Their strategy is to introduce their thoughts and ideas into our mind and deceive us into believing that they are ours. If they can place a thought in our mind-and they can, it is not much more of a trick for them to make us think it is our idea. If we knew that suggestion was theirs, we would reject the thought, but when they disguise their suggestion as our idea, we are more likely to accept it. If they can get us to believe a lie, they can control our life. If we fail to take a thought captive to the obedience of our new nature, but believe it, their power is in the lie. They have no power over us except what we give them by failing to take every thought captive, and thus being deceived into believing their lies, and since their primary weapon is the lie, our defense against them is the truth. Dealing with Satan and his devil spirits is not a power encounter, it is a truth encounter. When we expose their lie with our Father’s truth, their power is broken. By preparing our minds for action, we must be transformed by the renewing of our mind, by filling it with our Father’s truth, as we continue to stockpile our mind with his truth, we will equip ourselves to recognize the lie and take it captive. We need to practice threshold, first-frame thinking, evaluate every thought by the truth, and do not give place to the lie. People may not always live what they profess, but they will always live what they believe. If our behavior is off, we need to correct what we believe, because our misbehavior is the result of our disbelief. We are right now walking by faith according to what we believe. Our Father has designed us in such away, that we can know on a moment-by-moment basis if our belief system is properly aligned with his truth. He has established a feedback system which is designed to grab our attention, so we can examine the validity of our goal. That system is our emotions. When an experience leaves us feeling angry, anxious, or depressed, those emotional signposts are there to alert us that we may be cherishing a faulty goal, which is based on a wrong belief. When our activity results in feelings of anger, it is usually because someone or something has blocked our goal in the endeavor. Any goal which can be blocked by forces we cannot control (other then our Father’s goal) is not a healthy goal, because our success in that arena is out of our hands. Feelings of anger should prompt us to reexamine what we believe, and the mental goals we have formulated to accomplish those beliefs. When we feel anxious in a task, our anxiety may be signaling the uncertainty of a goal we have chosen. We are wishing something will happen, but we have no guarantee that it will. We can control some of the factors, but not all of them. When we base our future success on something that can never happen, we have an impossible goal. Our depression is a signal that our goal, no matter how noble, may never be reached. Depression often signals that we are desperately clinging to a goal we have little or no chance of achieving, and that is not a healthy goal. Achieving our Father’s goals is learning to distinguish his goal, from his desire. It is a critical distinction, because it can spell the difference between success and failure. His goal is any specific result reflecting his purposes for our life, that does not depend on people or circumstances beyond our ability, the only person who can block his goal or render it uncertain or impossible is us, and if we adopt the attitude of cooperation with his goals, his goal can be reached. His desire is any specific result that depends on the cooperation of other people or the success of events or favorable circumstances we cannot control. We cannot base our self-worth or our personal success on our desires, no matter how godly they may be, because we cannot control their fulfillment. When a desire is wrongly elevated to a goal, and that goal is frustrated, we must deal with all the anger, anxiety, and depression which may accompany that failure. Dealing with the disappointments of unmet desires is a lot easier then dealing with the anger, anxiety, and depression of goals which are based on wrong beliefs, we would do well to distinguish goals from desires. When we begin to align our goals with our Father’s goals and our desires with his desires, we will rid our life of a lot of anger, anxiety, and depression. Our Father’s basic goal for our life, is character development. The tribulations we face are actually a means of achieving our supreme goal of maturity, because persevering tribulations is the doorway to proven character, which is his goal for us. Perhaps the greatest service performed by trails and tribulations in our lives is to reveal wrong goals. We need occasional mountaintop experiences, but the fertile soil for growth is alway down in the valleys of tribulation, not on the mountaintops. It is during these times of pressure that our emotions raise their warning flags signaling blocked goals, uncertain goals and impossible goals which are based on our desires, instead of our Father’s goal. His plan is for us to hang in there and grow up, becoming the person he designed us to be, and tribulation just happens to be one of the primary stepping stones on the pathway.
  12. Paul’s usage of the Greek word for body is “soma.” “Soma” is not something external to a man himself, something he has, it is what he is. Indeed, “soma” is the nearest equivalent to our word personality. To believe in the resurrection of the “soma,” means to believe that my human self, the human being that “I” am, will be restored to life again. I will not be someone different from who I am now, but I will be exclusively myself. God has committed himself to preserving my individuality, personality, and character. The term body “soma” is simply a synonym for “person.” The goal of God’s redemption is not the destruction of his first creation, but its restoration to its original perfection. This is why the Scripture speaks of the resurrection of the body “soma” rather than of the creation of new beings. Both death and resurrection affect the total person “soma.” The resurrected persons “soma” will be the same individuals as those who existed previously on earth. Being created in the image of God means that we must view ourselves as intrinsically valuable and richly invested with meaning, potentially and responsibilities. We are to be and to do on a finite scale, what God is and does on an infinite scale. By virtue of being created in the image of God, human beings are capable of reflecting his character in their own life; animals possess none of these qualities. What distinguishes people from animals is the fact that human nature inherently has godlike possibilities. Omniscience omnipotence, or omnipresence, none of these other divine attributes have been ascribed to man as part of the image of God. We have been created to reflect God in our thinking and actions, but the physical sustained by God and dependent upon him for our existence in this world and in the world to come. Developing a godly character in this present life, this will be our personal identity in the world to come. It is the character or personality that we have developed in this life, that God preserves in his memory. Breath of life and the living soul; man’s soul is in his blood and indeed his blood is his soul. He is kept in being [alive] as a living soul by the inhalation of oxygen out of the air. Man’s soul depends on this intake of oxygen and the blood, but the cessation of breathing results in the death of the soul, because the blood, which is equated with the soul, no longer receives the oxygen that is so vital for life. Breathing is seen as a manifestation of the sustaining power of God. Man became a living soul does not mean that at creation his body was endowed with an immortal soul, a separate entity, distinct from the body. Rather, it means that as a result of the divine inbreathing of the “breath of life” into the lifeless body, man became a living, breathing being. The heart began to beat, the blood to circulate, the brain to think, and all the vital signs of life were activated. A living soul means a living being. Not through the implantation of an immaterial, immortal soul into his material, mortal body, but through the animating principle of life “breath of life” conferred on him by God himself. In the Old Testament, the word “sheol” is the underground depository of the dead. There are no immaterial, immortal souls in sheol, simply because the soul does not survive the death of the body. Nowhere in the Old Testament is the abode of the dead regarded as a place of punishment or torment. The concept of an infernal ‘hell’ developed in Israel only during the Hellenistic period. The condition of the dead in sheol, the realm of the dead, is one of unconsciousness, inactivity, a rest or sleep that will continue until they are resurrected. The prospect that one day a vast number of people will be consigned to the everlasting torment of hell is most disturbing. Traditionalists read “eternal punishment” as “eternal punishing.” When the adjective “aionios” meaning eternal or everlasting, is used in the Greek with nouns of action, it has reference to the result of the action, not the process. The wicked will not be passing through a process of punishment forever, but will be punished once and for all with eternal results. The destruction of the wicked is eternal “aionios,” not because the process of destruction continues forever, but because the results are permanent. “Eternal” often refers to the permanence of the result, rather than the continuation of a process. It is evident that the fire that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah is eternal, not because of its duration, but because of its permanent results. “And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire” (Jude 23a). The fire to which Jude refers is obviously the same kind of fire that consumed Sodom and Gomorrah. It is evident that the fire that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah is eternal, not because of its duration, but because of its permanent results. It is important to note that the Greek word “aionios” literally means “lasting for an age.” Roman emperors being described as “aionios”; what is meant is that they held their office for life. Unfortunately, the English words “eternal” or “everlasting” do not accurately render the meaning of “aionios”, which literally means “age-lasting.” The notion of the eternal torment of the wicked can only be defended by accepting the Greek view of the immortality and indestructibility of the soul, a concept which is foreign to Scripture. Everlasting torture is intolerable from a moral point of view, because it pictures God acting like a bloodthirsty monster who maintains an everlasting Auschwitz for his enemies, whom he does not even allow to die. Consider the moral implications of the traditional view of hell, which depicts God as a cruel torturer who torments the wicked throughout all eternity. The thought of such a torment being deliberately inflicted by divine decree, is totally incompatible with the idea of God as infinite love. Many Christians will be sorely disappointed to discover that their beliefs in the afterlife are a delusion. When this happens, it will cause personal crisis to Christians accustom to believing that at death their souls break loose from their bodies and continue to exist either in Heaven or in the torment of Hell. Redemption is the restoration of the whole person, and not the salvation of the soul apart from the body. If at death the soul of the believer goes up immediately to Heaven to be with Jesus, one hardly can have any real sense of expectation for Jesus to come down to raise the dead believers that were in Jesus, and transform the living believers that are in Jesus. Traditionally, evangelical and other religious persuasions teach, that at the resurrection, their material bodies are reunited with their souls, thus intensifying the pleasure of Heaven or the pain of Hell. Why are evangelicals so adamant in refusing to reconsider the Biblical teachings on the restoration of the whole person? To abandon souls being reunited with their bodies, also entails abandoning a whole cluster of doctrines resulting form it. The total impact of dividing humans into body and soul has promoted all sorts of false dichotomies in Scripture. To be an “Evangelical” means to uphold certain fundamental traditional doctrines without questioning. Any one who dares to question the Biblical validity of a traditional doctrine can become suspect as a “heretic.” It is impossible to estimate the far-reaching impact that the doctrine of unending hellfire has had throughout the centuries in justifying religious intolerance, torture, and the burning of “heretics.” The rationale is simple: If God is going to burn heretics in Hell for all eternity, why shouldn’t the church burn them to death now?
  13. I see why that spirit dogma turned you off, that VP went for the money, VP should have taught this stuff-- http://thatlifeyahwehhas.blogspot.com/search?updated-min=2011-01-01T00:00:00-08:00&updated-max=2012-01-01T00:00:00-08:00&max-results=12 Us Gentiles get to be added to Israel, we get to share in their inheritance, I see how that spirit teaching of man turned you off, but Satan is not the way, he is in charge of the Way?
  14. Maybe one of those Rev. of the Way got the message, if not, they will answer for it! Dump that spirit teaching of the Way, and that spirit teaching the world has been pushing! Paul never taught that spirit teaching, Paul was all about adding on to Israel, we get to been partaker of their inheritance?
  15. Yahweh told me to set that date (6/15/10) Anyone caught up into that spirit teaching of man, and the spirit teachings of the Way, will not get gathered up in the gathering together. Good luck to all of youin's still believing in that spirit teaching in the Day of Yahweh.
  16. You have done nothing but derailed my threads, went off topic, way off topic. Why respond to a trouble maker!
  17. Hi Socks, Mike and I went to Yellowstone national park to tell Martindale to teach that life, the leadership in Cheyenne, Wyo. were to afraid of Martindale. This was back in the days when Martindale was kicking out a lot of people and Bill and Eve were to afraid. Mike and I get their and Martindale didn't show, we got to watch him on a TV. Martindale started to tell us he was making changes that will benefit the Way in the long run, come to find out the people he kicked out were against his dancing and greed and lust of the women. So I wrote Martindale a letter, told him to change or be changed, will he got changed alright. Martindale like the rest of the leadership in the Way, they just duck and hide, but were are they going to duck and hide their souls?
  18. I been on this forum for a year now, I didn't reach one person? I tried to tell people about that life Yeshua got when Yahweh raised him from among the dead, John 5:26. I tried to tell people about how Yeshua got that life in some kind of flesh and bone body, Luke chapter 24, even his disciples saw that new flesh and bone body with that life, I John 1:1-3. I remember being at the Rock of Ages-Unity, when V.P. said that someone will come along and work those figures of speech and show this stuff I have been talking about. It wasn't V.P's call to teach that life, it was on Martindale, but Martindale wanted to be a dancer? In 1985, Mike O'buck and I tried to tell Martindale to start teaching that life, but Martindale wanted the body to see him dance? I know I didn't make a very good impression, I messed everything up, but I tried, it was not my call to tell you good people about this life Yeshua got when Yahweh raised him from among the dead, I was called to tell Martindale too start teaching that life. Seems the leadership is in it for the money or they gave up, but all the Reverends that made a commitment to Yahweh, will have a lot to answer for, this life Yeshua got when Yahweh raised him from among the dead, should have been taught! Thank you Paw for putting up with my craziness, you are right, I am a Catherder. Robert O. Stone
  19. I think I might have tried to smoke some of those in my party days.
  20. Oysterettes, is that a Pink Floyd song?
  21. The Assyrians are spared, and Jonah is furious, the very idea of a prophet being sent to Nineveh-Nineveh the capital of the hated Assyrian empire, the home of the people who had destroyed the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the ten tribes of Israel in 722BC, dispersing those ten tribes forever, the nation that had then laid siege to Jerusalem and exacted tribute from Judah for many years-Nineveh appears as another Sodom, Yahweh is going to punish them for immorality, but not necessarily for idolatry. But the stronger problem for Jonah seems to be the lack of punishment for the wicked. Jonah is indignant that the Assyrians didn’t get what they so richly deserved: didn’t Jonah say this would happen, that Yahweh always forgives, he’s this slow to anger, compassionate guy; he always repent, the wicked are never punished! It seems Jonah is fed up with the way Yahweh is doing things, his mercy perverts his justice, and some things ought not to be forgiven; people must be held to account for their evil actions, how can Yahweh not do justice! As Jonah is leaving the city to sulk, seems his complaint is twofold. If your going to punish the wicked then just push them; they deserve it. And if you’re planning to spare them, then just spare them and don’t waste my time with messages and oracles. As Jonah sits in a little booth that he has constructed, Yahweh causes a leafy plant to grow over him, providing shade and saving him from a good deal of discomfort; and the plant is to be the source of a final lesson for Jonah. How could Yahweh not be compassionate? For even the most evil of peoples are no less his creation that he has cared for than precious Israel. And if they will only turn to Yahweh in humility, he’ll wipe the slate clean, he’ll show compassion and forgive. It is only human to long for the punishment of the wicked; but Yahweh longs for their re-formation, their turning. Their is the moral law of the Noahide covenant, and it’s for this that Yahweh has decreed punishment, and Jonah is a champion of divine justice. Jonah believes that sin should be punished, he’s outraged at Yahweh’s forgiveness. But Jonah learns that a change of heart is enough to obtain mercy, and that the true role of the prophet is perhaps to move people to reformation and turning. http://thatlifeyahwehhas.blogspot.com/search?updated-min=2011-01-01T00:00:00-08:00&updated-max=2012-01-01T00:00:00-08:00&max-results=12
  22. No gathering for that logos, three-in-one junk?
  23. I'm just one person, no we here.
  24. Spirit teaching is a trip, like that teaching that Yahweh's spirit is in one that is why one can manifest those nine manifestations, but it is Yahweh's power that is in the person, power not spirit? Fruit of the spirit in Gal. should be new nature, we are born anew of that new nature, not born again? Some say that we will have a spirit life, but we will have that life in John 5:26, that same life Yeshua got when Yahweh raised Yeshua from among the dead? Spirit can be twisted all kinds of ways? I don't know much about why I use Yahweh, just seems that is our Fathers name, don't trust the Germans who started that Jehovah, I think some German dude started that don't know? Thanks for the insights, good stuff.
  25. The lie of Judaism: That Yeshua was not the Messiah! The lie of Christianity: That Yeshua was Yahweh incarnate! Good luck to all you three-in-one god believers and pushers of it; in the Day of Yahweh! VeePee and his spirit teaching?
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