Character 1. Speaking of horses did you ever see those Lipizzaner stallions.
Character 2. What?
Character 1. From Portugal. The Lipizzaner stallions. The most highly trained horses in the world. They're all white?
Character 2. Yes, sir.
Character 1. "Yes, sir" you're aware they're all white or "Yes, sir" you've seen them?
Character 2. Yes, sir I've seen them. Yes, sir I was aware that they're are all white. They are not from Portugal; they're from Spain and at birth, they're not white; they're black. Sir.
Character 1. I didn't know that. But they are from Portugal. Some of the things they do, uh, defy belief. Their training program is simplicity itself. Some of the things they do, uh, defy belief. Their training program is simplicity itself.
Simple matter of voltage.