I did a lit
It's funny how this cup of reality works.I did a little research of my own on Dr. John Juedes of this site, a devoted lutheran. Pray tell, what did I find. Here's what histiry tells us of Dr. John Juedes mentor Martin Luther: He could imagine mary as intercessor for christ! Whoaw! Martin Luther believed Jesus couldn't come back to earth without Mary's consent! Yikes! And of course if your not baptized with water, your not saved. Hmmmm Oh, and history tells us Martin luther wrote a dirty little book about the jews and their lies. He called them miserable, stupid, and accursed. Martin Luther purposed to set fire to jewish shools, synagogues,forbid them to pray, and said we would not be at fault for slaying them. Maybe you should investigate John Juedes and call it your afternoon cup of reality. What does the bible say waysider, something about we all fall short, remember?