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Everything posted by vickles
'Mike, when you realize just exactly what Christ was sent to do for us, and that HE suceeded, then you will realize that God's Word was alive and well before Wierwille came along.' Goey, Amen to that!!!! Mike, I hope that was a typo that you wrote. I think it should read that Jesus Christ was sent to us. Its Christ that is our savior not vpw. Its through Christ that we are healed and its through Him that we are delivered. If the Word had meant vpw it would have said it. By saying that vpw had to be mean to get things done by what spirit was he walking with? How was he a general? I have heard of devil spirits termed in that way. In all the writings from Gods Word does it say that Jesus Christ treated the people he walked with and healed with meaness to get his message across? My God is a loving God. God would never want us to live in oppression and guilt to get His Word across!! My God is a healing God. Do you really think he would want to give that kind of responsibility to a man that sexually abused/raped women, stole money from abs, treated men and women as if they were nothing, and was an alcoholic? There are a lot of spiritual men that he could have picked for the cross that would have to be bared by your definition. I could name a lot of men that didn't have to berate and belittle to get the message across. This is all very twisted in thinking to me. The more you explain the more bazaar it sounds. Nothing personal on you mike. If it is true that God wants us to be treated cruelly to get his message then I for one don't want anything to do with it. I would rather rot in hell for all its worth. Thank goodness I don't believe it. Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
LOL Your too funny....but, but....I would really like to know also!!!!! My daugther did it for me one time and she is gone for the summer. Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
Happy Father's Day!!!!
vickles replied to vickles's topic in Greasespot Holidays, Holydays and Heydays
Now I can officially say happy father's day to all you fathers!!!! I also liked that someone recognized the single moms too as they have to fill both roles. Thanks!!!!!! Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!! -
Honesty goes only so far socially?
vickles replied to vickles's topic in Health, Wellness, and Fitness
I don't know if I would truly do this but thinking about it I would want someone to tell me if I had a problem like that that is for sure. I haven't been in this exact situation but there have been embarrassing moments in my life and went the whole day and wondered why no one told me. Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!! -
Happy Birthday Man with a Thousand Screen Names
vickles replied to Abigail's topic in Birthdays and Anniversaries
Sorry that I'm late....I hope you had a wonderful birthday!!!!! How does it feel to be a year older? hehe Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!! -
I'm starting this thread because sometimes its hard to know when to tell someone that they look awful or as I have seen compliment someone when they are looking their worst. Afer you answer this poll would you please explain the reasons for your answer? If this one thread goes well I am planning on asking another question with some answers. If not oh well......hehe Some of these questions seem rather silly but they are life and sometimes can be hard to handle when actually in a situation. Here is the question.... What would you do if your in a meeting with your co-worker or even boss and you notice they have a bugar hanging out of their nose? Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
I'm bringing this to the top in case anyone in minnesota want to chat. Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
bringing this up top so that we can be heard...hehe Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
thats a good idea dot. The reason I participate in mike's thread is because he is so pro vpw that I want for others that are new to greasepot see that we are not all cut from the same cloth. If it was under pro twi or pro vpw then it would help. I get tiresome of his writings. Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
Cute bods dot!!!! Lets all have a party at Rottie's.....Happy Birthday Rottie, I hope yours is the very best one of years and that it only gets better year after year. Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
hey excie, C*** G**r didn't want it either. Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
Thanks oakspear for bringing this thread up. I read it all the way through and brought some fire in me. Its good to be reminded of the wonderful people that had the love in thier hearts and also good to be reminded of the evil that started because of the corporation brought in. If twi would have left it alone they would have been even more prosperous. But then I don't think it was a matter of money but of control. They wanted the glory. It worked for a while until the ones that were truly moving the Word were gone. Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
'Steve, your modus operundi is out in the open. You will take in everything I say, and you will maneuver everything you write to either overtly or covertly (this latest was covert) say that I'm possessed or oppressed. Did you learn this from Craig Martindale? You are imitating him to the ?T? and it stinks. A lot of other people have smelt what you have dealt here, and you should be ashamed. You are the TWI-2 spirit that we all know we don?t want. You are what went wrong with the ministry. You are the many villains that ruined things on the field thousands of miles from root locations.' I wouldn't see steve as a villain. I haven't seen him name call. I think he is calling a spade a spade. Originally posted by Mike: karmicdebt, 'If you had been spiritually minded back then you?d have successfully fought against the abuses as they occurred. But you were no Nathan and neither was anyone else.' How do you know or not that Karmic was spiritually minded back then? You are coming from the thought that it is all our faults that twi went down because we were not 'spiritual' enough. Why blame? That sounds like what twi did. The whole concept that the original twi was good and spiritual was built on sand mike. Sure there were a lot of great things happening and there were a lot of miracles and such. But it was because of what the christians were believing. They took the simple believing of what the Word of God and people were healed. Twi did not heal them. Vpw did not heal them. The roots of the tree did not heal them. It was God who healed them through the christians that believed that these miracles could happen. The evil part was vpw and his crowd taking over because they wanted their part and wanted the power, the recognition, and the money. You take that away and you have the simple believing joe and mary. You are taking vpw's writings and beliefs and telling us that this is the Word of God. Not the bible. You are taking his life and his writings exhalting him to your highest. Mike you can accept His Word or not accept it. That is up to you. But to accept God's Word you have to learn to be meek. God doesn't want us to accept mans word for it. Men can lie. Which you can see through vpw's works and life. His whole life was a crock with evil men to help and guide and take all the money. Vpw saw this ministry as a way for him to live an opulent life style. Take for instance the motorcycle in one of the threads. He told people his brother harry loved him so much he got him a motorcycle. When it was all said and done what happened was he had taken the money earmarked for twi and spent it on a motorcycle. Vpw was a habitual liar. His writings, yes while had some truth in them, was made for you and I to become puppets for him. That is why this whole thing stinks. That is why the early 70's fell was because vpw wanted all the credit. I am not going to tell you what to believe mike. You are the one that has to deal with it. Your whole life is set up for bondage. Its almost like you want to be a martyr for Jesus. You want us to say as OLG's that we did wrong because we weren't spiritual enough. Bull Sh$t!!!! Where do you think that is coming from? I certainly don't believe my Father in heaven would say that to me. It is only to knock us down and feel guilty. I for one will never feel guilty for the ruination of twi. Twi did it itself by its whole set up and the people that set it up. They set it up to go among the sheep as wholes to devour us so they could become fat in riches. This is why it fell. Not because we weren't doing enough. It was not Godly from the beginning. If your not willing to accept this then that is your right. But you will continually not get it for the rest of your days because of it. Your setting yourself up for being in bondage for the rest of your life. Your in your fifties mike. Not a kid anymore. Stop blaming us and yourself for past mistakes that wasn't our fault!!!!!! Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
I know mike that your trying to bring back the old twi. I read your post there and I realized that that is what your trying to do. It was so strong during those days because vpw didn't have a handle on it and a lot of his pfal books weren't out yet. It was simple believing and trusting that they were born again and had spiritual power. Loving God and believing in the power of Jesus Christ, believing that there are miracles is where it was. Not because of vpw and his pfal writings. Your trying to bring back the things that is what oppressed during that time. Please consider this and maybe read that thread over again. With the five years of 'mastering' pfal has it come back to you? Seeing the signs miracles and wonders? Have you seen the spiritual love like during those days? If so please tell us of those. I know I for one would love to hear it. Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
speaking of redneck. I have friends who the husband claims to be a redneck. His brother decided to put air conditioning in his house. So he took a window air conditioner and a fan and hooked it up somehow underneath the house to go up inside the house. It works!!!! hehe Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
mike did you mean intention or contention? Is your explaining of these writings your intention or is it to cause contention? Can you explain what vpw's specialized vocabulary is? I find it a rather odd way of saying things. I have not found his writings to be specialized in any way shape or form. I find his writings to be very normal. In fact they are writings of others. So how special is that? Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
I was leaking? I thought I was past that stage. Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
Or mike it could be that all of us responding keeps on coming back and it shows that it was another person coming on and reading it. Could that be it? Wow and you thought that there were that many people coming on here? lmao at that one....hehe Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
I guess you haven't figured out the garbage that your sending to us. Are you that smart that you can't understand any of it? Graduated from what? Our five senses? What is our five senses Mike? Ok lets see what they are. There is seeing, smelling, hearing, tasting, and touching. Ok then, you can see the written word, you can't smell it (well I guess I could if I wanted to), a let me see you can taste it I guess if you want to lick it, you can hear it if its spoken to you. How simple is that? Ok then you are saying that I need to graduate from my 5 senses to a written promise. And then I have to go to a spirtual understanding and then I have to explain the difference between a 5 senses understanding and a spiritual understanding? You are just blowing a lot of air to make people 'think' you know what your talking about. Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
We've had enough details already!!!!! Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
me thinkest he likes to read his own writings. Its kind of like listening to your own voice. Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
HELP QUICK How do you make a potato on the grill?
vickles replied to RottieGrrrl's topic in Health, Wellness, and Fitness
oh rottie, if you try it I forgot to tell you to try butter and seasonings in it. Yum, Yum!! I'm glad your potatoes turned out good. I love to barbecue. Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!! -
Charlie Scott was in the sixth corps wasn't he? Does anyone know how he is? I know he had been ill for quite some time and was wondering if he was doing ok. He was my wow brother in south carolina and know that he was living with his parents in california. Thanks for any info. Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
thanks radar, you touched my heart!!!! Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
very well said mj. You know mike I have to say that in your writings you believe that pfal books are the only way to go. That you can't receive any of the manifestations unless you master pfal. Wow that is really big mike. For you to have that much responsibility in sharing that with us all. You are a savior. You will reap great benefits in heaven as you are now. Your life must be very grand with all the revelation you get and all the people gathering around you to hear you. We are all honored by your presence. It is so wonderful for you to be able to 'see' things we can not see and to understand vpw's writings. Wow, to be able to see the secret passages that vpw wrote is something else. And for you to have such happiness in life finding all these things to share with us is really awsome. NOT!!!!! Mike, you know what I don't like about pfal books? They are written to us from vpw that are works of others and they are written to us as if we are little children. Like he was our father or something. Like we don't know anything and have to have his guidance. You have a mind mike, a wonderful intelligence that if you worked the Word and not the books you would find greatness in it all. You know if vpw was so great and was our savior for our times don't you think it would have been written to us in the bible for us to see? It could read something like this. 'In years later there will be no belief and there will come a man to show you the ways of the Lord. Believe on him for he shall guide the way for you.' Or something like that. Nothing. Zilcho. It talks a lot in the Word about false prophets. It talks about wolves in sheeps clothing. There are a lot of passages about believers being deceived to think of different beliefs that are Godly. But not one passage referring to vpw. It talks about Jesus Christ. It talks about how getting to know Him you will know the Father. It doesn't say anything about a man coming into our lives and getting to know Him and thereby getting to know the Father. But I guess after five years of just pfal it would be hard for you to admit you might be wrong. Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!