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Everything posted by vickles

  1. I always understood the reasoning for twi to talk about the person leaving in a bad light was because when someone left twi they could take ten or more believers with them. Does anyone else remember that?
  2. Wow, shell, did you change the subject? I thought I was going to a new thread to read....you did catch me with the first one...hehe I went straight to it and had to go see what this was all about. I found the article on yahoo news and found myself wondering if this was the whole story. Sounds very suspicious to me too.
  3. Wow zix, I really appreciate this. My kids know more about this than I do and have not been able to understand. I will try what you say. I am really looking forward to understanding. I thought about getting my kids a telescope because they are so into this, but was afraid they wouldn't take care of it and it appeared to be so expensive. Again, thanks, this is very exciting to me!!!!!
  4. aaawwwww what a sweet looking kitty.
  5. I had a hard time cultivating friends for a long time. We learned in twi to look for other people's weaknesses if they were not 'walking' on the word. Somehow, you have to get past that and look at people as they are. Human and all. What helped for me was finding the right therapist and worked it out that way. There is nothing wrong with finding professional help if that is what you need. I did and am so glad I did. I happened to get an ex-nun that totally understood what I went through. So, just any therapist would not do but finding the right one that fits for you.
  6. eeewwwwwww I'm running over to my fridge and cleaning the top....I don't want no dirty vagina!!!!!!..... -->
  7. I looked at it alfakat and it looks like you have to e-mail them. How would I do it so I could put the pics on gs after downsizing them?
  8. My kids are teens now so you know how bored teens can get. I can let them run little during the trip, which will be nice. I would love to get a sleeper. I thought the price ran into the hundreds to get one? I stayed in a sleeper on a trip when the kids were little. We had trouble with one of the workers on amtrak and so amtrak let us stay in a sleeper because I was really upset by the situation. It was very peaceful and very nice being able to lay down and actually sleep. Having a shower would be heavenly. I hate traveling and not being able to shower for three days....eeeeewwwwwww And then having to see my parents for the first time in ten years. It would be nice to see them without looking so rough around the edges if you know what I mean. lol
  9. aaawwwww lindy, I love you!!! I feel so woved, now!!!
  10. Amtrak is fun, especially when you have kids. Its a lot easier than traveling by car. My family and I are traveling to seattle, amtrak roundtrip. Really looking forward to relaxing on this trip. Although the prices have gone up you still can't beat the price compared to flying.
  11. I don't have any green for tomorrow....ouch I don't want to get pinched!!!! Well it depends on who it is... :P-->
  12. Mcarroll, I was kidding too in a way. But when I first came in gs I would come into the friend tracker looking for someone looking for me thinking that I had so many friends and surely some would be missing me. Come to find out that no one missed me. That is ok as I have found a couple of old friends (not looking for me) and have made some new friends through gs. I had to realize I wasn't as popular as I thought I was....
  13. Don't feel bad. I have often felt the same way. I'm wondering why no one has remembered me after being totally comitted for 15 years in twi. Wha wha!!!!! :(-->
  14. vickles

    11th Corps

    Yes it is the most beautiful place in the US but that is my opinion. Whenever, I've been away and arrive from over the mountains I cry of the beauty of the whole scene. The gloomy part is worth it for all of its beauty. If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people. virginia woolfe
  15. I was in the 11th and went through that. I plain forgot.... If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people. virginia woolfe
  16. Whats wrong with getting profit from the movie? Does it say anywhere in the bible that its wrong? I would consider after all these people that came to a better relationship with God that maybe God is blessing him with the money. If you want to consider it twi thinking then lets say he abundantly shared and now is getting his return. Wouldn't you say? Oh wait a minute he didn't give his abs to twi. I guess that wouldn't work. If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people. virginia woolfe
  17. Does anyone know jim schott? I would like to contact him. He was my wow brother in south carolina. If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people. virginia woolfe
  18. Mike I decided to not answer you. I've spent many days on thinking about what you said and have watched your posts with others. I have noticed that when you don't like what someone says you really like to put them down in a more personal way. I don't think that is very nice. If I'm not smart or don't know much, I am very happy with what I do know and what I can learn. I am more free than I ever was in twi. I don't have to answer to you or anyone else for that matter. What really matters to God is what is in our heart. Not how smart we are. You can spend 12 hours a day studying vpw and it will mean nothing if you don't have the heart. You will just be making a lot of sound that means nothing. If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people. virginia woolfe
  19. I believe that all that we experienced was just a fantasy in ourselves. All the good that we did was because we were looking through rose colored glasses. The answers were there for us the whole time. God was there waiting for us to take those rose colored glasses off to really walk with Him. The miracles we saw, were they really miracles? Or were they something we supposed were miracles? There were many times while I was in twi that I saw something good to leave for but I was determined with the rose colored glasses that this was the truth and the real thing. The friends that I had were superficial to a point. In real life you don't have immediate friends that really love you and you love them. You get to know the persons and then learn to love them by spending time with them. As soon as I left I didn't have any friends. They all said I was possessed. This is not a real friend to me. The peace I felt at times (which were few) I could have had at any time outside of twi. Its not something that I like to dwell on that I was hoodwinked but it is good to take an honest look at our lives while we were in twi and realize that it was a facade and move on. I can have that zeal that I had in twi without the rose colored glasses and use that in other areas of my life now. Rascal, I believe that even though we led others into twi that God was really looking at our heart and saw that it was good. I think that its important to realize that and not knock ourselves down for that. We thought we were doing right. We are forgiven. If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people. virginia woolfe
  20. Never put brown and black together, I was always taught. From what I remember (I'm not too much in fashion nowadays living in jeans day in and day out) your friend is right. Or maybe I was never in fashion....lol I've gone in and out of fashion. I like to be in my own fashion nowadays. Bob just shakes his head on some of the stuff I wear but hey if I like it what the heck? If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people. virginia woolfe
  21. Mal Pac Platton? Whats that? If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people. virginia woolfe
  22. Dot, Could you please give her my e-mail address? I would love to hear from her!!!! If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people. virginia woolfe
  23. I want to add that its not only mike that goes in the grey area, I noticed. I think that if you decide to go that route it should be for everyone that wants to post in the grey area. But those grey areas need to be more defined so that everyone understands where to post what. If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people. virginia woolfe
  24. I think starting a new forum that crosses the grey area is a good idea. Then if I want to go there and read it then I will. If mike wants to post other things in the other parts of the site then he can do that also. But his ideas of what he believes, I feel is not really doctrinal and not really The Way forums. This might work out good for others that want to share what their beliefs are. We all have changed and our beliefs are different. It might prove to be interesting. If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people. virginia woolfe
  25. vickles

    11th Corps

    OH gosh suz, I'm so excited!!! I can't wait to see some old friends!!!!! I hope they remember me....lol If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people. virginia woolfe
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