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Everything posted by vickles

  1. Does that mean a guy would have to wear a fake penis all the time? I mean most people don't know when they are going to get tested. At least where I work they don't. And what about the women? It would be rather trying to wear a fake penis.... :o--> ;)-->
  2. Yes, just stated differently. Thanks, dear excie!! :)-->
  3. Sharon, I understand what your saying but with twi they had no overhead. Most classes were in someones home, the person running the class did not get paid and the refreshments were from grads of the class. And when they taped the class, wasn't it in the late sixties? Look at how many people took the class and how much they paid with no overhead. That is a heck of a lot of money that someone got and it wasn't given back to the faithful that is for sure!!!!!!
  4. Hey, Hitler had followers and I am sure that he had a 'good' side to him too. Or there would not have been so many people following him.
  5. I live not too far from Hormel. On nice summer days when I'm in that town I have that sweet aroma coming into my nostrils and along with the sweet aroma come the many sweet memories of Emporia....NOT!!!! :P-->
  6. This happened the other day. I was at the dental surgeon's office and was told that I will take a lot longer to heal because of my age. Then that same evening I went to target to the cashier and was talking about me buying a stuffed frog to put on my computer. She was amazed that someone my age would do something like that. But what really got her was that I actually chat on msn messenger!!!! She excitedly stated that she didn't realize people my age actually got on msn messenger. I told her that my mother even gets on it.... My daughter was with me and when I was going to the car to leave I asked her do I really look old? My gawd, I don't feel that old...
  7. Then mine would be Princess King. :D-->
  8. vickles


    Well, cowgirl, my experience has been very healing. In fact, I go to a therapist and she thought it was the best thing ever. So even though you feel that it is redundant and isn't good for you it is good for some others. Depends on the individual.
  9. Its been working faster for me.
  10. vickles


    I like to go to freerecycle.com, I think it is. You can get and give free stuff. Or it might be .org, not sure, but its great for looking for stuff that others don't want. I like free... :)-->
  11. LOLOLOL that is one weird pic!!! :D-->
  12. Jonny, I never did, I was to mortified. But, I have to honestly say that it was hard to sit there when he was talking during twig. :o-->
  13. I had heard vpw state numerous times billy graham had known the rightly divided word and how they chose to go their own route because of the power. Didn't he state something about how he knew him personally or was that someone else? I wonder if they really had known each other personally. I very much doubt it.
  14. You thought he was handsome?... I think that he has been such an example of how a christian leader should be. He has never been under any scrutiny of any scandals. It could have beene easy for him to succumb given that he could have wielded power to think he could get away with anything. But he didn't. He definitely is a true christian leader!!!!
  15. Oldies, I really can't fathom you are for real. If you are and really believe what you say then you are one really dumb person.
  16. Schwaigers, it sounds like he was offering an apology for something else? Like starting his own thing? This doesn't sound like a heartfelt apology, does it. I'm sorry that happened to you. I hope you were able to reconcile with your daughter.
  17. When I was young and in school there were a pair of twins that were bald. My friends and I would really give them a hard time. Well years later I had moved and went to a different twig and lo and behold there was one of the twins. I was floored!!!!
  18. I have too many embarrassing momemts that I'm too embarrassed to tell.... :o-->
  19. So does this mean that if the queen dies and charles becomes king and Camilla becomes queen, Charles dies then Camilla be the manarch? Does that change everything? What about camilla's children? What about Charles, sons?
  20. OOOOHHHHHHH WOW!!!!! Now that is a biggy. Thanks for explaining it. I'm tongue tied!!!!
  21. ok, am I missing something? This article is talking finances. Can you explain?
  22. Exactly Mr. Hammeroni, this is one of those times too. I was really surprised that she thought she had done so wrong. It sounded like she had thought about this for years and it really bothered her. I wrote back and said I forgive her and that I hoped that she could forgive me too. I think its good (if we can) to let people know as much as we can if we need to apologize. I know I also have done wrong to others that at times bother me. And I think, if I only can find them. I think its healing for us but can be very healing for the people we apologize to.
  23. Suzi, I just read this and forgot to talk to you about this. Would love that phone number. So we will have to remember next time...huh? lol There is always so much to talk about with your travels!!! Def, where were you sent for wow that year?
  24. OH and of course I forgive her!!!!!! Life is wonderful!!!!!
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