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Everything posted by vickles

  1. my daughter was given a windows 95 and it can't get online with the company that is for getting on the internet. I heard that you can upgrade to 98 by going on the internet and downloading on microsoft. I went to microsoft and couldn't find anything that would do a upgrade. Does anyone know where I can go to download and copy? Is there anyway to upgrade it to a xp?
  2. I wouldn't look at my life in twi as completely wasted. I know my heart was right even though I was in something not right. I look at my experiences now after several years in being out and whole bunch older is that I was young and naive and it was a learning experience even though a rather bad one. I am not so much a know it all or have to save the world and I'm happy. Thats what life is all about.
  3. vickles


    Yeah, Coolchef is this your hobby? Inquiring minds want to know... :)-->
  4. I met my love of my life through the internet. He told me he didn't believe in church or anything. I thought he meant that he didn't believe at all. Come to find out he knows more of the bible than most of us put together and he doesn't have all the baggage of twi... I didn't find this wonderful man until I sought out counseling and worked through a bunch of baggage. When I was ready he was there... :)--> This man of mine is the most thoughtful, caring, loving, and good father than any man I had ever dated. If I would have turned away when I thought he wasn't a christian I would have missed the most precious relationship ever. So, for me therapy was the most important.
  5. vickles


    I planted two rose bushes the other day. I trimmed off the ends and planted and watered them. Is there anything special I need to do for them?
  6. I remember when I was told I was possessed I asked what devil spirit was I possessed with. The answer was that it was not known but that it must be something generational from my family. I mean if they receive revvy that I'm possessed you would think that the God almighty would also tell them what spirit it was. And, if they actually really did get revvy you would think they would want me healed by offering to cast it out. What a cop out!!!!!
  7. bummer, satori I was looking forward to becoming possessed even more....
  8. LOLOL Satori, I love your sense of humor!!! I looked because I love the feeling of being possessed. According to TWI they don't know which devil spirits I have but it must be something passed through generations of my family....
  9. vickles


    Feverfew sounds interesting. I do get whats called cluster headaches and don't like to take meds for it unless I really have to. This would probably help. Where would I find seeds for these unusual group of herbs?
  10. vickles


    herbiejuan, A neighbor came by the other day and brought a plant that had mixed together it was garlic and onion. He says that is quite unusual to mix and has a different kind of taste that is delicious. So I'm planting it today and see how that comes out.
  11. vickles


    What is soapwort and feverfew?
  12. vickles


    ok both of you mentioned lavendar, which I heard for the first time the other day. She didn't know what it was used for either. What is it and what is it used for? doing herbs inside sounds like a great idea. Do you have that all year around then?
  13. vickles


    I also am planning a herb garden but have no idea what to plant and what they are used for except for a couple of things. Anyone into herb gardens?
  14. vickles


    I am doing a vegie garden this year. I planted all kinds of vegies. Even ones I don't like to eat... I bought an apple tree today and planted some rose bushes. For the first time I'm going to have flowers all over the yard and flower garden. I thought for the ones interested we could do a thread about gardening and some interesting tidbits that would help us non-pro people.
  15. If they actually did give anything it might have been a dollar just to say they did for whatever PR they wanted that no one has heard about... -->
  16. Hello Rene, I'm originally from the everett area. What years were you there and what twig were you in?
  17. I met her at new knoxville farm in the late seventies. She didn't seem anyone special to me. I think I had a conversation with her a time or two. I think she is from North Carolina and was a school teacher. I have wondered how in the world did she rise up to what she is doing now? She seemed like everyone else that worked on grounds to me. No one special.
  18. Sharon, there have been times where I posted something in somebodies thread and got no response. It was like I wasn't even there. I was invisible. I was like, don't I matter? I'm here!!!! --> HELLO!!! But then I've been in chat or someone has PM'd me and told me how much they liked my post. So I don't think anyone has ignored you, my dear...its just that sometimes you might have put it so well that there was no need to respond.
  19. I'm sorry to hear that you won't be here that much anymore suzie. I will miss you. Now I understand why you didn't call back. Sometimes it can be a good thing to move on, although as sad as it can be at times. I love you girlfriend and wish you the very best!!!!!!
  20. Gosh hadn't heard that name in years!!! I knew dave and veronica when they were first married in seattle. Sorry have no idea, hope you find her though. Have you gave the internet white pages a search?
  21. So you have to be an advanced class grad in order to even go out as whatever they call it these days? Is it still a year commitment?
  22. signals, It sounds like you worked in the field in the eighties? Or even the early nineties. There have been a lot of changes since then for the good. Lots of research has been done. In fact there is a lot of info on the internet if your interested.
  23. And what position did you hold when you worked over five years in the psychiatric profession? Hopefully not as a doctor or a therapist.. If it was I can see why it was only over five years. After all the schooling you would need why was it only that long?....
  24. Yes, and I don't have to worry about doing it so I don't have to clean toilets in the after life... I can give of myself just because I have real joy and peace inside of me to give and I offer it because I choose to. Thankgoodness I'm out!!!!!
  25. I could easily get together a class on my own. My favorite part. I think of all the years I was in I had four people finish the class but no one stuck around. I thought I was the only one. I thought there was something wrong with me all those years that I wasn't producing more fruit in my life. Now I know the real truth!!!!!
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