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Everything posted by vickles

  1. I see those all the time too. Its the interesting aspect the way this one was done. Are there really that ingnorant of people to really believe this and give them their bank numbers?
  2. Can't they just have him as mogfot and not say he is? Still give him his living lifestyle? But, I guess that wouldn't be loys style though would it? He would want to be spittin in everyones face just so show he was the mogfot.
  3. Thanks, laleo, I do appreciate it. I've had it happen where I needed to find something and didn't know.
  4. I think trust and respect is so important in a relationship. I didn't realize this until I met my significant other. And with this trust it helps me to know I can do whatever I want or need to without worrying what would happen when I get home sort of thing. It can carry you through even the menopausal times, I would think. I think that if I didn't have trust or respect I would be one of those 50's getting out of the relationship when the kids are grown. I can't wait for the three years to start traveling with my best friend.
  5. Profile???? I didn't know you could look into the profile and find out where it went. I guess I'm not too bright either. And I work ten plus hours a day too. -->
  6. Wow, pirate, that is a great scam. Using christianity and money and all. Now I can't wait to read some of mine...maybe a young man looking for me with millions?.. :D-->
  7. Let the dam break, Krys!!!! It is great info!!!
  8. BBBBBBut Paw, we were were told that nothing happens by coincidence... Dontcha know?
  9. Laleo, I don't think so. There as been studies or ariticles on it as stated by others on this thread. So I don't think I'm too out there on this.
  10. vickles

    He seemed normal?

    Groucho I sent you a private message.
  11. LOLOLOL now that is funny. You could say do you have the poop, I mean scoop? oh lots of things. :D-->
  12. Weird, this can't be new?
  13. vickles

    He seemed normal?

    This very subject of sociopath came up with a psyhologist and me on friday. Funny how that happens...lol I had always thought that a sociopath was born with it. But he explained to me one of the things to look for would be if he had someone in his life while growing up was very very strict and someone, a co-parent, who was not. The co-parent being a person that felt sorry for him and would do things behind the back of the other parent, undermining that person. This is where the lies, charming, and manipulating stuff comes from. I find it also interesting in the article that shellon posted that it begins with an underlining anger. Which to me means most likely with all the undermining, lies, and sneaking around that the child most likely would have a deep seated anger with the parent that was very strict.
  14. Well, gosh darn it you all....
  15. vickles

    He seemed normal?

    Shellon, Wow, that is a great site. I'm going to look at the other stuff they have when I have time. Sociopaths are ones that are able to get people to like them and then take everything from them, love, money, sex and then when nothing is left to drop them....it reminds me of my ex. Oh yeah, he fits in all the categories.
  16. Yeah coolchef it is pretty sick. I think its even sicker once we've been out. I don't think it hit me so much when I first read it being out of twi for a short time. But years later I think as you do, what asses for sure. And we believed this ****.
  17. vickles

    He seemed normal?

    I would say probably all the above. But mostly sociopathic behavior is rather hard to tell unless your with that person for a period of time. They appear normal and act pretty normal. They know how to manipulate people to what they want. They study people for their own purposes. A sociopath does not know how to feel. They know how to act like they are feeling but don't have it in them. It doesn't bother them who they hurt unless it will effect them somehow.
  18. I'm sorry it sounded kind of mean, didn't it? I just don't want this thread taken away or deleted posts again.
  19. This thread was not intended to be about George or anyone else here at gs. Whatever personal problems that are aired was not my intention. I'm asking that it keep that way. To give thoughts and views of why things happen in our middle age or as we get older. If you have something personal to say to someone about their personal life I ask that you please private message them. This has been a good thread and something everyone can relate to. I came up with this not because of anyone here but because it is such a huge epidemic going on in our society.
  20. Ham, I went through something similar last year. It felt good for me to stand up to this lady. I decided that she wasn't a friend worth having if I was treated badly. I let her know she was no longer a friend of mine. It felt good to have spoken up and be myself. After twi I will never let someone control me and put me down to manipulate me ever again. I'm better than that and deserve better. I think, ham, that its the beginnings of loving yourself...at least for me and it feels good!!!!!!
  21. Well raf, if it makes you feel any better I thought song was a female until I looked up his profile... :P-->
  22. If we are taking care of ourselves during the years of marriage wouldn't it be easier as we get older to be able to get on with life after the kids are gone? I'm talking about doing things for ourselves so it doesn't build up to this is my time sort of thing? I know when we are younger we don't always do things the right way....ha ha. I call them the young and stupid years. But as we are approaching that middle age and the kids are getting older maybe its time to start seeking those things we want to do. So then when we are just left with our beloved man or woman we have already taken care of that aspect?
  23. There is one thing I would like to express that I had posted earlier that I think was deleted. If anyone is having problems with divorce or separation I hope that they would seek professional advice and get some therapy. I know that it helped me a great deal. Friends are nice to have and they mean well. But sometimes they add fuel to the fire.
  24. :D--> And here I thought coolchef wanted to talk about coca cola or pepsi products... -->
  25. I hope you have a wonderful birthday!!!!
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