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PLEASE help science project
jediknight777 replied to excathedra's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
If you can’t find a plastic hawk… Try a local taxidermy store and see if you can rent a few of their examples. With their resources you could set up a whole menagerie of “this eats that” from various habitats around the earth: The great polar bear eats the noble Eskimo, who munches the seal that eats wall mounted bass for an Artic flare to the hawk eats snake, eats house cat or muskrat scenario your possibly trying to pursue. An opportunistic taxidermist might even allow you free use of these petrified animals free of charge at the suggestive accompaniment and proper placement of some sandwich type placards promoting his brand of taxidermy, say straddling the bear or Eskimo or trailed in banner fashion behind the winged raptor. jedi... Or if you can’t find the plastic hawk may I also suggest that you build a Tesla Coil. I did this one year with my then 8yo. The SFP exhibition was hosted in the school gymnasium that year and when we fired up that 8.5 KW generator outside, it spooked a handful of teachers within the Caution Tape and gave them some bad hairdos and did some surface charring to a blouse and a grade book. But the falling HID lighting (as I asserted in court) was a bonus because of the discovery of the weak mounts that were, no doubt, a hidden safety hazard. The bolts that fired from the 2 foot chrome ball must have discovered the weak support cables, and about 4 of the big round lights descended in shooting sparks to the floor below. They nailed a couple of big tables below and harpooned an impressive three tiered red ant farm and a styro-depiction of our very own solar system (done tastefully in fluorescent paint with black light). The excited mass ran to the exits and our volunteer fire department got some much needed anti-terrorist emergency response training. My celebrity status no longer allows me on school grounds without escort, and my daughter is still enjoys the notoriety of being referred to as Dr. Frankstiens daughter to this day. But some months after what is now locally referred to as “The Electrical Event“, a small herd of 5th and 6th grade boys that were scavenging candy selections at the local store, thought it was “Coolest Shiiit” to happen at the school since a skunk was discovered in the Janitors Closet. (It seems that Animal Control, in “joint operations” with our local K9 Drug unit (Officer Benard Landis and Sparky) , were heavily sprayed right in the middle of a fire drill the panicky Elementary Principal unexpectedly had called. About 20 kids, most of them in Mrs. Crandis‘s 3rd Grade Class, 3 uniformed County First Responders and one large (now ex-drug sniffing ) German Shepard were repeatedly wetted by the striped beast just before it turned due East and ran towards a heavily crowded hall of screaming children. It consequently scattered them into bathrooms, classrooms and herded the rest en mass into the East exit doors. The skunk was never caught. Most speculate it miraculously escaped within the stampeding feet of the kids pouring out of the east wing of the elementary school… ) But as I eaves dropped on their insightful conversation taking place while they shoplifted handfuls of bubble gum and blow pops at the local Grab and Scram, I personally took it as supreme validation for all scientific pursuit; an absolution for all the activities that took place that day; and it totally amended any of the self doubt I had as parent resulting from the lawsuit and my own sharp personal battles with the henchmen at Child Welfare. Just a suggestion…….. -
I have a question regarding posting images
jediknight777 replied to gladtobeout's topic in Computer Questions
Plagiarism by observational example and comparison is one thing, but by ?contrary example? is quite another. We have before us a medium in which ?free flowing opinions and beliefs? are expressed by ?not too small a number of posters? in these forums. Questions for All Posters: How many of us, and how many times, in these passing exchanges about ?sometimes? meaningless topics, did we (do we) give credibility and literary affirmation to ?scant phrases? or ?catchy observations? and attribute them to the original authors. I?d say all of the time. Why? How many of us use the ?quote? to express the ownership of another?s idea, both for debate and validation of our own petty opinions and thoughts, all throughout the threads in this medium? Always. Mostly always. Why? Why??? This is the internet, we are, for the more part, anonymous to each other and yet we endeavor to persistently sort through, in our thinking, that which is clearly ?our stated thought? from another?s? And we try to give the author the credit for that ?just due?. Why does this, oft times tumultuous rabble of ex cultists, exercise so carefully so as not to copy without accreditation to the original author these ?mere comments? ? and yet we question what is clearly the published and plagerisized words so clearly copied from other author?s literary inspiration and labor? I think it speaks volumes to about the ?mutual integrity? here as it pertains to this category. And it must be governed by the ?mutual character? of the posters here also. And I think it speaks especially of the common decency about most people who not only do not steal money, but used stolen ideas to do such. And I think it is very hard to understand, by normal people, what is clearly sociopathic behavior from another. And I think that the greatest indictment of VPW?s character, which is the stark reflection of his apparent plagiarism, is the ?subjective evidence we practice here?. jedi...
Can Deception Be Adequately Confronted?
jediknight777 replied to FreshAir 99's topic in Getting help for cult dysfunction
You have the best ?sociopathic empathy?, that money can be conned for, actively in evidence from the BOD Collective in the Borg Hive up in Ohio. Now all you need is about 4 years in order to effectively clone a Joe Average (with a big calling from God) into an obedient Corp, of various numerical designation, in order to extend the ?eyes and ears? of church all the way to the rank and filers that so desperately need oversight in such things as finances, checkbooks, monetary planning, giving of money, tithing and of course abundant sharing. With these glassy eyed robots knowing so much and yet not knowing their holes from an *** which standeth upon the ground, the bottom line of control are these faithful Borg Corp that will carry out both the ?heart and letter? of any edict that the BOD can define to them all with more than enough KJV in verse decoupaged to it. The undercurrent has always been the same at TWI, it?s all about giving them money for anything that pertains to the wisdom that they panhandle from the tithing podium. And using anyone willing to faithfully stand for that bottom line. Anyone that has opposed them, and is exposed to be doing such, will be branded as possessed, lied about, and have their characters slandered, and then will be banned from attending fellowships. Only this time the ones that will doing the banning and slandering will be smiling and not spitting. Only difference. The practical ?graces? to which we hear accounts of, and as attested to by ?verbal ones? still in attendance, sometimes implies the assumption that this is a ?doctrinal change?. Not so. TWI has not introduced teachings as a ?replacement doctrine? to justify the ?gentleness? to which they enslave people now days, by. They are just not ?acting? upon the doctrine they have in place and no doubt choose to keep BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOT REPLACED IT. But they will eventually start to use it, the overwhelming lust to beat a willing slave seems to abate itself but for a season. They just proved the adage that LCM missed in his godlike opiate delusion: you can enslave all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can not enslave all of the people all of the time and still bilk them for money. His passion to play chief fascist must have blinded him to that reality and caused him to misstep. But he had such a qualified Board of Trustees that advised, and approved, and lauded all of his actions (until the Civil and Criminal Courts became involved)? how could he have so miss stepped? JedI? -
Banking on the fact that most people that leave, have left friends and relatives and that these, sometimes life long relationships, are more valuable to those that are currently in. The bottom line is money and that is the determining factor in the current Word of BOD (I like that too, thanks, Napkinlady). The present truth is in only about keeping the numbers up and thus keeping the money in tithes coming in. If an innie can afford a house, and still tithe? well that fulfils the requirement for a good disciple. The topical percentages on the teachings ?sounding out from the Ohio? still have to have to be better than 60% on telling the faithful to keep giving them money to pay for bs expenses. TWI could be run from a website with two or three people and facilities could be rented if a big group teaching was needed. Clearly the funds only travel one way, and distribution to ?poor saints? has never been the policy of the way, though it is clearly ?that other never never ever never ever mentioned purpose for collections? to be maintained, both in the book of Acts and in the epistles. But these scriptural examples have always been glossed over, much like the totally nonexistent teachings on ?proper biblically defined? physical relationships between two people of various ages and marital statuses. This selective type of doctrinal emphasis, always has been used to cloke the practices of convenience and license to the few that have chosen the cushy path of rule over the minions that are willing to support them. But this soft doctrine is only waiting upon the right personality to effect the same type of control that they can choose to enforce thru a series of yearly themes just like it started in 93-94 with the Way of Holiness theme followed by the living sanctified theme and then all of those Prevailing Themes? which turned the former softer gentler TWI I into the Gestapo type of organization that was run on intimidation and suspicion. If the money falters, the BOD can and will mantle another strong personality type to gradually play chief Nazi and Enforcer and the whole bunch will obediently slip back into the more rigid micro control that many of us were apart of during the mid to late 90?s. The kinder softer gentler way, that now promises not the bleach out the colors of the lives of believers was not Lightening Bolt Revelation from God, it only happened when the money dried up because they were exposed as pimps and extortionists. jedi.
You know at the time, Vic had thousands and thousands of followers that believed that he played checkers with God personally. VPW was not the postman, nor was he an insurance salesman. To the minds of the followers, he was the man of God for that generation. He was on par with Moses and Paul and they trusted that what he stood for was the same as what they were seeking. It was not. Holding a duped follower for believing what they were taught, when everything they were exposed to and most everyone they talked to reinforced that premise, is wrong. We all were duped. To what extent we were duped, plays heavily upon the circumstances of our involvement. JedI?
When I got home last night, he was there waiting on me. I called to him: ?Well there?s that no good worthless cat, whatcha been doing, buddy?? he looks at me meows? telling me he?s hungry? Max, in his official capacity, is a Big Orange Tom of 2 years that is currently employed as chief kitten salesman amongst the local female cat population. He oft returns from his sales route chewed and bitten, but clearly satiated by his nocturnal job. I kind of envy him, truth be told. Max is strictly an outdoor kitty that apartments in the ?63 Ford Long Step-side rusting in the driveway. He slips through the tattered plastic that makes for windows on the cab of the truck, and curls up in the blanket I stuffed in there for him this winter. But there he was doing ?let?s be friends cat stuff? they oft do when they need something important like worthless cat food. He jumps from the porch to the rail and is now at eye level with me, I lean towards him, and does a face rub with me. Purring brightly, I rubbed his big orange skull and felt the ridges of a ?feline bitch slap? just under the fur. But overall his coat was soft and as I petted him in with classic cat/human greeting, I reminded him of the temptations I?ve been wrestling with, to convert him in to a pair of warm bedroom shoes. I scan his body with my hands and inspect a recent war wound that is just getting fur after a 5 week healing. He got caught trying to breed a Bobcat or something,got the crap kicked out of him for it too. I talk to my animals. Just like I talk to humans. So as we headed into the kitchen, I reminded him not to spray like he?s does outside. I started retrieving the cat victuals from the cupboard he was so effectively sucking up for. But I like to see cats sucking up, it's really the only time they act like dogs. I further clarify that though I have never killed a cat at this particular address, spraying cat funk in the house was a hanging offense. My authority as district cat judge would compel me to carry out sentencing to the letter, without compunction or appeal. I pause, and he meows as I pet him, still purring. I continued to lie to him about the scores of tom cats I have hung from numerous clothes lines, fences, TV antennas, trees, and large bushes. It was an irrefutable law never mark within my indoor scent zone. He looked up at me during my discourse, and frequently meowed, keenly attentive, as I prepared his food, and no doubt vocalizing his compliance to The Law. My god, he very hungry. Many times I run into Max freeloading down at the liquor store, which is just east of my house. They have made it a practice of wasting worthless cat food on his big orange hide also. Hell, he even has a bowl there. But walking home, we match strides, with the Tom pausing to re-squirt his marker on the neighbor?s fence: Cat sign for Max Land. I had thought Max had relocated after Gracie the Dog, died last month. Just before taking her body to the woods for burial, I watched him cautiously approach and sniff around the blanket. Her head was showing from the fold, and very slowly he lifted one paw and delicately touched it to her cold muzzle. He sheepishly sniffed about her face and then looked at me with a cagey look, not typical of his normal laid back demeanor. I sat on the steps watching Max suspiciously observe the lifeless former matriarch of the back yard in the cold January dusk. When my son exited the house, the normal sounds startled the already nervous cat and Max bolted from yard. We didn?t see him for 2 1/2 weeks. Jedi ? [This message was edited by jediknight777 on February 15, 2003 at 14:42.]
Be not Unequally Yoked with Unbelievers
jediknight777 replied to Outin88!'s topic in Getting help for cult dysfunction
Abby posed this great observation... "What I could never figure out was, why was it ok to be 'unequally yoked' in some instances and not others." Could it be that my own first hand experience in dealing with Religious Nazi's seems to have proven the fact, all too well, that one man's camel was just another man's gnat when came to the thou shalt?s and shalt not's of ministry edicts... hmmmmmm... Nawwwwwwwww.... It must have been: When circumstances change, REVELATION CHANGES!!!!! yeah that's it... they uh ...we're ...like list-en-ing to God. Yeeeah, they were tuned in see? to the Big Guy Himself ... One day they were just minding their own business ... and then whooosh God just showed up and said, Hey their cool. ... and the leader was ... uh ... changed into just like Moses (but shorter) ... and he was suddenly in a desert, no less... and was sur-rounded by a ? millllllion Jews that wanted to fish. and all of a sudden Goliath jumped out of this bush and stole the golden calf but then... a giant squash grew out of the ground ate Goliath up, ? just like that ... and ... and .... uh that?s when the animals ... got on an ark? which was like a cruise ship for animals and all they crossed the sea... jedi... -
The best way to make me look good, is to make you look bad. This is doctrinally speaking, and in relation to how people choose, or rather have that choice made for them in the generalized dot org types of belief systems that smatter the planet. But those that argue the exact number of pecans to make pie are either at those top hype levels notoriety or are maybe those that are the rank and file, card carrying, kool aid drinkers of what ever brand x belief system they got... Just a thought, seems that when it comes to the 3 in 1 oil , er rather, God debate, which has been yada yada yada(ing) on this planet that you call earth for about ummmm 1600 yrs conservatively... Say, why didn't JEsus or God or anyone else give it the major deal snow job that religious yahoos do from the dot com to dot com do today. THE IDENTITY OF GOD haven't they like fought wars and sh&t over this? No doubt cult status can be top floored in the elevator of religion by not having your God uno, dosed, or tresed properly in the eyes of either your radical Right Wing Ohio groups or your artsy Medieval (trying to get modern) group and with Protestants and others somewhere in in the spectrum. but who gives a rat's anus?? what is this the troll at the bridge in the holy grail? gimmmmmmeee a break... nobody understood who Christ was when he was stinking sandals down here, and you think god is going to hold some people to the fire, when He or his son was not here half past 4000 years??? sounds weird to me... maybe i eat to much coal... but yes the cult definition is used to toss dirt on one bunch by the others and by the others back on to them... I think a better term would be Controlling Asswipes Like Them... CALT... kind of non descript but to the point... jedi...
Be not Unequally Yoked with Unbelievers
jediknight777 replied to Outin88!'s topic in Getting help for cult dysfunction
14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with any who are not paying TWI: for what fellowship hath the paranoid with the sane? and what communion hath a cult with a church? 15 And what concord hath TWI with society? or what part hath he that that is has no life with those with no micro-management? 16 And what agreement hath the VPW Auditorium with anyone living outside of the 250 mile radius? for ye are the cash cow for the Way Ministry; as LCM and VPW hath said, I will milk them, and pork them; and I will be their Mog, and they shall be my recreation. 17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the TWI, and touch my unclean thing; and I will receive not just your tithes. 18 And will claim to father you, and ye shall be my dollars and cents, saith the Mog Almighty. jedi... -
Busty Beer Ads: Sexist or Just Smart Selling?
jediknight777 replied to Hills Bro's topic in The Birds and the Bees
I popped open this thread and saw the pic that HB posted and looked down at my desk and there was a beer... pretty creepy, eh? jedi... -
Excuses for Skipping Witnessing Night
jediknight777 replied to WaywardWayfer's topic in Getting help for cult dysfunction
Oh God what a miserable adventure in self embarrassment that always was. It was a worthless activity that served to only to interrupt people on weekends. It never worked. I never saw it work. They never did in the bible. But we did it once a month and the dread of doing it would last about 29 days. I remember ducking that worthless religious song and dance by just lying. I would lie. I hated to ?witness?. It was so fake. But we?d all put on our plastic little way faces and pair off and start rapping on doors. And then we?d bolster the expected rejection with ?reasons? like the devil hates us doing this. Or that we were rem-gnats or something? But? Who in the hell wanted to join a religion that makes you bug people on weekends? True our lines were as practiced as the verses we memorized, but the biggest draw back to the whole ?let?s go irritate the sh!t out people scenario?, was that absolutely no one wanted anything to do with a brand of religion you panhandled like overpriced vacuum cleaners or boxes of oranges. Now, to me the only thing that could negate the always onerous rejection we?d receive would be to do some kind of miracle right in front of them? Magic tricks!! Like squash their dog with a car in their driveway and then raise it from the dead, or make their mailbox ?bud like Aaron?s rod?, or stick a flame retardant angel in their hedge and have it say in thunderous voice? ?BILL REMOVE THY SLIPPERS FROM OFF THY FEET FOR THOU SHALT SOON TAKE A CLASS? But that obviously requires that God go ?with you? witnessing ? and He never ever went with us witnessing ?. ever. He always had an excuses though, and being God, (who never lies), no one really checked out any of His stories. Was He really having to work on Sunday again? Is He really sick with a stomach ache? But the best one was: He had to make or repair another ?Galaxy ? that was conveniently either in another dimension or so far away it would take a trillion years to for the light to reach the earth ... that kind of crap. JedI? -
Why Do We Get Attacked?
jediknight777 replied to Nottawayfer's topic in Getting help for cult dysfunction
oh and ex, :D--> jedi... -
Why Do We Get Attacked?
jediknight777 replied to Nottawayfer's topic in Getting help for cult dysfunction
It gets better with time. I too have had my problems with horned demons and devils of many varieties attacking me. The other day I ran a stop sign in an elementary school zone, and cop possessed with a ?Picky Spirit? (the picky-spirit raises cane about small insignificant details of worldly life in an attempt to thwart God?s people in daily activity) This hellish being was hiding in a human host called Officer Smith. The devil operating the levers and gears of this man?s mind,immediately pulled my truck over in front of all of those small children. (no doubt this devil was trying to destroy my future witnessing at that school) He then contacted what could only be termed spiritually: as a high ranking Daimon on the radio, and soon discovered that the "Seed-Men" running the world?s insurance companies had cancelled my automobile liability policy. I explained to the cop that I refused to financially support the Systemized Error promulgated by the insurance industry of robbing God?s people of their hard earned cash. Especially in lieu of the high unlikelihood that anything bad could ever happen to the elect anyway. I continued to explained to him that to get insurance means that you are believing for something bad to happen and you are paying for it in advance. It?s another trick of the devil that I refuse to play!! After hearing these spiritual gems of light, he started writing me another ticket for no insurance to further financially attack me. But I just stood my ground and started rebuking him with "the name above all names: ? boldly!!! (I think my bold stand made quite the impression ?of a man of God defiantly challenging the devil? in front of all those small children and their eager young minds. But sadly they were quickly ushered away into the school by the possessed teachers as soon as I started rebuking the policeman.) (Judging from the reaction of the adults to this highly charged spiritual event, these unprotected children must have been attending what could only be termed spiritually: as a ?K-6 Elementary School of Devil Spirit Activity".) After this attack on my finances and life, I soon arrived home, and stepping from the truck. I immediately sunk my left foot into a deep, fresh pile of dog-doo. Now to the ?Natural Man observer?, a defecating canine will not strategically plant a pile of dog doo in another person?s front yard. It?s just called "bad luck" by your average ?hell bound? unbeliever. But thankfully since ?luck? is not a part of this SOGWAP?s vocabulary, and being ?spiritually perceptive and aware" at all times?, and judging by the ankle high poo-poo that was now seeping into the sides of my loafers: I quickly ascertained that the neighbor?s St Bernard, ?Judy?, was indeed possessed with a detestable "Dog-Doo spirit". (the "dog-doo spirit" forces a dog to crap in the pathways of God?s people in order to thwart their mobility, ministry, and subsequent foot hygiene and usually attacks a believer while door to door witnessing.) Taking care my spiritual business within the "minimum 1 hour framework", I immediately analyzed just how the adversary compromised this noble breed into to being contaminated by a filthy ?dog-doo spirit?. Number ONE, the neighbors were die hard Trinitarians,(Methodists by denomination), but just a slick front for what could only by typified as very very heavy antichrist activity. They were always active in supporting the community, they worked at dead beat soup kitchens, and even did prison outreach!!! Yuck? No matter how low one could go in pushing that devilish doctrine: they were willing participants to do it? (they weren?t seed though, well at least God hadn?t revealed that to me yet.) But looking down at the steaming pile immersing my entire foot, and at the open gate to their fence, I suddenly recieved the spiritual understanding that their three old child, Samantha, no doubt influenced by cartoons and a game shows (and the heavy antichrist activity of the parents) that this small child must have been under the direct influence of the Prince Power of the Air as he exercised spiritual darkness and confusion upon the entire planet. The young child?s mind was first compromised by the adversary to open the gate, and then the possessed St. Bernard lumbered over into ?my? yard to actually carry out this attack: by pinching out a 9 cans intestinalized Alpo, right in my path and on my own property. Armed with this additional information, I extracted my foot from the mountainous brown pile, and started to shake off it's thick residue. But in doing so, I inadvertently launched the ?doo-doo shoe? straight off my foot and through a double paned window into the front bedroom of the house. I watched as the "dog doo shoe" first adhered to and then slid down the heavy drapes in the room, only to drop onto a small table that I was preparing my taxes on. I decided that the best thing to do at this point was to ?renew my mind? by singing the song ?Tempted and Tried? out loud, and utilize my other foot by hopping towards the house. As I approached the front door singing, it was then that I noticed the neighbors, Bill and Patsy, "the antichrist duet", planting flowers together in a planter. They were absolutely paralyzed with what "I only" could perceive as "intense spiritual intimidation". (No doubt caused by the "prevailing impact" of my singing in the face of such a hellish attack by el diabolos.) As I hopped through the front door, I thought about Paul and Silas who were chained in the dungeon in the book of Acts "and were singing" and I felt a spiritual kinship that only a true believer could understand? jedi? [This message was edited by jediknight777 on January 18, 2003 at 12:21.] [This message was edited by jediknight777 on January 18, 2003 at 12:35.] [This message was edited by jediknight777 on January 18, 2003 at 12:57.] [This message was edited by jediknight777 on January 18, 2003 at 13:06.] -
title of the thread you're dying to start....
jediknight777 replied to excathedra's topic in Forum Questions and tips
"Who is Mike?" :D--> jedi...