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Everything posted by yourmom
@Chockfull - your guess would make sense with me, but it's definitely from a mail distribution list (typewritten address, 'non-profit/postage paid' within the stamp corner).
I have a family member who recently received one of these. Do we have a headcount on unfortunate recipients?? Any other insights as to the logic / mechanisms of this last ditch effort for renewed followership??
Another great delusional claim: "The Way Corps: The Greatest Leadership Training Program on Earth." My @$$. Not an ounce of leadership comes from within.
Garibaldi, now with Tower of Power, was actually involved for some time. Actually listed as one of the most influential drummers of all time. I remember a rumor of MC Hammer taking the foundational class. Wow.
"Of course a lot of their parents like to tell them they are the future of the way ministry. That leaves a lot of them feeling unduly pressured. Then the people who were not "raised in the word" are sort of standing there feeling like chopped liver. That was my experiences anyways. " Exactly, OldSkool. Hit the nail on the head.
My sister was one of those reproved for organizing a bible study/fellowship without parental supervision. I was so irate upon hearing of the reproof from this. Too bad--great example of how the Way actually drives folks away from God.
Hahahah. I was actually one of those show performed in this. Didn't know the origins of it, but I could take three guesses as to who wanted to organize the NK park jam session. Amazing the amount of control paranoia will drive one to.
LEAD is conducted at a local Ohio state park....A local branch coordinator who used to be at Gunnison is now in charge of the evolution...
Two issues here: (1) The Way Corps considers itself leadership training. I am not impressed at all by the products coming from the in-residence Way Corps program. Yes-men and -women with none of the skills required to lead God's people, let alone a military unit or schoolchildren. (2) Academic training there does not even begin to develop critical thinking or research skills, the end goal of any higher education program. It is an embarrassment to American universities to award any degree at the completion of the Way Corps training.
I always thought it was funny to see how many elaborative (and synonymic) descriptors could be placed into the standard Way greeting. . . example: God mightily and abundantly bless your tremendously tender, loving, and wonderful heart in the healing, gracious, and saving name of our living lord and saviour Christ Jesus.
"Electrifying." A lot of former staffers probably were familiar with the letter opener, "Dear Ones."
Penworks: "Thank you for obviating this. Apathy about the seriousness of these matters is beyond belief. If any of us has knowledge that can help someone else who is in pain but we withhold it, then shame on us. If any of us has knowledge that sheds light on past events to reveal their nature or their lessons, than I think most would agree that it is our moral obligation to speak up." Well said, indeed. Also touched on throughout history: "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." (Edmund Burke)
Advance (vs. Retreat) Third Aid, now healing support (vs. First AID) Rest and Readiness (vs. Rest and Relaxation)
Was warned against looking at WayDale by leadership.
Being on HQ Staff isn't what it's cracked up to be!
yourmom replied to Linda Z's topic in About The Way
(From Nottawayfer:) "BTW: Rozilla is leading the whole organization to it's end. I believe it will only be a matter of time. There are a few EXTREME diehards who stay because they don't realize there are other places to go. " Yes. Though maybe a place for another thread, does anybody have predictions on how it will finally close? Financial? Another lawsuit? Spirit of Flatulence? -
Being on HQ Staff isn't what it's cracked up to be!
yourmom replied to Linda Z's topic in About The Way
If I remember correctly, the 401k option was only recently made available to staff (with the restructuring of pay scales and doing away with the 'need-basis' baloney). . . because time is what makes interest work for the investor, this leaves those in their 50s in between a rock and a hard place. It's interesting that this never really came up before, because retirement for those in power simply meant going emeritus and living off the limited coffers of the organization. Others were left without a hope and prayer. VERY self-serving. As evidenced by some recent W-2s, the situation is still very dismal. -
I remember hearing this EVERY year. A storm strikes in June=the adversary upset about the Advanced class. In all honesty, it was probably doing the grounds department a favor--getting a break from deadheading geraniums in order to pick up sticks blown from the trees! And on summer staff at that time, making 1.25 an hour (how fantastically legal that was at the age of 12). I believe irrational fear ensuing from an overinflated sense of self-importance (AKA egotism) sums it up. No doubt Dr. Wierwille started this (with Geer practicing taking a bullet for him, the preparations for 'Russian invasion,' etc.).
TWI - why and what has changed at HQ since the Allen lawsuit.
yourmom replied to OldSkool's topic in About The Way
I was told that within the last year a cabinet member has done some research leading to the conclusion that 'Owe no man anything' is taken WAY out of context (no pun intended). Of course, it's hard to go back on what had been taught for years. . . unless of course you have a pair and can own up to your mistakes, just like is expected of any professional in any research field. -
TWI - why and what has changed at HQ since the Allen lawsuit.
yourmom replied to OldSkool's topic in About The Way
OldSkool touched on most of the changes made. . . Another change, though minor, was one I which made a large impact on my life at the time: Before this, I was not permitted to jog on Wierwille or any other off-grounds roads. While petty, it still irked me. I remember being reproved by a cabinet member for choosing to venture onto the dangerous two-lane of Wierwille Rd. Now, folks can go where they please. Just an example of hysterical paranoia/mistrust of outsiders by the sequestered members. Though these changes have been made (and most of them were suggested by lawyers post-Allen lawsuit to avoid appearances of cultish/coercive behavior), the old mindsets of the calendar-submitting, travel-restricting, pregnancy policy days are still VERY prevalent among many, especially those who first assumed 'oversight' roles during these time periods. I don't think these will ever disappear, because they've been passed down through progeny. It would take several generations for it to be filtered out completely. Before this, however, I believe TWI will finally die due to: (1) More litigation or a state-sponsored investigation leading to a legal proceeding that could end it. (2) Monetary funds running down (3) With each generation of those 'Born in the Word,' to use some dated WaySpeak, a percentage will leave the organization (usually college years, which makes perfect sense). The remainder is forced to find spouses within followers, as we know that marriage outside TWI is looked down upon (formerly nearly prohibitive/evidence of 'devilish influence). Because very few newcomers are entering TWI's ranks, this limits the spouses for propitiation of the species to the families who've been in for some time (legacies furthering with each generation). Eventually, inbreeding will really take its toll. Though the third theory may seem a bit bizarre, its points are biting. Finally, it's interesting how the changes have come about in order to avoid appearances of an organization exhibiting cult-like/coercive behavior (Ref. I Thess. 5:22--avoiding all appearance of evil). Without any outside reference at HQ, its funny how what appears very normal and spiritual to an insider is obviously evidence of evil to one on the outside. -
Being on HQ Staff isn't what it's cracked up to be!
yourmom replied to Linda Z's topic in About The Way
Though I may be wrong, I believe that, legally, 46 hours is the maximum that workers of such a 'non-profit' organization can work during any given week. To give the appearance of this restriction not being a legally-enforced restriction, it was explained that the extra 6 hours a week (beyond the normal American 40) is considered to be the staff's 'Abundant Sharing' (15 % of 40 being 6). Very convenient that these percentages lined up--otherwise, TWI would have to redefine abundant sharing for staff members. Also, according to the legal jargon governing these things, only those whose responsibilities are abnormal compared with the rest of the individuals in their department and those with 'oversight' responsibilities are permitted to exceed this 46. This may or may not be limited to a certain percentage of the workers. However, I do know that in practice this allows leadership to request an excess of 50 hours weekly from (1) Department coordinators, cabinet members and above, and (2) At least one member of a section/department which may contain three or less people. Again, I may be wrong, but this is what I recall from the new rules being put in place. Finally. . . regarding some of the staff being 'Not all there' . . . is true now more than ever. Maybe I see this now because I'm getting older and seeing these individuals with a more enlightened view, or maybe its because these new hirees are the only ones willing to work in such environments.