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Everything posted by OldSkool

  1. Im correcting myself. Bullinger never expressly stated this concept in How to Enjoy the Bible. http://markfoster.net/rn/how_to_enjoy_the_bible_bullinger.pdf If you guys feel so inclined hit the link and search for intreprets itself...or any combination...never occurs. However, when you modify your searh and remove intrepret and only seach for itself. You get 58 hits. The most relevant hits are in the Introduction. And I quote: I feel theres one of two possibilities here: 1) wierwille lazily took "let it speak for itself" and reworded it to "the Bible intreprets itself". I feel this is more than plausible given wierwille used this ploy throughout his plagaraistic career coupled with the fact that a lot of The Word Intreprets Itself section in the PFLAP book clearly traces to this source. Not to mention we already know that wierwille pulled heavily from Bullinger elsewhere. 2) He didnt get the concept from this book at all and the concept originates elsewhere, cause when you google the words a lot of people think the Bible is the only book that intreprets itself.
  2. Love Animal House! That one is one of the all time classics and has a cool backstory on how it was made. $100 Loshonta take another $100 Lo...yeah
  3. Ive never given too much thought to wierwilles lust for posessions as a driving factor to pull people away from the real Jesus Christ and not the imaginary, namesake only, absent one. One reason for that with me is I tend to try and seperate the person from what they said when it comes to most issues, appareantly to a fault at times. But now that you mention it! Wordwolf, you are well aware of what I am going to add, so not telling you anything new here but putting this out there just for the record. Plurality giving was expanded somewhere along the line to include not only your money but anyTHING you happen to have that you can give as well. This sort of thinking primes the pump to keep operating costs at minimum. Followers feel obligated to open their homes for classes and to allow all that extra wear and tear on that knock off furniture because they can't afford much more due to giving their money away to TWI. Its sad really. They convince you by slowly moving the boundaries to open it all and give it away. Con artistry at it's finest. Also too, as Wordwolf noted we arent required to give of necissity and the tithe was intituted and given so the Levites could live because they dedicated themselves to the temple. The mandatory tithe is done away in Christ. Just to make it extremely clear for those who may stumble at what hes saying.
  4. MY GOSH! Who knew? (*_*) And all this time I thought The Bible Intreprets Itself was a memory peg!!! Say it aint so!!!!! AHHHH!!!!
  5. Hiyas! Glad to hear our discussion is helpful to others, thats really cool! For me, my entire perspective changed on everything in life when I realized that Christ wasn't absent and that he can be a very interactive Lord with each individual in his body, depending on relationship. The book of Acts really shows Jesus interaction with his Church, not exclusively, but its a common thread. He is the head and where he directs is where we go, figuratively, literally etc....just paraphrasing scripture really. Hope to see ya around!
  6. No he didn't. He stole the concept from Bullinge's How to Enjoy Reading the Bible. It's not figurative the way Bullinger used it and it wasn't figurative when wierwille presented it and it's not figurative with twi still teaching it the same way to this day. Your moving your own boundaries cause you got caught contradicting yourself yet again.
  7. I was in-rez with R2. Was one attention seeking fella if there ever was.
  8. No...never. I think it's worse today than when I first heard it...lol
  9. If you take that approach you will never understand it. It's a foreign book to our western ways. Also, the Bible doesn't give exhaustive historical accounts that show the context it was penned. It actually takes secular sources such as Flavius Josephus and his works: 4.1The Jewish War 4.2Jewish Antiquities 4.3Against Apion 4.4Spurious works Not only secular works but "rejected books" such as The Septuagint, the same Septuagint that Jesus, Peter, and Paul used in their time. We are told to study to show outselves approved unto God...not let intrepret scripture itself to show ourselves approved. Whats really gonna bake your noodle is I just explained (few posts ago on Romans) how God is bringing salvation to Israel as we speak, yet, your dispensationalist pov has Israel's salvation at a future date in the 6th admin. Error.
  10. Twi actually brags about this maneuver and quotes the gospels to justify their error.
  11. sorry...this needs to be said in this context....Ill stop after this post. Israel didn't exist as a nation by the time Paul penned Romans. Israel, after the kingodom split, was carried away by Assyria and dispersed amongst the gentile nations. God literally did a writ of divorce against them and they never went back to their homeland. (correct me where I am wrong...going from memory here) The southern Kingdom was comprised of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin and they were conquered by the Babylonian Empire and Babylon was conquered by the Persians. It was under Persian rule that they were allowed to go back and rebuild the temple. Persia was in turn conquered by Alexander the Great and rulership fell to four of Alexander's main generals. Then along came the Romans and in Pauls time they lived in the province of Judea. It was during these dispersions that Synagogues rose to prominence and scribes became instrumental in gaurding the scrolls because at one point it all came down to a set of scrolls that were found and those were the last known copes..i digress. When he references Israel he is including all of Israel, so it wasn't people found in a geographical boundary necessarily but included those dispersed amongst the gentile nation from the 10 northern tribes. Jesus Christ was sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Israel has forgotten it's identity and mostly is no longer Israel. So Romans speaks to the gentile nations as being seperate from Mosaic law and then Israel as trying to live the righteousness of the law. Both groups are told to live by faith and accept the righteousness that comes from being identified with Jesus Christ - being born from above, being born again. Obviously there is overlap because some Israelis of biblical Israel adopted the gentiles paganism and are treated as gentiles. Some kept the law. Im not trying to beat on you with semantics. Im just showing you that the Bible does not just intrepret itself. There really wasn't another dispersion of Judeans/Israel until the first century. With the rebellion surrounding Masada by the Zealots, Jerusalem was leveled. It was during/after the Bar Kohba revolt that Hadrian joined the Province of Judea with Galilee and called it Syria Palestinia. (sentence quoted from wikipedia) There was a dispersion during this period as well. But this was well after Romans/Hebrews and other letters were written to dispersed Israel and thos tribes Galilee/Judea. Are you starting to see a tie in with the great mystery including the nations into the promises made to Israel? While some gentiles who are born again are not of the bloodlines of Israel some are. And who know who they are. Only God. So all of Israel shall be saved. The nations are rolled up into the mix as well and here you see the brilliance of the great mystery. Its not so we can walk around and scream about Christ in me with a capitol C on our chests. We agree on many points though. The main point of Romans is ALL are under sin and ALL are in need of a savior.
  12. I dunno who it is, nor do I care, I do know that most offshoots talk about forgiving all things TWI/Wierwille...I mean for them to continue to be hotshots in the Church they have to keep wierwille in tact and use his fake persona to sell their offshoot. I dont know if this guy has anything to do with offshoots or not so theres that. But I have forgiven wierwille, twi, rosalie, on down the line and straight acoss the board. It doesn't mean I agree with what they still do/did, and it doesn't mean what they did to me and never asked forgiveness for - didn't happen or that Im going to be quiet about any of it. No hate here...no hard heartedness...no axe to grind...curious when you tell the truth about victor paul wierwille how upset people get...and the accusations...geez.
  13. Actually, that section of Romans is addressing Israel, those who know the Mosaic Law and is concluding them under dominion of sin along with the nations, or gentiles. Israel held to the righteousnes of the law, which they couldn't live up to. So both Gentile and Israel are shown that the just shall live by faith. While Romans definately shows man under the dominion of sin (both sins he commits and the root cause of sins, the sin nature buried within man in his corrupted state) the problem doesn't just vanish when one is born again. The contrast between Romans 7 and 8 for example shows the warring natures in the child of God. Two natures in the child of God, the old man Adamic one, and the last Adam - Jesus Christ and the new creation he creates in us at the new birth. What's my point? Determinism doesn't fit with scripture. Romans details the choice between walking in the spirit and the old nature. Free will choice. Also, you keep on with this natural man stuff, like it all just vanishes at the new birth. Thats the essence of the warring natures within the child of God - when given a choice what will a person choose? New birth, new nature, or old man, old nature.
  14. I appreciate the insight. I think what we are going to agree on here is he actually believed his own press, he really believed he was super believer and his special powers would kick in and BAM! No more metastasized cancer. I had never considered his immaturity simply cause I had never been around him. That same immaturity was definatly at home with Rosalie and Craig so it makes since it passed on down the line from Wierwille. Craig believed he was special as well. Ill never forget the several paragraphs in the way of abundance and power class corrdinators guide that stated how special martindale was and all that garbage. So it seems he really believed his own press and the alcoholic pity party/attention seeking ploys were likely at play but more of a side note with his vanity bruised because he was actually human after all and in the end just a frail, bitter old man with no sense of wrongdoing towars the many people he victimized over the years. Thats a sad state of affairs.
  15. Yeah...no doubt...I was I think 16 and sober first time I fried one of my guitar amps from plugging an active bass into it with the electronics on...yeah...fried my guitar amp...popped the speakers...Ive blown other speakers too...but that was my Beavis/Butt-Head move on that one...lmao
  16. ROFLMAO! I have popped several speakers in similar fashion...usually drugs were involved...lol
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