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Everything posted by OldSkool

  1. Well, I thought in this context that would be the way corps, I mean we volunteered for whatever. But with mike the way corps ruined the ministry. So its just a bad concept and nobody would ever love God enough to do what needs to be done based on God's goodness and love he's show us.
  2. If its not producing good fruit its not of God...I mean the avacados I purchased from the store werent always that rotten, at least, in areas outside the Corps.
  3. Yeah...I'm not into politics. I have no feelings for the founding fathers one way or another, but I do recognize what I opened the door for, so my apologies in advance: not my intent.
  4. Theres the other side of mike and johniam that people assume what they post here is what GSC is all about. If their pro-twi pro-wierwille posts go unanswered the GSC then looks like a pro-twi site. So, yeah, somebody needs to refute their posts as needed.
  5. I mean you no disrespect, but a lot of what you share makes all this sound as if it's more of an intellectual pursuit for you. Can you see that people are victimized by these false doctrines? Its an entirely different affair when you have actual skin in the game and it's life or death and your child's life is at stake. You don't get to go back and figure what went wrong...or pontificate something ludicrous as a solution so you can try it out next time....
  6. Well, lemme chime in as the local recovering alcoholic who has had SERIOUS battles with addiction. You aleady stated many of the possible reasons why people turn to drugs and alcohol. But I wanna handle one you didnt mention. Drugs make a person feel good and allow a person to forget. Thats the exact root cause that led me to stay involved in drugs when I had a choice before I became an addict. Not too many people see the hook or feel the hook being set. I started off drinking and abusing drugs because my older sister thought it was funny to get me completely jacked up and pass out...I was 10. So while I really didnt have a snowballs chance when I was young, as I got older I chose drugs and alcohol. It was a lifestyle I desired and running the streets was who I was. I sobered up for a good while once I got involved with TWI, but never could admit that I was an alcoholic and should never touch alcohol again. So when my son was born and I caught the brunt of his major health problems I turned to alcohol to numb it out. By the time I was addicted I couldnt stop: literally. I was so physically hooked that my hands would start shaking aroun 3pm each day because the withdrawals were setting in while I had been working. Since Ive turned to Christ he has empowered me over my addiction as long as I dont drink. Sounds kinda simple, but I couldnt stop. I tried for three years to put the bottle down on my own and physically couldnt. The very day I turned to Christ and repented of my lifestyle I was able to quit cold turkey and havent touched a drop in several years now. Nobody sets out to be an addict, we are overtaken by addiction and dont see it even when we are in the midst of it's grip.
  7. Thats so cool to see how he has taken offpost TWI!! I notice he didnt mention them in his ministry experience and I understand why. Very inspiring to see this.
  8. But if God's ability equals his willingness why didn't he give the revelation? Out of respect for my son I won't post anymore of what he went through, but it was a living h3ll. So why would God leave us in that state of affairs if we were living according his will, which at the time was the law of believing? Truth of the matter is the law of believing is a lie. Since I humbled myself from demanding God do what I want and have developed the humility to learn of him and live his ways everything has changed. Ive had so many miracalous things happen these past several years. But Im not here to boast on any of that. Im just saying Im no longer in the sorry state I was when I described myself in that article. Im delivered and free.
  9. It really wouldnt matter, the law of believing would still fall flat because its trash. I was a believer, way corps, all that jazz....so scripture shoulda worked overdrive with ME operating the law of believing!!! I had memorized scriptures on healing, had scriptures all over my walls in picture and homemade art, listened to CDs in my car on scriptures and healing, had scriptures on my computer, shared scriptures with my wife and her with me, had clergy involved sharing scripture, the directors shared scripture, heck....at one point after he came home from the nicu I had scripture playing on CD 24 hours a day in his room.....I had clergy minister to him with laying on of hands and all that. THE LAW OF BELIEVING FAILED NOT ME (I didnt fail -- I was genuinely asking everyone for help) AND QUOTING ALL THE SCRIPTURE IN THE WORLD DOES NOT MAKE FALSE DOCTRINE INTO RIGHT DOCTRINE>>>> LOB = False doctrine.
  10. Understand that I wouldnt put it out there in an article if I was still sensitive over the illustration. However, I do appreciate you caring and I also appreciate your prayers and heart. I know we banter back and forth on GSC in topics were emotionally invested in but I dont consider you and enemy but a brother in Christ. Peace! BTW - that illustration spans a two year period of trying and re-trying and doubling back again and trying once again. I now live the way I have been talking about. Trust in God to fulfill his promises. That works.
  11. Ahhh.yeah....I remeber seeing a lot of that sort of thing in the old way magasines I would peruse while in-residence. They even had a token black dude...Lonnie something or other...seemed like he was a good dude and had some solid work going on..but the way rag is a fluff publication so I dont know what to make of the guy's legitimace. Meaning Wierwille took over other people's ministries along the way. Heefner/Doop...groove Christians of Rye NY...Im wondering is this guys was one of those.
  12. I understood that from the beginning. You circled around and doubled down stating that the law of believing works when we focus on scripture. BS, it absolutely does not. Quoting again from a paper I wrote a few years ago. My son was born with several serious health issues and nearly died the first week of his life. During this time I was willing to stake my life and well-being on the practices taught via the Law of Believing. While there were notable miracles that God wrought during this time, I believed those miracles were a result of my positive confession. I was very proud and that’s never good because pride goes before a fall and fall I did. As time went on my son’s health stabilized and it became very apparent to me that his medical conditions were going to be a lifelong struggle. For me this was unacceptable. So I doubled down on my confession and my positive thoughts; my then-spouse was fully on board. We enlisted the help of others who believed as we did so they could have their “believing focused” on what we wanted to happen. We spent several years trying to believe for our son’s health problems to disappear. I was very demanding that my desired reality come to pass as I commanded; I even had scriptures wrapped around my actions at every turn. Well, that desired reality never came to pass because all of my confidence was in my believing action and the believing action of others, and frankly life just doesn’t work this way. God was merely a passive observer who had already given everything and I simply could not reach the cookie jar. I was unable to accept reality because that would have been a negative confession. Eventually I fell off into a very dark place mentally and emotionally. I was filled with self-condemnation/hatred because I could not believe big enough to cure my child. The fact that I was unable to attain my confession intensified my self-condemnation as I spiraled off into a deep depression. Depression eventually led me to alcohol abuse which led to an entirely new set of problems. My pride kept me from humbling myself before God and The Lord Jesus Christ and accepting their help. I was stuck on a spin cycle of failure and self condemnation that only ceased when I turned to God with a ready mind to accept the truth. I do want to add that my son is very healthy today, thanks to God’s many mighty works in his life, combined with a very generous and compassionate organ donor. Yes, God loves us in spite of our failures. God knows that we are but dust; his grace and mercy endure forever just as we will too. But this illustration begs the question where was the failure? Was it doctrinal error in The Law of Believing? Or was it me who just couldn’t muster the believing action to make it work?
  13. Even over what is plainly written in scripture. Your endless genealogies do not make you the wiser. In the gospels the miracles listed show that Jesus is the long awaited messiah and they show God's willingness to enter into a relationship with his children where he is their Father and willing to meet all their needs even if its miracalous. The emphasis is faith in God and taking action on that faith in God. Scripture supports what I am saying as Im not blabbering some goofy research project. Im literally repeating back you what is written and using definitions from a standard lexicon. Since that disagrees with wierwille it should get your attention that either God is wrong or wierwille is wrong...but you chose wierwille. Because you heard something in 73 doesnt mean its accurate. The Bible is older than 73 and still says the same things.
  14. My analysis is simply using definitions as given and actually respecting what is written and not trying to redefine terms and wrest scripture into compliance.
  15. I explained all this in the posts I placed before yours that handle specific verses. Faith is not believing as wierwille taught. Its a term that has been redefined to fit a specific form of doctrinal error, also known as name it and claim it. Faith is simple. It means to have trust in God who made the promises in the first place that HE will bring them to pass as we but trust that he will. You are allowing false doctrine to overcomplicate your life. Wanna see miracles again? Goto God with a humble and ready heart and LET him be your God. Trust God, not your own ability to concentrate on a scripture until it happens. It's sad really seeing you on the same track going in the same circles...that which is crooked cannot be made straight. Ditch the error. Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. So, right here we see the absolute, vital importance of faith. It’s simply impossible to please God without it. So what is faith? Adherents to The Law of Believing say that faith is from the Greek word Pistis, and is a verb, and should be translated believing action. The problem with this blanket, oversimplified definition is pistis is not a verb but a noun.Pisteuo is the verb form of pistis and both forms are used in Hebrews 11:6. The first occurrence of faith is a noun while the second occurrence is a verb. Faith (Noun - Pistis) - Faith, belief, trust, confidence; fidelity, faithfulness. Faith (Verb - Pisteuo) - From pistis; to have faith, i.e. Credit; by implication, to entrust Here is the significance between the two in Hebrews 11:6: Pistis is a noun, not a verb, it is not something that we do. So in Hebrews 11:6 we see that “without faith it is impossible to please God”. This first occurrence is a noun and places the emphasis on the things believed, not actions we take on the things believed. Pisteuo is a verb translated “believe”. The meaning is to trust in and rely on. Pisteuo emphasizes the act of believing not the things that are believed. It refers to the actions we take based on the things we believe. So to please God according to Hebrews 11:6 we need to believe what God says, take action on what God says, and believe that God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. God, in the book of James says it this way: James 2:17 Even so faith (pistis-noun), if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. So it’s not enough to believe that the things God says are true we have to have works as well. Likewise, it’s not enough to take action on the things God says and not trust they are true. We trust God at his word by learning to trust/believe what he says and we take action on these beliefs trusting that as we do he will be right there to fulfill the words he has given us.
  16. The law of believing must work at all costs or wierwille was a liar and we know mike would never wanna admit that PFLAP was half-baked stolen goods.
  17. Again, it doesn't matter if you link your believing to a promise of God's Word or not, Lynn was right: the entire concept is Christian witchcraft. I didnt really agree with Lynn on too much and his assessment of the LOB was one of the disagreements until I did my own extensive homework and boy oh boy: he was right in this case.
  18. Thanks! I literally read Proverbs 23:7 incorrectly for YEARS and then it was reinforced by the BS book As he Thinketh in his Heart by James Allen. The hookie pook is everywhere with this topic.
  19. Probably so, it seems God only has to be fair to the devil when he cuts off miracles because miracles are overbudget.
  20. Read the posts I just put in place covering commonly used verses to support the law of believing.
  21. Mark 11:23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. I spent years reading this verse as if it meant if I concentrate enough to the point of believing that I could have whatever I desired! Just speak it over your situation and it will happen! In other words: all of the emphasis is on the one "believing" to operate God's power, as we have covered earlier. But that's not what it says and that's not the context. The emphasis isn't how much I concentrate or even how focused I am. I have a simple question: Is God operated? Is his power a separate container somewhere that is accessed and leveraged? Are we reaching up into an imaginary cookie jar? No! The focal point of Christianity, and the heart of our Father is a loving faith based relationship with us, his children. So let’s back up in the text just one verse to grasp the context more clearly. Mark 11:22 And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God. This verse is situated in between Jesus cursing a fig tree and it dying from the roots up. There is much significance in Jesus cursing this fig tree that is beyond the scope of this discussion, however, he used this event as an illustration that begins with “Have faith in God.” Then he moves on to say doubt not the things you say because God will back you up when you have faith in God! If it sounds like I am contradicting myself, I am not. Let’s consider Jesus Christ for a moment. If ANYONE would have taught The Law of Believing it would have been Jesus Christ. Yet let’s see what Jesus said of himself as recorded in John. John 5:30 I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me. Our Lord Jesus Christ plainly said he couldn’t do anything by himself. The context of John 5:30 is Jesus healed a man who couldn’t walk and the Jewish religious leaders wanted to kill him for it because he healed on the Sabbath day. Jesus plainly stated that he couldn’t do anything by himself. If The Law of Believing were truly interwoven throughout scripture wouldn’t he have said so at times like these? It is only by having faith in God that Jesus was able to do the powerful works he performed during his ministry to Israel.
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