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Everything posted by OldSkool

  1. I wanted to post this for folks who lurk here, whether in or out of the way international. The image of Victor Paul Wierwille as portrayed by the way international is intentionally false. Whether this is done out of willful ignorance - that is to say - let's not cast out the baby with the bathwater, or intentional whitewashing the results are the same. Victor Paul Wierwille was never called of God to teach the word like it had not been known since the first century. He was not the man of God for our day and time. He was a dishonest, plagiarist who was also a serial sexual predator. And let me add this. From my experiences at all levels of leadership in the way international, from being in the inner circle so to speak, the current top leadership KNOW what type of man he was. They KNOW he was an adulterer that used his position as a supposed man of God to prey on vulnerable women and DELIBERATELY cover it up to save their positions in their beloved non profit corporation. I am someone who bought into the lie that Craig Martindale had a mutually consensual affair on a one time occasion only to find out that he too was a serial sexual predator who learned his craft from Victor Paul Wierwille. I used to say to myself "that was their sins and I have to hold the good works they did because when they walked for God those works stand." I was basically telling myself, trying to convince myself that these false prophets were OK because they did some good. That is no excuse. Before I get too long winded, I encourage everyone who lurks here, as I once lurked, to READ what so many people who know first hand what type of person Wierwille really was and have posted here on GSC to expose him. Read John Jeudes site and study the information he has presented exposing the fraud for the fake he really was. Nothing justifies committing oneself to the ministry of a dishonest, crook who preyed on vulnerable women. You owe it to yourself and to your family to break free from the bonds that the way international has placed on you. They have no authority other that what your consent allows. I speak from experience.
  2. As someone who happened onto the scene long after Wierwille's death, all I ever saw for many years was the public persona veneer. Wierwille's leagacy was above reproach inside of the way international and it seemed all roads led to his example, which is a facade as well since he had others do the work he claimed credit for. Wierwille's legacy is a cornfield cult that still survives off of his efforts, in spite of Craig (and others) doing all the can to inadvertently destroy as much of it as they could. The trap is still set and people are still held captive by the image of a man that Wierwille never was. The more I learn about him from reading around on here the more I am appalled at him and those who followed him knowing what kind of man he really was. I am also astonished at myself that I was once so gullible to think God almighty raised him up to teach the world the word like it hasn't known since the first century. I am happy to be a part of exposing this false prophet's organization for what it really is - a corrupt organization run by corrupt individuals.
  3. Or he would have just ignored him. If he had addressed Wierwille he may have been reproved for not following protocol.
  4. That's corny. Nothing like having other people pay the way international (aka spiritual partners) for students to do slave labor on four hours of sleep a day.
  5. As far as I know. It's alleged that his Mrs. used to arrange for in-rez corps women to be in cabin 12 the same time LCM was so he could be with them. Also, that she had her affairs with him as well. I understand the husband knows about this and a lot of damage control was put in place with them. They left Gunnison and were at HQ for a stretch, E had a few high profile assignments, taught corps meetings, etc. Then they went to Dayton to do a branch and have since been reassigned to another branch out west. Not sure where they are now.
  6. See, some of this is new to me. I came along in the mid nineties and didn't make it to HQ till the start of the new millennium. Wierwille was lauded as the hardest working man of God on two legs. And in-residence? OMG - we all NEEDED to learn to work, even though I spent years in the construction fields busting my hump (example - used to spend weeks in my early twenties running a 90 pound jack hammer all day.) We were constantly told how hard Wierwille worked and how diligent he studied and how little sleep he got and how he was there to meet the needs of the people at all hours. I kid you not. Figures, just when you think most of the lies regarding this man have been found out along comes another bomb shell.
  7. You and a lot of other people want the answer to that question. New student numbers have been so bad that Rosalie started bringing in grads to take the class, of course the kicker is staff numbers are so low that the grads have to work to help support the class. Also, a vast majority of new students are way kids whose parents send them to the class. Probably the number one deterrent for new students is having to be debt free to take the advanced class. Rozilla has been in a corn field since the 70's and surrounded by boot licking yes men for more than a decade. She could not be any further out of touch with reality, unless she slips into Alzheimer or something. I would like to thank Rev. Rivenbark and The Board of Directors for doing such a tremendous job moving the word and for making it so hard for new students to take the class with their goof ball no debt policy, that hardly anyone shows up! Really, Rosie should start posting here. With her policies and how she has made everything so boring and drab, she is running more people away from the way international than I ever could here at GSC.
  8. Or the other off-shoots who race off to get 501 c-3 tax exemptions to help build their "organizations" in the image of the way international of yesteryear.
  9. Or speak in tongues to "build up" an already perfect spirit, you know, like spiritual weight lifting or something.
  10. That I would receive clear instructions in the other six manifestations, and that being "fully instructed" I would be able to do what was promised. That the teachings were long, rambling, boring, and seemed to obfuscate operation of the revelation and impartation manifestations. Not to mention that I had no idea how to actually do any of the things I shelled out $450.00 to learn how to do. But of course there is the hook. Because if I went way disciple THEN I would REALLY see the power of God in action. I digress.
  11. My point in all of my ramblings is that I believe that God heals and Jesus healed, and still heals. There are clear accounts in the Bible of Paul and others healing and performing miracles. Therefore, I believe these records are true. I have no doubt that miracles occur present day and that God is the one making them happen and that he loves people regardless of their faith. However, the way international's religious, formulaic teachings do not command or bring healing of themselves. My opinion is the occasional account of someone being healed in the way international is something God wrought in spite of the way international's false doctrines and pharisaic leadership. Wierwille's law of believing is false and leads to disappointment with the victim being blamed for not believing big enough. Wierwille's leaven teaches people to goto God with a demanding attitude to claim what is rightfully theirs. That in itself is messed up because God resists the proud. I could continue, but I wanted to make it clear that I believe God and Christ are true and the line of demarcation separates the false prophet / false teaching side of things. Sadly, this is where my personal experiences lie. I post my experiences here at GSC hoping others will read them and run like h3ll from the way international.
  12. Shortly before I bailed (probably a long established practice that I just got around to noticing) there was a corps meeting where the teacher recounted a personal incident where a person fell very ill while living in founders hall. The person's husband went to her cabinet "overseer" for help (a.k.a corps meeting teacher.) The cabinet dude layed his hands on her and spoke in tongues for this person problems to be removed, etc. Shortly afterwards the sick person was carted off to the hospital where they spent a little time and received proper medical attention. I was appalled at the teaching because the way international teaches about gifts of healing, and how each manifestation has it's own purpose. You know, the advanced class 101?!? So now they throw Wierwille's formulas right out the window and replace them with "just S.I.T much for the situation." Point being they seem to have acknowledged that their own teachings are wrong and come up with the wonder manifestation of speaking in tongues. The one size fits all manifestation, no revelation needed.
  13. During my time in the way international I know of not one healing from a major problem by being ministred to. I know of lots of examples where people were ministered to and did not get better until after a lengthy hospital stay. Of course TWI got the glory for the person recovering. I have lengthy personal experience as well. I applied, very dilligently, the way international's formulas for healing for several years and NEVER had any results when ministrting to other people. Some of the folks spent weeks "preparing themselves" to receive. Strange Jesus never sent people on a study assignment before healing them, anywho. When I spent two years seeking help for my child's chronic health problem I was told I would receive when I was ready to receive. Problem was I couldn't have been more ready. So it was a case of blame the victim for the problem not being alleviated through the way international's false doctrines (law of believeing, etc.)
  14. God Almighty called me to the WAY CORPS!
  15. A lot cooler than sitting around pretending to be piously thankful that God bestowed the man of God for our day and time on us on new years eve.
  16. I will not be praying in the new year in remembrance of Dr Wierwille's (you know he wasn't a doctor, don't you?) birthday. Just plain corny. Another lame effort to control people....that's all....nothing more to see.....
  17. Ya, she thinks she is at the helm, standing in the gap, directing the affairs of the true household of God. :smilie_kool_aid: Nothing more to see her...just move along... :anim-smile: her = here....d@mn....shoudve sent my post to way pubications....typo 2 on purpose... :anim-smile:
  18. I wanna see them sue Def Leppard for using Rock of Ages as the title to the hit song.
  19. I dunno....absent Christ? Really, within the way international, the board of dummies direct the affairs of the "church." Chairman Rosie is the head. Christian in name only. They are hard hearted and hard headed. Perhaps sin conscienceless aptly describes them.
  20. I don't think there is a "right" way to go about leaving them. We owe them nothing, not even an explanation. In some ways I think not giving them an explanation is a statement that a person is taking their freedom back and denying the way international authority they don't rightfully posses in the first place.
  21. Oh, mine went off a few times but especially at this gem.
  22. I read a little of the facebook page and felt my mind go numb.
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