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Everything posted by OldSkool

  1. That would be awesome, except we would need someone to interpret our posts the next day. I wonder if that's the 10th manifestation, intrepretation of drunken posts (IDP)?
  2. That's because OldSkool is prone to typing under the influence as well.
  3. The political wranglings with JAL made me sick. I was courted by them when JAL was still with them, received several home visits from Dan, Mike, etc. All I got from any of them was a heavy pitch on their organization, their "ministry." I found Dan to be quite egotistical. When JAL left he visited shortly afterwards. I told him I did not believe that the crux of Christianity was to build one's organization and separate off from the rest. You would have thought I was speaking a foreign language to him. He just looked at me quite baffled. Anyways, this was shortly after leaving TWI when I was willing to check out the offshoots as a possible safe haven. STFI's leadership was the biggest turn off. How can anything godly come out of their shenanigans. Not discounting God's ability to produce something positive through their good intentions. But egads. I ran for the exits very quickly.
  4. Well, it's been a few years, but here goes. Craig said at times that people became addicted to AA and it was replacing one addiction with another, one set of spirits with another. Because alcoholism was devil spirit caused the only to get rid of it was through the Word of God. And of course he meant as taught by him and TWI. I know he said this in part because alcoholics need to keep attending meetings for support to battle their disease, and they eventually go on to sponsor others. Craig also strongly objected to the whole higher power concept because it didn't acknowledge Jesus Christ as the way to the Father. Never mind that alcoholics hitting rock bottom can be in life or death situations. Never mind that AA leaves room for a person to come to God w/o beating them over the head with theology. Never mind that AA tolerates a person's religious beliefs for what they are and loves them anyway. Never mind all of that. To top it off, my uncle became Christian through the higher power concept. Except, when he first sobered up, he was in such a sad state of mind that the only way to reach him was to let him discover God through the higher power concept. Have I mentioned lately that Craig was a blathering idiot?
  5. No. Something I realized, and took some level of justice in for the way my family was treated: their time will come. Not that I relish the thought of anyone unhealthy.
  6. John Neize replaced me at HQ, taking over the department I no longer wanted to coordinate. I worked with him a few weeks to get his feet on the ground. Very capable person who really needed nothing from me. I liked him a lot. They had been branch coordinators in Mich. before coming to HQ, so perhaps they really didn't care to do a limb. I knew several folks who hated the paperwork associated with being a limb guy.
  7. I explicitly remember him ranting on more than one occasion that AA was just replacing one set of devil spirits with another. What you are saying leads me to speculate a little on the subtle changes that came along with him. 1 - I know for a fact that Rosalie and Donna used his affairs against him and tried to keep him in check. They also pushed policy through on his watch. The no debt policy is a prime example. Perhaps, for legal liability's sake, they tried to tone his rantings down somewhat? 2 - It could be that he made statements such as this to keep people focused on finding the devout. LCM really wanted folks to find those who had their life together instead of people who needed help. This was stressed to us during my first way disciple tenure in 1998. We were after the devout - those searching for God but were already disciplined to live a godly life and needed further instruction. One example he loved to use was Priscilla and Aquilla when Paul took them further along than what they knew. 3 - A combination of both. 4 - Who the hell really knows? or cares?
  8. Perfect description of my uncle.
  9. My uncle has been in AA for around 30 years. It saved his life. He has lived a very productive life since he sobered up and has helped many people be sponsoring them in AA. I have nothing but praise for AA. Craig is an idiot.
  10. It's interesting. I find myself scared to consider SIT as we were taught by TWI is BS. Why? It was placed on such a pedestal for proving so many things. Yet, God asks us to have faith that his promises are true, not to rest in proof that speaking in tongues is assurance that his promises are true. I have to admit I have gone from being scared to being liberated from another lie propagated by Wierwille and company. Now whether or not it's fake is still open to debate. But at least I can see past TWI's BS, and for that I am thankful to participants of this thread and to RAF for bringing up the topic in the first place.
  11. He also doesn't ask us to call it all fake either. :unsure:
  12. There is no comparison between a charlatan like Wierwille asking us to have faith in his BS and an almighty God who asks us to have faith in him that he is true.
  13. I am pretty sure this thread has turned into a circle jerk.
  14. Wow. Their political evils really knows no bounds. And to me it sounds like what you say. Bring you guys to HQ as a preemptive damage control measure. Egads. I know of plenty of people who have been reassigned to various positions at HQ so they could be monitored. Some got in line with more fervor than before, while others eventually left anyway. And of course were defamed,slandered, and discredited as they left.
  15. I liked them as well. Though, B!ll was ....ed when I went on the cabinet. A lot of the veteran corps behave that way though, because they seem to think promotion is due to merit. It's due to whim. And from my experience you will never know the true reasons you were promoted, or demoted.
  16. I was in-rez with the S@ges. Never met a more determined couple to regain what they perceived to have lost. You could never really get close to them either. They were ever on guard to not get caught up in the political machine. I believe he used to be a region coord. He had advanced to Limb last I knew.
  17. They are the highest form of Christianity on the planet. You can't. So don't ask again. Well, unless you spend years being "trained" and then manage to be selected from on high by Frau Rivenbark and her mate Donna Martindale to sit on the board of dummies, thereby becoming an official member. Otherwise, all you can do is follow by attending a fellowship. Oh, and give 10% and more of your income to the way international in perpetuity.
  18. Were the Lichts involved in any way? Or did they go to Michigan to replace the Mullins? Licht seemed to get off on disposing of people, that's why I ask. Back to Mullins. Very strange case of being reinstated. Rosie makes all dropped corps really tow the line before being allowed back. They even have to repeat the corps training. In fact, last I knew dropped corps (or corps that left) were only allowed to attend fellowships ran by other way corps. Sort of a probationary period where they could keep tabs on the person(s) returning from being out.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZbQBajYnEc Is this the video?
  20. Say what? Do tell. And those who run the cult he left behind declare that: It would be interesting to see a new thread that has VP's time line of when he did what.
  21. More than 1,400 sounds embellished, since the auditorium only holds around 1,400. I would love to see a breakdown of their numbers. Usually, to fill the auditorium it took several states of people with freshly twisted arms. Or a few busloads from around the country where they chartered coaches from this or that limb. Either way, I am sure it was a snorefest. Tom Mullin's was never an exciting teacher, but good at reading note cards and smiling.
  22. I think they have a decade long theme and a yearly theme. It used to be Decade of Prevailing. Looks like it changed. But who really knows. Everything with these clowns is esoteric. Please do!
  23. We had to do manifestations every day as way disciple, not part of the program per se, but a over-zealous household coordinator insisted. It was interesting to note that nearly the same "messages" was given nearly every day. Explanation? It's what we needed to hear. And yes I objected to the redundancy only to be told we were going to do it anyway.
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