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Everything posted by taxicab

  1. I think Craig's favorite Beatles tune was "Octopus's Garden" so many arms. Yes, it's a Ringo tune. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Os4rKtzB4js
  2. Sorry I dissed Ringo just to get a laugh. Okay, he wasn't necessary the least talented, just the quietest. I remember Craig brought Ringo's album up to top floor wierwille and played a couple of songs for us and just loved it. It literally could have been "You're Sixteen" that he was gaga over. Did Ringo ever do a Country-Western album? Hey, I love the Beatles too, those Marxist Minstrels. I have an autographed hammer and sickle!!!
  3. I'm really impressed with the process of elimination skills you utilize. You're right, it was Ringo. I always thought it was because Ringo (no offense to Ringo) had the least amount of talent and had the least amount to say. But I think you've probably nailed it (no pun intended) on the head with the "Sweet Sixteen" song.
  4. Good guess Waysider but no, Craig's favorite was one of the 4 beatles, John, Paul, Ringo and George. Try again
  5. Oh geez, you guys are making me sorry that I threw all my "Corps notes" away. Any other great classes, teachings, I'm forgetting about? Craig was in hog heaven when John Lennon died. Craig, Victor, couldn't stand anyone that was successful. Craig did have a favorite Beatle, anyone want to guess which one?
  6. Okay, maybe they weren't exactly classes if you think of a class that's 3 credits and you take it for a semester. These were teachings (classes) that people who weren't necessarily involved in TWI, would come in and teach to the Corps. I'm not being sarcastic, Martin Lucifer King, yeah that's exactly what was being taught from the bully pulpit. The Marxist Minstrels, about the Beatles. Martindale was thrilled when John Lennon was killed. His exact words were that the adversary was done with Lennon and that's why he was dead. That's where people's hard earned money, their ABS was going. Unfortunately, I'm not being sarcastic and I'm ashamed that I just sat there. Maybe I should have just yelled out, YOU LIE!!!
  7. I was thinking about one of the classes that was offered at Emporia when I was in the corps. I'm assuming the college division was involved in the class as well. "Natural Family Planning". Now why in the world did we pay people to come in and teach that class when 1. we practiced "real birth control" and 2. we weren't roman catholic and 3. well, we all know what #3 is. Other non-accredited classes include............. Martin Lucifer King, the myth of the six million, babylon mystery religion, the marxist minstrels, burn the chaff. yeah, no way was emporia going to become oral roberts university or brigham young university. poor disappointed wierwille's.
  8. Okay, the joke is over. I'm reading this and I keep thinking the next Bishop post is bound to say "Only Kidding"! Come on, quit pulling our legs, this is only a joke, Right?
  9. We call those people "TRUST-A-FARIANS"
  10. Thanks for the answer to the puzzle (the first part gives the answer to the 2nd). I just could not imagine living at twi all these years. I would have had to curl up and die, I wouldn't have been able to do it.
  11. Why would they need or want to go back to TWI when there are so many other boring, money-grabbing, off-shoots to choose from?
  12. Sorry about that. My memory failed me, it was called Anderson Library. I was there in the 8th. Corps around 77-79 ish. From what I remember, the books that were in the library were left there from the previous owners. TWI didn't go out and buy any books, and I don't think they ever put any WAY books in the library. I didn't ever go to the Library the whole time I worked on my Research Paper. Perhaps, it was someone's Corps job to try and organize it but I don't really remember that. Don Wierwille would have loved to have an accredited institution but that was never going to happen and I don't think it was just the lack of a library. TWI didn't have accredited people teaching any classes, or were some of those people professor's and I just didn't know about it? LCM, Gerald Wrenn, John Lynn, Johnny Townsend, Earl Burton, etc. ad nauseam. I was married but I remember hearing that there were mattresses up there and the single Corps would go up there to "fellowship".
  13. Burn the Chaff. Burn Baby Burn, Disco Inferno~
  14. One time when I was desperate for a novel I went into the library (secretly) and picked up a book and took it back to my room. "Johnny Got His Gun" which turned out to be an incredible book by Dalton Trombo.
  15. So let's see, we don't want you or your kind anywhere around us but please continue to send in your tithes and abundant sharing. That reminds me of an old commercial. "Money Talks, Nobody Walks". Why would anyone in their right mind continue to send money to an organization that doesn't want anything to do with you?
  16. In Emporia Kansas Wierwille Library was used quite extensively even though there weren't any books in it. I spent many days and nights listening to the droning from the Bully Pulpit from "Top Floor Wierwille". Conversely the building that actually had books, Owens Library, was never used. The books were never even categorized. Anyone else ever wonder about the ghost of the building called "Owens Library?"
  17. Sounds incredibly BORING!!! Been there, done that, like a million times. I rather read "Twili ght" a few more times and I hated that book.
  18. I have a friend who I was in the 8th. Corps with. She and her husband have been on staff ever since they graduated the Corps. She's now on FB and we're FB friends. Much to my surprise she's been extremely warm and friendly. She actually told me of the where-a-bouts of 2 other women I was wondering about. She and her husband are intelligent people, I can't understand how they can still be there. Of course she has an inheritance waiting for her so she doesn't have to worry about her future but I can't imagine living "The Way" all these years. I haven't been invited to any events yet, it will be interesting to see where this new relationship goes. I've been out since 1993 and also don't know anything about an Advanced Class cover-up. Anyone able to fill me in. thanks
  19. None of that is relevant in my life. Do unto other's as you would have them do unto you. That's my bottom line.
  20. Maybe Wierwille knew some Youth-In-Asia!
  21. Spelling doesn't count does it? It's not like this is our "Research Project".
  22. Wierwille had cancer, it's a disease. It's like a football game. There's a winner and a loser. Wierwille lost, but it looked better to say that he purposely lost, that he threw the game. My competitor didn't really beat me, I let it beat me! I don't believe that death is a spirit, I'm not even sure I know what you mean by that. Do you mean a devil spirit? I also don't think talking about death is morbid. Death is a part of life, that may sound cliche, but that's what I truly believe. It sucks and is sad and heart wrenching at times, but still a part of life.
  23. Waysider, I actually saw "The Crazy World of Arthur Brown" at the Filmore East in NYC . The crazy world of TWI, I think there's a hit song there somewhere.
  24. Potato, Happy 3rd. Anniversary! Sweet sixteen for me this august (ROA).
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