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We were taught so vigoriously that Jesus was not God, but an human being that when he ascended to the right hand of God, many still think he is this human being. Paul says he is a quickening spirit, right now. I Corinth 15:45 So, if Christ is a quickening spirit, with all power and all authority and he is in us, Christ in us, the hope of glory, then he is not absent, but very much present, manifesting himself, thru us, as we believe what he said and also believe what the Word of God says about him. Little note: After pentecost, with Jesus gone to heaven, the twelve and the 70 and even more and more believers walked performing miracles on a daily basis and guess what? There were no church epistles or gospels around for them to read. Man, did we ever miss it, BIG TIME.
Good question. I waited years and years to see VPW minister healing after a teaching.....never did.....then......waited years and years to see LCM minister healing......Never happened......See, when your heart is against the knowledge of God,which both VPW and LCM knew their hearts were off, because of sin, they both had no real confidence in God,plus they knew that miracles were gone in their lives, until they repented and walked for God again. Plus, even a sinner can teach the four crucified or read a book on the day Jesus died and teach it....that is what tricked us.....but the truth is, they had no power or demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit....God would not allow it. We were upfront and close to a perfect con game.
False witnesses and TWI abusive confrontation set up
Lightside replied to fortunateone's topic in About The Way
Adding some more insight into my TWI court case. The week prior to our inquisition,faith testing episode, I did have the area leader write down on paper what we had discussed. When our trial date came up, I confronted the area leader on him not telling the truth, than asked him to check his notes. See, we, by way of MY suggestion, had both kept notes. When he lied, and then I corrected him, then he denied it; I than asked him to check his notes. Oh God, did all hell break loose. He got caught in a lie and he had to save face. So he asked the twig leader, what do you think of this dialogue? Than the question was "Do you want them to attend your twig?" But to tell you the truth, I was nervous, but very satisfied that I stood up to him and stayed peaceful. -
False witnesses and TWI abusive confrontation set up
Lightside replied to fortunateone's topic in About The Way
My kangaroo court case came up with the new area leader and our twig leader. Both had been in town just two weeks. The witness was our twig leader. When I realized that the area leader had just lied to me, I questioned his story. The booblehead witness saw this as rebellion; but I was simply asking the area leader to tell the truth. The booblehead witness, not having any knowledge of prior communications, had no idea what we were talking about, but was just taken back by my apparent disrespect (in his eyes) of our area leader. Now, being set up for a fall, and the area leader knowing full well that the twig leader knew nothing of his lies, asked the twig leader if I and my family (after this disrespectful conversation) should be allowed to attend fellowship. Sure, from the false evident, appearing real, it looked like I had made false accusations against the area leader. The twig leader answered: "No, I don't want him or his family in my fellowship" That area leader looked me right in the eyes and lied; and that bobblehead witness just agreed with him. With TWI's perverted court system, for the innocent, there was "No Way Out", except the door. -
Wasn't the State of Ohio case the SECOND lawsuit againt TWI? If I understand correctly, the IRS took a good look at TWI, prior to Ohio eagle-eye investigation. Was the earlier investigation over the funding of political campaigns in Maine (1978) and than in Ohio? If we get into the Hayes Gahagan folly in the mid to late 70's, have I got a story to share with ya. In the 70's, TWI was pullin de strings, and in my opinion, right out in the open.
Question for John. Ya done good, John, concerning "One Lord and One God" Will there be a second edition? What will you add?
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine (1319), for reproof (1650)............. Romans 15:4 For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning (1319) Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence (1650) of things not seen. How does this sound: "For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our "doctrine"." "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the "reproof" of things not seen." Doctrine and learning are the same greek word. Reproof and evidence are the same greek word.
Whatahyouthink?? II Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine (1319), for reproof (1650)............. Romans 15:4 For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning (1319) Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence (1650) of things not seen. Question: Should (1319) be translated "doctrine or learning"? Should (1650) be translated "reproof or evidence (proof)"? Did VPW, or Bullinger ever check this out in a concordance? Does this possibly nullify some of Bullingers and VPW's foundational teachings?
That is you, Steve Spencer????? Steve, how are scott and Matt doing? Still prayin' for them and you and that pretty girl of yours. EVERYDAY, BRO
Website for the Happy Hunters: http://www.cfhunter.org/ Yes, Francis is 89 and Charles is 87 They are doing a giagantic healing service in Texas this October in a football stadium. Here is a free video course on healing the sick: http://www.dalerossministries.com/videos.shtml
Who is Jesus? By John Lynn
Lightside replied to Jeff USAF RET's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Another similarity. Joseph was given complete rule of the kingdom and Joseph would do what was needed. But there were times when pharaoh would step in and over rule Joseph; and Joseph gracefully obeyed. I believe Jesus does the same today, as head of the body. Rev. 1:1 shows that he received the revelation from God and then Jesus decided to send an angel, instead of himself personally delivering the message. -
Who is Jesus? By John Lynn
Lightside replied to Jeff USAF RET's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Another great similarity between PharaohJoseph and GodJesus is in Genesis 41:45 And Pharaoh called Joseph's name Zaph-nath-paaneah...... Bullinger's footnote says: "This, too, is not Hebrew, but Egyptian. Zap=abundance; nt (nath)=of; pa=the; aneh=life. The whole name=abundance of life, or, of food for the living. Kinda reminds you of Jesus' reason for coming, John 10:10 I too believe that Joseph was a type of the Christ and his story strongly shows us Jesus' relationship with God his father and the authoriy given Jesus and how he operates today. IMHO -
"One of the new faithful believing believers has impaired hearing. She has asked us to believe with her for her hearing to improve so she can hear every word of the teachings at fellowship." Did anyone lay hands on the new faithful believing believer and minister healing? Seems that the answer would come if they gave money to the ministry. Is that the point they are making? Did the fellowship pray without ceasing and not stop until the believing believer got their hearing back? They just don't get it....... It is always the same.....need healing.....give us money. Then.....if you don't get healed....it is your fault....and you are a prime candidate to get kicked out of the ministry.
Does anyone have any questions for TWI leadership?
Lightside replied to gladtobeout's topic in About The Way
I have a question for the BOD. In 1994, my wife and I and two of our children were told to never attend a Way meeting again. We were Marked and Avoided. Our oldest son was allowed to attend all functions. At our last meeting, the area leader told us that our middle son was a gangster and our dauther, along with her many friends (girls) that she brought to fellowship, were whores. One year after our excommunication, the area leader who made all these pronouncements, was fired by the Way, International. We were told by Corps witnesses, who were at that meeting, that the REASON that this area leader (a way corp grad) was FIRED was because: "He was making devilish decisions that were hurting believers" Witnesses told me these facts. My question to the BOD is this. Why have you not contacted my oldest son, who is a way corp grad, and told him that that decisions that this displaced area leader made WERE WRONG? That he was fired, by the BOD. Why, after this area leader was fired, the Way leadership in my area continued to speak bad things about me; and criticize believers for even mentioning my name or talking to me? Why have you not apoligized to my oldest son and told him the truth? Why have you not contacted us and apoligized for one of your former employees errors of judgement; and make available, at our option, the restoration of fellowship? Way International, it's your turn to make a move. Nothing in this life will work for you or prosper until you do the right thing. I will not stop letting the world know, via the World Wide Web, that you have not apoligized for your actions. When you apoligize to my son and the rest of our family, I will stop informing the world of your spiritual crimes. -
October, 1994 Last Way meeting ever attended. "Your son is a gangster; and your daughter and all her girlfriends she brings to fellowship are whores" My wife is a witness also. We peacefully walked out of that area leaders house, never to return. You see, they were following LCM and his antics. They wanted to be like LCM. LCM was from hell; and they were following in his footsteps, no matter what or who they destroyed. Thank God that the Lord Jesus Christ, himself, shutdown that evil collection of reprobate christians, called the way ministry.
Wierwille books on eBay - going for HIGH $$$
Lightside replied to Jeff USAF RET's topic in About The Way
The results of that Ebay auction for the JCOP and JCOPS. Somebody made out OK. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...e=STRK:MEBWA:IT -
Wierwille books on eBay - going for HIGH $$$
Lightside replied to Jeff USAF RET's topic in About The Way
All I know about TWI's right to publish the Companion Bible is that they did purchase the rights to publish. I did see a copy of the Companion Bible in the Way bookstore that had "Published by the Way, International", printed on the front page. I think the way, later on, sold the rights back to zondervan. Anybody know more about this? -
Wierwille books on eBay - going for HIGH $$$
Lightside replied to Jeff USAF RET's topic in About The Way
"The Living Word Speaks" "It is customary for colleagues, students, and admirers of a noted scholar to publish a collection of research essys in honor of their friend on a special anniversary or occasion" "Such a celebrative volume is called a "festschrift", which comes from the German Fest and Schrift, literally, "festival writing" "December 31, 1981, is the sixty-fifth birthday of VPW, the man to whom we as contributors wish to pay tribute." Writers: Walter J. Cummins Lonnell E. Johnson Bo Reahard Bernita Jess John Crouch Earl Burton Gary R. Curtis L. Craig Martindale Robert C. Moynihan Ross Tracy Malvin L. George Thomas Jenkinson Rosalie F. Rivenbark John A. Lynn Robert F. Winegarner Ralph A. Dubofsky Elena S. Whiteside Beth Lowder Frederick Winegarner Vince Finnegan David C. Craley -
Wierwille books on eBay - going for HIGH $$$
Lightside replied to Jeff USAF RET's topic in About The Way
News flash! Just found a first edition of "The Way Living In Love", autographed by Elena S. Whiteside. Published in 1972. Wow!! She wrote: "God bless you richly to live in love FOREVER!" In Christ Elena Whiteside Word over the World! -
Wierwille books on eBay - going for HIGH $$$
Lightside replied to Jeff USAF RET's topic in About The Way
Gee, I've got two autographed copies of JCOP and one autographed copy of ATDAN. I bet could get a bundle for um. Wait a minute, I've also got a copy of "The Living Word Speaks" It has five autographs. Your not gonna believe what the last one is!!! 1. L.C.M. 2. Tom Jenkinson 3. Ralph Dubofsky 4. David C. Craley Last of all: Rosolie F. Rivenbark -
CKEER, I too ran a twig of downers and outers, spiritual hobos, lost souls, deep discount oddballs. Man, did we ever have a blast. We got more new people into the Word, full of joy, enjoying life, livin' da abundant life. We had twig two nights a week, plus a getogether night. We was cookin'. Hot bible teaching, lots of genuine Love of God. We all had past problems, got delivered and we be livin' the high life. Yeh man, Da Love Of God does heal....... Until.............. Leadership got wind of us birds. Whats with all the new people? You mean your putting new people thru the PFAL class? Your happy? Noway, man. Sumptin' sticks. Well, our branch leader calls me and wants to come over and talk. I say, OK, how about tonight. We're havin' a get together at the house, all the believers, we will have fun. BC says OK. Well, he gets to my house, walks in, sees all the believers havin' fun, fellowshippin' and bein' happy. He sits down and scopes out the joint. Gee, everyone is happy, talkin', enjoyin' themselves and the fellowhip, not teachin', just kick back and relax. The old BC comes up to me and asks me, "Do you guys do this every twig?" I say no. It's just kickback night, enjoy brother. Than he lays it on me. "I think you guys are havin' orgies" I'm in shock. I do the usual TWI thing, "don't think evil, just smile." He leaves, I tell nobody what the dicccckhead said, and we continue to have a good time. Well, a few months pass by, our twig doubles in size and we were commanded to do a split. Headquarters even announces that we are the only twig in Ohio that split that year. Sounds great, OK, we will do it, if you say so. "Self governing, self propagating......so on, etc., etc."?? Straight out of the Way tree guidlines........?? NOT Quite.......... Just at the time were we, as a twig, were makin' all the arrangements for who will be attending what twig, which friends wanted to attend the same twig together and so on, the BC and another leader, the Territory leader shows up and tells me, that they will assign the believers to the twig they feel is right. What can I do, I just got taken over. So the BC and the territory leader made all the decisions. Guess what? They put who they thought were the fu7kups in the same twig; and let a unexperience believer run that twig. The outcome: We now had two twigs of unhappy believers. Nobody wanted the split in the first place. The NEED was to stay together. Total outcome: one twig disbans, the other twig, unhappy.
If you blinked the wrong way, or questioned any Way leaders decision or complained in any way you were considered to be eligible for the "P" word. What the Way aughta be doin' is takin' a good look at why the "master of PFAL" died of cancer. Why he couldn't get healed; and how did he get P'ed in the first place (P'ed by their own definition and doctrine. Then they should do a double study on hows come the "Master of PFAL" own son died of cancer, and how he got to the point of receiving the title of being P'ed (by their own definition and doctrine) I think Jesus Christ said something about getting the mote outta your own eye before ya'll tried to get the stick outta everyone elses eye.
Romans 11:4-5 But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal. Even so then at this present time also there is a REMNANT according to the election of grace. Remember LCM doing the remnant teaching? All those tripped out way believers had gone a-whoring after other Gods; but God had a holy remnant, a chosen few, of course, from the Way ministry who had not spit in Gods face, but rather, stayed faithful to the great mystery and Gods ministry. I bought into it......for awhile. I'll never forget the look on the ex-twi believers faces; and than the belly laughs they gave me when I mentioned that teaching. LCM really believed he and his holy followers were the last true believers, ON EARTH, to live the mystery. I am so glad I grew up......
July 4, 1776, the plan was set. In 200 years, on the same date, July 4, 1976, the Illuminati, secretly disquised under the masons, were to "economically", take over the U.S of A. VP got the revy from God, who got the revy from the spotlight magazine, gee, God is soooo smart. The incident scared the crap out of a lot of Corps. Can you imagine hearing VP and HA joken' about the scare they put into their flock.
Ted Ferrell TITLES ARTIST COST PER ITEM One More Time With Ted Ted Ferrell 5215 Oakwood Place Lewis Center, OH 43035 (740) 657-3637 FerrellsPlace@cs.com (to order please send check or money order payable to Ted Ferrell) CD $12.00 Price includes S&H Link to Believer's music site: http://www.redbay.com/ekklesia/bbmusic.htm