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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Cool story, thanks! I spent part of the evening at my brother's house for his birthday. He's got a black lab named Jake, who's been with him since my brother found him shot and dying in a field 10 years ago. My brother's wife just had to put her dog, Socks, down after a short illness. She'd had her for 13 years. Jake and Socks have been pals for 9 years, living together, playing together sharing everything. Jake is in mourning. He no longer wants to run and play, he won't lay next to Socks' bed anymore, he doesn't alert and bark when someone is in the yard or at the door. Jake is grieving the loss of his best friend. I'm always amazed, yet not surprised, that animals feel so profoundly.
  2. :D--> Happy Birthday !!
  3. Yes indeed, CW, even to the death.
  4. Kinda creeping up on 60 aren't ya? :)--> Happy Birthday June 23
  5. Shellon

    Little Boy Found

    http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8276685/ :)-->
  6. Happy Birthday Oak! :D-->
  7. In memory of a daddy that stepped up to do the job when he didn't have to. Anyone can be a father, but it takes a very special man to be a daddy. He's missed.
  8. They've got mine wrong all over the place. Good
  9. --> June 10 Bowtwi celebrated her birthday! Glad it was wonderful. :D-->
  10. I'm a mom who deposited my senior daughter at her first class, sat outside the door and escorted her to the next one and so on all day, for about 4 months, so she'd graduate. Her grades were not the worst; mostly C's, but she didn't want to be there, so she left. Alot. For this particular kid it was a combination of being 18, grieving, anger and defiance. None of which is an excuse to fail. Like Jonny, I wanted this kid to get the high school diploma and I was willing to do whatever it took for her to get the heck outa that school. My second daughter is in the 5th grade in the fall and the system stinks with a big 'ol capital PEW! But it is what it is. Do I feel either of my kids grades should be altered to meet some financial criteria and get her through the conveyor belt? No Do I feel that sometimes certain kids need differant attention to address issues? Yes My cupboards would have to be very empty in order for me to even consider being a teacher in our system. I don't envy them or the admin that has to make the final calls. In 1978 I was registered and paid in full to go to a private finishing school after high school graduation, leaving 2 weeks later. I had an F in Government. The teacher told me, at the beginning of the last marking period I'd fail if I didn't do something, not graduate and clearly not go on to this school. I worked very hard, studied, got tutors, anything we could think of and still it was a failing grade. The teacher finally gave me a D-- because I had really tried. I was able to graduate. The cool part, to me, was that I earned that D--. I've never forgotten what that taught me; that sometimes circumstances demand another approach,another idea,another look. Now, as a college student, I definately get that the last minute is the most wrong time to try to fix things.
  11. Shellon

    Vacation Bible School

    Bramble, do you check your PT's?
  12. Shellon

    Job hunting

    LOLOL My kids said the same thing to me this last weekend. "You married for love the first time, Mom. Marry for money next time" Heeeeee Heeeee Funny children.
  13. Shellon

    Vacation Bible School

    My 9 year old is going to VBC next week. We get notices from her school every May or so. Last year was first she wanted to go. She enjoyed it, wore shorts,whatever she wanted to wear. If she wants to go again next year, fine. If she doesn't, I couldn't possibly care less. It's fun for her, for now. And then end of week program for parents was wonderful!
  14. Have any of you watched the interviews with the jurors in this case? Whoa!
  15. 1.Conspiracy to commit child abduction, false inprisonment,extortion : 1 count NOT GUILTY 2.Lewd act on child under 14 : 4 counts NOT GUILTY X 4 3.Attempted lewd act on child under 14 : 1 count NOT GUILTY 4.Administering alcohol to enable child molestation : 4 counts NOT GUILTY X 4 Another one got away with it.
  16. You both agree that it's going to be Not Guilty on all counts? 1.Conspiracy to commit child abduction, false inprisonment,extortion : 1 count 2.Lewd act on child under 14 : 4 counts 3.Attempted lewd act on child under 14 : 1 count 4.Administering alcohol to enable child molestation : 4 counts http://www.cnn.com/
  17. --> Happy Birthday Sushi! I beeped as I passed through your city today, didja hear the Happy Birthday tune?
  18. Question/Comment to hopefully not distract ya'll from your appointed course. Books set in New England are just better aren't they? The fog,the water, the interesting people..... whatever, it's better. Headed to my grand baby's house to hang out with her while her parents are involved in friends wedding all weekend. See ya monday. Well, probably won't, actually, 'cuz I only lurk in your thread here. I'll see you but you won't see me. -->
  19. YES!!! Good for you Chas. -->
  20. Shellon


    HA! --> Ron
  21. July 21, 1923 This contract is between Miss Lottie, a teacher, and the board of education of the school whereby Miss Lottie agrees to teaching the school for a period beginning September 1, 1923. The board of education agrees to pay the teacher, Miss Lottie, the sum of seventy-five ($75) dollars per month. Miss Lottie agrees: 1. Not to get married. This contract becomes null and void immediately if the teacher marries. 2. Not to keep company with men. 3. To be home between the hours of 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. unless she is in attendance at a school function. 4. Not to loiter downtown in ice cream parlors. 5. Not to leave town any time without permission of the chairman of the board of trustees. 6. Not to smoke cigarettes. The contract becomes null and void immediately if the teacher is found smoking. 7. Not to drink beer, wine, or whiskey. The contract becomes null and void immediately if the teacher is found drinking beer, wine, or whiskey. 8. Not to ride in a carriage or automobile with any man except her brothers or father. 9. Not to dress in bright colors. 10. Not to dye her hair. 11. To wear at least two petticoats. 12. Not to wear dresses more than two inches above the ankle. 13. To keep the schoolroom clean, to sweep the classroom floor at least once daily, to scrub the classroom floor at least once a week with hot water and soap, to clean the blackboards at least once daily, to start the fire at 7 a.m. so the room will be warm at 8 a.m. when the children arrive, to carry out the ashes at least once daily. 14. Not to use face powder, mascara, or paint the lips.
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