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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Rascal, check your PT's please. Bennigans needs you and your family.
  2. Hee Hee I can't help following this thread and thinking of my daughters love of Baily School Kids Series. Not in the same "class" as JK's books by any stretch, but she liked 'em because they are about 'normal kids' as she calls it. That works so well for us because in this house, one is never allowed to think themself better than others. The Bailey kids fit that. I'd love for her to join my love of Koontz, Saul, King and Kellerman. But all but Kellerman would add to an already large dream problem. I dig it when parents and kids can work together to read material. My child has also written a book about an abandoned egg. Like the Bailey kids, the egg has a really hard row to hoe but finds his way out of that life because of hard work. I welcomed her to read JK's books and she gave it a shot, but just couldn't get into it. Parents and kids talking about books together,reading together......dig it! Now, Captain Underpants.......that's funny. --> Andrew
  3. HA! Best way I've ever heard it said. Thanks and I'll use it. Often
  4. Happy Anniversary! yahoooo Williams eh? We might be related somewhere.
  5. Shellon

    He seemed normal?

    Highly recommended book: The Gift of Fear by Gavin DeBecker. It's a 'how to recognize' book but a great read as well. Preditors and pedophiles don't fall into the same catagory of 'uh oh' feelings in our guts. Lots of good material for learning but IMO this book is.......differant. Criminal profilers who have interviewed child sexual assault predators, serial killers and some stalkers (among others) hear the same thing over and over: "It's what I do". Also, once they've gotten away with their crime once, it's easier next time and they only get better at what they do. Not to mention the triggers, like something going on in their domestic balance, a new baby, a shift in employment, etc. The majority of these creeps had horrendous childhoods. Therefore as kids,they had time and opportunity in whatever confinement life chewed on them about, to think about causing another human harm.
  6. Amazing isn't it? Some guy recently was sentenced to 99 years of prison for stealing a cell phone. Stealing babies is ok tho. I read somewhere a statement made by an official about how we can track our vehicles, and we can know almost anything about a person, but we can't keep track of perverts. I don't know what it's going to take.
  7. Shellon


    Allan: No, I mean Christmas and I have no idea what it means referance wise. I don't like the holiday, never really have and I dread it every year.
  8. Shellon


    Only 5 1/2 months left til Christmas
  9. I'm happy to see you as well Dot. Can you put this information in laywomen's terms for me?
  10. Shellon

    I Got the Promotion!

    :D--> Wonderful!! Congratulations
  11. Who, on GS, recommended "This Much I Know is True"?
  12. Shellon

    He seemed normal?

    Scarey shi+ huh? And people that we've come across in our lives that trashed it in some way or even just tried cuz they thought they could......seemed perfectly normal didn't they?
  13. Shellon

    He seemed normal?

    Also.... if we as neighbors said " I knew s/he was molesting children " then we'd be culpable. And the neighbor (s) can't admit it at this point if s/he thought something seemed wierd and did nothing. Which is more the problem already. Society still can't accept that molestation/assault/rape of little boys and girls is a huge problem. It's too frightening to look at, to bring that close to home. Were it taken as seriously as it really is, this man and so many others would never see the light of day. But alas......it's allowed to go on. Profile of a sociopath: http://home.datawest.net/esn-recovery/artcls/socio.htm
  14. Shellon

    He seemed normal?

    An abuser, murderer, rapist, molester doesn't advertise. That might seem strange to say but it's true. If s/he let others know what their 'other life' was like, they'd not get away with it. Making it personal, but one reason I don't date is because the dude isn't gonna wear a shirt or forehead tattoo that says 'as soon as I get your trust,I'll start hitting you or messing with your little girl' Were it that simple..... Abusers of every kind get very adept at hiding their behavior. They get bolder in their crimes, but that just causes them to find better ways to hide it. It's part of the crime: hiding it. This sick *** had a blog telling about his life and behavior. He talked about it regularly. Sociopaths have no regard for others' yet 'appear' to as they are usually polite, contributing members of a community. But they are smart enough to know how to fake it very well. Ted Bundy was a student of the law; perfect place to know how to avoid detection. He had a personality that drew people to him; a very normal nice guy. That's how he knew he'd get away with his crimes. You'll note that the mama's who killed their babies ( Yates, etc) got the same labels from their neighbors. They seemed so normal. It's part of their game so as to not draw attention to themselves.
  15. LOL! If I recall, a squat pot is used for beverage, of course primarily tea in this culture. Not sure of that, but if memory serves..... HA! What a hoot. Eating on toilets. A few 9/10 year old kids I know would think this was awesome.
  16. Amen! It's just not worth it, is it? Whether it's here at GS, or in the 'real' world, I don't see the worth of being who I'm not, regardless, period. Life is too dam short to be wimpy.
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