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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Bumper Sticker: Your Proctologist called; they found your head.
  2. Anyone? Last I knew she lived in Kansas If so please PT me Thank you
  3. LOL ok, Kelly then. But I have to tell you she'll roll her eyes and squirm ALOT if you try to pick her up and smoochie all over her adorable face. Those dimples her daddy gave her are irresistable to 'cheek pinchers'
  4. Wonderful! Congratulations. the BLEAD people knew nuttin, just nuttin!
  5. Ok, like a TGI Fridays. Their website promotes a 'real irish feel'. I do know that we're going to eat, drink and laugh! hahaha bring the roast to Kailin! ah to put her in your arms! :D-->
  6. How perfect is that! Why you dunking your head?
  7. Sushi, check your PT's will ya?
  8. :D--> Can't scare this bunch
  9. And a place where we don't have to use our manners. --> Well, cept Sushi
  10. LMAO only you would correct my spelling on a s s
  11. :D--> Sushi, then get your tuskas and your family to Bennigans friday at 6:30
  12. Shellon

    We Set A Date

    She will be Oak,thanks. Her dad snored so loudly that neighbors complained, but the sleep apnea was a red flag for heart disease which is what he died from. Plus pediatric apnea retards proper growth, which might explain that for her. Plus, since she doesn't get a full nights sleep, she's so tired all day. Anyway,the stuff I've learned is another whole thread. This one is for your future wedding and new life........ Ok, will keep room til last moment.
  13. Great Robin! Look forward to seeing you again. We'll see if the ad about Irish atmosphere true or not. And who cares anyway, we'll just eat and hang out for awhile and catch up. Working on getting our favorite Irishman there.
  14. HEEEEEE Oh my goodness, don't duck, just run. Fast. :D--> Naw, you're right; a voice of reason. mrs.wash my short......ROFL
  15. Shellon

    We Set A Date

    Some changes here. Kelly is having health problems that are requiring her to have her tonsils and adenoids removed. The little bugger inherited her daddy's snoring and sleap apnea. All this will begin with Sept 13 tests and preparation and surgery to follow asap after that. Of course this means no travel for me during that time and I'm not willing to leave her care to someone else if it falls during wedding. I have a room reserved if someone needs it. It's a standard two double bed room, smoking permitted. My apologies for having to miss your wedding. I will be anxiously awaiting stories and pictures.
  16. :D--> Northern Michigan IS beautiful. And the winters are so spectacular!
  17. Shellon

    Icon sizes

    Speaking of icons, whatever happened to mine? Have ya'll seen it? It's a girl with a towel around her and the towel drops and she moons ya'll. -->
  18. uh oh I wasn't going to be able to make it, but after mention of smoked venison.... I will have to see if I can shift some other things around. Dang Ron, you messed up my scheduling. :D-->
  19. Indeed he did say that often. When he was there at the burial of the remains of my husband, he again said he hated this part of the job.
  20. depends on what the heck a haggis is Ok, I'll bite. What is a haggis? What I wanna know is do they serve strange people and sweet babies?
  21. http://www.bennigans.com Big Rapids Michigan Hmmmmm oh look it's an Irish place. How ABOUT that! -->
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