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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. I've enjoyed this thread and given it much thought. Certainly before now, given that I'm in my 40's and have been a widow for 8 years. Getting married again.... what a concept that would be. But in my 40's I'm more independant, definately more sure of who I am as a woman and what I will and won't allow in my life; including who I will and won't allow. When I married I was 24 years old, we'd been living together since I was 22, we already had a child. I have no regrets about marrying him; not one. But I wish we'd have not felt such pressure to do so. We both knew we 'should' and we did. That won't happen again as I won't be guilted into taking such a huge and important step. This because of being in my 40's, more mature and ok with making informed choices. I am loving my 40's! I find that women in their 40's have gotten to a place where they are very strong in all areas of their lives. And the areas that are not as strong as she'd like are taken care of by her according to her own time table and conditions. We've reached the age where we feel ok with speaking our minds, naysayers be dam ned. We've come to a really nice time where our dreams have either been realized or at least we know what the heck they are and where to find them and we don't mind the hard work getting them. Society has so much to do with it as women in 40's that are single are more accepted. For me, it's strange because as a young widow, society still doesn't know what to do with me; where to put me. And I still have a young child at home. That said, I don't wait for a man to 'come along and fix me' or society to dictate what is ok for me now; what is proper and acceptable. We have control over our lives that is freeing and it fits better than it did. I find women in their 40's that consider marriage need a very strong man that is secure in his own life and has the strength to realize that he's likely gonna hook up with a woman that can do just fine without him, but would appreciate his company and sharing his life. What I find exciting is that this goes both ways. I also consider, for all women not just myself, what examples we've been provided. Women that have not been afforded the chance to grow into themselves in a healthy manner unfortunately might not have the opportunity to look at themselves in their 40's and like what they see. My mother divorced my father in her 40's at a point when her personal life was at a really good place. That probably belongs in the other thread. What I learned from her experience taught me many many things that I still carry. She then got into her relationship with my step dad, but they've never married; 25 years now they've been together. She's much more verbal in her relationship; this woman takes NO crap this time. She's healthier, which I believe my step dad contributes to because he gives her the room to do what she wants to do. It's a great example for me. She's taught me, and then life has taught me to take care of my own emotional health, in a relationship or not, at any age. In our 40's we get that. It's a great time in life.
  2. Shellon


    That's a really scary visual
  3. Shellon


    Present, whatcha want? -->
  4. Gawd remember that list for his visits? What kind of car to pick him up from airport in. How the guest room should be decorated and arranged. What kinds of china to serve his beverages in. Where to lay his cigs for easy reach. I wonder if I still have that sucker? I'll look.
  5. Your children don't need a beating. Not due to anything regarding Kelly anyway. LOL It's always just Kelly and I here and she was overwhelmed. We'd had the baby, which wasn't a problem but still a hitch in her usually boring quiet life, then so many people here visiting. She'd just had enough of entertaining and didn't handle all the busy-ness well. Bless her heart. On the way home from eating she said 'can I just go to bed?' To which I answered yes, knowing that was the best for her for that night; she was done entertaining and the baby was fussy. When our day is over, we lock the door and we're in for the night. In fact, we lock the door all day. To her, it was bedtime, lock the door and go to bed. :)--> I was getting the baby to bed, Kelly had gone to bed, I didn't realize ya'll couldn't get in! Lordy lordy. Just a moment of an overwhelmed and tired 10 year old. Nothing to do with your kids at all. She had a great weekend; really!
  6. :D--> It was a nice weekend. There were a FEW seams that were strained when my sweet and well intentioned daughter locked the door and went to bed, leaving everyone standing outside wondering why the party was so suddenly over. Funny now. But, as paw said, it was very nice; typical GS event when people that love each other get together and enjoy the others' company. On a personal note, I also got my shower head fixed, my furnace door installed properly, some things with my computer fixed. --> Having a bunch of GSers over to your house? Get a honey-do list ready ;)--> Next year? The cabin on the Muskegon river.
  7. Radar, guest spouse is rascals husband. He got that name a couple of years ago at the weenie roast. This was taken in my front yard about an hour or so before we went to dinner here in my town, rather than Bennigans. The change in restaurants is a story in itself. Tomorrow is sushi's biscuits and gravyfor breakfast and some folks leaving. The rest of us will hang and see what we can get into. Maybe a drive to my river cabin?
  8. Rascal, Bowtwi, Paw, and Guest Spouse are here awaiting 1000 Abi and Oeno
  9. I don't carry any identifying information in my wallet. Not even my drivers license, no sir. Not anymore. If you find me someday, hit phone book on my cell phone and you'll eventually find one of those people that knows me. Call the one that says Mom
  10. Bowtwi and the princess are here! Paw is almost here! :D-->
  11. I agree with this woman. We're told to check for ID and confirm it all the time! I recently had a deputy sherriff (never remember if 2 r's or 2 f's) knock on my door, no POUND on my door. Scared the bejezus outa my and my daughter with the loud knocking. Had it not been still early evening and light out and had his face not been looming hugely in my door window, I'd not have answered the door. Also we had the advantage that this officer is the school liason officer, so my daughter said 'oh yeah,that's officer Brooks'. Well, she also added an aside of "Moooom, what'd you do?" --> Any person can easily get a uniform of an officer of the law, a badge,etc. Happens too often. This seems to be one of those things where they tell us it's ok to check out credentials until we actually do check 'em out. I say do it anyway, if in doubt. Same goes to utility people, delivery people, etc. Not groveling, just good sense. --> Ron
  12. Shellon

    We Set A Date

    :D--> Wonderful!!
  13. Ice'd? Ok, cell phone is in freezer, how long do I leave it there. And why?
  14. Have you checked into Head Start? Great program and mostly set for low income families. The kids in our school (grades K - 5) who get the merit awards as well as discipline rewards are 96% former Head Start kids according to an 'afterwards effectiveness' study recently done. I applaud parents who home school whether it be from pre-school or college! I'm very lazy and already know I'd never do the work with my child. :D-->
  15. Didja all oversleep this morning? Sleeping in a bassinet in my room is the most beautiful baby girl :)--> GET UP I'm drinking all the coffee!
  16. :)--> Congratulations to the bride and groom!
  17. Rascal,dinner isn't til 6:30 and I don't think you'll need all day to get there, will you? Unless perhaps ya'll are futher north than I realize. Do you want to come here first? We'll be leaving about 5ish.
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