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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Four years!! Wonderful Tom :D--> I'm so glad you are out! you've accomplished so much in four years, I'm proud to call you friend.
  2. Shellon


    Dang! Here's what I'd do: Go through your pantry and fridge and get a few cans of stuff you know you can do without, maybe a loaf of bread, simple stuff. Take this bag of stuff over to his mama and tell her to keep her child outa your house. Then next you see the child, teach him a manner or three about trespassing, theft.
  3. Shellon


    Relationship: A particular type of connection existing between people related to or having dealings with each other That's what we have here at greasespot, but I got to thinking recently at a stop light about how many relationships we must take part in every day. How much we have to trust whether we want to or not. I definately don't want to. Like it or not. We have to enter into a relationship with the salesperson at any store and trust that they'll charge us properly for our purpose. Often the relationship doesn't end there if the product sucks or some other rectification is necessary. We have to enter into a relationship with our children's teachers, bus driver, other school employees and trust them. I struggle with this one. At a stop light, we have to trust that the cars around us will obey whatever color is given and everyone has to work together to keep moving in an orderly fashion. I have to enter into a relationship with the driver behind me to trust that s/he'll stop and not take out my asterick. I like this one even less than the school one. I ended my relationship with the bank because they didn't hold to their end of the partnership regarding my monies. But at some point I'm going to have to enter into another one with some sort of financial institution. Relationships are everywhere, we can't avoid them. My children's father's family is still in twi and won't speak to me. Do they realize that they are forever in a relationship with me, like it or not, because of my girls? When I drive on an interstate, I have to trust that the car I'm passing will not fail to see me and cross in front of me. S/he has to have the same relationship with me. I take my daughter to a very very good Learning Center sometimes. My relationship with them is that they'll take excellent care of her. Heck I have to have a relationship with the folks that process the food that we eat, trusting that they've done it right and we don't get sick. As I prefaced, we have relationships here at GS all day every day. Some are stronger than others, some appear to suck. There is an amount of trust we have to give. It's everywhere in our lives. Relationships.
  4. Whew, had me worried. I've come to find reliance in seeing you each morning in here.
  5. Tom and Ted, thank you both very much!
  6. :D--> Congratulations to him! Isn't it wonderfully wonderful to see our kids do great?
  7. Might anyone know whereabouts of Ken Sudduth or his wife Helen who used to sing for Joyful Noise?
  8. This dude left his bride at the gas station. http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/europe/08/08...reut/index.html
  9. Shellon

    Caption Contest

    WHOA! As a mama I try not to laugh tooo loud cuz my daugher could either come home like that or bring a boy like that home to meet me.
  10. I wonder if this sick fk is still in prison or if our system has done the 'do you understand that what you did is wrong? and yes I do' routine and let freedom ring yet? 6 years usually mean maybe 1 in this country.
  11. Shellon

    We Set A Date

    Keeps giving me an error, but I'll keep trying; thanks Tom. :)-->
  12. Shellon

    We Set A Date

    Tom, I can't find your registry. I got to the site of registry's, but can't find yours
  13. Ah! These are all good points then. Good luck, I'd go for it, but also understand your concerns and questions. I might be able to help some. Let me know as you go along won't you?
  14. I'd suggest a letter to the grocery store owner/manager and explain your situation, ask to meet and come to an amicable agreement, at least for your medical expenses. Include that you've persued legal ramification and would rather not subject either of you to that. The law says that the property owner has duty to provide you,the consumer with a "reasonably" safe shopping experience. Therefore, if your accident was because the grocery was not reasonably safe for your shopping experience, it's your duty to prove same. The place the defense gets outa this stuff is when there are wet floor signs out and the consumer enters the area anyway. The judge can see that the owner did offer reasonably safe conditions and the consumer knew it. Keep meticulous records of your expenses, see if you and the owner can't work out something that you both can live with. Another thing that sounds ridiculous, but did anyone else see you fall in that store? Can you prove in court that your injury was sustained there? Would any of those witnesses testify that s/he saw the glob of slippery stuff, you should have seen it too? In our world, it should be as simple as you fell and caused bodily harm, you deserve compensation. period. But that's not the way the courts will see it, especially the defense attorney, who's job it is to see his client not have to pay your expenses, not have the store insurance go up, etc. Writing a letter in a professional manner, politely firm, expecting them to take care of the matter monetarily might do it. If you do choose to go to court, be ready to answer seemingly stupid questions and prove that it was their fault entirely. Consider, also, the lost wages while in court, the cost of losing, having to pay all court costs, etc. Weigh it all and see where you find something you can live with. I agree that we are a very litigious society, but maybe just suggesting it to the store is enough. Also before you do so, look them up in the BBB or a few other places I can turn you onto to check out the history of it's business. If they've had other slip and fall accidents and/or lawsuits, this will be to your advantage and weight heavier in your case, whether quietly between you and them or at the courthouse.
  15. Thanks David, I'm sorry I misunderstood -->
  16. David, I have apparently confused you; my apologies. You said : "My personal opinion -- these folks should be put out of their misery" About whom were you speaking? We're both confused, but surely can clear it up in a few posts here. :)-->
  17. Thinking about you and your family Mo
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