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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Shellon

    My massage today

    Belle, the therapist you are used to would be able to turn you onto schools, instructors, etc. When I go during breaks between classes once a week or so, it's wonderful! The students sometimes accept tips and since I have issues with not paying for what's mine to pay, that helps. Also one year the students had one tip bucket and they all celebrated at the end of practicums and certification.
  2. Shellon

    Another one

    HA! yeah, that's more like it. Make sure the hay has just been put up and is very very dry.
  3. Shellon

    Caption this

    Yikes, this dude is nasty.
  4. Sounds like alot of 'fruit' to me. The right kind!
  5. Shellon

    Another one

    nothing blunt about that; it's truth. Shot should be the final result after some more interesting action against his person.
  6. Shellon

    My massage today

    Hunt in your areas for a school that trains them. They need bodies to practice on. Supervised by instructors/certified therapists. Free.
  7. Shellon

    Another one

    8/24/2005 - Missing Boy Found MILWAUKEE (AP) - A missing boy has been found in Phoenix with a man wanted on a child sex charge. Thirteen-year-old Justin Terlecki apparently took a bus to Arizona from his home in Milwaukee at the urging of a man he met online. Investigators tracked an e-mail address to the apartment of 32-year-old Vernon Monk and officers were waiting when he and the boy drove up. Phoenix police say Monk was arrested for investigation of custodial interference and failure to register in Arizona as a sex offender. They say the man also is wanted on an Oklahoma warrant for a sexual offense against a minor. The boy's mother says he'd been communicating with adults on the Internet despite safeguards and blocks she put on his computer.
  8. :)--> Tilda. Do you ever read your private topics?
  9. Shellon

    My massage today

    :D--> The college I attend has a massage therapy department and they're always hunting for bodies to do their practicum hours on. They are wonderful!
  10. My oldest daughter, Samantha, is 23 years old now and an amazing woman. You might see her around greasespot once in awhile. --> But she was not always amazing and wonderful. YIKES When they are teenagers/young adults it's their jobs to drive us wild. It's a real pain in the heart. I pulled my hair out until she finished high school and about 6 months later it came down to her or me. In our family, it was nasty cocktail of grief, anger and normal mom/teenager action. She left, my insistance. Even her dads death didn't take me out like having to make her leave. Now however, she's one of, if not my very best friend. My advise to any parent(s) is communicate with the buggers. If we can somehow keep talking to them, no matter how many times they say they don't want to talk to us. They really do, just on their terms. Wait until s/he is ready and then take what you get. And how wonderful now to see Samantha be a mama herself! It's not about revenge,it's not about payback. It's about her now enjoying motherhood and getting to understand the wonderment, the heart stuff, the sheer JOY of it. To share that with her is amazing. I'm a proud mama!
  11. Shellon


    Not a clue what all this means. One question: Do I get to keep my gun?
  12. Shellon

    what you will!!

    There is such a huge differance between desperation and revelation.
  13. ChainClinker said: "we were Way Niggers. (not referencing any particular race or nationality of course)." Ummmmm how is that not in referance to any race or nationality? Only one race has had that word used in a derogitory manner against them. It's not like it's a universal word for anyone and everyone.
  14. Amen! This is very true and I'm very glad another recognized it.
  15. When one is going through the wretched journey or grief, s/he finally gets to the place of anger. When that happens thing begin to make a little bit of sense or at the very least things seem to fit somewhere that can be lived with. That anger and even often the emotional rage is not a bad thing. This is when we are thinking ALOT, processing that forgotten and coming up with many many 'oh yeah ands' of what happened. Whether it is the loss of a person, a job, a place or a cult; it's the same basic journey and we finally get to where we can accept that what happened did and the edges get softer, the way to understanding gets less foggy. Before any of this can happen, we've got to realize that however we have to get there is ok, so long as we get there. No two grieving people are alike, ever, at all, no matter what a book or another says. Not even the person you walked through all the things together with will grieve as you. That'd be too boring anyway. There is no rule book or clock on this sucker, either, unfortunately. Any journey can be one of insight, knowledge, wisdom, understanding; no matter how painful. When one attempts to thwart this process, either by choice or force, it gets retarded in it's growth and each time we have to start anew. It's less painful in the end to just have stayed on the course from wherever it began and see it through. Here at Greasespot we have a wealth of information, compassion, understanding, empathy and help right in front of us. Use it. Understand that also even with this wealth of others that 'get it' some of it has to be traveled alone. Only you know which things you must conquer solo, and again it's not the same for any two. The point is that it gets done and the way that works for you alone. Be angry and not ashamed or afraid of it for there is nothing to be ashamed or afraid of in one's journey through it. We speak of crisis as if it's only a bad thing. Why can't it be a catalyst for change? For growth, for betterment of oneself? I choose to see crisis as growth, a new season, a challenge that I'm going to meet head on dammit, no matter how I might not want to do it, and find out how I can come out the other end stronger. We here at GS are made of very strong material that twi tried to shred. They didn't succeed. We did!
  16. Yes and I will have all that information for you as we go along with plans. Strange man, I sat and watched an Eagle for a bit saturday evening out there. What a treat!!
  17. Ok, now ya'll are getting it. :D-->
  18. And there are some who fit none of the above descriptions. Some left for safety and sanity reasons. Some just left. The point is....leave. We'll help you figure it out after.
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