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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Amen Abi, that's the bottom line. I thought about all that after the dust settled when Bob died and realized that I hadn't been comforted, but was the one doing the ministering and comforting of every freakin body else. I was ordered, condemned, ridiculed, but not comforted.
  2. Eight years after my husband died while in TWI I'm still pi$$ed about them refusing to let my dad speak at the memorial service, his horrible arguement with Bob Moynihan in my kitchen and my parents refusal to attend the service at all after that spectacle. As well as my brother who was turned away, not welcome at the service, because he's gay. Then to put a cherry on this mess, Moynihan's TRASHING of my husband at a twi meeting within weeks of his death. I wonder if his still in twi family knows about that meeting. I'm done shutting up about this stuff.
  3. I called them again this morning to check. Found out about another relative. The url doesn't work; that is correct.
  4. But.........before the caterpillar could respond, she had to excuse herself to put out a fire on the ant hill over yonder, causing Alice great and lengthy distraction. Alice grew weary and wandered off in search of another who had heard of such mythology to see what else might be told her. Suddenly jumping in her path was a frighteningly furry creature, the likes of which Alice had never seen nor wished to again. "You were just talking to the caterpillar about "THE CLASS" were you not" the stranger asked. Not wanting to answer but being afraid to not say at least something Alice opted for the truth. "Well, yes, I was and she's going to tell me all about it" The creature looked east, west, north, south and creeping closer to Alice, said through clenched teeth "if you value your life, your family, your money, don't do it". Suddenly from out of the brush the caterpillar's voice boomed " GET AWAY FROM HER YOU REPROBATE". Alice jumped with such a start, as the stranger bound away.
  5. As I said, I understand that. Psalm, I'll pt you, I'm obviously not communicating myself properly.
  6. Shellon

    Feel the Noize

    Chef.... :)--> My step dad is the same. The man refuses to even discuss it. My kids are forever telling me to turn up my belltones, so we'll see what's up with that. Personally I think they just whisper when I'm around.
  7. It's appearing down now. For me I wasn't calling numbers to seek information about people. I was able to check out about parish my sister in law lives in.
  8. This might be a place to start to get information on people. I was able to check with the parish my sister in law lives in. Worth a shot maybe "To find out about conditions in your home parish, you can find a listing of homeland security and emergency preparedness offices and telephone numbers at http://www.ohsep.louisiana.gov/Parish/parishoepnumbers.htm
  9. or might it have been Remeta? http://www.crimelibrary.com/notorious_murd...a/5.html?sect=8
  10. What the he!! is going on with this thread? Ya'll believe something so quickly?
  11. Understood, CW and thanks.
  12. Doesn't matter one way or any other mj
  13. What the heck happened? Within about 10 minutes ya'll take an exit? :(-->
  14. bought and paid for......um huh? What'd ya buy and pay for? If you mean your degree in a human service/social services related degree, I'm curious as to why you don't practice same or work in that field today. I'll make it simple. I have an Associate of Applied Sciences Degree in Human Service, working on my Bachelor of Sciences in same. Your degree?
  15. bought and paid for......um huh? What'd ya buy and pay for? If you mean your degree in a human service/social services related degree, I'm curious as to why you don't practice same or work in that field today. I'll make it simple. I have an Associate of Applied Sciences Degree in Human Service, working on my Bachelor of Sciences in same. Your degree?
  16. Again I ask did I understand you to say once that you were educated in the human service/social work field? Please note word 'educated'. College, degree, training.
  17. I can't stand it. You've not 'heard' a single word she said. MJ, did I understand you to say once that you were educated in the human service/social work field?
  18. Yup, sky, I could add to your list. Then TRASHED by leadership for doing what the same leadership told them to do. What kind of lesson was taught to my late husband's neices and nephews when their wonderful uncle died while following TWI's instruction of "believing God" instead of seeking medical help. What lesson did they learn when leadership trashed his name, his family, his wife, his children? Did they get it that they were a part of that family they trashed? But of course they'd not admit to hearing any of that. Ya know, I'm dam ned sick and tired of keeping this quiet. I'm sick and tired of their whispers, their stares, their accusations based on lies. I'm sick and tired of them trying to convince my children now that I'm less than putrid filth because I protected those same children. Considering the truth would force them to face things so ugly as to sicken them. Denial is a comfortable place. Noone bothers them and they don't have to deal with any kind of real life. And they certainly don't then have to look me in the eye and make attempts at something they can't possibly understand; the truth. What of the days if they finally find an escape and then have to deal with his loss again and must meet grief fresh? I'm not sure I care anymore.
  19. It's a sad day indeed at the greasespot cafe. Pathetic.
  20. As a student of Social Work, I can attest to Mo's reality in the field. As a student of Social Work, I refuse to be one of them. As a student of Social Work, if I can't pay the bills w/o sacrificing the client, McDonalds can use my burger flipping talents.
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